I facing a problem here, why always skip my user input part and direct show that no row selected, but when I set a fixed input will come out the data? - sqlplus

This is my code, please take a look
I want to get total number of student of fail, pass, merit and distinction in semester, so i need to input particular semesterid to get the result, but sqlplus always ignore and show the result no row selected.
column course_name format a50
compute sum label 'TOTAL_STUDENTS' of fail on report
compute sum label 'TOTAL_STUDENTS' of pass on report
compute sum label 'TOTAL_STUDENTS' of merit on report
compute sum label 'TOTAL_STUDENTS' of distinction on report
break on report
create or replace view pass_result as
SELECT c.coursename as course_name, sc.courseID as courseID, count(r.learnerid) as num_of_students, sc.semesterid
FROM semestercourse sc, assessment a, result r, course c
WHERE sc.cs_id = a.cs_ID and
c.courseID = sc.courseID and
a.assesmentID = r.assesmentID and
r.status = 'Pass'
group by c.coursename, sc.courseID, sc.semesterid;
create or replace view fail_result as
SELECT sc.courseID as courseID, count(r.learnerid) as num_of_students, sc.semesterid
FROM semestercourse sc, assessment a, result r
WHERE sc.cs_id = a.cs_ID and
a.assesmentID = r.assesmentID and
r.status = 'Fail'
group by sc.courseID,sc.semesterid;
create or replace view merit_result as
SELECT sc.courseID as courseID, count(r.learnerid) as num_of_students,sc.semesterid
FROM semestercourse sc, assessment a, result r
WHERE sc.cs_id = a.cs_ID and
a.assesmentID = r.assesmentID and
r.status = 'Merit'
group by sc.courseID,sc.semesterid;
create or replace view distinction_result as
SELECT sc.courseID as courseID, count(r.learnerid) as num_of_students,sc.semesterid
FROM semestercourse sc, assessment a, result r
WHERE sc.cs_id = a.cs_ID and
a.assesmentID = r.assesmentID and
r.status = 'Distinction'
group by sc.courseID,sc.semesterid;
prompt Enter semester ID :
accept v_sid char
SELECT p.course_name, f.num_of_students as fail, p.num_of_students as pass,m.num_of_students as merit,d.num_of_students as distinction
FROM fail_result f
INNER JOIN pass_result p ON f.courseID = p.courseID and f.semesterID = p.semesterID
INNER JOIN merit_result m ON f.courseID = m.courseID and f.semesterID = m.semesterID
INNER JOIN distinction_result d ON f.courseID = d.courseID and f.semesterID = d.semesterID
where d.semesterID = '&v_sid';


I can not upload data to a VirtualStringTree

I have a form with a TPageControl that has two tabs. In each of them there is a TVirtualStringTree and I have defined these two structures:
typedef struct tagTTreeMun
AnsiString Municipio;
int Padron;
int Censo;
double Relacion;
int Codigo;
} TTreeMun, *PTreeMun;
typedef struct tagTTreePro
AnsiString Proceso;
int Padron;
int Censo;
double Relacion;
int Codigo;
}TTreePro, *PTreePro;
I know: they are almost the same; then I explain it. The first one is loaded from four nested querys and it does it without any problem, but the second one ... There's no way!
To load this second I need two querys:
that field Date contains only the year and runs without any problem.
SELECT A.Codigo, B.Name, SUM (C.Padron) Padron, SUM (C.Censo) Census, A.Closed
FROM Elections A, Process B, HisElec C
WHERE A.CodPrv = (SELECT Literal FROM Installation WHERE Label = 'Province')
AND A.CodPrv = B.CodPrv AND B.Codigo = A.Process AND A.Closed = 1
AND A.CodPrv = C.CodPrv AND A.Codigo = C.Election
AND A. Date =: Date
GROUP BY 1, 2, 5
SELECT A.Codigo, B.Name, SUM (C.Padron) Padron,
(SELECT SUM (Census) FROM Tables WHERE CodPrv = (SELECT Literal FROM Installation WHERE Label = 'Province')) Census,
FROM Elections A, Process B, Dl01 C
WHERE A.CodPrv = (SELECT Literal FROM Installation WHERE Label = 'Province')
AND A.CodPrv = B.CodPrv AND A.Process = B.Code AND A.Closed = 0
AND A. Date =: Date
GROUP BY 1, 2, 5
It also runs without problems or errors. The problem comes when trying to pass that data to the corresponding TVirtualStringTree.
PTreePro DatPro;
PVirtualNode Node1, Node2, Node3, Node4;
LisPro->NodeDataSize = sizeof (TTreePro);
LisPro->BeginUpdate ();
LisPro->Clear ();
for (;! qTemp1->Eof; qTemp1->Next ())
Node1 = LisPro->AddChild (NULL);
DatPro = (PTreePro) LisPro->GetNodeData (Node1);
DatPro->Process = IntToStr(qTemp1->FieldByName ("Date")->AsInteger);
qTemp2->Close ();
qTemp2->ParamByName ("Date")->AsInteger = qTemp1->FieldByName("Date")->AsInteger;
qTemp2->Open ();
for (;! qTemp1->Eof; qTemp1->Next())
Node2 = LisPro->AddChild(Node1);
DatPro = (PTreePro)LisPro->GetNodeData(Node2);
DatPro->Process = qTemp1->FieldByName("Name")
When trying to create that Node1 in this query, the lines Node1 = ... and DatPro = (PTreePro) ... are executed without major problem, except that Node1, after running the AddChild, has a NULL value and therefore, from then on, it can only give an error because when trying to give value to Process, it automatically gives an execution error.
I have tried putting the load of each of the trees in a different function, by isolating code; I have tried with the same structure (in the end they are identical) or as in the example with two structures, to change the order of execution. For more tests that I have done I am not able to load both trees, in LisPro I ALWAYS do the same to me.

Multipy after joining data in PIG

I am trying to multiply two fields and take their sum after joining three tables in Pig. However I keep on getting this error:
<file loyalty_program.pig, line 30, column 74> (Name: Multiply Type: null Uid: null)incompatible types in Multiply Operator left hand side:bag :tuple(new_details1::new_details::potential_customers::num_of_orders:long) right hand side:bag :tuple(products::price:int)
-- load the data sets
orders = LOAD '/dualcore/orders' AS (order_id:int,
details = LOAD '/dualcore/order_details' AS (order_id:int,
products = LOAD '/dualcore/products' AS (prod_id:int,
recent = FILTER orders by order_dtm matches '2012-.*$';
customer = GROUP recent by cust_id;
cust_orders = FOREACH customer GENERATE group as cust_id, (int)COUNT(recent) as num_of_orders;
potential_customers = FILTER cust_orders by num_of_orders>=5;
new_details = join potential_customers by cust_id, recent by cust_id;
new_details1 = join new_details by order_id, details by order_id;
new_details2 = join new_details1 by prod_id, products by prod_id;
--DESCRIBE new_details2;
final_details = FOREACH new_details2 GENERATE potential_customers::cust_id, potential_customers::num_of_orders as num_of_orders,recent::order_id as order_id,recent::order_dtm,details::prod_id,products::brand,products::name,products::price as price,products::cost,products::shipping_wt;
grouped_data = GROUP final_details by cust_id;
member = FOREACH grouped_data GENERATE SUM(final_details.num_of_orders * final_details.price) ;
lim = limit member 10;
dump lim;
I even casted the result of count to int. It still keeps on throwing this error at me. I have no clue how to go about it.
Ok.. I think at first, you want to multiply no.of purchases with the price of each product and then you need total SUM of that multiplied value..
Even though this is a strange requirement, but you can go with below approach..
All you need to do is calculate the multiplication in final_details Foreach statement itself and simply apply the SUM for that multiplied amount..
Based on your load statements I created the below input files
Below is the code
orders = LOAD '/user/cloudera/inputfiles/main_orders.txt' USING PigStorage(',') AS (order_id:int,cust_id:int,order_dtm:chararray);
details = LOAD '/user/cloudera/inputfiles/orders_details.txt' USING PigStorage(',') AS (order_id:int,prod_id:int);
products = LOAD '/user/cloudera/inputfiles/main_products.txt' USING PigStorage(',') AS(prod_id:int,brand:chararray,name:chararray,price:int,cost:int,shipping_wt:int);
recent = FILTER orders by order_dtm matches '2012-.*';
customer = GROUP recent by cust_id;
cust_orders = FOREACH customer GENERATE group as cust_id, (int)COUNT(recent) as num_of_orders;
potential_customers = FILTER cust_orders by num_of_orders>=5;
new_details = join potential_customers by cust_id, recent by cust_id;
new_details1 = join new_details by order_id, details by order_id;
new_details2 = join new_details1 by prod_id, products by prod_id;
DESCRIBE new_details2;
final_details = FOREACH new_details2 GENERATE potential_customers::cust_id, potential_customers::num_of_orders as num_of_orders,recent::order_id as order_id,recent::order_dtm,details::prod_id,products::brand,products::name,products::price as price,products::cost,products::shipping_wt, (potential_customers::num_of_orders * products::price ) as multiplied_price;// multiplication is achived in last variable
dump final_details;
grouped_data = GROUP final_details by cust_id;
member = FOREACH grouped_data GENERATE SUM(final_details.multiplied_price) ;
lim = limit member 10;
dump lim;
Just for clarity I am dumping the output of final_details foreach statement as well.
final output is below
This code may help you, but Please clarify your requirement again

SQL inner sub query calculation help needed

I want to calculate balance runtime from totalammount - AmmountReceived = Balance next row ..
Totalammont(actually will be previous runtime calculated balance should be here) - AmmountReceived = Balance and so on ....
Here is my query which doesnt decrement totalAmmount
select ID,
(Select Item_name from Product where ID = CampusRecovery.ItemID) as Item,
SUM(AmountReceived) as AmountReceived,
(Select CampusName from Campus where CampusID = CampusRecovery.CampusID) as Campus,
IsNull((select SUM(Inventory_Out.TotalAmount)
from Inventory_Out
where Inventory_Out.BillNo = CampusRecovery.BillNo),0) as TotalAmmount,
IsNull((select SUM(Inventory_Out.TotalAmount)
from Inventory_Out
where Inventory_Out.BillNo = CampusRecovery.BillNo),0) - SUM(AmountReceived) as Balance
from CampusRecovery
where RecvDate Between #startdt and #enddt
and CampusID = 2
Group By CampusRecovery.CampusID,
select cr.BillNum, cr.DelievryDate,cr.AmmountReceived,(select TotalAmmount from InventoryOut where InventoryOut.BillNum = cr.BillNum) as TotalBill,
(select TotalAmmount -
(select Sum(AmmountReceived) from CampusRecovery ch where ch.BillNum = io.BillNum )
from InventoryOut io where io.BillNum = cr.BillNum )--- sum(cr.AmmountReceived)
as Balance
from CampusRecovery cr where CampusID = 1
group by

JPQL join tables doubles column names

I have multiple tables in a join and every table has a column ID. So in the resultig join there are a lot of ID columns. How I can access a specific ID column with the criteria API?
ParameterExpression<A> idParam = criteriaBuilder.parameter(A.class, PARAM_NAME);
Subquery<B> sq = query.subquery(B.class);
Root<B> root = sq.from(B.class);
Join<C, D> joinTogether = root.join("memberX").join("memberY");
sq.where(criteriaBuilder.and(criteriaBuilder.equal(joinTogether.get("id"), idParam), criteriaBuilder.equal(parentQuery.get("id"), root.get("id"))));
The problem is, that in the resulting SQL contains
SELECT 1 FROM E t6, B t5, C t4, D t3 WHERE ((( = paramName) AND (t0.ID = t5.ID)) AND (((t6.memberZ = t5.ID) AND (t4.ID = t6.memberX)) AND (t3.ID = t4.memberY))))
The table E (t6) is an additional join table between table B and C, t0 is the reference to the parent query. Instead t3.id = :paramName EclipseLink creates nothing just before the first equal-sign (paramName is the content of the constant PARAM_NAME). My idea is, that the "id" column could reference all tables and EclipseLink can not decide, which table I mean.
How I can change that?
Thank you

At least one object must implement IComparable?

return (from m in meterReadings
group m by new { date = m.ReadDate } into g
select new
ReadDate = g.Key.date.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy - HH:mm:ss"),
T1 = from t1 in g
where t1.Name == "T1"
select t1.Value.ToString("0,0.000"),
T2 = from t2 in g
where t2.Name == "T2"
select t2.Value.ToString("0,0.000"),
T3 = from t3 in g
where t3.Name == "T3"
select t3.Value.ToString("0,0.000"),
Total = from total in g
where total.Name == "Toplam"
select total.Value.ToString("0,0.000")
var table = MeterReadingManager.GetMeterReadingsPivot(meterReadings, 1);
//No Error (in title)
rows = table.OrderBy("ReadDate","desc").Skip((pageIndex) * pageSize).Take(pageSize)
//Error (in title)
rows = table.OrderBy("T1","desc").Skip((pageIndex) * pageSize).Take(pageSize)
When I order by ReadDate, It works. But When I try to order by other fields I get the error : At least one object must implement IComparable
Why I get this error? And How can I fix it?
If you want to sort a list of items of any type, the type must implement IComparable for the sort algorithm to be able to compare items. T1 is an IQueryable, whcih does not implement IComparable. I think you intended to create string values for T1, T2, and T3. If so, you should add FirstOrDefault() to each linq statement creating T1, etc.
(After your comment)
I mean this:
T1 = (from t1 in g
where t1.Name == "T1"
select t1.Value.ToString("0,0.000")).FirstOrDefault()
Now T1 is a string and, thus, it can be used in sorting.
You could try ThenByDescending:
var rows = table
.OrderByDescending(x => x.ReadDate).Skip((pageIndex) * pageSize).Take(pageSize)
.ThenByDescending(x => x.T1).Skip((pageIndex) * pageSize).Take(pageSize);
You could use Reflection (a bit slower) if ordering by one field:
var tableInfo = table.GetType().GetProperty("T1");
var sortedRow = table.OrderByDescending(x => tableInfo.GetValue(x, null)).Skip((pageIndex) * pageSize).Take(pageSize);
