In Azure, can a public key vault manage access keys of a private storage account? - azure-keyvault

I am following a scenario where I have created a storage account and have assigned a private endpoint to it. I have also applied network restrictions on the storage account through firewall settings so that it cannot be accessed over internet or any other network.
So I want to know that "Will the public key vault be able to manage(rotate or regenerate) access keys of this private storage account?". If so, then how can I verify that?

Since private endpoints and a firewall are used to isolate the
storage account thus the key vault won't work as it does not come
under the trusted services of Microsoft.
The trusted services are those services which can work even under a firewall.
But this can be circumvented by granting access specifically to the key vault's ip address
Refer the following documentation to grant access to IP addresses under firewall .
Also refer the following documentation to create a key vault managed storage account.


Azure App Configuration, Key Vault and client certificate credentials

I am currently working on a few services that uses keyvault, authenticating with ClientCertificateCredential / Registered Apps. These are running on-premise.
Looking into using Azure App Configuration in a similar way, combined with keyvault. So a couple of questions arises:
Can i authorize against App Configuration the same way as with KeyVault, using ClientCertificateCredential ? If yes, how ?
If not, another option is to use a connection string against App Config. However, this is a secret, and should be stored in keyvault (absolutely not in appsettings.json). That means I have to access keyvault before setting up App Config. Is there a clean way to do this ?
Or, perhaps there is something else I should consider.
• Yes, you can surely authorize against App configuration as you do against key vault to retrieve client secrets, connection strings and other sensitive information with the help of managed identities. Managed identities create a service principal for the said application when enabled depending on the user to be assigned to that application or directly to the application itself as a system assigned managed identity that is created for the lifetime of that application.
By leveraging managed identity, it eliminates the need for an access token that contains secrets. Your code can access the App Configuration store using only the service endpoint. You can embed this URL in your code directly without exposing any secret.
• For more information on configuring managed identity to access the application configuration without exposing or leveraging any type of access token, please refer to the documentation link below for more details: -

How to securely use docker container registry credentials in production devices

I have a raspberry pi device which is using docker containers from private Azure container registry. The issue is where do I save the registry credentials on my device as that is a security risk. Any best practices on how to use the credentials securely. Or is there any other way to do it?
Two common solutions are to use an access token that gives limited access (e.g. pull access to specific repositories) and a credential helper that moves the credential storage elsewhere. Realize that the credential helper should return a clear text credential, but it may have a shorter lifetime or depend on the user login session. For azure, they have a credential helper for their cloud platform that should help.

Azure Key Vault Service Principle Authentication Failing

Been struggling with this for a day, and am finally reaching out for help. I'm attempting to use Azure Key Vault to store some configs in a Typescript application. I've created a service principle in Azure Active Directory and a Key Vault. In the Key Vault, I've gone to Role Assignments and given the app the role Key Vault Secrets User (which should provide list and read permissions). From what I can tell, my app is successfully authenticating, but when it requests a secret, it is getting a 403. What step could I be missing?
Log which suggests the authentication was successful
azure:identity:info IdentityClient: [] token acquired, expires on 1593536920022
Log with the failure
The user, group or application 'appid=355ca45f-a94f-43e6-9234-65c713965c9b;oid=524f25bb-ee3f-4216-8474-1f01fd79f1f8;iss=' does not have secrets get permission on key vault '<MyVault>;location=westus2'. For help resolving this issue, please see
The step I missed was adding an Access Policy. I don't understand the difference between Access control (IAM) and Access Policies, so I don't understand why both are required. Hope this helps someone else.
I don't understand the difference between Access control (IAM) and Access Policies, so I don't understand why both are required.
Actually, to access the secret in the keyvault, the permission in Access Policies is enough.
The access of the keyvault is divided into two parts, management plane(Access control (IAM)) and data plane(Access Policies).
The permissions in management plane let you manage the keyvault, e.g. set Key Vault tags, the permissions in data plane let you do operations on the secret, key, certificate.
In your case, even if you give the app(service principal) an RBAC role in the Access control (IAM), it will not have the permission to access the secret, so you need to add it to the access policies.
Something you should note is some roles have the permission to add access policies, e.g. Contributor, it means if you give the role to your app, it will be able to add itself to the access policies. But if it does not add itself to the access policies, it will not have the data plane permission.
For more details, you could refer to this doc - Secure access to a key vault.

Managing fine-grained access to credentials on Azure Key Vault

I am trying to limit access to the secrets/certificates so that only certain users can view/access some of them.
How do I go about doing that?
limit access to the secrets/certificates so that only certain users can view/access some of them.
In short, it's impossible.
You can limit only certain user to access all the secrets or certificates, other than access some of the secrets.
Simply find the Azure Key Vault in the Azure portal UI, click Access policies under settings, and add a new access policy. You can define fine-grained permissions for accessing Key, Secret, and Certificates (which Azure Key Vault can also store, by the way). However, when you allow some user to access your key vault secret, they will access all the secrets in azure Key vault.
For more details, you could refer to this article.

Azure Keyvault: Getting forbidden error if user is having direct access via Group to Key Vault

When we are trying to retrieve secret from keyvault using KeyVaultClient (c#) we are getting 403 access denied even though the same user can access the vault secret from Azure Portal. If we give explicit access to the user on key vault then we are able to retrieve the secrets. This looks like an issue and please help on possible workarounds.
You may not have a service principal created for your application yet. If so, create that first and then use the object ID of the service principal to authorize access for the application. If you are using a VM you also need to add the VM service principal to the Keyvault's policies.
Take a look at this sample code to see how to create application and service principal and give permission to the service principal.
This was due to while generating token Group claims were not getting set and hence key vault was checking only of direct permissions. Once we enable group claims by following these steps from here then it is working fine now ..
