undefined method `stylesheet_pack_tag' - ruby-on-rails

I'm relatively new to using Ruby on Rails and I've been trying to use ActiveAdmin for my project. However, despite even starting my Rails project from scratch again and trying to update anything related to the problem nothing I've been doing seems to work.
I don't know why, but my project simply refuses to accept stylesheet_pack_tag as a method.


After switching branches, Rails throws undefined method inside of a helper module

Not sure if I could reliably reproduce this, but sometimes when I switch branches in development all requests start throwing an undefined method error inside of a helper. The method is present on both branches. I am using global helpers (helper :all).
To fix the issue, I go into the helper file and save any change. Usually I just add a new line to the end of it. After saving, it works fine. Seems like a caching issue.
Has anyone else seen this and resolved it? I am on Rails 4.2.1. As far as I know this only happens in development mode.
Since you are using Rails 4.2, spring has probably cached the code from the old branch. After switching to the new branch remember to run:
spring stop
Spring will restart itself the next time you run the server, tests, or other Rails commands.

"rails generate" does not seem to work

I got rails installed on my system. I have been trying to create a model for my application, but it doesn't seem to work. I found a question which was of the same nature and i even tried to change the rails file in app/bin/rails: but to no avail.

Rails 2.3.9, adding ActiveScaffold, getting in `alias_method': undefined method `number_of_pages' for class `Paginator'

I have AS (as a plugin) working in another app just fine (I dont remember this
issue...) - its also using Rails 2.3.9, on same dev box.
Now trying to add it to a new app and getting this error when running
the webrick, script/server:
active_support/core_ext/module/aliasing.rb:33:in `alias_method':
undefined method `number_of_pages' for class `Paginator' (NameError)
from /Users/kimptoc/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p302/gems/
33:in `alias_method_chain'
from /Users/kimptoc/Documents/ruby/borisbikestats/vendor/plugins/
I couldn't find any previous references to this error.
Embarassingly I dont know which version of AS I am using successfully... it says 1.2RC1 in the CHANGELOG file, but I seem to remember trying a few of the forks...(is there somewhere I can see which fork is in use...). I have tried using the the 'main' activescaffold in the new project, but it fails as above, but so does using the same plugin that is in the working project :(
Thanks in advance for any pointers as to what I am doing wrong.
PS Just realised that new Rails was using Rails 3 and old/working one was 2.3.9. It seems you need to use an alternate branch of AS for Rails 3, like this : https://github.com/vhochstein/active_scaffold/wiki
This is just a guess, but built in pagination was removed in Rails 2 as I recall, and you needed to install the classic_pagination plugin to get that functionality back.
I only used ActiveScaffold once, but the error there says paginator_extensions.rb ... it's probably monkey patching the old Rails paginator? Therefore the class exists but the number_of_pages method doesn't.

Cucumber/Selenium newbie trying to use RoR session-data in step-definitions ... and failing

I'm spending my first few days with cucumber/selenium trying to figure out whether RBB is the thing I want to use in my latest RoR project.
My setting: Rails 2.3.5, selenium-client 1.2.17, cucumber 0.4.4 etc, quite current in my view.
Following the instructions on https://github.com/cucumber/cucumber/wiki/Setting-up-Selenium I got cucumber/selenium sorts of up and running. Simple step-definitions do work and do produce outpout that makes sense (I dont usually expect more on my first few days with anything :-) ).
My problem: I am trying to access the rails session-hash in my step-definition...and failing miserably. Refering to "session" in any "given"-clause just presents me with "undefined method `session' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)"
Is there any secret handshake I am missing in the docs???? Anything that has to be configured my my environment so using the session-hash is possible?
This should happen right out of the box. If you add a debugger line right to a step definition you should be able to type "session" and see something like:
{:session_id=>"f978d4220252b7e1ca51fb7319d5a365", "flash"=>{}}

acts_as_ferret multi model search not working in rails app

I am trying to solve a strange issue with ferret/acts_as_ferret
Of course I have googled and posted the question:
Basically aaf works on single models with no issue. It also works on single models using the config/aaf.rb file I have setup. It even works when I do a multi-model search in the console, but within the rails app itself I get:
undefined method `ferret_rank=' for <object that has a match>
If anyone has had the same experience/problem and can shed any light I would appreciate it.
PS: I followed the following tutorial to get where I am now.
Do you have the plugin installed or just the gem? You might want to install the plugin.
I would also try rebuilding the index.
For my purposes, I switched to Solr and life is a lot easier. Sphinx is missing a lot of stuff that I need.
