How to make toggle switch always ON in swift? - ios

I want to make the state of toggle switch to ON always, even if user tries to make it OFF, it should not change. I tried to use .isUserInterstionEnabled = .false, but that didn't work. Can somebody help me on this? Thank you in advance

Try using toggle.isEnabled = false

1.Make the switch outlet in the view controller.
2.Create IBAction of switch and set-:
self.swithCtrl.setOn(true, animated: false)
User will try to disable it but it will remain enable.

There are two ways that I see you can achieve what you want.
Disable it, using the modifier .disabled() (the user will see it slightly faded):
struct Example: View {
#State private var isOn = true
var body: some View {
VStack {
Toggle("Text of toggle", isOn: $isOn)
Force it to go back to on, using the modifier .onChange(of:):
struct Example: View {
#State private var isOn = true
var body: some View {
VStack {
Toggle("Text of toggle", isOn: $isOn)
.onChange(of: isOn) { _ in
isOn = true


How to despawn a Button and spawn a scrollView xcode swiftui [duplicate]

How do I toggle the presence of a button to be hidden or not?
We have the non-conditional .hidden() property; but I need the conditional version.
Note: we do have the .disabled(bool) property available, but not the .hidden(bool).
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
ZStack {
VStack {
Button("Detect") {
.hidden() // ...I want this to be toggled.
I hope hidden modifier gets argument later, but since then, Set the alpha instead:
#State var shouldHide = false
var body: some View {
Button("Button") { self.shouldHide = true }
.opacity(shouldHide ? 0 : 1)
For me it worked perfectly to set the frame's height to zero when you do not want to see it. When you want to have the calculated size, just set it to nil:
.frame(height: isVisible ? nil : 0)
If you want to disable it in addition to hiding it, you could set .disabled with the toggled boolean.
.frame(height: isVisible ? nil : 0)
You can utilize SwiftUI's new two-way bindings and add an if-statement as:
struct ContentView: View {
#State var shouldHide = false
var body: some View {
ZStack {
VStack {
if !self.$shouldHide.wrappedValue {
Button("Detect") {
The benefit of doing this over setting the opacity to 0 is that it will remove the weird spacing/padding from your UI caused from the button still being in the view, just not visible (if the button is between other view components, that is).
all the answers here works specifically for a button to be hidden conditionally.
What i think might help is making a modifier itself conditionally e.g:
.hidden for button/view, or maybe .italic for text, etc..
Using extensions.
For text to be conditionally italic it is easy since .italic modifier returns Text:
extension Text {
func italicConditionally(isItalic: Bool) -> Text {
isItalic ? self.italic() : self
then applying conditional italic like this:
#State private var toggle = false
Text("My Text")
.italicConditionally(isItalic: toggle)
However for Button it is tricky, since the .hidden modifier returns "some view":
extension View {
func hiddenConditionally(isHidden: Bool) -> some View {
isHidden ? AnyView(self.hidden()) : AnyView(self)
then applying conditional hidden like this:
#State private var toggle = false
Button("myButton", action: myAction)
.hiddenConditionally(isHidden: toggle)
You can easily hide a view in SwiftUI using a conditional statement.
struct TestView: View{
#State private var isVisible = false
var body: some View{
if !isVisible {
Button(action: {
// after click you'r view will be hidden
Text("any view")
It isn't always going to be a pretty solution, but in some cases, adding it conditionally may also work:
if shouldShowMyButton {
Button(action: {
}) {
There will be an issue of the empty space in the case when it isn't being shown, which may be more or less of an issue depending on the specific layout. That might be addressed by adding an else statement that alternatively adds an equivalently sized blank space.
#State private var isHidden = true
VStack / HStack
if isHidden {
Button {
if !loadVideo(),
let urlStr = drill?.videoURL as? String,
let url = URL(string: urlStr) {
player = VideoPlayerView(player: AVPlayer(), videoUrl: url)
} label: {
Image(playVideo ? "ic_close_blue" : "ic_video_attached")
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
.frame(width: 50)
.onAppear {
if shouldShowButton {
isHidden = false
} else {
isVideoButtonHidden = true

How to recognise tap of Toggle Button for SwiftUI?

I have passed a constant value to Toggle since I want to perform certain acctions on value change of toggle and it needs to be done on Tap Gesture as internally I might need to change the value of toggle as well. But hus code is not working
#State private var toggle = false
var body: some View {
VStack {
Toggle(isOn: .constant(toggle)) {
Text("Hello World")
.onTapGesture {
Toggle(isOn: Binding(
set:{v in
isToggled = v
})) {
Custom action code does not get triggered if the state is modified. But will be triggered on UI interaction

SwiftUI: How to make NavigationLink not go anywhere and stay on current view

I am doing a bit of form validation in my app, and so I dont want the navigation link to go to the specified destination unless certain conditions are met. So is it possible to somehow set the destination to nil or similar so that it stays on the current view if conditions are not met when the navigation link is pressed?
Use Button instead and activate hidden NavigationLink programmatically if validated. Here is an example
struct DemoView: View {
#State private var isValid = false
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
Button("Validate") {
// some validate code here like
self.isValid = self.validate()
NavigationLink(destination: Text("Destination"), isActive: $isValid) { EmptyView() }
private func validate() -> Bool {
return true

SwiftUI - How to close the sheet view, while dismissing that view

I want to achieve the function. Like, "Look up" view that is from Apple.
My aim is when the sheet view push another view by navigation, the user can tap the navigation item button to close the sheet view. Like, this below gif.
I try to achieve this function.
I found a problem that is when the user tap the "Done" button. The App doesn't close the sheet view. It only pop the view to parent view. Like, this below gif.
This is my code.
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
#State var isShowSheet = false
var body: some View {
Button(action: {
}) {
Text("Tap to show the sheet")
}.sheet(isPresented: $isShowSheet) {
struct NavView: View {
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
NavigationLink(destination: NavSubView()) {
Text("Enter Sub View")
} .navigationViewStyle(StackNavigationViewStyle())
struct NavSubView: View {
#Environment(\.presentationMode) var presentationMode
var body: some View {
Button(action: {
How did I achieve this function? :)
Please help me, thank you. :)
UPDATE: Restored original version - provided below changes should be done, as intended, to the topic starter's code. Tested as worked with Xcode 13 / iOS 15
As navigation in sheet might be long enough and closing can be not in all navigation subviews, I prefer to use environment to have ability to specify closing feature only in needed places instead of passing binding via all navigation stack.
Here is possible approach (tested with Xcode 11.2 / iOS 13.2)
Define environment key to store sheet state
struct ShowingSheetKey: EnvironmentKey {
static let defaultValue: Binding<Bool>? = nil
extension EnvironmentValues {
var showingSheet: Binding<Bool>? {
get { self[ShowingSheetKey.self] }
set { self[ShowingSheetKey.self] = newValue }
Set this environment value to root of sheet content, so it will be available in any subview when declared
}.sheet(isPresented: $isShowSheet) {
.environment(\.showingSheet, self.$isShowSheet)
Declare & use environment value only in subview where it is going to be used
struct NavSubView: View {
#Environment(\.showingSheet) var showingSheet
var body: some View {
Button("Done") {
self.showingSheet?.wrappedValue = false
I haven't tried SwiftUI ever, but I came from UIKit + RxSwift, so I kinda know how binding works. I read quite a bit of sample codes from a SwiftUI Tutorial, and the way you dismiss a modal is actually correct, but apparently not for a navigation stack.
One way I learned just now is use a #Binding var. This might not be the best solution, but it worked!
So you have this $isShowSheet in your ContentView. Pass that object to your NavView struct by declaring a variable in that NavView.
}.sheet(isPresented: $isShowSheet) {
NavView(isShowSheet: self.$isShowSheet)
struct NavView: View {
#Binding var isShowSheet: Bool
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
NavigationLink(destination: NavSubView(isShowSheet: self.$isShowSheet)) {
Text("Enter Sub View")
} .navigationViewStyle(StackNavigationViewStyle())
and finally, do the same thing to your subView.
struct NavSubView: View {
#Environment(\.presentationMode) var presentationMode
#Binding var isShowSheet: Bool
var body: some View {
Button(action: {
self.isShowSheet = false
Now as you can see, you just need to send a new signal to that isShowSheet binding var - false.
self.isShowSheet = false
Here's an improved version of Asperi's code from above since they won't accept my edit. Main credit goes to them.
As navigation in sheet might be long enough and closing can be not in all navigation subviews, I prefer to use environment to have ability to specify closing feature only in needed places instead of passing binding via all navigation stack.
Here is possible approach (tested with Xcode 13 / iOS 15)
Define environment key to store sheet state
struct ShowingSheetKey: EnvironmentKey {
static let defaultValue: Binding<Bool>? = nil
extension EnvironmentValues {
var isShowingSheet: Binding<Bool>? {
get { self[ShowingSheetKey.self] }
set { self[ShowingSheetKey.self] = newValue }
Set this environment value to root of sheet content, so it will be available in any subview when declared
#State var isShowingSheet = false
Button("open sheet") {
isShowingSheet?.wrappedValue = true
// note no $ in front of isShowingSheet
.sheet(isPresented: isShowingSheet ?? .constant(false)) {
.environment(\.isShowingSheet, self.$isShowingSheet)
Declare & use environment value only in subview where it is going to be used
struct NavSubView: View {
#Environment(\.isShowingSheet) var isShowingSheet
var body: some View {
Button("Done") {
isShowingSheet?.wrappedValue = false

How to disable Flashing when tapping PresentationLink (SwiftUI)?

How can I disable the highlighted color when a button is tapped?
Now when I tap it, it gets gray and the action gets called, but I want to disable it.
Is it possible at the moment?
PresentationLink(destination: NextView()) {
PresentationView does not seem to have a way of styling the button, and I doubt it'll ever will. However, there are other methods to present a view. Below you have an example that will avoid the effect. It is a little more verbose, but it will serve your purpose.
As of beta3, modals seem to have a bug, and the onDismiss method is never called. So it is hard to reset the isPresented variable properly. In the meantime, I use a workaround for that. Check this answer for that:
struct ContentView : View {
#State var isPresented = false
var body: some View {
VStack(spacing: 30) {
// Option #1, with blink
PresentationLink(destination: NextView(), label: {
Text("Click to show")
// Option #2, without blink
Text("Click to show").color(.blue).tapAction { self.isPresented = true }
.presentation(isPresented ? Modal(NextView()) : nil)
struct NextView: View {
var body: some View {
