Python BDD parameter with a file buffer value - bdd

I have started to write feature files with behave and I have came across a scenario where I need to check that the image parameter is a valid image.
What values should go to that images parameter from the "Good Product fields" since it should be an image buffer?
Feature: Product creation
Scenario Outline: A Merchant can create products
Given a merchant id <merchant_id>
And product name <name>
And product images <images>
And product inventory <inventory>
When creating a new product
Then Product fields validation <result>
Examples: Good product fields
| merchant_id | name | images | inventory | result |
| 1 | blue jeans | ?? | 10 | succeed |
| 2 | blue t-shirt | ?? | 100 | succeed |
Examples: Bad product fields
| merchant_id | name | images | inventory | result |
| 1 | | | 10 | fails |
| 2 | blue t-shirt | | | fails |


BDD how can i write a table if I have more than one variable in Given conditions

Below id my scenario that I am trying to automate:
Scenario Outline: create an invoice selecting
Given following <payment_term> is selected
And following <delivery_terms> is selected
And following <verzenderijnr> is selected
| payment_term | delivery_terms | verzenderijnr |
| 1 | 1 | 1 |
| 2 | 2 | 2 |
When i transition the document to "final_invoice"
Then i expect the following transaction in my administration:
| | | document_date | due_date |
| VRK1 | 10016 | "2018-12-17" | 2019-01-24 |
You should use example with "scenario outline" and not only with scenario.
also, Example table should come at end after all "Given When Then" statement.
I'm not 100% sure what you're trying to accomplish exactly, but wouldn't your scenario be more easier to read if done like this?
Scenario Outline: Determine due date for sales invoices
Given I am creating a sales invoice on <Invoice date>
When I should <Pay within days>
Then the <Due date> should be correct
| Invoice date | Pay within days | Due date |
| 2018-12-18 | 5 | 2018-12-23 |
| 2018-12-29 | 5 | 2019-01-02 |

Not able to populate db to run cucumber scenarios

I'm learning Cucumber, and I have to populate the db to run the scenarios.
These are the instructions:
(...) you will create a step definition that will match the step
Given the following movies exist in the Background section of both
sort_movie_list.feature and filter_movie_list.feature. (Later in
the course, we will show how to DRY out the repeated Background
sections in the two feature files.)
Add your code in the movie_steps.rb step definition file. You can
just use ActiveRecord calls to directly add movies to the database;
it`s OK to bypass the GUI associated with creating new movies, since
that's not what these scenarios are testing.
This one of the *.feature files
Feature: display list of movies filtered by MPAA rating
As a concerned parent
So that I can quickly browse movies appropriate for my family
I want to see movies matching only certain MPAA ratings
Background: movies have been added to database
Given the following movies exist:
| title | rating | release_date |
| Aladdin | G | 25-Nov-1992 |
| The Terminator | R | 26-Oct-1984 |
| When Harry Met Sally | R | 21-Jul-1989 |
| The Help | PG-13 | 10-Aug-2011 |
| Chocolat | PG-13 | 5-Jan-2001 |
| Amelie | R | 25-Apr-2001 |
| 2001: A Space Odyssey | G | 6-Apr-1968 |
| The Incredibles | PG | 5-Nov-2004 |
| Raiders of the Lost Ark | PG | 12-Jun-1981 |
| Chicken Run | G | 21-Jun-2000 |
This is my code from *_steps.rb:
Given /the following movies exist/ do |movies_table|
movies_table.hashes.each do |movie|
fail "Unimplemented"
And this is the error I get:
Background: movies have been added to database # features/sort_movie_list.feature:7
Given the following movies exist: # features/step_definitions/movie_steps.rb:3
| title | rating | release_date |
| Aladdin | G | 25-Nov-1992 |
| The Terminator | R | 26-Oct-1984 |
| When Harry Met Sally | R | 21-Jul-1989 |
| The Help | PG-13 | 10-Aug-2011 |
| Chocolat | PG-13 | 5-Jan-2001 |
| Amelie | R | 25-Apr-2001 |
| 2001: A Space Odyssey | G | 6-Apr-1968 |
| The Incredibles | PG | 5-Nov-2004 |
| Raiders of the Lost Ark | PG | 12-Jun-1981 |
| Chicken Run | G | 21-Jun-2000 |
Unimplemented (RuntimeError)
./features/step_definitions/movie_steps.rb:7:in `/the following movies exist/'
features/sort_movie_list.feature:9:in `Given the following movies exist:'
I have tried movie = Movie.create!, Movie.create!(movie), Movie.create! movie, movie = Movie.create! (this last one just for pure desperation)... What am I doing wrong?
Looks good to me.
You iterate over the movies and then just before the end you do fail "Unimplemented". What would you expect?

Rails Many to many relationships with connecting or cloning two table with references?

I'm a new with Rails and I'm having trouble with some types of associations that seem a bit more complex than the ones I've been exposed to so far.
Zombie_users Body_parts_status Body_parts
| id | name | | id | user_id | body_part_id | recovery | | id | name |
|-----------| --> |----------------------------------------| --> |---------------|
| 1 | Joe | | 1 | 1 | 2 | 10% | | 1 | left leg |
| 2 | Max | | 2 | 1 | 3 | 43% | | 2 | brain |
| 3 | hair |
| 4 | blue eye |
Zobmie_users Recovery_tools Body_parts_impacts
| id | name | | id |user_id| name | | id|recovery_tool_id| body_part_id | impact |
| 1 | Joe | | 1 | 1 |hammer| | 1 | 1 | 2 | 10% |
| 2 | Max | | 2 | 1 |magic | | 2 | 2 | 3 | 43% |
graphic illustration of the needed functionality
We have users and a list of body parts.
I need that the users will be able to create recovery tools with which they can through Body Parts impact recover their body parts status :)
and be able to check what part of the body still need to be fixed(compared to the list) and what body parts they have already corrected.
My problem is that I do not know how to implement such connections.
because I need to have some kind of clone of the body parts to body parts status for each user.
But how I reference it so it also works with Body Parts impacts
I do not have even a concept of where to start :)
body parts table is just a long listing of all the parts of the human body
and each user should have their own "copy" of all these parts.

Can I have a cucumber example with several values in a single column x row position

Hi here is what I what I have:
Scenario Outline: Seatching for stuff
Given that the following simple things exists:
| id | title | description | temp |
| 1 | First title | First description | low |
| 2 | Second title | Second description with öl | Medium |
| 3 | Third title | Third description | High |
| 11 | A title with number 2 | can searching numbers find this 2 | Exreme |
When I search for <criteria>
Then I should get <result>
And I should not get <excluded>
|criteria|results | excluded |
| 1 | 1 | 2,3,11 |
| 11 | 11 | 1,2,3 |
| title | 1,2,3 | 11 |
| öl | 2 | 1,3,11 |
| Fir* | 1 | 2,3,11 |
| third | 3 | 1,2,11 |
| High | 3 | 1,2,11 |
As you can see I'm trying to test a search field for a web-application using cucumber and the scenario outline structure in order to test several search criteria.
I'm not sure how to handle the input I would get as result and excluded in my steps.
Maybe this doesn't work at all?
Is there a workaround?
There's nothing wrong with what you're doing. Cucumber will just take that as a single string. The fact that it's actually comma-separated values means nothing to Cucumber.
Your step definition would still look like this:
Then /^I should not get ([^"]*)$/ do |excluded|
# excluded will be a string, "2,3,11"
values = excluded.split(",")
# Do whatever you want with the values

SpecFlow - Repeat test X times with list?

Scenario: Change a member to ABC 60 days before anniversary date
Given Repeat When+Then for each of the following IDs:
| ID |
| 0047619101 |
| 0080762602 |
| 0186741901 |
| 0311285102 |
| 0570130101 |
| 0725968201 |
| 0780265749 |
| 0780265750 |
| 0780951340 |
| 0780962551 |
When these events occur:
| WorkflowEventType | WorkflowEntryPoint |
| ABC | Status Change |
Then these commands are executed:
| command name |
| TerminateWorkflow |
And For Member, the following documents were queued:
| Name |
| ABC Packet |
In the above scenario I would like to:
GIVEN - Lookup 10 members from the DB
WHEN + THEN - Do these steps 10 times, once for each record.
Is this possible with SpecFlow?
If so, how would you set it up?
This is actually quite easy to do, although the documentation takes a bit of searching.
What you want is a scenario outline, like so:
Scenario Outline: Change a member to ABC 60 days before anniversary date
Given I have <memberId>
When these events occur:
| WorkflowEventType | WorkflowEntryPoint |
| ABC | Status Change |
Then these commands are executed:
| command name |
| TerminateWorkflow |
And For <memberId>, the following documents were queued:
| Name |
| ABC Packet |
| memberId |
| 0047619101 |
| 0080762602 |
| 0186741901 |
| ...etc... |
This will execute your scenario once for each id in the examples table. You can extend the table to have multiple columns, if needed.
Or, more simply (if you really only have one row in each of your example tables above)
Scenario Outline: Change a member to ABC 60 days before anniversary date
Given I have <memberId>
When A 'ABC' Event Occurs with EntryPoint 'Status Change'
Then a TerminateWorkflow command is executed
And For <memberId>, the 'ABC Packet' document was queued
| memberId |
| ...etc... |
For more information see the specflow-wiki on github and the cucumber language syntax for scenario outlines
