Google Armor - Rate limit based on the Url or Path - rate-limiting

Is there a way to identify clients for rate limit based on the Url or Path of the requests? The parameter --enforce-on-key of the rule accepts HTTP-HEADERS, but not sure how to identify the path or the uri.
Thank you


How can I get envoyproxy/ratelimit statistics for descriptors without value?

I am using envoyproxy/ratelimit (along with Istio) to setup a global rate limiting in my k8s cluster for a given service. The rate limit is based on a header (in my case the username) so that each username is limited by the number of RPS. The following configuration was used to achieve this:
domain: ratelimit
unit: second
requests_per_unit: 100
shadow_mode: true
Also, I used a EnvoyFilter (Istio CRD) to define which header will used.
The resulting metric does not show a label for a specific user, just for the entire descriptor:
So my question is: how can I get the metrics for a specific username? Considering my configuration is applied to all of them and not for a specific value.
Thanks to this PR you can now add a detailed_metric parameter to enable this behavior, as shown in this example.

Header "x-ms-throttle-limit-percentage" not coming in response

My application makes a lot of calls to the graph API to get the properties I need. It is impossible to reduce the number of requests in my case. And for this, I need to understand when the number of requests approaches the limit and that I need to stop doing them so as not to get 429)
The documentation says that the parameter "x-ms-throttle-limit-percentage" should come in the header when the number of requests approaches the limit from 0.8. As I understand it, 0.8 is a coefficient from 1, where 1 is the upper limit of the limit:
But I didn’t get this parameter in the header, although Retry-After with TooManyRequests.
How can I get this parameter in the response? Perhaps you need to specify additional parameters for this? Or set up Tenant for this?
Or is there another way to view throttle-limit?
Thanks in advance for your reply)
If you haven't got "x-ms-throttle-limit-percentage" parameter in header response, this means that you haven't consumed more than 0.8 of its limit, its mentioned in docs. please check the screenshot.
You can check service specific throttle limit ,please follow docs ,
We were curious to know, what service you were hitting ?

Length limit for parameter in TFS API?

I try to get the last builds of some build definitions in my TFS (Team Foundation Server) with:
This works until the string for "definitions" reach a limit of 440 definitions or 1984 characters.
Then I get a 404-Error on the request.
Is there such an (undocumented) limit in the number of definitions or length for the parameter string?
It is not clearly state how long url can be, but it looks that you reached the limit. However according to this What is a safe maximum length a segment in a URL path should be? it is good practice to do not extend 2000 characters. I see that you count almost 2K, so this maybe is your case.
You can also check this topic on developer community. There were discussion about this with conclusion:
At present, you can only reduce the length of URL.

GetWorkItemsAsync fails when it retrieves 1800 workitems

GetWorkItemsAsync fails when it retrieves 1800 workitems. Example:
int[] ids = (from WorkItem info in wlinks select info.Id).ToArray();
WorkItemTrackingHttpClient tfvcClient = _tfs.GetClient<WorkItemTrackingHttpClient>();
List<Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.WebApi.Models.WorkItem> dworkitems = tfvcClient.GetWorkItemsAsync(ids).Result;
If I pass array of Ids with 90 elements it works fine.
Is there any limit that it can get only n number of elements, how can we overcome this problem?
Yes, there is a limitation of the URL length, it will get this exception once the URL length has been exceeded.
So, as a workaround you can limit your calls to a allowed range at a time (e.g. 200 ids at a time). Then call several times for the query.
Unfortunately you’ve hit a limitation of the URL length. Once the URL
length has been exceeded, the server just gets the truncated version,
so odds are high that the truncated work item id is not valid.
I recommend limiting your calls to 200 ids at a time.
Source here :
Reference this thread for the limitation of the URL length: What is the maximum length of a URL in different browsers?
This similar thread for your reference: Is there any restriction for number of characters in TFS REST API?

Rate Limit Twitter API

I'm kind of confusion with twitter api guide on rate limiting mention over here
In their guide twitter has mention the follow field would be present in the response headers which can be use to a determine the amount of api call allowed , left and will rest at info
X-Rate-Limit-Limit: the rate limit ceiling for that given request
X-Rate-Limit-Remaining: the number of requests left for the 15 minute window
X-Rate-Limit-Reset: the remaining window before the rate limit resets in UTC epoch seconds
Now they have also given a rate limit status api to query against
Now I'm kind of confuse which of the above value should I follow to see how much api call is available for me before the desired limit is reach .
Both seem to return the same. While /get/application/rate_limit_status is an API call which returns rate limits for all resources, X-rate-limits sets the header for the resource you just called.
Use /get/application/rate_limit_status to cache the no of API calls remaining, refresh at periodic intervals rather than having to make a call and then parse the header info to check if you've exceeded rate limits
