Why .width() and .height() modifiers apply wrong value? - android-jetpack-compose

I want two independent rows to have the same width and scroll simultaneously. I have tried to achieve this in this way:
fun TwoRows() {
val scrollState = rememberScrollState()
Column(Modifier.fillMaxWidth()) {
Row(Modifier.fillMaxWidth().horizontalScroll(scrollState)) {
for (i in 0 until 100) {
Row(Modifier.fillMaxWidth().horizontalScroll(scrollState)) {
for (i in 0 until 100) {
The first row consists of 10 dp width red rectangles and 90 dp width spacers. The second row consists of only 100 dp width green rectangles. I'm expecting these rows to have the same width but the layout inspector shows they're not:
Because of this the elements do not match expecting positions:
How can I fix it?

This is happening because each of .size(), width(), .height() modifiers transform incoming value into pixel just in time it applied. I.e. they apply independently - the first modifier converts its value to pixels, and then the second, and so on. There is no guarantee that you get the same dp value after transforming it to px and back because of rounding. Here is how dp->px->dp transformation works for your case:
dp = 10.dp // Incoming dp value
density = 2.625 // Screen density scale value of your emulator
unrounded_px = 10 * density = 26.25
px = 26
restored_dp = 26 / density = 9.904762.dp
Most likely that the LayoutInspector doesn't round computed dp value to the nearest integer, but simply discards the fractional part. I think this is the reason why it shows different value. Such behavior is especially likely to occur when you work with relatively small views on low pixel density screens.
You can achieve desired behavior wrapping your red Box and Spacer into the Box with specified size:
Box(Modifier.width(100.dp).height(10.dp)) {


Facing error in swift UI “Invalid frame dimension (negative or non-finite)” while drawing negative value in chart

In widget iOS14, I want to show values in graphical form using bar chart.
I have used this library "https://github.com/dawigr/BarChart" to draw bar chart.
But in Xcode12+, it's not showing negative values and considering negative value as 0 and throwing warning as shown in screen shot.
"[SwiftUI] Invalid frame dimension (negative or non-finite)"
You could try to normalise your input Values to prevent getting errors like this.
e.g.: if your data set contains values from -10 to 100, your min normalised value would be 0 and your max normalised value 1. This only works if your numbers are CGFloat, Double or something like this, numbers in Int format would be rounded up.
This could be done by using an extension like this:
extension Array where Element == Double {
var noramlized: [Double] {
if let min = self.min(), let max = self.max() {
return self.map{ ($0 - min) / (max - min) }
return []
I don't no how you get your values for the frame exactly, but I think you did something like this:
// normalise your data set:
let data : [Double] = [Double]()
youChart(inputData: data.noramlized)
// get values for the frame
let height = data.noramlized.max()
// if your normalised value is too small for your purpose (your max will always be 1.0 but in relation to the rest it might fit), you can scale it up like height * 20.
// the width might be a non changing value that you will enter manually or it will append on the count of bars in your chart.

iOS - How to resize elements on a screen depending on the amount of the elements

So I am developing a game using Spritekit that uses a pyramid of Sprites (let's say circles for a simple instance). The user can choose the amount of rows of sprites they would like to have in the game. The sprites are to form a pyramid, so if you have 1 row, you have 1 sprite node. It increases by 2 the farther down you go (the more rows you choose) - creating the pyramid shape. So if a user picked 3 rows, the game board would look like this:
However, when it gets to 5 rows, it loses its pyramid shape because the screen is only so wide and it has to fit all the elements onto the screen (elements are more smushed together in rows further down).
My question is, to fix this issue, what would I have to do to make the pyramid resize and change its spacing between elements depending on how many rows are chosen? Would I have to multiply the spacing by a certain factor? I have also heard of people adding layers onto the screen - maybe drawing the sprites in some sort of container so that it always resizes the pyramid to fit the screen without skewing the pyramid shape?
Your idea is correct! Make a SKNode container, then update it's .size property, or do .setScale.
(not at xcode right now, pardon if not 100%)
// Say that our scene's size is 400x400:
let bkg = SKShapeNode(rectangleOfSize: self.size)
bkg.addChild(secondSprite) // And so on...
// Find the farthest point in bkg:
var farthestX = CGFloat(0)
for node in bkg.children {
if node.position.x + node.frame.size.width / 2 > farthestX {
farthestX = node.position.x + node.frame.size.width / 2
// Do math to resize the bkg:
if self.size.width < farthestX {
let scaler = self.size.width / farthestX
This should work, or at least the general idea should work... You would want to check for Y values and Height as well.
You can easily compute a symmetrical size proportional to the number of rows and resize your sprites accordingly. This is my idea in pseudocode:
let computedSize = deviceWidth/(2*(rows-1) + 1)
for sprite in sprites {
sprite.size.width = computedSize
sprite.size.height = computedSize

Spawning Sprites In Space Invaders

I'm currently trying to spawn aliens for a space invaders game I'm creating in class. I'm using a while loop with a counter to adjust an array to a given variable value. This way I can increase the number of aliens without any re-writing. The problem is, although my aliens spawn, the x position is not increasing as I would like it to. I only see one Alien on the screen so I've concluded that they are all spawning, but only with a 1-pixel difference, therefore unnoticeable. Here's what I have so far, any help would be greatly appreciated!
//Add and display given amount of aliens...
while (alienAmount > displayLoopCounter) {
aliens.append(SKSpriteNode(texture: SKTexture(imageNamed: "ClassicAlien")))
aliens[displayLoopCounter].position.y = CGFloat(-15)
aliens[displayLoopCounter].position.x = CGFloat(displayLoopCounter + 25)
displayLoopCounter += 1
//Have we run out of aliens yet?
if displayLoopCounter > alienAmount {
displayAliens = false
You just need to change the spacing you're setting between aliens. In other terms, you need to set the x position of each alien sprite to have more spacing between them. Currently, you are just adding displayLoopCounter to the x position of each alien. Since displayLoopCounter only increases one at a time, the aliens are all spawned with a 1-pixel difference to each other. If we want a bigger difference, we will need to multiply displayLoopCounter by our intended spacing so that we get that spacing between each alien.
You can just set a spacingBetweenAliens variable with a numeric type (such as Int or CGFLoat or Double) and change this line:
aliens[displayLoopCounter].position.x = CGFloat(displayLoopCounter + 25)
To this:
let basePosition = displayLoopCounter * spacingBetweenAliens
aliens[displayLoopCounter].position.x = CGFloat(basePosition + 25)
This way, the aliens will be spawned with the value of spacingBetweenAliens in pixels between them.

Total height of SCNNode childNodes

I'm currently using the following to get the total height of all of the child nodes in a SCNNode. Is there a more efficient/better/shorter/more swift-like way to do this?
CGFloat(columnNode.childNodes.reduce(CGFloat()) {
let geometry = $1.geometry! as SCNBox
return $0 + geometry.height
Yes, and a way that'll get you a more correct answer, too. Summing the height of all the child nodes' geometries...
only works if the geometry is an SCNBox
doesn't account for the child nodes' transforms (what if they're moved, rotated or scaled?)
doesn't account for the parent node's transform (what if you want height in scene space?)
What you want is the SCNBoundingVolume protocol, which applies to all nodes and geometries, and describes the smallest rectangular or spherical space containing all of a node's (and its subnodes') content.
In Swift 3, this is super easy:
let (min, max) = columnNode.boundingBox
After this, min and max are the coordinates of the lower-rear-left and upper-front-right corners of the smallest possible box containing everything inside columnNode, no matter how that content is arranged (and what kind of geometry is involved). These coordinates are expressed in the same system as columnNode.position, so if the "height" you're looking for is in the y-axis direction of that space, just subtract the y-coordinates of those two vectors:
let height = max.y - min.y
In Swift 2, the syntax for it is a little weird, but it works well enough:
var min = SCNVector3Zero
var max = SCNVector3Zero
columnNode.getBoundingBoxMin(&min, max: &max)

Zero padding / median filtering

I'm trying to implement median filtering using image j .
I am having trouble with the zero padding as it adds extra zeros to the bottom and far left of the picture.
This is what I have done so far, if you guys can help me out:
Dialog.create("9x9 median filtering");
Dialog.addMessage("9x9 median filtering");
setBatchMode("exit and display");
// Produce the 9x9 median image
function median_filter_9()
width = getWidth();
height= getHeight();
//if you want to apply this median filter to 16bit
depth = bitDepth();
nBin= pow(2, depth);
//nBin hold max gray intensity value
filteHisto = newArray(nBin);
//filteHisto = newArray(255);
fiveBYFive = newArray(81);
//this is what i used for middle position of array to get median
middlePos = round(81/2);
//-3, -3 will get you position 0,0 of a 9x9 matrix if you start in the middle
//Extend outside image boundaries using zero padding.
//error here: adds extra to bottom and farleft of picture
v = getPixel(j+r,i+c);
fiveBYFive[z]= v;
//sort the array to find median
median = fiveBYFive[middlePos];
setPixel(j, i, median);
One problem you're seeing at the edges of your image is because you are padding your 9x9 window with zeroes ok, but you still take the median value as the middle of the 81 item window.
So, for example, in the first column of the image, you zero-pad at least 36 elements (more at the top and bottom), which means that you only need to find 4 or 5 more zero pixels in the image to make the median element zero.
The easiest fix is to adjust your median element's index (initialised to 81/2 on each iteration) upward according to how many zeroes you added, or just count how many non-zero pixels you used and then find the median mid-way through that range in your sorted array (taking account of sort order).
In this way, you take the median value of the actual pixels you found and ignore the padded zeroes.
Probably, you missed changing your code from the original 5x5 to 9x9, because the start/end indices are in any case wrong and should be
The other possible source of confusion later is with this line, where it looks like you've confused width and height
If j is the column index and i is the row index, it should be
Although for a square window this doesn't actually make any difference in practice.
