Not able to start Inspector session in Appium - appium

enter image description hereI am trying to start Appium Inspector session But I am getting the attached error. I have added JAVA_HOME, ANDROID_HOME and ANDROID_SDK but still no luck.

open CMD as admin and type "adb shell"
You'll see the name of your emulator.. (not "Android Emulator")

Your path seems wrong, it should be just C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.13\bin, you have \bin\bin at the end instead.


Running Gradle task 'assembleDebug'-Exception: Gradle task assembleDebug failed with exit code -1

Running Gradle task 'assembleDebug' flutter run endlessly and finaly came up with "Exception: Gradle task assembleDebug failed with exit code -1" this error
for resolve this problem you need to follow some steps.
Go into the flutter folder and find 'flutter_console' batch file and click it.
Run the command 'flutter doctor', then resolve all issues by following given instructions, and make sure there is no issue left.
3.check your current android sdk version.
Then go back to your project, find build.gradle file in android/app folder and fill the right compileSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion.enter image description here.
Open project structure and change SDK version.enter image description here
And in the end change the excepeption type to FileNotFound.enter image description here
That's very simple.
Make sure your DNS Resolver config file is writable:
Open Terminal.
Type : sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf
Change the IP address in the file to:
Press CTRL+X to save the file.
Now you run flutter.
enter image description here

Error Could not connect to server; are you sure it's running? In appium

I am getting this error. How to solve this.
Just tick the below checkbox "Allow Unauthorized Certificates" for appium versions 1.6.*
and make sure you are under "Automatic Server" tab
Go to automatic server option and start session . and give the right path of apk file. it is work for me
(appium server 1.7)
After searching and applying lots of solutions finally i did following settings for Successful Android appium app testing on windows machine.
As of now they have released appium-server and appium-inspector as two seperate softwares. I'm using latest version of repositories.
Appium server 1.22.0
Appium Inspector 2021.9.2
Appium Server Settings
Make sure you have the same settings shown in the images below.
Appium Inspector settings
Steps to start appium:
Start appium server first
Then Start appium Inspector (make sure you add desired capabilities manually otherwise below error msg will arrive if you pasted Json representation manually)
Failed to create session. An unknown server-side error occurred while
processing the command. Original error: You must include a
platformName capability.
After adding Representation it will look like below
"platformName": "android",
"deviceName": "emulator-5554",
"appPackage": "com.coswarden",
"appActivity": "ActivityHome"
Hope this will solve your error.
You can use UI AutomatorViewer to find the element in the application.
just install jdk8 because appium and uiautomator are compatible with java8 only problem will be solved. And follow below steps:
Right Click on the My Computer and Select the properties
Click on advanced system settings
Click on Environment Variables
Click on new Button of User variables
Type PATH in the Variable name.
Copy the path of bin folder which is installed in JDK folder.
Paste Path of bin folder in Variable value and click on OK Button.
You can follow a similar process to set CLASSPATH.
and restart your PC
Go to command prompt and type javac command and check java8 is installed properly or not.
And see whether android sdk has tools folder in it, In which uiautomator is present
For those who are still struggling to get started, I will add several screenshots to show the complete setup I have for Appium Server GUI, and Appium Inspector.

How to solve proxy error in cordova latest version(3.6.3) project creation on iOS MAC?

I have tried to create the cordova latest version(3.6.3) project. I'm working under the proxy environment. I have updated the proxy settings in npm. But still I'm getting the following error.
cordova create HelloPhonegap com.tyc.hello "HelloPhonegap"
Creating a new cordova project with name "HelloPhonegap" and id "com.tyc.hello" at location "/Users/Desktop/HelloPhonegap"
Downloading cordova library for www...
Error: tunneling socket could not be established, cause=Parse Error
at ClientRequest.onError (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/cordova/node_modules/cordova-lib/node_modules/request/node_modules/tunnel-agent/index.js:159:17)
at ClientRequest.g (events.js:180:16)
at ClientRequest.emit (events.js:95:17)
at Socket.socketOnData (http.js:1588:9)
at TCP.onread (net.js:527:27)
How to resolve this problem? Please any one help me.
Thanks in advance.
Windows XP :
Open the Control Panel and click the System icon.
The System Properties dialog is displayed.
On the Advanced tab, click on Environment Variables.
The Environment Variables dialog is displayed.
Click New in the System variables panel.
The New Sytem Variable dialog is displayed.
Add http_proxy with the appropriate proxy information(http_proxy=
Unix/MAC :
export http_proxy xxxxxxxxxxx:xxx

Blackberry application loading on simulator

while loading my application on BlackBerry simulator its displaying given below an error
Unable to start simulator. Check that the file exists. (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Executable name has embedded quote, split the arguments)
I had same issue whilst trying to run the demo application.
I am running Windows 7 Professional,JDK 7u21 and STS 3.2.
This is an issue with the changes made to the decoding of command strings specified to Runtime.exec method.
In summary the path configured for the simulator launch contains spaces.In my case "C:\Program Files (x86)"
To Fix this issue
Copy the simulator Dir and MDS to a new directory that has no spaces.
From the run configuration settings,enable the use of Customized Command line ,Customized Working directory and Customized MDS directory.Update the
entries to point to the new path that has no spaces.
Alternatively you can use windows shortened dir name by typing dir /X in the CMD from the directory that contains the simulator and MDS,this should give you something like PROGRAM~2
In the end ,the issue is not with the IDE or the Simulator,just java and windows not playing nice.
see Oracle JDK 7u21 release note
My solution was:
Go to debugger Configurations, Simulator, Advanced and COPY the "default command line".
Hit debug. When the alert with the error appears:
Open a shell/cmd and paste the text obtained in step 1, hit enter.
It should open the emulator an the debugger should attached without a problem.
This is not an error, this is an "upgrade" of Oracle Java due to security issues, you cannot longer execute commandlines with arguments if theyre not passed as an array..
Hope it helps.
Here is the error documentated:
Heres the patch but only for java 17 and earlier:
remove the Java 7 and keep only the java 6 and it will work fine
i have the same issue and i solve it with the above solution

MDS-CS in blackberry

When I run my simulator I obtain an error that java 1.6 cannot found for launching MDS-CS
Can any one help me ? What should I add to run MDS-CS?
open command prompt and type java. If you get "java not recognized as an internal or external command" , you havent set the path. MDS-CS needs JDK path to be set. So as Farid farhat told you,set the path in environment variables to point to bin folder in JDK.
