Angular Material tab: Scroll to selected tab when resized - angular-material

I use the Material Tab example. I select in all the three tabs the last tab. When I resize the width of the panel the selected tab scrolls out of view.
As seen in the picture the third is NOT visible. Is there a way to scroll the third automatically into the view? (e.g. with an action of a button)
Use case: I have a layout which changes the width of a component with an users click and than the selected tab is on the far left side - contrary to the sample here where it is on the right side. In my use case the user hardly knows that there is a tab pane - unless (s)he knows the meaning of the arrows.
==> So I want to scroll the tabs into view. How to do it?

I would say most users would understand the meaning of the arrows.
If you really want to do something about it:
Option 1
The first thing comes to mind is using the native scrollIntoView method on the tab you want to show.
<mat-tab label="First"> Content 1 </mat-tab>
<mat-tab label="Second"> Content 2 </mat-tab>
<ng-template mat-tab-label>
<span id="header"> Third </span>
Content 3
Then in your component:
(document as any).getElementById('header').scrollIntoView({behavior: "smooth", inline: "end"});
Option 2
You can also trigger click on either left or right arrow until tab is visible.
// Click left arrow
// Click right arrow


Reading child element when parent is focused - accessability

I am using the mat-tab-group from complex labels approach with ng-template)
The tab contains a name of the tab and a button to close the tab.
Whenever i focus the tab, it reads both aria-labels of name and a button. When tab is focused, it should read only the name but not the close button aria label. When tab is focused currently and then clicking on tab will focus the close button, at this time it should read the close button aria label.
How to do this ?
<mat-tab-group dynamicHeight [(selectedIndex)]="activeTabIndex" (selectedTabChange)="changetab($event)">
<mat-tab *ngFor="let tab of Tabs; let i = index" [label]="" [attr.sortColumn]="tab.sortBy" [attr.sortOrder]="tab.sortOrder"
[attr.viewId]="" [attr.viewObjectID]="tab.viewObjectId" attr.aria-label="{{}}">
<ng-template mat-tab-label>
<div class="tab-container">
<div class="somestyle">
<span class="tab-name" [matTooltip]="">{{}}</span>
<button mat-icon-button tabindex="0" id="{{}}" class="close-btn" (keyup)="closeTab($event,view)" (click)="closeTab($event,view)" attr.aria-label="{{closetab}}">
<mat-icon class="material-icons">cancel</mat-icon>
The output of this : I am using "jaws" for screen reading tool. When we focus on tab, it reads tab name and close button label ( attr.aria-label="{{}}" and attr.aria-label="{{closetab}}").
Do you need to use aria-label at all?
The WAI-ARIA Practices document has this at the top of its "Read Me First" section:
No ARIA is better than Bad ARIA
The mat-tab-group examples simply use a text node inside the tab (which is a button with role="tab") for the accessible name. That should be adequate. Let the visual label be the accessible name, if possible.
The only reason you should use aria-label on a button is if the accessible name should be different from the button label. e.g. in cases where only an icon or unicode glyph is used as the visual label, in place of human-readable text.
In all other cases, just put the accessible name in a text node inside the button. (You may of course wrap it in span or other inline elements - as the mat-tab-group example does, if you need more refined styling).
This is true of other GUI controls too, although the visual label mechanism differs between element types. (e.g. The <input> element needs a corresponding <label>, which is both visible and understood by screenreaders because of the for attribute.)
If you must use aria-label, make sure it is on the element that gets focus, otherwise the screen readers will each try to guess what you want the accessible name to be, with unpredictable results. I suspect this is what you are experiencing.
Also, if I am not mistaken, you are adding the 'body' of the tab (including the close box) to the focusable tab itself. This is not the correct structure. Again, let the mat-tab-group example be your guide.
You should be able to overwrite what is read on focusing the entire tab, if you add an aria-label="Your preferred text here" to the tab element.

Place a icon-button inside jQuery Mobile list divider

I'd like to place an icon inside a list-divider, but it seems that jQuery Mobile lets me apply data-icons to normal list items only and not to list items with data-role='list-divider' assigned.
Simply enough, I want the list-divider to display an info button for providing the user with more information about this category, which should look like so:
The point is, I'd like to place the info icon (with data-icon='info' or class='ui-icon-info') within the list-divider, while maintaining consistency in the overall style, i.e.:
The category is headed by a list-divider, and not by a list-item that is just styled to look like the list divider.
The icon is displayed on the right side, like the arrows in the list items below. The icon has to have the same style of appearance like the arrows, which means that it should not look like a button or have an extra frame around it.
The list-divider, or at least the icon, should be clickable, so the user is able to get the information about this category.
I'd preferably like to achieve this without any CSS customizations or JavaScript fiddling, using data-attributes only.
This is what I got (using jQuery Mobile 1.3.2):
List-item with data-icon:
<li data-theme='a' data-icon='info'><a href='#' onclick='alert("Some info...");'>Category: A</a></li>
Correct appearance of info-icon
Wrong appearance of category, because a normal list-item is used instead of a list-divider
Using a list-item with data-role='list-divider' assigned:
<li data-role='list-divider' data-icon='info'><a href='#' onclick='alert("Some info...");'>Category: A</a></li>
No icon at all
Wrong title appearance and only text is hyperlinked instead of the whole list-item
List-divider with info-button inside:
<li data-role='list-divider'>Category: A<a href='#' data-role='button' data-icon='info' data-mini='true' data-iconpos='notext' data-inline='true' data-theme='a' onclick='alert("Some info...");'>Category: A</a></li>
Info button has wrong appearance
The button has a border which I like to remove for consistency, so the icon is shown in its usual disc appearance. Removing data-role='button' doesn't help, because the button wouldn't be rendered at all and would therefore not show the icon.
The icon's position is not on the right side. I know it would be possible using data-iconpos='right', but I used this attribute for the icon-only (notext) layout already.
Category appearance is not pleasing, as the button increased its height. Even data-mini='true' didn't help.
I know there are a dozen of easy ways doing it the normal, less jQuery Mobile fixated way, but after 3 approaches, I'm eager to find out how this could be done with jQM.
This works, including the click, i just test it
<li data-role="list-divider">Test<div onclick='alert("Some info...");' class="ui-icon ui-icon-info" style="color:white;float:right"><div></li>
if the icon doesnt align with the rest of the icons add the below to the style
margin-right: -5px;
and change the pixels size to match the other icons

Need Vaadin navigation control with two arrows on left and right like on passed link

I am extremely new to Vaadin, and I don't know all controls, I tried to google but didn't find type of control. My question is which is control visible on this link
which is used for navigation (left and right arrow buttons on left and right side of screen which you press to change content in middle or something like this doesn't exist in vaadin by default and this is in jquery ?) ?
I need to implement this, to change content on click, to allow user to iterate through shopping cart like this.
They are probably just buttons. Imagine 3 columns Button | Content | Button
Button.onclick -> Load Content
I use this carousel add-on which does that. Buttons are bigger but can be changed using css.
It has a nice transition effect, sliding left and right.

jQuery Mobile footer navigation

I am building a responsive design and would like to use jquery mobile to provide just a menu. I was looking towards nested listviews (I know they are deprecated in 1.3.0). What I am after is a nested set of links in the footer. When an item with children is clicked, the sub menu will slide in, otherwise just navigate to the link that was clicked if it has no children.
This fiddle shows what I am after
I thought that I would get the desired effect by marking up the footer with:
data-role="footer" data-position="fixed"
My question is though, how do I ensure the listview only affects the footer rather than the entire page? Or am using the wrong components to achieve what i'm after?

JQuery layout hide

I use JQuery layout feature to build skeleton of my app.
Layout has north-panel i.e header which can be hidden so that content area has more space.
Since header panel also contains icon bar, I only want icon bar to be visible when header is hidden.
Is there a way to achieve this by setting any property while creating layout using UI Layout.
Here is the image of layout where on hiding header should still show icons but only hide blue bar at the top.
If I understand you correctly, the markup you have would like something like this:
<div id="north-panel">
<div id="header">
<div id="icons"></div>
If this is the case, maybe the following may help:
Can you seperate the icons panel to be a direct child of the north-panel? If you can, you could just hide the header and the icons panel would still be visible.
<div id="north-panel">
<div id="header"></div>
<div id="icons"></div>
Otherwise, hiding an element without hiding its children is not possible (as far as I know). What you could try too, is to make the header have the same dimensions as the icons panel and hide anything else inside the header. This would somehow fake the effect you wanted.
