How to add a service-worker.js file to Bubble app root - service-worker

I'm trying to enable web push in my Bubble app using a plugin and the documentation says I should add service worker (as in this doc). But there is no option to add service-worker to Bubble app.
Is it not possible in Bubble app?


How to add standard report icon in springboard in oracle fusion

I have a requirement to add icon of a standard BIP report in springboard. I am using static URL to create page entry.
We cannot open a standard BIP report from analytics screen it can only be run from scheduled process.So using static url method does not work.
So Where can I get URL of a standard BIP report which is run from scheduled process? If not, is there any other way of doing it

Does pwa uses browser cache if their is no service worker

I have an app written in js. I want to convert it to a pwa without a service worker . By adding manifest file I can add it from home screen and open it in full screen mode. Does it still using http caching If enabled or it will fetch request from network every time as I don’t have any service worker .
Secondly how can I provided updated change in manifest file to an already installed pwa in ios.

View transitions between Android activies in Application Insights exported from App Center

We have a Xamarin.Android app where our MainLauncher activity in OnCreate has:
AppCenter.Start(AppSecret, typeof(Analytics), typeof(Crashes));
We have configured App Center to export data to Application Insights.
We are currently using v1.12 of the Microsoft.AppCenter.Analytics module.
In Application Insights we can see the events we are logging explicitly, but can we somewhere see how users are navigating between activities? Or do we have to log this explicitly also?

Using Firebase Analytics and Google Analytics together - iOS

I am trying to add Firebase Analytics (FA) and Google Analytics (GA) together in my iOS app. We can achieve that using Google Tag Manager.
I followed this tutorial
I setup Google Tag Manager Triggers and Tags correctly. I have chosen "GoogleAnalytics" as the product which is asking when setting the Tag in Google Tag Manager. I assume that, when I fire events using fire base analytics, the same events should appear in google analytics too. It doesn't seem to be working for me. I do see FA dashboard being updated but nothing is showing up in GA.
[FIRAnalytics logEventWithName:#"BtnPressed" parameters:nil];
Any help is greatly appreciated!
A few things to check: Did you set up the appropriate triggers for the event? Did you publish your Google Tag Manager container? Is the container file included in a container folder (not a group), and included in the binary?
Another thing to keep in mind is that it can take some time for Google Analytics events to show up. One way of checking your configuration is to run in the simulator, which will cause Google Tag Manager to log verbosely. If everything is configured correctly, you'll see log messages from Google Tag Manager when you log an event. If there's a configuration problem, you should see log messages indicating an issue.

Plateform to manage push notifications with PhoneGap

I used Cordova PushNotification Plugin to add push notifications to my PhoneGap app (this plugin). It worked when I used a simple php script with a particular device token to push a notification (with this script).
I did this for one device, but I know it's a little bit different when it comes to multiple devices. So, is there any plateform that allows a user to manage push notifications (like ?
Thanks for your answer :)
Yes, there's a platform that's perfect for what you want: pushwoosh. You can easily add it to Phonegap.
**EDIT for more information for iOS you can search here:
iphone configuration guide
SDK integration
These are the steps you must do:
First you must register in Google APIs site, select Services:
Turn the Google Cloud Messaging toggle to ON
In the Terms of Service page, accept the terms.Now you need to create the Server Key
Press “API Access” button
Press “Create new Server key”. Either a server key or a browser key should work. The advantage to using a server key is that it allows you to whitelist IP addresses.
Press “Create”.
You can find your GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID from the URL in your Google API console. Usually it looks like this: In this example, it would be: 12345678912
Enter in Pushwoosh copanel:
Create or enter in My Apps menu
When you enter into an app you'll see the Application code in that page or in the navigator's url and this will be your PUSHWOOSH_APP_ID
Download de SDK and insert it in your project.
Change the pushnofitication.js to point to your project ID and Pushwoosh app.
