Comparing 2 columns for certain words - google-sheets

=COUNTIF(B4:B, "" & D4:D & "")
So column B4:B will have something like this
Joe Smith, STIM
and column D4:D would have something like this
Joe Smith 10/19/1999 AC
I am trying to make a True False statment in Col G that if column B has Joe Smith and Column D has Joe smith it will say yes or no. This will be a list of names that always change dynamically so one day B4 might be Joe Smith but the next day it could be Jan Doe. Column D will be a list of names in alpha order that changes all the time as well.

I was able to replicate what you need with the example provided by using:
You can see the results in my testing spreadsheet here.
At the moment I have limited the range from column I but you can just change it so it takes the whole column.
Just one little detail is that with this function you can only have 1 name in each row in the list of names.


Stack multiple queried Importranges with a single word between the two sets of imported data?

I have a master sheet that contains all of the data for other sheets. Column A in the master sheet is the name for who's sheet it will import to. So if the name is "John" then every row that has "John" in column A from the master sheet will be imported into John's sheet. I have the person's name in cell G1 of their own respective sheet and use the following formula.
=ARRAYFORMULA(IFNA(QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("LINK_TO_SHEET","Assignments!A2:Q"),"SELECT Col2,Col3,Col4,Col5,Col6,Col7,Col8,Col9,Col10,Col11,Col12,Col13 WHERE Col1='"&G1&"'",0),""))
Master sheet looks like this:
Assigned To
Blake G.
Chase C.
Amy B.
New Mexico
Santa Fe
Bill S.
John's sheet will look like this:
Blake G.
Amy B.
New Mexico
Santa Fe
I want to separate the data based on what is in Col17 and put a single word between the two data sets. Col17 has either a Y or a N so I can just add AND Col17='N' to the existing formula. I double up the formula, but changed the last condition to be Col17='Y' so that I can pull the two data sets separately and on top of each other.
={ARRAYFORMULA(IFNA(QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("LINK_TO_SHEET","Assignments!A2:Q"),"SELECT Col2,Col3,Col4,Col5,Col6,Col7,Col8,Col9,Col10,Col11,Col12,Col13 WHERE Col1='"&G1&"' AND Col17='N'",0),""));ARRAYFORMULA(IFNA(QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("LINK_TO_SHEET","Assignments!A2:Q"),"SELECT Col2,Col3,Col4,Col5,Col6,Col7,Col8,Col9,Col10,Col11,Col12,Col13 WHERE Col1='"&G1&"' AND Col17='Y'",0),""))}
What I want to do is add a single word between the two imported sets of data. It should like kinda like this:
Blake G.
Amy B.
New Mexico
Santa Fe
I added the word inactive so the middle looks like ""));"Inactive";ARRAY between the two formulas but because of how Query works I get an error saying the array lengths for each formula do not match. Is there alternative to help make this happen or will I need to figure out a workaround with something that isn't Query?
Feel free to comment below if ever your question has been misunderstood.
In my understanding, here's your process:
The first formula will list all data that has N value in Col17 .
The second formula will list all data that has Y value in Col17.
This second formula should also have an Inactive title header.
Merge the two formulas separated by the word "Inactive".
If I got it correctly, you could use the label clause to add "Inactive" in your second Query function as seen on this tweaked formula:
={ARRAYFORMULA(IFNA(QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("SHEET_URL","A1:Q"),"SELECT Col2,Col3,Col4,Col5,Col6,Col7,Col8,Col9,Col10,Col11,Col12,Col13 WHERE Col1 = '"&G1&"' AND Col17 = 'Y'"),0));ARRAYFORMULA(IFNA(QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("SHEET_URL","A1:Q"),"SELECT Col2,Col3,Col4,Col5,Col6,Col7,Col8,Col9,Col10,Col11,Col12,Col13 WHERE Col1 = '"&G1&"' AND Col17 = 'N' label Col2 'Inactive'"),0))}
Sample result.
E.g. If there's new data added that should be under "Inactive".
Main Sheet
John's Sheet
#SputnikDrunk2 is a very good workaround. Just in case you decide to stack different types of ranges that are not queries, you should consider that they need to have the same amount of columns. So if you add a new row it should have the 12 columns you have from your Queries. One way would be like this:
={ARRAYFORMULA(IFNA(QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("LINK_TO_SHEET","Assignments!A2:Q"),"SELECT Col2,Col3,Col4,Col5,Col6,Col7,Col8,Col9,Col10,Col11,Col12,Col13 WHERE Col1='"&G1&"' AND Col17='N'",0),""));
ARRAYFORMULA(IFNA(QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("LINK_TO_SHEET","Assignments!A2:Q"),"SELECT Col2,Col3,Col4,Col5,Col6,Col7,Col8,Col9,Col10,Col11,Col12,Col13 WHERE Col1='"&G1&"' AND Col17='Y'",0),""))}
Another option to avoid creating so many "","","","" is to use this "trick" that divides a range by 0, and with IFERROR it returns empty cells:
{"Inactive",INDEX (IFERROR(SEQUENCE(1,11)/0,))};
Here's another approach:
A1:Q4 part in the formula should be replaced with your importrange Fx
2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 part can also be replaced with shorter sequence(1,12,2,1)

Remove Repeated "Inverted" Rows

Repeated rows maybe easy to filter but is there to remove repeated INVERTED rows from different columns in google sheets. Maybe it is easy but I've not had much luck so far with "unique" or "filter". The attached image should show what I'm looking to accomplish. Unique alone doesn't work because the second column (I)includes names from (H). So sheets looks at both columns as unique and returns them all. But this is like wanting to remove repeated first and last names, where the names might be inverted.
On the right is the result I'd like to achieve. Leaving only ONE match that would include the numeric values.
Appreciate any feedback. Thanks. 🙏
Get row number MATCH Name1 in Name2 Col. Get row number MATCH Name2 in Name1 Col. See if they are equal and whether the first MATCH is greater than or equal to the current row number.
Another method would be to SORT BYROW and UNIQUE

Cross reference in Google Sheets (2 sheets with varying length columns and potential duplicates)

First off, many thanks in advance! This is my first post. I am brand new to google sheets as well.
My data is the following. One sheet contains a column of last names only. The last names columns does include duplicate last names. My main sheet contains a column of first and last names which is about 3x as long as the list of last names only.
I would like to generate a boolean column for pivoting purposes which cross references the last name list with the full names. If any of the last names are partially matched to a full name, then the boolean is a 1 or TRUE.
Cross Reference: Doe & Mann
Jim Smith
Jane Doe
John Rich
Joe Bills
Brian The Mann
Bill Downs
=ArrayFormula(REGEXMATCH(A1:A11, TEXTJOIN("|", TRUE, C1:C11)))
Paste this in the column where you want TRUE/FALSE. Replace A1:A11 with your full names list, C1:C11 with your cross-reference.
If you would like empty spaces, or customize the response, use:

Filter to the latest month and then filter to the best score per person

I've got a Google Sheet which holds the results of a monthly competition. The format is
Name | Date | Score
Alan Smith | 14/01/2016 | 500
Bob Dow | 14/01/2016 | 450
Bob Dow | 16/01/2016 | 470
Clare Allie| 16/01/2016 | 550
Declan Ham | 16/01/2016 | 350
Alan Smith | 10/02/2016 | 490
Bob Dow | 10/02/2016 | 425
Declan Ham | 12/02/2016 | 400
Declan Ham | 12/02/2016 | 390
Clare Allie| 12/02/2016 | 560
I want to do 2 things with this data
I want to create a new sheet which holds the latest 'best' results. For the data presented here that would be
Alan Smith | 10/02/2016 | 490
Bob Dow | 10/02/2016 | 425
Declan Ham | 12/02/2016 | 400
Clare Allie| 12/02/2016 | 560
i.e. The results from February with the 'best' score per person. Here Declan Ham's lower score of '390' was removed.
I want another sheet to hold the tournament ranking. People are ranked by their top 3 monthly scores. i.e. The best score for each person for each month is obtained and the top 3 scores are combined to give their place in the tournament.
So far I've attempted to use Google queries, vlookups, filters to get these new sheets. But, just focusing on 1), the best I've been able to achieve is
=FILTER(Results!$A:$B, MONTH(Results!$B:$B) = MONTH(MAX(Results!$B:$B)))
Which will get me the results from the latest month. But it does not remove duplicates entries by people.
Does anyone have a suggestion for how I can achieve these requirements? Feel like I'm treading water at the moment.
Rather than trying to remove duplicates, you need to identify the maximum score by each person; you can do that by grouping values by person, then aggregating using max(). Here's how that would look, for the month of February 2016:
=query(Results!A1:C,"select A,max(C) where todate(B) > date '2016-2-1' group by A")
Instead of using a fixed value for the start of the latest month, we can get the year and month using spreadsheet formulas, and concatenate our query with them:
=query(Results!A1:C,"select A,max(C) where todate(B) > date '"&year(max(Results!B2:B))&"-"&month(max(Results!B2:B))&"-1' group by A")
That addresses your first question.
Tournament ranking
Your second goal is too complex for a single spreadsheet formula, in my opinion. Here's a way to accomplish it with multiple formulas, though!
The X & Y axes are filled out by spreadsheet formulas. On the X axis (orange), we populate participants names using this in cell A3:
The Y axis consists of dates (green). These are the start dates of each unique month that there are scores for, calculated using the following formula in cell D2. This results in strings, e.g. 2016-01-1, and that format is specifically required for the later formulas to work.
Here's the formula for cell D3, which will calculate the sum of the 3 highest scores recorded for the user whose name appears in A3, for the month appearing in D2. (Copy & Paste the formula across the full range of participants & months, and it will adjust.)
=sum(query(Results!$A$1:$C,"select C where A='"&$A2&"' and todate(B) >= date '"&B$1&"' and todate(B) < date '"&IF(ISBLANK(C$1),TEXT(TODAY()+1,"yyyy-mm-dd"),C$1)&"' order by C desc limit 3 label C ''"))
Key points about that formula:
The query range needs to used fixed values so it isn't transposed when copied to additional cells. However, it's still open-ended, to absorb additional rows of scores on the "Results" sheet.
A WHERE clause is used to select rows from the Results sheet that are for the given participant (A='"&$A2&"') and fall within the month that heads the column (C$1).
...and todate(B) < date '"&IF(ISBLANK(C$1),TEXT(TODAY()+1,"yyyy-mm-dd"),C$1)&"'
The best 3 scores for the month are found by first sorting the above result descending, then limiting the result to 3 rows.
...order by C desc limit 3
Finally, the QUERY headers are suppressed by this little trick, so that we get a single number as the result:
...label C ''
Individual tournament totals appear in column C, with a range SUM across the row, e.g. for cell C3:
The corresponding ranking in column B is then:
For simpler copy/paste, you can do some error checking in these formulas, so that they can be placed in the sheet before the corresponding data is - for example, at the start of your season. Using IF(ISBLANK(... or IFERROR(... can be very effective for this.
B3 & down:
C3 & down:
D3 & rest of field:
=IFERROR(sum(query(Results!$A$1:$C,"select C where A='"&$A3&"' and todate(B) >= date '"&D$2&"' and todate(B) < date '"&IF(ISBLANK(E$2),TEXT(TODAY()+1,"yyyy-mm-dd"),E$2)&"' order by C desc limit 3 label C ''")))
Alternatively for the first part of your question (the latest 'best' results) , in addition to the solution provided by Mogsdad, this should also work.. :-)
=ArrayFormula(iferror(vlookup(unique(A2:A), sort(A2:C, 2, 0, 3, 0), {1,3}, 0)))
EDIT: This formula sorts the table with dates (col B) descending and col C descending and then (ab)uses the fact that vlookup only returns the first match to return the first and last column.

Google Sheets, using Countifs to count number of values in a range, and match another cell's value

Working on a Google Spreadsheet, seems to be behaving differently from excel.
This spreadsheet is integrated from a Google form, responses have a date, and a username.
What I am trying to do is count the number of entries between two dates, and submitted by a certain user.
I.e. the sheet looks like this:
Timestamp User User Names
2/2/2015 Joe Jones Joe Jones
2/12/2015 Steve Ahn Steve Ahn
2/15/2015 Joe Jones
3/3/2015 Joe Jones
3/4/2015 Steve Ahn
I want to count the number of entries for Joe Jones between 2/14/2015 and 3/4/2015 i.e. return the result of 2 here.
Here is what I have so far:
=COUNTIFS(A1:A15,">="&I1,A1:A15,"<="&I2, B2:B15, C1)
But it throws an error "Array Arguments to COUNTIFS are of different size"
Each bit works as a countifs on its own.
The ranges need to be the same size. Change B2 to B1 and it should work.
=COUNTIFS(A1:A15,">="&I1,A1:A15,"<="&I2, B2:B15, C1)
=COUNTIFS(A1:A15,">="&I1,A1:A15,"<="&I2, B1:B15, C1)
