Error reading resource.. access to path is denied(CS1566) - ios

I have created a binding library in iOS and when I try to rebuild the solution the build fails with the error message as " Error CS1566: Error reading resource 'SampleFramework' -- 'Access to the path '/Users/leonrodrigues/Projects/SampleFramework' is denied.' (CS1566) (SampleFramework.Binding).
anyone with any inputs on this as to how can we fix it ??

You are trying to add wrong path as native reference, may be parent folder. add the framework exact location


Android 12 deep linking validation failed

We have created the assetlinks.json file and placed it under the well-known folder in the root.After that when tried to validate the assetlinks.json file using Digital Asset Links API from google we are getting an exception.
"maxAge": "599.999999839s",
"debugString": "********************* ERRORS \n Error: deadline_exceeded: Timeout occurred while fetching Web statements from (which is equivalent to '') using download from the web (ID 1).\n********** INFO MESSAGES ********************\n Info: No statements were found that match your query\n"
Can someone please help to understand what will be the root cause of this issue and how to resolve it

Core Data error with Xcode 9

I'm working on updating an existing app. I'm trying to start with a Master / Detail template with Xcode 9.
Create New - Master Detail Template
Name - "This & That" (with a space before the & and after the &)
When I try to build it (I've added nothing else.. just the steps I've listed), I get an error and it won't build.
Error - This___That.xcdatamodeld: The operation couldn’t be completed. (IDEFoundation.IDETemplateParseError error 1.)
I'm guessing it is either a bug, or something is wrong with my Xcode somehow. Any time I've done a filename with the " & ", it gives this error when trying to build, and won't go any further. Other projects that do no have " & " in the file name work fine.
Anyone else have the problem, or am I the only one? (Can anyone try this to see if it does give them the error?)
XCode just doesn't like that file name. Creating a new project with that name, I get this error:
Could not determine generated file paths for Core Data code
generation: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=260 "No current
version for model at path /Users/#/Documents/#/#/#/#/This &
UserInfo={NSFilePath=/Users/#/Documents/#/#/#/#/This &
that.xcdatamodeld, NSLocalizedDescription=No current version for model
at path /Users/#/Documents/#/#/#/#/This & that.xcdatamodeld:}
If I remove the spaces, it will build successfully.

How to resolve unhandled error in Flume while extracting Tweets

Receiving Unhandled error - org.apache.flume.node.PollingPropertiesFileConfigurationProviders$
I am trying to extract Tweets into HDFS using Flume. But getting org.apache.flume.node.PollingPropertiesFileConfigurationProvider$ Unhandled Error
Configuration, Env.Sh file and .bashrc file details are included in the attached file. File also aontains the Twitter4j version (4j.0
Please have a look and suggest the Resolution.
I was getting the same error with Flume-1.6 version. In flume.conf, update Twitter source type as below:
TwitterAgent.sources.Twitter.type = org.apache.flume.source.twitter.TwitterSource
I didn't use flume-sources-1.0.SNAPSHOT.jar

LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'opencv_calib3d2411d.obj'

I am using opencv-2.4.11 with microsoft visual studio 12 express edition with fake key and windows 8.1.
I have no problem in compiling my code but when I build my project it is showing following error
" LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'opencv_calib3d2411d.obj' ".
I have added all the librarys,paths and input correctly, I am still facing the problem. Please help me resolve the problem.
Thank You
I found the answer
The input files are correct but you need to give the full path in Linker->Input->Additional Dependencies. i will show you how.
Also in Linker->General->Use Library Dependency Input, Click on yes
This should certainly help.

lua lxp The specified module could not be found

I'm putting together an application that uses the moon soap, but when you run it reports the following error :
C:\Lua\5.1\lua.exe: error loading module 'lxp' from file 'C:\Lua\5.1\clibs\lxp.dll':
The specified module could not be found.
How do I fix this ?
This is not a "file not found" error. Note that the message stated that it tried to load the module "lxp" from a file ('C:\Lua\5.1\clibs\lxp.dll') but it didn't work. Maybe the file doesn't have a luaopen_lxp C function (which might be called by loadlib)... Or maybe you are not loading it with require...
