Uploading and Downloading the files using MIT App inventor (Webview) - webview

Webview is perfectly fine but how can I download and upload the files in webview.
I have an application that is based on getting files but I cannot do it by using webview so what should I do anyone helps me here? Please!

try the custom webview extension
and for follow up questions please ask in that thread


Adobe AIR : get user's video content on iOS

I have to develop an AIR app for a client, that reads the video folder content and can play any video in it.
It's quite easy with Android, I can read any folder on the phone/tablet, but on iOS it's not that easy. I can't use applicationDirectory because the client wants to put videos himself later in the videos folder on iPad. (But if you have a solution to put files in applicationDirectory with iTunes or else, please share !)
I know there are some ane's that read the cameraroll content, but they display a native pickup screen, while I just need a list of the files.
I tried to use File.documentsDirectory to access content, but got no luck. If you have any idea, thanks in advance !
Ok I found a workaround : in my XML application file I added <key>UIFileSharingEnabled</key><true/> to the iPhone infoAdditions, so that I can access to app's documents through iTunes. I add files with iTunes, and I can read the content of the folder in AIR with File.documentsDirectory.getDirectoryListing()
Hope it will help someone else !

iOS 8.1.2 issue opening file -- Fixed

Greetings Stack Overflow community.
I have an issue with the iOS.
Currently, I am working in a web application with a mobile skin full responsive.
In the PC version everything works fine, same happening with android. Everything run's without any problem. But with the iOS I have some issues.
First, I had a bug with the file upload. I couldn't upload any file. I searched everywhere and then i find out that the version i was currently using had some serious problems with the file upload (iOS 8.0).
So I updated and now I have the 8.1.2 version. File upload its just working fine but now I can't see the pictures that I upload. The app returns me this:
Open file;
Open file with...;
I click in the options but nothing happens...
Could you please help me?
In advance thank you!
PS: It's an app with PHP/HTML/CSS. The normal web app style with a mobile skin.
I found out the solution and I forgot to post.
The safari mobile browser and chrome mobile browser doesn't read pdf files however the desktop browser reads. So, I've made a new File Reader PHP Class and everything is now fixed. If anyone needs help please let me know, I'll have all pleasure to help.
Thanks anyway :)

Automatic download file in iOS

When user downloads the app & if there is any new content on the server (e.g. .xml file) then it will automatically download to the app, Even if app is not open
Does apple allow this kind of functionality?
If yes, then how can I implement this feature?
Help me to solve this.
Thank you.
If you mean user just downloaded the app and not open and your application will start the downloading then its Big NO.
If you want to download the new contains then you have to do write code to check, validate and then download the data from server.

Download a file in blackberry through application

i need to download a video file from internet through my application. and i need to play the video through my application.
any code snipets or tutorial for this.. the application is in rhodes framework.
thanks in advance
You can just play the file directly from the server. The complete code is in http://supportforums.blackberry.com/t5/Java-Development/Play-video-within-a-BlackBerry-smartphone-application/ta-p/445167

How can i show my pdf file on ipad application

i want to create simple pdf reader application for ipad.
but did not find the proper documentation or sample code. please guide me from where i should start.
Just use a UIWebView. WebKit can display PDF natively.
If you need to render the PDF yourself not relying on WebKit, check the CGPDF*** stuff (search for it in Xcode docs).
You can find a nice app sample with CC license on this repository
I hope it helps. It definitely helped me
uiwebview *web;
[self.web loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:[[NSBundle mainBundle]pathForResource:#"senthil" ofType:#"pdf"]]]];
You should start at the iPhone Developer Center.
