I have this string
Apples, Oranges, Grapes
How can i replace last comma for and?
Havent learn enough of patterns but i've tried several ways such as
str:gsub(",$", "and", 1)
Isnt supposed that magic character $ reads string from end --> begin?
My problem becomes because im concatenating an array using table.concat
Your table:
local t = {"Apples", "Oranges", "Grapes"}
Method #1:
Concatenate the last item using "and":
local s = #t > 1
and table.concat(t, ", ", 1, #t-1).." and "..t[#t]
or table.concat(t, ", ")
print(s) --> Apples, Oranges and Grapes
Method #2:
Replace the last comma:
local s = table.concat(t, ", ")
s = s:gsub("(.*),", "%1 and")
print(s) --> Apples, Oranges and Grapes
local str = "Apples, Oranges, Grapes"
print(str:gsub(",(%s+%w+)$", " and%1"))
I have string "0,0,0,-58.43083113,,"
and how could I get all the 4 numbers as double with LUA? Thanks!
I have tried with string.match(). But it didn't work.
local text = "0,0,0,-58.43083113,,"
local numbers = {}
text:gsub("[^,]+", function (str) table.insert(numbers, tonumber(str)+.0) end)
print(table.concat(numbers, ", "))
for str in text:gmatch("[^,]+") do
table.insert(numbers, tonumber(str) + .0)
Of course this assumes that you only have number representations and commas in your string.
**It takes Input as a string such as this - 'Nice one'
And Output gives - 4,3 (which is no. Of words in sentence or string)
function countx(str)
local count = {}
for i = 1, string.len(str) do
s = ''
while (i<=string.len(str) and string.sub(str, i, i) ~= ' ' ) do
s = s .. string.sub(str, i, i)
i = i+1
if (string.len(s)>0) then
return table.concat(count, ',')
You can find a simple alternative with your new requirements:
function CountWordLength (String)
local Results = { }
local Continue = true
local Position = 1
local SpacePosition
while Continue do
SpacePosition = string.find(String, " ", Position)
if SpacePosition then
Results[#Results + 1] = SpacePosition - Position
Position = SpacePosition + 1
-- if needed to print the string
-- local SubString = String:sub(Position, SpacePosition)
-- print(SubString)
Continue = false
Results[#Results + 1] = #String - Position + 1
return Results
Results = CountWordLength('I am a boy')
for Index, Value in ipairs(Results) do
Which gives the following results:
def countLenWords(s):
s=s.split(" ")
return s
The above functions returns a list containing number of characters in each word
s=s.split(" ") splits string with delimiter " " (space)
s=map(len,s) maps the words into length of the words in int
s=map(str,s) maps the values into string
s=list(s) converts map object to list
Short version of above function (all in one line)
def countLenWords(s):
return list(map(str,map(len,s.split(" "))))
-- Localise for performance.
local insert = table.insert
local text = 'I am a poor boy straight. I do not need sympathy'
local function word_lengths (text)
local lengths = {}
for word in text:gmatch '[%l%u]+' do
insert (lengths, word:len())
return lengths
print ('{' .. table.concat (word_lengths (text), ', ') .. '}')
gmatch returns an iterator over matches of a pattern in a string.
[%l%u]+ is a Lua regular expression (see http://lua-users.org/wiki/PatternsTutorial) matching at least one lowercase or uppercase letter:
[] is a character class: a set of characters. It matches anything inside brackets, e.g. [ab] will match both a and b,
%l is any lowercase Latin letter,
%u is any uppercase Latin letter,
+ means one or more repeats.
Therefore, text:gmatch '[%l%u]+' will return an iterator that will produce words, consisting of Latin letters, one by one, until text is over. This iterator is used in generic for (see https://www.lua.org/pil/4.3.5.html); and on any iteration word will contain a full match of the regular expression.
I am generating a string from a number of components (title, authors, journal, year, journal volume, journal pages). The idea is that the string will be a citation as so:
#citation = article_title + " " + authors + ". " + journal + " " + year + ";" + journal_volume + ":" + journal_pages
I am guessing that some components occasionally do not exist. I am getting this error:
no implicit conversion of nil into String
Is this indicating that it is trying to build the string and one of the components is nil? If so, is there a neat way to build a string from an array while checking that each element exists to circumvent this issue?
It's easier to use interpolation
#citation = "#{article_title} #{authors}. #{journal} #{year}; #{journal_volume}:#{journal_pages}"
Nils will be substituted as empty strings
array = [
article_title, authors ,journal,
year, journal_volume, journal_pages
#citation = "%s %s. %s %s; %s:%s" % array
Use String#% format string method.
>> "%s: %s" % [ 'fo', nil ]
=> "fo: "
Considering that you presumably are doing this for more than one article, you might consider doing it like so:
SEPARATORS = [" ", ". ", " ", ";", ":", ""]
article = ["Ruby for Fun and Profit", "Matz", "Cool Tools for Coders",
2004, 417, nil]
# => "Ruby for Fun and Profit Matz. Cool Tools for Coders 2004;417:"
I'm using
local mystring = 'Thats a really nice house.'
string.gsub(mystring,"% ", "/",1)
to replace the first white space character with an slash.
But how to replace only the second occurrence of the white space?
You can use a function as replacement value in string.gsub and count the matches yourself:
local mystring = "Thats a really nice house."
local cnt = 0
print( string.gsub( mystring, " ", function( m )
cnt = cnt + 1
if cnt == 2 then
return "/"
end ) )
Try string.gsub(mystring,"(.- .-) ", "%1/",1).
You can replace the first instance with something else (assuming the replacement is not present in the string itself, which you can check), then replace it back:
print(mystring:gsub("% ", "\1",1):gsub("% ", "/",1):gsub("\1","% ", 1))
This prints: Thats a/really nice house.. Also, you don't need to escape spaces with %.
I'm able to capitalize the first letter of my string using:
str:gsub("^%l", string.upper)
How can I modify this to capitalize the first letter of every word in the string?
I wasn't able to find any fancy way to do it.
str = "here you have a long list of words"
str = str:gsub("(%l)(%w*)", function(a,b) return string.upper(a)..b end)
This code output is Here You Have A Long List Of Words. %w* could be changed to %w+ to not replace words of one letter.
Fancier solution:
str = string.gsub(" "..str, "%W%l", string.upper):sub(2)
It's impossible to make a real single-regex replace because lua's pattern system is simple.
in the alternative answer listed you get inconsistent results with words containing apostrophes:
str = string.gsub(" "..str, "%W%l", string.upper):sub(2)
will capitalize the first letter after each apostrophe irregardless if its the first letter in the word
eg: "here's a long list of words" outputs "Here'S A Long List Of Words"
to fix this i found a clever solution here
utilizing this code:
function titleCase( first, rest )
return first:upper()..rest:lower()
string.gsub(str, "(%a)([%w_']*)", titleCase)
will fix any issues caused by that weird bug
function titleCase( first, rest )
return first:upper()..rest:lower()
string.gsub(str, "(%a)([%w_']*)", titleCase)
BunchOfText {"Yeppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp"}
I have a feeling I will be returning to this question when I need to put something in proper title case.
Below is the Lua code to do exactly that.
It has the disadvantage of not preserving the original spacing between words but it's good enough for now.
-- Lua is like python in syntax, and barebones like C -_-
function Set (list)
local set = {}
for _, l in ipairs(list) do set[l] = true end
return set
function firstToUpper(str)
return (str:gsub("^%l", string.upper))
function titlecase(str)
-- We need to break the string into pieces
words = {}
for word in string.gmatch(str, '([^%s]+)') do
table.insert(words, word)
-- We need to capitalize anything that is not a:
-- - Article
-- - Coordinating Conjunction
-- - Preposition
-- Thus we have a blacklist of such words
local blacklist = Set {
"at", "but", "by", "down", "for", "from",
"in", "into", "like", "near", "of", "off",
"on", "onto", "out", "over", "past", "plus",
"to", "up", "upon", "with", "nor", "yet",
"so", "the"
for index, word in pairs(words) do
if(not (blacklist[word] ~= nil)) then
words[index] = firstToUpper(word)
-- First and last words are always capitalized
words[1] = firstToUpper(words[1])
words[#words] = firstToUpper(words[#words])
-- Concat elements in list via space character
local result = ""
for index, word in pairs(words) do
result = result .. word
if(index ~= #words) then
result = result .. ' '
return result
print(titlecase("the world"))
print(titlecase("I walked my dog this morning ..."))
print(titlecase("The art of Lua"))
--- Output:
--- The World
--- I Walked My Dog This Morning ...
--- The Art of Lua