Volume empty after container restart - docker

I am experiencing that the volume is empty when restarting a container.
Command for the first time start of the container is
docker run -d --name ${dockerId} --memory="512m" --restart=always -v volume-${dockerId}:/app/public:Z -p ${port}:80 --network my-network ${dockerId}:v1
Any idea what can be done?

I found a great solution.
Using convoy plugin for docker.


How to get access to the docker cmd from docker container?

I've tried to get access to docker command from a container I got an issue says that
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
the container created using this CMD line :
sudo docker run -p 8080:8080 -p 50000:50000 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.socket --name jenkins-master -d jenkins
Hey Guys the issue was in the socket volume I mean in this section
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.socket
should be change to
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock

Docker shared volumes create and attach problem

I've a question about docker shared volumes.
I know that if I run a container with -v option I create a volume that I can share to another container with --volumes-from:
docker run -d -v DataVolume1:/datavolume1 --name container1 image1:v1.0.0
docker run --name container2 --volumes-from container1 image2:v1.0.0
But I cannot understand the full behaviour of this. It seems like volume from container 1 is a master and the same volume in container 2 is a slave. So container 2 can write and container 1 read or only the opposite?
Why I cannot use -v option on all my container like that?
docker run -d -v DataVolume1:/datavolume1 --name container1 image1:v1.0.0
docker run -d -v DataVolume1:/datavolume1 --name container2 image2:v1.0.0
or create a volume with:
docker volume create --name DataVolume1
and then attach to the two container with:
docker run -d -v DataVolume1:/datavolume1 --name container1 image1:v1.0.0
docker run -d -v DataVolume1:/datavolume1 --name container2 image2:v1.0.0
Is there some trouble because each -v recreate the volume and cut the link with the previous container? Or something other?
Because with two "docker run -v" I could also specify different mounting path for the same volume, so if it work for me is better, but I never see anyone use this way so what's the problem?
Thanks in advance!

Can we run docker inside a docker container which is running in a virtual-box of Ubuntu 18.04?

I want to run docker inside another docker container. My main container is running in a virtualbox of OS Ubuntu 18.04 which is there on my Windows 10. On trying to run it, it is showing me as:
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
How can I resolve this issue?
Yes, you can do this. Check for dind (docker in docker) on docker webpage how to achieve it: https://hub.docker.com/_/docker
Your error indicates that either dockerd in the top level container is not running or you didn't mount docker.sock on the dependent container to communicate with dockerd running on your top-level container.
I am running electric-flow in a docker container in my Ubuntu virtual-box using this docker command: docker run --name efserver --hostname=efserver -d -p 8080:8080 -p 9990:9990 -p 7800:7800 -p 7070:80 -p 443:443 -p 8443:8443 -p 8200:8200 -i -t ecdocker/eflow-ce. Inside this docker container, I want to install and run docker so that my CI/CD pipeline in electric-flow can access and use docker commands.
From your above description, ecdocker/eflow-ce is your CI/CD solution container, and you just want to use docker command in this container, then you did not need dind solution. You can just access to a container's host docker server.
Something like follows:
docker run --privileged --name efserver --hostname=efserver -d -p 8080:8080 -p 9990:9990 -p 7800:7800 -p 7070:80 -p 443:443 -p 8443:8443 -p 8200:8200 -v $(which docker):/usr/bin/docker -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -i -t ecdocker/eflow-ce
Compared to your old command:
Add --privileged
Add -v $(which docker):/usr/bin/docker, then you can use docker client in container.
Add -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock, then you can access host's docker daemon using client in container.

How to start docker container process after restart machine?

If start a docker container like:
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --name registry registry:2
It can be seen when run
docker ps
But after restart machine and run docker ps again, it can't been found.
When check docker ps -a can see it exist.
How to week it up at this case if don't want to kill this process to run a new one?
Docker containers don't start automatically on system boot because the Docker default restart policy is set to no.
To achieve that you shoud do:
docker update --restart=always <container ID or name>

why I need to add hostname to docker when creating a volume

I'm creating a rabbitmq container with the -v option to add a volume, the weird part is that if I don't add the --hostname the container is no getting the information of the volume, for example:
I create a volume like this:
docker volume create --name rabbit
Later I verify that the volume is created
docker volume ls
Then I create the container like this:
docker run --name rabbitprueba -P -p 55555:15672 -d -v rabbit:/var/lib/rabbitmq rabbitmq:3.6.10-management
I enter to localhost:55555 and enter user and password, then I create a simple queue, I return to my machine and stop and remove the container:
docker stop rabbitprueba
docker rm rabbitprueba
when I run the same command:
docker run --name rabbitprueba -P -p 55555:15672 -d -v rabbit:/var/lib/rabbitmq rabbitmq:3.6.10-management
The queue that I created is gone but if I repeat the same steps (stop container and remove it) and add to the command the --hostname the queue is not removed:
docker run --hostname rabbitprueba --name rabbitprueba -P -p 55555:15672 -d -v rabbit:/var/lib/rabbitmq rabbitmq:3.6.10-management
Why this is happening?, Am I doing something wrong?,
So you are doing nothing wrong, but you are assuming the problem to be with docker. The problem is how rabbitmq saves its data.
When you launch a rabbitmq container using below command
docker run -it rabbitmq:latest
You will notice in docker logs a line showing
Database directory at /var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia/rabbit#51267ba4cc9f is empty. Initialising from scratch...
Next run:
Database directory at /var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia/rabbit#5e9c67b4d6ed is empty. Initialising from scratch...
So you can see it creates a folder based on the hostname. Now if i run
docker run -it --hostname mymq rabbitmq
And the log would show
Database directory at /var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia/rabbit#mymq is empty. Initialising from scratch...
So that is what is happening here. Not a problem with volume, but just the way rabbitmq works. It is possible for you to change the name of this config using environment variables like below
docker run -it -e "RABBITMQ_NODENAME=mq#localhost" rabbitmq
And logs would now show
Database directory at /var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia/mq#localhost is empty. Initialising from scratch...
