Woocommerce stopped Display secondary image on hover after moving title on top of image in archive page - hook-woocommerce

I followed this post to move my Woocommerce Product title on top of the image inside the Shop page. I used this hook:
remove_action('woocommerce_before_shop_loop_item_title','woocommerce_template_loop_product_thumbnail', 10 );
add_action( 'woocommerce_shop_loop_item_title', 'woocommerce_template_loop_product_thumbnail', 11 );
Now WooCommerce stopped Display secondary image on hover.


Appium Touch Actions 'Press' and 'Move To' is not working in iOS chrome app

I am learning mobile automation and I came across a scenario some thing like this
Launch chrome app in iOS
Load https://www.google.com
Hold/Press and pull down banner web element on the web page which will display some overlay with three options 'New tab, Reload & Close tab' (note: overlay will lost on releasing the banner web element)
Tap on the new tab button
So far I have written below script in python
def Test(self, driver_provider):
single_tap = appium.webdriver.common.touch_action.TouchAction(driver_provider.driver)
element = driver_provider.driver.find_element_by_accessibility_id('NTPHomeFakeOmniboxAccessibilityID')
#Press banner and pull down will display the over scroll actions
#Then move to left to tap on the add button
banner_element = driver_provider.driver.find_element_by_accessibility_id('banner')
screen_size = driver_provider.driver.get_window_size()
height = screen_size.get('height')
width = screen_size.get('width')
single_tap.press(banner_element, x=banner_element.size.get(
'width')/2, y=banner_element.size.get('height')/2).wait(1).move_to(banner_element,
x=width/2, y=height/2).wait(0.5).move_to(banner_element, x=0, y=height/2).release().perform()
for some reason press and move_to actions are not happening and there is no error returned as well, I am not clear what went wrong here. Please share your view on what went wrong thanks.
it's failing to perform press and move to because of wait value is very small. When I use the wait(500) then the press and move to is happening.
single_tap.press(banner_element, x=banner_element.size.get(
'width')/2, y=banner_element.size.get('height')/2).wait(500).move_to(banner_element,
x=width/2, y=height/2).wait(500).move_to(banner_element, x=0, y=height/2).wait(500).release().perform()

Dynamically adding items to Xamarin CarouselPage not working in IOS

I have a project that is deployable to Android and IOS. In the common project, I have a CarouselPage. I have a ProductPage that is dynamically added x times to the CarouselPage to facilitate the display of items in a category. The image item on the ProductPage is a hyperlink reference (h ttp://www.xxx.com/image/yyy.png for example). Selecting the category opens a page with a ListView, and the person can scroll through and select a product, which the opens the CarouselPage and populates it, making the product selected in the ListView the current item being viewed. The person can then scroll back/forth through the carousel to view the detail page for each item in the category.
Right now there is a draggable item on the product detail page and moving it attempts to scroll the carousel, so I have changed the code so only one item at a time is actually loaded into the CarouselPage until I resolve this issue. There are previous/next buttons on the product page to facilitate scrolling through the catalog since the swipe action is temporarily disabled.
Here is the code to populate the product view that is added to the carousel.
carPages = new List<ProductPage>();
foreach (cwImage image in selectedCategory.cwImages)
var newContentPage = new ProductPage();
//This converts the image name to a hyperlink
var imgSource = string.Concat(cwSettings.CategoryData.BaseUrl, image.ImageUrl);
newContentPage.pageNumber = pageCount;
//Set the image source to the hyperlink
newContentPage.WrapImage.Source = ImageSource.FromUri(new Uri(imgSource));
newContentPage._textColor = (Color)(converter.ConvertFromInvariantString(image.DefaultColor));
//Add to list
var selectedImage = imageUrl.ToString().Replace("Uri: " + cwSettings.CategoryData.BaseUrl, "");
if (image.ImageUrl == selectedImage)
//Make this page the current page
CurrentPage = (ContentPage)newContentPage;
Bottom line is this works like MAGIC on Android, but the CarouselPage always comes up blank on IOS and I cannot figure out why. The code is executed as expected and the IOS previewer shows the page properly. I tried substituting a dumb page instead of the ProductPage, same result; it shows in the IOS previewer but does not display in the app. The ProductPage is of type ContentPage.
I am using Visual Studio 2017 on Windows 10
Any help is greatly appreciated
Since it works in Android with same code and through your description, I think the problem in iOS is that the image does not load properly.
So, check the App Transport Security in Xamarin.iOS.
Add following key-values to info.plist to completely disable ATS for all domains and internet otherwise it will block the web link start with http:

Is there a way of adding a navigation / status bar to a react.native WebView?

<Modal transparent={false} animationType={"slide"} visible={this.props.isVisible}>
I have been using a react.native WebView to prompt the user a login page, and now I would like to add a navigation / status bar that provides the user with a "Done" button, plus the current domain.
Here are two screenshots showing what I currently have (l) and what I would like to have (r).
I couldn't find any relevant props on the WebView for rendering a status bar. Is this possible at all?
You might want consider using react-navigation library, you can easily config the header title and the left, right element you want to place in the header with their StackNavigator.
Download the expo app and Try out here: https://expo.io/#react-navigation/NavigationPlayground, in your case, you can wrap your webview within a page under a StackNavigator and config its navigationOptions

Remote image as tab bar icon in TabBarIOS?

I want to load a user's profile picture and use it as the tab bar icon for the profile tab in my React Native app. How can I accomplish this with the TabBarIOS component?
You can point the icon prop of <TabBarIOS.item> to the image you'd like to use as the icon. For example,
<TabBarIOS.item icon={pathToProfilePicture}>
// component to render here

Upgrading to v3.0

I have updated from Highcharts 2.3.5 to Highcharts 3.0 and found some problems:
1) The printer button (exporting) - has disappeared ?
2) Is the export icon changed it's size? as I have added new custome image clickable
buttons - which should change their size too
See image attached:
There is mention of this in the release announcement
Scroll to the bottom.
