I have a small parser of expression built by Menhir. I'm trying to recover parenthesis-incomplete expressions during parsing by writing recovery grammars in parser.mly:
open AST
%token<int> LINT
%token<string> ID
%start<AST.expression> expressionEOF
%nonassoc EQ
%left PLUS
%left STAR
expressionEOF: e=expression EOF
| x=LINT
Int x
| x=identifier
Read x
| e1=expression b=binop e2=expression
Binop (b, e1, e2)
| e1=expression b=binop
(* for "2+", "2*3+" *)
Binop (b, e1, FakeExpression)
| LPAREN e=expression RPAREN
Paren e
(* for "()" *)
Paren FakeExpression
(* for "(" *)
ParenMissingRparen FakeExpression
| LPAREN e=expression
(* for "(1", "(1+2", "(1+2*3", "((1+2)" *)
ParenMissingRparen e
(* for ")" *)
ExtraRparen FakeExpression
| e=expression RPAREN
(* for "3)", "4))", "2+3)" *)
ExtraRparen e
%inline binop:
PLUS { Add }
| STAR { Mul }
| EQ { Equal }
identifier: x=ID
Id x
It works fine on a set of incomplete expressions. However, menhir --explain parser.mly returns the following parser.conflict:
** Conflict (reduce/reduce) in state 10.
** Tokens involved: STAR RPAREN PLUS EQ EOF
** The following explanations concentrate on token STAR.
** This state is reached from expressionEOF after reading:
LPAREN expression RPAREN
** The derivations that appear below have the following common factor:
** (The question mark symbol (?) represents the spot where the derivations begin to differ.)
expression EOF
expression STAR expression // lookahead token appears
** In state 10, looking ahead at STAR, reducing production
** expression -> LPAREN expression RPAREN
** is permitted because of the following sub-derivation:
LPAREN expression RPAREN .
** In state 10, looking ahead at STAR, reducing production
** expression -> expression RPAREN
** is permitted because of the following sub-derivation:
LPAREN expression // lookahead token is inherited
expression RPAREN .
** Conflict (reduce/reduce) in state 3.
** Tokens involved: STAR RPAREN PLUS EQ EOF
** The following explanations concentrate on token STAR.
** This state is reached from expressionEOF after reading:
** The derivations that appear below have the following common factor:
** (The question mark symbol (?) represents the spot where the derivations begin to differ.)
expression EOF
expression STAR expression // lookahead token appears
** In state 3, looking ahead at STAR, reducing production
** expression -> LPAREN RPAREN
** is permitted because of the following sub-derivation:
** In state 3, looking ahead at STAR, reducing production
** expression -> RPAREN
** is permitted because of the following sub-derivation:
LPAREN expression // lookahead token is inherited
I don't understand what it tries to explain. Could anyone tell me what may be potential conflicts (with example by preference) and what would be solutions?
You have:
expr: '(' expr ')'
| '(' expr
| expr ')'
So, you want ( x ) to match the first rule:
-> '(' expr ')' (rule 1)
Which it does. But it also matches another way:
-> expr ')' (rule 3)
-> '(' expr ')' (rule 2)
And it also matches like this:
-> '(' expr (rule 2)
-> '(' expr ')' (rule 3)
Since you also let expr match ( and ), ( ) can also be matched several ways, including as expr ')' (with expr -> '('), or '(' expr (with expr -> ')').
The "solution" is to give up trying to add recognition of invalid sentences. The parse should fail on a syntax error; once it fails you can try to use Menhir's error recovery mechanism to produce an error message and continue the parse. See section 11 of the manual.
I am using Bison, together with Flex, to try and parse a simple grammar that was provided to me. In this grammar (almost) everything is considered an expression and has some kind of value; there are no statements. What's more, the EBNF definition of the grammar comes with certain ambiguities:
expression OP expression where op may be '+', '-' '&' etc. This can easily be solved using bison's associativity operators and setting %left, %right and %nonassoc according to common language standards.
IF expression THEN expression [ELSE expression] as well as DO expression WHILE expression, for which ignoring the common case dangling else problem I want the following behavior:
In if-then-else as well as while expressions, the embedded expressions are taken to be as long as possible (allowed by the grammar). E.g 5 + if cond_expr then then_expr else 10 + 12 is equivalent to 5 + (if cond_expr then then_expr else (10 + 12)) and not 5 + (if cond_expr then then_expr else 10) + 12
Given that everything in the language is considered an expression, I cannot find a way to re-write the production rules in a form that does not cause conflicts. One thing I tried, drawing inspiration from the dangling else example in the bison manual was:
expression: long_expression
| short_expression
long_expression: short_expression
| IF long_expression THEN long_expression
| IF long_expression long_expression ELSE long_expression
| WHILE long_expression DO long_expression
short_expression: short_expression '+' short_expression
| short_expression '-' short_expression
However this does not seem to work and I cannot figure out how I could tweak it into working. Note that I (assume I) have resolved the dangling ELSE problem using nonassoc for ELSE and THEN and the above construct as suggested in some book, but I am not sure this is even valid in the case where there are not statements but only expressions. Note as well as that associativity has been set for all other operators such as +, - etc. Any solutions or hints or examples that resolve this?
----------- EDIT: MINIMAL EXAMPLE ---------------
I tried to include all productions with tokens that have specific associativity, including some extra productions to show a bit of the grammar. Notice that I did not actually use my idea explained above. Notice as well that I have included a single binary and unary operator just to make the code a bit shorter, the rules for all operators are of the same form. Bison with -Wall flag finds no conflicts with these declarations (but I am pretty sure they are not 100% correct).
%right <str> THEN ELSE STR
%left '+' '-'
%left '*' '/'
%left <str> AND '.'
%nonassoc '<' '='
%nonassoc <str> LOWEREQ
%type<ast_expr> expression
%type ...
exprlist: expression { ; }
| exprlist ';' expression { ; };
block: '{' exprlist '}' { ; };
args: %empty { ; }
| expression { ; }
| args ',' expression { ; };
expression: IF expression THEN expression { ; }
| IF expression THEN expression ELSE expression { ; }
| WHILE expression DO expression { ; }
| LET OBJECTID ':' type IN expression { ; }
| NOT expression { /* UNARY OPERATORS */ ; }
| expression '=' expression { /* BINARY OPERATORS */ ; }
| OBJECTID '(' args ')' { ; }
| expression '.' OBJECTID '(' args ')' { ; }
| NEW TYPEID { ; }
| STR { ; }
| INTEGER { ; }
| '(' ')' { ; }
| '(' expression ')' { ; }
| block { ; }
The following associativity declarations resolved all shift/reduce conflicts and produced the expected output (in all tests I could think of at least):
%right <str> THEN ELSE
%right DO IN
%right ASSIGN
%left <str> AND
%right NOT
%nonassoc '<' '=' LOWEREQ
%left '+' '-'
%left '*' '/'
%right '^'
%left '.'
expression: IF expression THEN expression
| IF expression THEN expression ELSE expression
| WHILE expression DO expression
| LET OBJECTID ':' type IN expression
| LET OBJECTID ':' type ASSIGN expression IN expression
| OBJECTID ASSIGN expression
| '-' expression %prec UMINUS
| expression '=' expression
| expression LOWEREQ expression
| OBJECTID '(' args ')'
Notice that the order of declaration of associativity and precedence rules for all symbols matters! I have not included all the production rules but if-else-then, while-do, let in, unary and binary operands are the ones that produced conflicts or wrong results with different associativity declarations.
The grammar below is failing to generate a parser with this error:
error(119): Sable.g4::: The following sets of rules are mutually left-recursive [expression]
1 error(s)
The error disappears when I comment out the embedded actions, but comes back when I make them effective.
Why are the actions bringing about such left-recursion that antlr4 cannot handle it?
grammar Sable;
options {}
#header {
package org.sable.parser;
import org.sable.parser.internal.*;
sourceFile : statement* EOF;
statement : expressionStatement (SEMICOLON | NEWLINE);
expressionStatement : expression;
{System.out.println("w");} expression '+' expression {System.out.println("tf?");}
('\u000D' '\u000A')
| '\u000A'
WS : WhiteSpaceNotNewline -> channel(HIDDEN);
(IdentifierHead IdentifierCharacter*)
| ('`'(IdentifierHead IdentifierCharacter*)'`')
fragment DecimalDigit :'0'..'9';
fragment IdentifierHead:
| 'A'..'Z'
fragment IdentifierCharacter:
| IdentifierHead
// Non-newline whitespaces are defined apart because they carry meaning in
// certain contexts, e.g. within space-aware operators.
fragment WhiteSpaceNotNewline : [\u0020\u000C\u0009u000B\u000C];
UPDATE: the following workaround kind of solves this specific situation, but not the case when init/after-like actions are needed on a lesser scope - per choice, not per rule.
#init {
#after {
expression '+' expression
I'm attempting to write a grammar for C and am having an issue that I don't quite understand. Relevant portions of the grammar:
stmt :
types decl SEMI { marks (A.Declare ($1, $2)) (1, 2) }
| simp SEMI { marks $1 (1, 1) }
| RETURN exp SEMI { marks (A.Return $2) (1, 2) }
| control { $1 }
| block { marks $1 (1, 1) }
control :
if { $1 }
| WHILE RPAREN exp LPAREN stmt { marks (A.While ($3, $5)) (1, 5) }
| FOR LPAREN simpopt SEMI exp SEMI simpopt RPAREN stmt { marks (A.For ($3, $5, $7, $9)) (1, 9) }
if :
IF RPAREN exp LPAREN stmt { marks (A.If ($3, $5, None)) (1, 5) }
| IF RPAREN exp LPAREN stmt ELSE stmt { marks (A.If ($3, $5, $7)) (1, 7) }
This doesn't work. I ran ocamlyacc -v and got the following report:
83: shift/reduce conflict (shift 86, reduce 14) on ELSE
state 83
if : IF RPAREN exp LPAREN stmt . (14)
if : IF RPAREN exp LPAREN stmt . ELSE stmt (15)
ELSE shift 86
IF reduce 14
WHILE reduce 14
FOR reduce 14
BOOL reduce 14
IDENT reduce 14
RETURN reduce 14
INT reduce 14
MAIN reduce 14
LBRACE reduce 14
RBRACE reduce 14
LPAREN reduce 14
I've read that shift/reduce conflicts are due to ambiguity in the specification of the grammar, but I don't see how I can specify this in a way that isn't ambiguous?
The grammar is certainly ambiguous, although you know what every string means, and furthermore despite the fact that ocamlyacc reports a shift/reduce conflict, its generated grammar will also produce the correct parse for every valid input.
The ambiguity comes from
if ( exp1 ) if ( exp2) stmt1 else stmt2;
Clearly stmt1 only executes if both exp1 and exp2 are true. But does stmt1 execute if exp1 is false, or if exp1 is true and exp2 is false? Those represent different parses; the first (invalid) parse attaches else stmt2 to if (exp1), while the parse that you, I and ocamlyacc know to be correct attaches else stmt2 to if (exp2).
The grammar can be rewritten, although it's a bit of a nuisance. The basic idea is to divide statements into two categories: "matched" (which means that every else in the statement is matched with some if) and "unmatched" (which means that a following else would match some if in the statement. A complete statement may be unmatched, because else clauses are optional, but you can never have an unmatched statement between an if and an else, because that else must match an if in the unmatched statement.
The following grammar is basically the one you provided, but rewritten to use bison-style single-quoted tokens, which I find more readable. I don't know if ocamlyacc handles those. (By the way, your grammar says IF RPAREN exp LPAREN... which, with the common definition of left and right parentheses, would mean if ) exp (. That's one reason I find single-quoted character terminals much more readable.)
Bison handles this grammar with no conflicts.
/* Fake non-terminals */
%token types decl simp exp
/* Keywords */
stmt: matched_stmt | unmatched_stmt ;
stmt_list: stmt | stmt_list stmt ;
block: '{' stmt_list '}' ;
: types decl ';'
| simp ';'
| RETURN exp ';'
| block
| matched_control
simpopt : simp | /* EMPTY */;
: IF '(' exp ')' matched_stmt ELSE matched_stmt
| WHILE '(' exp ')' matched_stmt
| FOR '(' simpopt ';' exp ';' simpopt ')' matched_stmt
: IF '(' exp ')' stmt
| IF '(' exp ')' matched_stmt ELSE unmatched_stmt
| WHILE '(' exp ')' unmatched_stmt
| FOR '(' simpopt ';' exp ';' simpopt ')' unmatched_stmt
Personally, I'd refactor a bit. Eg:
if_prefix : IF '(' exp ')'
loop_prefix: WHILE '(' exp ')'
| FOR '(' simpopt ';' exp ';' simpopt ')'
: if_prefix matched_stmt ELSE matched_stmt
| loop_prefix matched_stmt
: if_prefix stmt
| if_prefix ELSE unmatched_stmt
| loop_prefix unmatched_stmt
A common and simpler but less rigorous solution is to use precedence declarations as suggested in the bison manual.
I'm making a simple propositional logic parser on happy based on this BNF definition of the propositional logic grammar, this is my code
module FNC where
import Data.Char
import System.IO
-- Parser name, token types and error function name:
%name parse Prop
%tokentype { Token }
%error { parseError }
-- Token list:
var { TokenVar $$ } -- alphabetic identifier
or { TokenOr }
and { TokenAnd }
'¬' { TokenNot }
"=>" { TokenImp } -- Implication
"<=>" { TokenDImp } --double implication
'(' { TokenOB } --open bracket
')' { TokenCB } --closing bracket
'.' {TokenEnd}
%left "<=>"
%left "=>"
%left or
%left and
%left '¬'
%left '(' ')'
Prop :: {Sentence}
Prop : Sentence '.' {$1}
Sentence :: {Sentence}
Sentence : AtomSent {Atom $1}
| CompSent {Comp $1}
AtomSent :: {AtomSent}
AtomSent : var { Variable $1 }
CompSent :: {CompSent}
CompSent : '(' Sentence ')' { Bracket $2 }
| Sentence Connective Sentence {Bin $2 $1 $3}
| '¬' Sentence {Not $2}
Connective :: {Connective}
Connective : and {And}
| or {Or}
| "=>" {Imp}
| "<=>" {DImp}
--Error function
parseError :: [Token] -> a
parseError _ = error ("parseError: Syntax analysis error.\n")
--Data types to represent the grammar
data Sentence
= Atom AtomSent
| Comp CompSent
deriving Show
data AtomSent = Variable String deriving Show
data CompSent
= Bin Connective Sentence Sentence
| Not Sentence
| Bracket Sentence
deriving Show
data Connective
= And
| Or
| Imp
| DImp
deriving Show
--Data types for the tokens
data Token
= TokenVar String
| TokenOr
| TokenAnd
| TokenNot
| TokenImp
| TokenDImp
| TokenOB
| TokenCB
| TokenEnd
deriving Show
lexer :: String -> [Token]
lexer [] = [] -- cadena vacia
lexer (c:cs) -- cadena es un caracter, c, seguido de caracteres, cs.
| isSpace c = lexer cs
| isAlpha c = lexVar (c:cs)
| isSymbol c = lexSym (c:cs)
| c== '(' = TokenOB : lexer cs
| c== ')' = TokenCB : lexer cs
| c== '¬' = TokenNot : lexer cs --solved
| c== '.' = [TokenEnd]
| otherwise = error "lexer: Token invalido"
lexVar cs =
case span isAlpha cs of
("or",rest) -> TokenOr : lexer rest
("and",rest) -> TokenAnd : lexer rest
(var,rest) -> TokenVar var : lexer rest
lexSym cs =
case span isSymbol cs of
("=>",rest) -> TokenImp : lexer rest
("<=>",rest) -> TokenDImp : lexer rest
Now, I have two problems here
For some reason I get 4 shift/reduce conflicts, I don't really know where they might be since I thought the precedence would solve them (and I think I followed the BNF grammar correctly)...
(this is rather a Haskell problem) On my lexer function, for some reason I get parsing errors on the line where I say what to do with '¬', if I remove that line it's works, why could that be? (this issue is solved)
Any help would be great.
If you use happy with -i it will generate an info file. The file lists all the states that your parser has. It will also list all the possible transitions for each state. You can use this information to determine if the shift/reduce conflict is one you care about.
Information about invoking happy and conflicts:
Below is some of the output of -i. I've removed all but State 17. You'll want to get a copy of this file so that you can properly debug the problem. What you see here is just to help talk about it:
Info file generated by Happy Version 1.18.10 from FNC.y
state 17 contains 4 shift/reduce conflicts.
%start_parse -> Prop (0)
Prop -> Sentence '.' (1)
Sentence -> AtomSent (2)
Sentence -> CompSent (3)
AtomSent -> var (4)
CompSent -> '(' Sentence ')' (5)
CompSent -> Sentence Connective Sentence (6)
CompSent -> '¬' Sentence (7)
Connective -> and (8)
Connective -> or (9)
Connective -> "=>" (10)
Connective -> "<=>" (11)
var { TokenVar $$ }
or { TokenOr }
and { TokenAnd }
'¬' { TokenNot }
"=>" { TokenImp }
"<=>" { TokenDImp }
'(' { TokenOB }
')' { TokenCB }
'.' { TokenEnd }
%start_parse rule 0
Prop rule 1
Sentence rules 2, 3
AtomSent rule 4
CompSent rules 5, 6, 7
Connective rules 8, 9, 10, 11
State 17
CompSent -> Sentence . Connective Sentence (rule 6)
CompSent -> Sentence Connective Sentence . (rule 6)
or shift, and enter state 12
(reduce using rule 6)
and shift, and enter state 13
(reduce using rule 6)
"=>" shift, and enter state 14
(reduce using rule 6)
"<=>" shift, and enter state 15
(reduce using rule 6)
')' reduce using rule 6
'.' reduce using rule 6
Connective goto state 11
Grammar Totals
Number of rules: 12
Number of terminals: 9
Number of non-terminals: 6
Number of states: 19
That output basically says that it runs into a bit of ambiguity when it's looking at connectives. It turns out, the slides you linked mention this (Slide 11), "ambiguities are resolved through precedence ¬∧∨⇒⇔ or parentheses".
At this point, I would recommend looking at the shift/reduce conflicts and your desired precedences to see if the parser you have will do the right thing. If so, then you can safely ignore the warnings. If not, you have more work for yourself.
I can answer No. 2:
| c== '¬' == TokenNot : lexer cs --problem here
-- ^^
You have a == there where you should have a =.
I have the following simple grammar:
E -> T | ^ v . E
T -> F T1
T1 -> F T1 | epsilon
F -> ( E ) | v
I'm pretty new to Bison, so I was hoping someone could help show me how to write it out in that format. All I have so far is the following, but I'm not sure if it's correct:
%left '.'
%left 'v'
%% /* The grammar follows. */
term {printf("1");}
| '^' 'v' '.' exp {printf("2");}
factor term1 {printf("3");}
factor term1 {printf("4");}
| {printf("5");}
'(' exp ')' {printf("6");}
| 'v' {printf("7");}
You are missing the closing semicolon from several of the productions. There's nothing in the source grammar to suggest you need the productions about lines.