I am testing for the 'visitor' effect for a single animal. So, my data includes longitudinal observations for a single individual. My variables only include cortisol and visitor number. Because I am only dealing with one animal, do I need to control for repeated measures? And if so, what is the best way to do this? Right now I am only using the following, and they are ordered by collection day:
glm(cortisol ~ visitors)
Given a query and a document, I would like to compute a similarity score using Gensim doc2vec.
Each document consists of multiple fields (e.g., main title, author, publisher, etc)
For training, is it better to concatenate the document fields and treat each row as a unique document or should I split the fields and use them as different training examples?
For inference, should I treat a query like a document? Meaning, should I call the model (trained over the documents) on the query?
The right answer will depend on your data & user behavior, so you'll want to try several variants.
Just to get some initial results, I'd suggest combining all fields into a single 'document', for each potential query-result, and using the (fast-to-train) PV-DBOW mode (dm=0). That will let you start seeing results, doing either some informal assessment or beginning to compile some automatic assessment data (like lists of probe queries & docs that they "should" rank highly).
You could then try testing the idea of making the fields separate docs – either instead-of, or in addition-to, the single-doc approach.
Another option might be to create specialized word-tokens per field. That is, when 'John' appears in the title, you'd actually preprocess it to be 'title:John', and when in author, 'author:John', etc. (This might be in lieu of, or in addition to, the naked original token.) That could enhance the model to also understand the shifting senses of each token, depending on the field.
Then, providing you have enough training data, & choose other model parameters well, your search interface might also preprocess queries similarly, when the user indicates a certain field, and get improved results. (Or maybe not: it's just an idea to be tried.)
In all cases, if you need precise results – exact matches of well-specified user queries – more traditional searches like exact DB matches/greps, or full-text reverse-indexes, will outperform Doc2Vec. But when queries are more approximate, and results need filling-out with near-in-meaning-even-if-not-in-literal-tokens results, a fuzzier vector document representation may be helpful.
I am having a hard time understanding the process of building a bag-of-words. This will be a multiclass classfication supervised machine learning problem wherein a webpage or a piece of text is assigned to one category from multiple pre-defined categories. Now the method that I am familiar with when building a bag of words for a specific category (for example, 'Math') is to collect a lot of webpages that are related to Math. From there, I would perform some data processing (such as remove stop words and performing TF-IDF) to obtain the bag-of-words for the category 'Math'.
Question: Another method that I am thinking of is to instead search in google for something like 'List of terms related to Math' to build my bag-of-words. I would like to ask if this is method is okay?
Another question: In the context of this question, does bag-of-words and corpus mean the same thing?
Thank you in advance!
This is not what bag of words is. Bag of words is the term to describe a specific way of representing a given document. Namely, a document (paragraph, sentence, webpage) is represented as a mapping of form
word: how many times this word is present in a document
for example "John likes cats and likes dogs" would be represented as: {john: 1, likes: 2, cats: 1, and: 1, dogs: 1}. This kind of representation can be easily fed into typical ML methods (especially if one assumes that total vocabulary is finite so we end up with numeric vectors).
Note, that this is not about "creating a bag of words for a category". Category, in typical supervised learning would consist of multiple documents, and each of them independently is represented as a bag of words.
In particular this invalidates your final proposal of asking google for words that are related to category - this is not how typical ML methods work. You get a lot of documents, represent them as bag of words (or something else) and then perform statistical analysis (build a model) to figure out the best set of rules to discriminate between categories. These rules usually will not be simply "if the word X is present, this is related to Y".
There are some not labeled corpus. I extracted from it triples (OBJECT, RELATION, OBJECT). For relation extraction I use Stanford OpenIE. But I need only some of this triples. For example, I need relation "funded".
Every startup needs a steady diet of funding to keep it strong and growing. Datadog, a monitoring service that helps customers bring together data from across a variety of infrastructure and software is no exception. Today it announced a massive $94.5 million Series D Round. The company would not discuss valuation.
From this text i want to extract relation (Datadog, announced, $94.5 million Round)
I have only one idea:
Use StanfordCoreference to detect that 'Datadog' in the first sentence and 'it' in second sentence are the same entity
Try to cluster relations, but i think it's won't work well
May be there are better approach? May be I need labeled corpus(i haven't it)?
What is generally considered the correct approach when you are performing a regression and your training data contains 'incidents' of some sort, but there may be a varying number of these items per training line?
To give you an example - suppose I wanted to predict the likelihood of accidents on a number of different roads. For each road, I may have a history multiple accidents and each accident will have its own different attributes (date (how recent), number of casualties, etc). How does one encapsulate all this information on one line?
You could for example assume a maximum of (say) ten and include the details of each as a separate input (date1, NoC1, date2, NoC2, etc....) but the problem is we want each item to be treated similarly and the model will treat items in column 4 as fundamentally separate from those in column 2 above, which it should not.
Alternatively we could include one row for each incident, but then any other columns in each row which are not related to these 'incidents' (such as age of road, width, etc) will be included multiple times and hence produce bias in the results.
What is the standard method that is use to accomplish this?
Many thanks
Suppose I have a bunch of User node, which has a property named gender, which can be male or female. Now in order to cluster user based on gender, I have two choice of structure:
1) Add an index to the gender property, and use a WHERE to select users under a gender.
2) Create a Male node and a Female node, and edges linking them to relevant users. Then every time when querying upon gender, I use pattern ,say, (:Male)-[]->(:User).
My question is, which one is better?
Indices should never be a replacement for putting things in the graph.
Indexing is great for looking up unique values and, in some cases, groups of values; however, with the caching that Neo4j can do (and the extensibility of modeling your domain).
Only indexing a property with two (give or take) properties is not the best use of an index and likely won't net too much of a performance boost given the number of results per property value.
That said, going with option #2 can create supernodes, a bottle-necking issue which can become a major headache depending on your model.
Maybe consider using labels (:Male and :Female, for example) as they are essentially "schema indices". Also keep in mind you can use multiple labels per node, so you could have (user:User:Male), etc. It also helps to avoid supernodes while not creating a classic or "legacy" index.