Dynamic Org Chart with slicers - path

I want to visualize my organization (org tree) in a power bi report with the ability to select the branch/subtree of the organization dynamically. For example, if I want to look a particular department's subtree, I can select, from a slicer, the head of that department and I will get that person's org tree with them at the top. Additionally, I would like to set up RLS to set the report so that it will only allow employees to see their own tree/subtrees with in their own tree.
This is easy to do with the various path commands in DAX for a specific department, but I would like one report to rule them all.


Expressing, querying and enforcing constraints on graph contents

Say you would like to create a graph authoring system that puts constraints on the contents of the graph. Say you have a "contains" relationship where "city" may contain "houses", which in turn contain "bedrooms" and "bathrooms". But it is not legal for a city to contain bedrooms or bathrooms, or for bathrooms to contain bedrooms.
Further, say you want to offer suggestions to graph author - if they select a "city" node, you might want to give them suggestions for what can be added to the city "houses", "hospitals" and "schools", but not "bedrooms".
I am guessing that these constraints, in and of themselves, could be represented as a graph. Has anyone had any luck doing that? What was your experience?
There are a number of ways you could express these rules, for example:
You could use your application layer to check whether Node Label to Relationship Type rules are being respected
You could perhaps use triggers to check/act on any specific rules
You may choose to create user defined rules engine
There will be other approaches too.

TFS query to show all tasks by assignee

I'm trying to create a view in TFS where I can see all tasks for the current Sprint by assignee. Preferably be able to expand and collapse each Assignee's section to reduce vertical scrolling. I don't see a way to create a Tree query with the Assignee Name as the parent and the tasks as children. It looks like the basis is always a Story. Is there a way to do this?
I know I can look at the Board view and filter by assignee but, that's a lot of clicks and scrolling.
You can create a chart for your query. This will allow you to break the query down into assignees.
There is no group by option in Work Item Queries.
You can only 'group by' work item type in tree and relation based queries. You'll need to resort to Excel to do the filtering or use PowerBI.

Model source informations to maximize query performance

I am wondering about the best way (in terms of performance) to model data sources in Neo4j.
Consider the following scenario:
We are joining different datasets about the music domain in one graph. The data can range from different artists and styles to sales information. Important is to store the source of this information. E.g. do we have the data from a public source like DBpedia or some other private sources.
To be able to run queries only on certain datasets we have to include the source to each Node (and in the optimal way to each Relation). Of course one Node or Relation could have multiple sources.
There are three straight forward solutions:
Add a source property to each Node and Relation; index this property and use it in a cypher query. E.g.:
MATCH(n:Artist) WHERE n.source='DBpedia' return n
Add the source as Label to each Node and a Type to each Relation (can we have multiple types on one Relation?). E.g.:
CREATE (n:Artist:DBpediaSource:CustomerSource)
Create a separate Node for each Source and link all other Nodes to the corresponding Source Node. E.g.:
MATCH (n:Artist)-[:HASSOURCE]-(:DBpediaSource) return n
Of course for those examples the solution does not matter in terms of performance. However using the source in more complex queries and on a bigger graph (lets say with a few million Nodes and Relations) the way we model this challenge will have a significant influence on the performance.
One more complex example where the sources are also needed is the generation of a "sub graph".
We want to extract all Nodes and Relations from one or multiple Sources and for example export this to a new Neo4j instance, or restrict some graph algorithms such as PageRang to this "sub graph" without creating a separate Neo4j instance.
Does anyone in the community has experience with such a case? What is the best way to model this in terms of performance? Are there maybe other solutions?
Thanks for your help.

how to design my dataset using neo4j and gremlin

i have a dataset containg fields like below:
id amount date s_pName s_cName b_pName b_cName
1 100 2/3/2012 IBM IBM_USA Pepsi Pepsi_USA
2 200 21/3/2012 IBM IBM_USA Coke Coke_UK
3 300 12/3/2012 IBM IBM_USA Pepsi Pepsi_USA
4 1100 22/3/2012 Pepsi IBM_Aus IBM IBM_USA
here all 4 fields like s_pName s_cName b_pName b_cName can be saler or buyer.
how to models this dataset in neo4j so that when I query using gremlin like,
select b_CName,id,amount,date from tableName where s_cName = IBM_USA,IBM_AUS;
I noted your question on the gremlin-users mailing list as well (where you provided a bit more information about things you'd tried): https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/gremlin-users/AxsF2eJvpOA
I'm sure there are a few ways to approach this modelling issue, so I'll just provide some things to consider and hopefully that will inspire you to solution. First, instead of thinking of buyers and sellers, just think about the fact that you have "companies" that sells things to other companies and that companies have hierarchy (meaning that a company can have a parent). Your model then comes down to:
company --sellsTo--> company
company --parent--> company
Place your transaction amount and date on the "sellsTo" edge creating one such edge per row in your dataset. Create a key index on the "companyName" field of the company vertex so that you can look up the company. Your Gremlin would then be something like:
['IBM_USA','IBM_AUS'].collect{g.V('companyName',it).next()}._().outE('sellsTo').as('tx').inV.as('buyer').select{[it.id, it.amount, it.date]}{it.companyName}
so breaking that down you do a lookup of your two companies you care about by key index on companyName and get them into a pipeline with _(). Then you traverse out to the companies those two companies sold to. You use select to grab the tx (transaction edge) and buyer vertex executing a closure on each of them to transform them into the fields you want which will yield you something like (for one result, your Gremlin would likely return several of these with your full dataset obviously):
You could use some Groovy JDK (http://groovy.codehaus.org/groovy-jdk/) operations to transform it further from there if that's not the final format you need.

Desire 2 Learn Org Unit ID

What is the API call for finding a particular orgUnit ID for a particular course? I am trying to pull grades and a class list from API but I can not do it without the orgUnitID
There's potentially a few ways to go about this, depending on the kind of use-case you're in. Firstly, you can traverse the organizational structure to find the details of the course offering you're looking for. Start from the organization's node (the root org) and use the route to retrieve an org's descendants to work your way down: you'll want to restrict this call to only course-offering type nodes (org unit type ID '3' by default). This process will almost certainly require fetching a large amount of data, and then parsing through it.
If you know the course offering's Code (the unique identifier your organization uses to define course offerings), or the name, then you can likely find the offering in the list of descendants by matching against those values.
You can also make this search at a smaller scope in a number of ways:
If you already know the Org Unit ID for a node in the structure that's related to the course offering (for example, the Department or Semester that's a parent of the course offering), you can start your search from that node and you'll have a lot fewer nodes to parse through.
If your calling user context (or a user context that you know, and can authenticate as) is enrolled in the course offering, or in a known parent org (like a Department), then you can fetch the list of all that user's enrollments, and parse through those to find the single course offering you're looking for. (Note that this enrollments route sends back data as a paged result set, and not as a simple JSON array, so you may have to make several calls to work your way through a number of data pages before finding the one you want.)
In all these scenarios, the process will end up with you retrieving a JSON structure that will contain the Org Unit ID which you can then persist and use directly later.
