Drop shadow in UICollectionViewCell not accurate - ios

I am not able to get accurate shadow for collectionview cell which has a UIImage and a label.
I have collection view for which shadow appears properly. Below are code snippets for both and screenshot showing cell with problem and yellow collection view with proper shadow. I went through many posts but unable to get solution that can get shadow similar to collection view.
For Collection view that is embedded in UIView and proper shadow
override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
enclosureView.layer.shadowPath = UIBezierPath(rect: enclosureView.bounds).cgPath
override func viewDidLoad() {
enclosureView.layer.shadowColor = UIColor.systemGray2.cgColor
enclosureView.layer.shadowOpacity = 1
enclosureView.layer.shadowOffset = .zero
enclosureView.layer.shadowRadius = 5
enclosureView.layer.masksToBounds = false
enclosureView.cornerRadius = 10
For Collection view cell having UIImage and UILabel.
UIImage is embedded in UIView. I want shadow around image and not around cell.
class cell: UICollectionViewCell {
override func awakeFromNib() {
self.layer.masksToBounds = false
self.clipsToBounds = false
image.layer.cornerRadius = 10
image.clipsToBounds = true
image.backgroundColor = .clear
imageEnclosureView.layer.masksToBounds = false
imageEnclosureView.clipsToBounds = false
imageEnclosureView.layer.shadowRadius = 5
imageEnclosureView.layer.shadowOpacity = 1
imageEnclosureView.layer.shadowColor = UIColor.systemGray2.cgColor
imageEnclosureView.layer.shadowOffset = .zero
imageEnclosureView.backgroundColor = .clear
override func layoutSubviews() {
self.imageEnclosureView.layer.shadowPath = UIBezierPath(
roundedRect: imageEnclosureView.bounds,
cornerRadius: 10


Efficient off-screen UIView rendering and mirroring

I have a "off-screen" UIView hierarchy which I want render in different locations of my screen. In addition it should be possible to show only parts of this view hierarchy and should reflect all changes made to this hierarchy.
The difficulties:
The UIView method drawHierarchy(in:afterScreenUpdates:) always calls draw(_ rect:) and is therefore very inefficient for large hierarchies if you want to incorporate all changes to the view hierarchy. You would have to redraw it every screen update or observe all changing properties of all views. Draw view hierarchy documentation
The UIView method snapshotView(afterScreenUpdates:) also does not help much since I have not found a way to get a correct view hierarchy drawing if this hierarchy is "off-screen". Snapshot view documentation
"Off-Screen": The root view of this view hierarchy is not part of the UI of the app. It has no superview.
Below you can see a visual representation of my idea:
Here's how I would go about doing it. First, I would duplicate the view you are trying to duplicate. I wrote a little extension for this:
extension UIView {
func duplicate<T: UIView>() -> T {
return NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObject(with: NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: self)) as! T
func copyProperties(fromView: UIView, recursive: Bool = true) {
contentMode = fromView.contentMode
tag = fromView.tag
backgroundColor = fromView.backgroundColor
tintColor = fromView.tintColor
layer.cornerRadius = fromView.layer.cornerRadius
layer.maskedCorners = fromView.layer.maskedCorners
layer.borderColor = fromView.layer.borderColor
layer.borderWidth = fromView.layer.borderWidth
layer.shadowOpacity = fromView.layer.shadowOpacity
layer.shadowRadius = fromView.layer.shadowRadius
layer.shadowPath = fromView.layer.shadowPath
layer.shadowColor = fromView.layer.shadowColor
layer.shadowOffset = fromView.layer.shadowOffset
clipsToBounds = fromView.clipsToBounds
layer.masksToBounds = fromView.layer.masksToBounds
mask = fromView.mask
layer.mask = fromView.layer.mask
alpha = fromView.alpha
isHidden = fromView.isHidden
if let gradientLayer = layer as? CAGradientLayer, let fromGradientLayer = fromView.layer as? CAGradientLayer {
gradientLayer.colors = fromGradientLayer.colors
gradientLayer.startPoint = fromGradientLayer.startPoint
gradientLayer.endPoint = fromGradientLayer.endPoint
gradientLayer.locations = fromGradientLayer.locations
gradientLayer.type = fromGradientLayer.type
if let imgView = self as? UIImageView, let fromImgView = fromView as? UIImageView {
imgView.tintColor = .clear
imgView.image = fromImgView.image?.withRenderingMode(fromImgView.image?.renderingMode ?? .automatic)
imgView.tintColor = fromImgView.tintColor
if let btn = self as? UIButton, let fromBtn = fromView as? UIButton {
btn.setImage(fromBtn.image(for: fromBtn.state), for: fromBtn.state)
if let textField = self as? UITextField, let fromTextField = fromView as? UITextField {
if let leftView = fromTextField.leftView {
textField.leftView = leftView.duplicate()
textField.leftView?.copyProperties(fromView: leftView)
if let rightView = fromTextField.rightView {
textField.rightView = rightView.duplicate()
textField.rightView?.copyProperties(fromView: rightView)
textField.attributedText = fromTextField.attributedText
textField.attributedPlaceholder = fromTextField.attributedPlaceholder
if let lbl = self as? UILabel, let fromLbl = fromView as? UILabel {
lbl.attributedText = fromLbl.attributedText
lbl.textAlignment = fromLbl.textAlignment
lbl.font = fromLbl.font
lbl.bounds = fromLbl.bounds
if recursive {
for (i, view) in subviews.enumerated() {
if i >= fromView.subviews.count {
view.copyProperties(fromView: fromView.subviews[i])
to use this extension, simply do
let duplicateView = originalView.duplicate()
duplicateView.copyProperties(fromView: originalView)
Then I would mask the duplicate view to only get the particular section that you want
let mask = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: yourNewWidth, height: yourNewHeight))
mask.backgroundColor = .black
duplicateView.mask = mask
finally, I would scale it to whatever size you want using CGAffineTransform
duplicateView.transform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: xScale, y: yScale)
the copyProperties function should work well but you can change it if necessary to copy even more things from one view to another.
Good luck, let me know how it goes :)
I'd duplicate the content I wish to display and crop it as I want.
Let's say I have a ContentViewController which carries the view hierarchy I wish to replicate. I would encapsule all the changes that can be made to the hierarchy inside a ContentViewModel. Something like:
struct ContentViewModel {
let actionTitle: String?
let contentMessage: String?
// ...
class ContentViewController: UIViewController {
func display(_ viewModel: ContentViewModel) { /* ... */ }
With a ClippingView (or a simple UIScrollView) :
class ClippingView: UIView {
var contentOffset: CGPoint = .zero // a way to specify the part of the view you wish to display
var contentFrame: CGRect = .zero // the actual size of the clipped view
var clippedView: UIView?
override init(frame: CGRect) {
super.init(frame: frame)
clipsToBounds = true
override func layoutSubviews() {
clippedView?.frame = contentFrame
clippedView?.frame.origin = contentOffset
And a view controller container, I would crop each instance of my content and update all of them each time something happens :
class ContainerViewController: UIViewController {
let contentViewControllers: [ContentViewController] = // 3 in your case
override func viewDidLoad() {
contentViewControllers.forEach { viewController in
let clippingView = ClippingView()
clippingView.clippedView = viewController.view
clippingView.contentOffset = // ...
viewController.didMove(to: self)
func somethingChange() {
let newViewModel = ContentViewModel(...)
contentViewControllers.forEach { $0.display(newViewModel) }
Could this scenario work in your case ?

label frame not stay Properly in `UICollectionViewCell`

I am developing custom calendar by UICollectionView.
I want to show circle backGround of label for today's date.
my code inside uitableviewCell:
let todayDate = Date().removeTimeStamp()
self.lblDate.text = "\(String(describing: day))"
if date == todayDate{
lblDate.textColor = .white
lblDate.layer.cornerRadius = lblDate.frame.width/2
lblDate.layer.backgroundColor = UIColor.appOrange.cgColor
}else if date < todayDate {
lblDate.textColor = .lightGray
lblDate.layer.backgroundColor = UIColor.white.cgColor
lblDate.textColor = .black
lblDate.layer.backgroundColor = UIColor.white.cgColor
but i am not getting proper circle.see:
and the shape of circle get changed when i change the size of UICollectionViewCell from StoryBoard.
the lable having 1:1 aspect ration constraint.
What can i do for proper circle??
set it inside
func layoutSubviews()
lblDate.layer.cornerRadius = lblDate.frame.width/2
lblDate.clipsToBounds = true
The problem is, When we accessing labels frame before it properly finish layouting, we got wrong Frame.
You could override layoutSubviews method of your UICollectionView class.
func layoutSubviews() {
lblDate.layer.cornerRadius = lblDate.frame.width/2
Also you can create global func:
extension UILabel {
func setRoundEdge() {
let radius = self.frame.height/2
self.layer.borderWidth = 0.3
self.layer.masksToBounds = false
self.layer.borderColor = UIColor.black.cgColor
self.layer.cornerRadius = radius
self.layer.masksToBounds = true

UIView not shows round

For making a circular UIView I am using the cornerRadius property.
I have a UIView with dimension 79*158.
redView.layer.cornerRadius = redView.frame.size.height/2
redView.layer.masksToBounds = true
It shows elipse instead of circle:
Any workaround or does it only work with square type (eg. UIView(100*100))?
I am ok if it resizes dynamically.
use this...
func makeCircle (view: UIView) {
view.clipsToBounds = true
let height = view.frame.size.height
let width = view.frame.size.width
let newHeight = min(height, width) // use "max" if you want big circle
var rectFrame = view.frame
rectFrame.size.height = newHeight
rectFrame.size.width = newHeight
view.frame = rectFrame
view.layer.cornerRadius = newHeight/2
use like this:
#IBOutlet var rectView: UIView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
makeCircle(view: rectView)
You have a UIView with dimension 79*158.So that is wrong. You should have exactly same height and width for rounding exact a view to circle shape.
redView.frame.size.height = 79.0
redView.frame.size.width = 79.0
redView.frame.size.height = 158.0
redView.frame.size.width = 158.0
And apply corner radius like:
redView.clipsToBounds = true
redView.layer.cornerRadius = redView.frame.size.height / 2.0
Note: Check your constrains also If you are using Auto Layout. Be sure view frame doesn't change.
If you are using constraints then changing the frame/bounds of the view is not a good idea. Instead you should do the following.
If the view is contained in a UIViewController then set the cornerRadius in viewDidLayoutSubviews method
And if the view is itself a subclass of UIView the set the cornerRadius in layoutSubviews method
Only Squire view make a perfect circle. For example, if your view size is (10*10),(50*50),(100*100), etc. then your view becomes perfect squire else not.
Using IBDesignable, you can display without project run in storyboard ox .XIB #simple way
Step 1. Subclass UIView:
#IBDesignable class RoundedCornerView: UIView {
#IBInspectable var borderWidth:CGFloat = 2 {
didSet {
layer.borderWidth = borderWidth
#IBInspectable var borderColor:UIColor = UIColor.orangeGradientLight {
didSet {
layer.borderColor = borderColor.cgColor
override func layoutSubviews() {
layer.cornerRadius = frame.height/2
layer.masksToBounds = true
layer.borderColor = borderColor.cgColor
layer.borderWidth = borderWidth
Step 2. Set custom class in identity inspector:
Try resize UIView to square: 79*79 OR 158*158
And set:
redView.layer.cornerRadius = redView.frame.size.height/2

Image View Double Border

I'm calling a function that sets up a UIImageView:
func setupImageView(_ imageView: UIImageView) {}
I want to give that UIImageView an image, round its corners, and give it two different borders.
Here is what I am currently doing:
imageView.image = imageConstants.imageThatIsWanted
imageView.clipsToBounds = true
imageView.layer.cornerRadius = imageView.frame.height / 2
imageView.layer.borderWidth = 3.0
imageView.layer.borderColor = UIColor.white.cgColor
What is the best way to apply a second borderColor of color blue around the white border?
I tried creating a sublayer as a CALayer and giving it a blue border, but this goes behind the image, and also inside of the white border. I also tried drawing a UIBezierPath, but that stays inside of the white border as well.
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var secondView: UIView!
#IBOutlet weak var imgView: UIImageView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
imgView.layer.cornerRadius = imgView.frame.size.height/2
secondView.layer.cornerRadius = secondView.frame.size.height/2
imgView.layer.borderWidth = 5.0
imgView.layer.borderColor = UIColor.red.cgColor
imgView.clipsToBounds = true
secondView.clipsToBounds = true
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
You can add UIlabel or UIImageview at back of your image view having size little bit larger than your image view and applying corner radius, if you want to reduce line of your code (Please check below code)
imgview.layer.masksToBounds = true
imgview.layer.cornerRadius = imgview.frame.size.width/2
imgview.layer.borderWidth = 5
imgview.layer.borderColor = UIColor.white.cgColor
Add new image view programatically at back side of image view already taken
let img = UIImageView(frame: CGRect(x: imgview.frame.origin.x - 2, y: imgview.frame.origin.y - 2, width: imgview.frame.size.width + 4, height: imgview.frame.size.height + 4))
img.layer.masksToBounds = true
img.layer.cornerRadius = img.frame.size.width/2
//img.backgroundColor = UIColor.blue // You can also use background color instead of border
img.layer.borderWidth = 5
img.layer.borderColor = UIColor.blue.cgColor
self.view.sendSubview(toBack: img)
I know its not proper solution but we can use this to reduce lines of code
Hope it will helps you

Subview in cell loses color when tableview is changing

I have an UITableView which has a dynamic subview.
When the table is static it looks like this:
The round view with the T is the custom subview
But when I choose edit and drag the table cell the it looses it's color and the T.
Whats the reason for this?
I initialize the cell like this (It's an prototype IB Cell):
func configureCell(cell: UITableViewCell, atIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) {
let object = self.fetchedResultsController.objectAtIndexPath(indexPath) as Item
//cell.textLabel.text = object.valueForKey("name")!.description
let cSubView = cell.viewWithTag(100) as RoundedIcon
And the RoundedIcon works like this:
override init(frame: CGRect) {
super.init(frame: frame)
self.layer.cornerRadius = self.frame.size.width / 2;
self.layer.borderWidth = 1.0;
self.layer.borderColor = UIColor.lightGrayColor().CGColor;
self.clipsToBounds = true;
func setUpViewWithFirstLetter(letter:String){
self.backgroundColor = RoundedIcon.UIColorFromRGB(0x68C3A3)
let theLetterLabel = UILabel()
theLetterLabel.text = letter
theLetterLabel.textColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
theLetterLabel.textAlignment = .Center
theLetterLabel.font = UIFont.systemFontOfSize(25)
theLetterLabel.frame = CGRect(origin: CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0), size: self.frame.size)
#rdelmar's comment pointed me in the right direction that an UITableview changes the background color of all it's cells to:
If you don't want your view to change it's color you should change the backgroundColor property setter, which works in swift like this:
//override this setter to avoid color resetting on drag
override var backgroundColor:UIColor?{
didSet {
//check the color after setting - you also can do it earlier
if let bgCol = backgroundColor{
if bgCol == UIColor(white: 0, alpha: 0){ //check if it's settled by the table
super.backgroundColor = yourColor //set it back to your color
