IOS Browser got erreor when I go back from the PDF viewer - WebKitBlobResource error 1 - ios

Morning team,
I'm having this issue with my Angular application. I'm using File-saver to save a PDF. In all desktop browsers it work just fine and all Android browsers, except IOS browsers.
When I clicn in the button to download the file, the file is opened in the same tab. But when I click on previous button I get this error WebKitBlobResource error 1 and the URL is transofrmed to blob:https://domain/ID-GENERATED-BY-BROWSER


React JS not opening in apple browsers

I have a website created in react js, when I try to open it on windows or android the loading happens normally.
But on IOS devices it doesn't load anything from the site.
I tried to use in my index but I still couldn't.
PS: I don't have a mac to debug, tests only on an iphone version 15, I didn't find the iphone ios console to see the errors.
Problem solved, first step was to update the browserslist.
Second it was seen that the application was with storage in localStorage above what safari was handling, thus causing the error.
Removed localStorage.

Quasar VueJS app with Cordova loads application on iOS simulator with blank page only

I am trying to deploy an iOS app from VueJS Quasar framework using Cordova. When I load the application on the dev environment ( with quasar dev ), it runs the application through a browser and works fine.
However when I "export" to cordova project on iOS platform, in xCode I get the following error in the console: "Failed to load webpage with error: Could not connect to the server" and the simulator loads an empty white blank page only.
The app has been built and tried on an iPhone as well, and it's the same reason: empty blank page.
We are using API in the background from another server as well, where we have set the CORS to allow *.
Note: exported to android platform it works nice.
Did anybody have this problem, and knows what the solution is? Thanks!

Why PWA cannot be installed on PC

Fizza. I have added PWA instructions as described. On mobile adding to home screen works as expected, but on PCs it does nothing though you click to install. There is no debuggable info logged to console either.
At last I found the issue. My icon images in manifest.json did not match the exact dimensions. Error was visible in Chrome Canary. Create your manifest and icons using 3rd party manifest generators like

iOS Cordova assets not loaded

I wrote some new views for my application, and they all show up properly on chrome and safari. However, when I run the app on simulator and open up the safari debugger, those views don't show up under index.html/scripts/. I have confirmed that those files exist in the www/ and Staging/www/ folders in the Xcode project. I have run rake prepare_ios, but it does not fix the issue, do I need to add these new files to a directory somewhere?
After trying to access my application through mobile Safari, I encountered an error on the Safari inspector that I had hooked to my simulator. It told me that I could not use const since I was using strict mode. This error had not popped up previously, and only out of random luck (when i was closing the safari tab) did it even show up on the inspector. This led me to go and make changes to my files that were using const and the page loads now.

phonegap 3.0 console.log plugin http:localhost/!gap_exec 404 NOT FOUND

I've installed the console.log plugin "$ cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.console" to my phonegap 3.0 project.
When I do console.log("xxx") in xcode, it work fine without any problem / error.
However when I test it in a web browser. The error "http:localhost/!gap_exec 404 NOT FOUND" appeared in the web browser console. When I comment out the console.log("xxx"), this error is disappear.
I just wonder whether it is really work fine in xcode. coz sometime xcode won't display javascript error.
Is there any debug tools for develop phonegap apps for ios / android?
Any cordova(phonegap) plugins is not for the web browser. when we install the console plugins it works on actual device because deviceready event fires but in case of web browser deviceready does not fire thus plugins are not working so, if you are doing so then please remove cordova.js file from your html and try in web-browser. but when you are ready with device include that file it is mandatory.
http:localhost/!gap_exec 404 NOT FOUND errors simply means that cordova(phonegap) does not find the actual device environment.
