Roboflow 'upload' page not able to extract labelmap from data.yaml - roboflow

On the 'Upload' page in roboflow, I can't load in a yolov5 data.yaml labelmap file to map the class numbers of pre-annotated images to the class names. The page keeps saying 'Processing files'... What should I do?
Screenshot of uploading yolov5 data.yaml labelmap
The content structure of data.yaml is:
- name1
- name2
- name3
nc: 3
The above content structure was the cause of the error. The correct file format could be found from the 'Versions' tab, where you can 'Export' and 'download zip to computer'. The data.yaml in this file has the following format:
train: ../train/images
val: ../valid/images
nc: 3
names: ['class1','class2','class3']


SEC company filings: Is the <SEC-HEADER> tag valid SGML? If so, how to parse it?

I tried to parse SEC company filings from Starting from fb 10-Q index.htm let's look at a complete text submission filing like complete submission text filing. It has a structure like:
<ACCEPTANCE-DATETIME>"some content" This tag is not closed.
"some lines resembling yaml markup"
These are indented lines with a
"key": "value" structure.
some content
"several DOCUMENT tags" ...
I tried to figure out the structure of the <SEC-HEADER> tag and found some information under Public Dissemination
Service (PDS) Technical
Specification (pdf) and concluded that the content of the header should be SGML.
Nevertheless, I am clueless about the formatting, since there are no angle brackets, and the keys - value paires are separated by colons like key: value instead of <key>value</key>. In the pdf link I could not find anything about colons.
Question: Is the <SEC-HEADER> tag valid SGML? If it is, how to parse it?
I'd be glad at any help.
The short answer is no. The <SEC-HEADER> tag in the raw filing is not a valid SGML.
However, it is my understanding that this section in the raw filing is parsed automatically from the header file <accession_num>.hdr.sgml, which does follow SGML. This header file can be found in the same directory as the raw filing (i.e., the <accession_num>.txt file).
I use a REGEX of the form: ^<(.+?)>(.+?)$ (with re.MULTILINE option) to capture each (tag, value) tuple and get the results directly in a dict().
I believe the only tag in that file that has a closing tag is the </FILER> tag, where there could be multiple filers in each filing. You can first extract those using a REGEX of the form: <FILER>(.+?)</FILER> and then employ the same REGEX as above to get the inner tags for each filer.
Note that other than 'FILER', there could be other tags, representing different relations of the entities to the filing. Those are 'ISSUER', 'SUBJECT COMPANY', 'FILED BY', 'FILED FOR', 'SERIAL COMPANY', 'REPORTING OWNER'.

how to upload image in correct path - image: Property "image" expects a valid pathname as data in akeneo

i already installed akeneo 2.0
I need to upload an image via Xl file
but I give the path
image: Property "image" expects a valid pathname as data, "/tmp/pim/upload_tmp_dir/01.png" given.
how I can solve this???
In order to import images while import products, you will have to include it in your zip archive, and use its relative path (compared to your product import file) in the archive.
e.g if your archive file has the following structure:
- products_import.xlsx
- images/
you will have to put ./images/image1.png in the image column of your products_import.xlsx file
Then upload the zip archive (instead of only the Excel file) in the import profile:

Conversion error .doc to .epub

I uploaded .doc to smashworld, and got the warning while validating the .epub
ERROR toc.ncx 15 43 Error while parsing file 'different playOrder values for navPoint/navTarget/pageTarget that refer to same target'.
ERROR toc.ncx 15 265 Error while parsing file 'different playOrder values for navPoint/navTarget/pageTarget that refer to same target'.
And here is part of the codes.
Shan Hai Legend Vol.1, [Part 1of2]Midpoint
I have no it can be fixed. Can anybody help me out?
As you probably know a ePub file is like an archive of files. It contains the textual files (usually .xhtml, .html), the stylesheet files (usually .css), the images used in the book and the configuration files. Your toc.ncx (The file that contains the index order and structure) has 2 or more items with the same playOrder or is corrupted.
The playOrder property specifies the actual position of the Chapter in the index.
If you use playOrder="1" with chapter 1 and playOrder="1" with chapter 2, the ePub reader doesn't know what to put first.
I suggest you to download Calibre, import your ePub, check for errors, and open the toc.ncx to see its structure.
You will get something like that:
<ncx xmlns="" version="2005-1" xml:lang="it">
<meta content="...." name="...."/>
<text>Book Title</text>
<navPoint id="num_1" playOrder="1">
<text>Chapter 1: some title</text>
<content src="chapter-01.html"/>
<navPoint id="num_2" playOrder="2">
<text>Chapter 2: some title</text>
<content src="chapter-02.html"/>
Just check if every playOrder is incremented by 1 for each navpoint.
If you find the error, manually insert the correct values, save and export the eBook.
If you don't know how to fix it, post here the toc file and we will try to understand the mistake :)

Prestashop product upload with csv error

I am trying to upload csv file of products in prestashop. Below are the errors that I am getting :
No Name (ID: 61,1,Orous Women's A Line Dress,Home,1399,IN Reduced Rate (4%),0,0,,,,,D2_Yellow,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,"Fabric: Crepe A-line
Exquisite style patterns Gentle machine wash, dry clean, do not
cannot be saved
Property Product->name is empty
What am I doing wrong?
Please use this structure for successful upload:
"Enabled";"Name";"Categories";"Price";"Tax rule ID";"Buying price";"On sale";"Reference";"Weight";"Quantity";"Short desc.";"Long desc";"Images URL"
1;"Test";"1,2,3";130;1;75;0;"PROD-TEST";"0.500";10;"'Tis a short desc.";"This is a long description.";"http://www.myprestashop/images/product1.gif"

YML Parsing error - symfony documentation

In order to allow users to upload documents on my website, I am trying to add form validation on a symfony2 application. According to this doc : , I should create a validation.yml file with this syntax :
# src/Acme/BlogBundle/Resources/config/validation.yml
- File:
maxSize: 1024k
mimeTypes: [application/pdf, application/x-pdf]
mimeTypesMessage: Please upload a valid PDF
I have tried to type/edit this file in a lot of ways, yet I always get a parsing error when the file is executed :
Unable to parse in "\/***\/***\/dev\/***\/src\/***\/***Bundle\/Resources\/config\/validation.yml" at line 1 (near "***\***\Entity\Author").
I tried to test this code with this online YML parsing tool :, and it says the colon on line 3 just after "properties" is wrong :
mapping values are not allowed here
in "<unicode string>", line 3, column 13:
What am I missing here? Why is the YML syntax used in symfony documentation not accepted by this online parser? Note that I am aware of the tab indentation vs. space indentation for .yml files.
