Google Sheets Find Cell containing date in other sheet - google-sheets

I'm looking to make a planner, I would like to find the cell in another sheet called 'Main' that matches my cell A2.
The date would be in row 2 of which some are not dates.
I'm just looking to do conditional formatting based on that cell but can't seem to find out how to get the cell
any help would be welcome...

If you want to highlight the cell in Row 2 of the Main sheet, then you can highlight row 2 in the Main sheet and apply conditional formatting in the Main sheet using this formula:
Please note that the above formula assumes that the sheet containing reference date in A2 is named "Sheet1."


Conditional Formatting from Another Sheet's Checkbox

I'm trying to have Sheet 2's cell contents strikethrough if a cell in Sheet 1's checkbox has been selected using conditional formatting. I've been trying the custom formula =INDIRECT("'Sheet1'!A2")=TRUE but that seems to be doing nothing.
Here's a very basic example of what I want. Basically when an item on Sheet 1 is checked off I want the corresponding item on Sheet 2 to strikethrough.
I figured out the issue, since I had another conditional formatting rule on the sheet 2 cell it wasn't working.

Get range from formula an a sheet and use it in a different formula that gets data from a different sheet in Google Sheets

I have two sheets Sheet Main and Sheet Unique
On sheet Main, I have a range of data with headers
On sheet Unique in cell A1 I have a drop-down of all the header names from sheet Main
In cell B1 of sheet Unique, I have the formula
=SUBSTITUTE(ADDRESS(A1,MATCH(A1,Main !A1:AA1,0),4),1,"")
Which gets the Column letter of the header on sheet Main from the dropdown on sheet Unique
Is cell A2 on sheet Unique I have the formula
Which gets the unique list of elements from the column on sheet Main that was selected from the drop-down on sheet Unique.
In this case, F2:F is the range on sheet Main of the selected header from sheet Unique
I want to update the formula
automatically every time I make a new selection from the Drop-down on the sheet Unique
Combing the two formulas I get and adding INDIRECT
I get the error formula parse error I can not get what I am doing wrong!
Thanks for any assistance
Try this in cell Unique!A2:

Link a cell to multiple cells exclude middle range in Google Sheet

I am new to Google sheet functions, Trying to create hyperlink from a cell to multiple cells.
A1 cell in Google sheet should hyperlink to 2 cell range
1. B3:F20
2. I3:L20
I can easily hyperlink a cell to given single range Like B3:F20
using this function
But I am struggling to find a solution to make a hyperlink in a cell to more than one range.
try this:
={HYPERLINK("#gid=2&range=B2:F20", "Account");
HYPERLINK("#gid=2&range=I3:L20", "2ndrange")}

Conditional Formatting on Google Sheets depending on cell in other sheet

So I have one sheet that's a timeline, with the first column being an ascending list of dates and the second being a description of the event that happens on that date.
Another sheet has a cell with a specific date.
I would like the cell on the first column of the first sheet whose date is the date on that second sheet's cell to be formatted. How do I do that?
If the second sheet has a date in cell A1, then the first column of the first sheet should have conditional formatting "Value is equal to... " =indirect("Sheet2!A1")
The use of indirect is necessary because otherwise conditional formatting rules cannot refer to other sheets.

TRANSPOSING: How to copy a cell value into the 'Sheet' part of formula

I'm trying to reference the data from another sheet, but I'd like to be able to dynamically specify the Sheet name via a cell within this sheet.
Let's say cell A1 has the text "Sheet 1"
Instead of having my formula say:
=TRANSPOSE('Sheet 1'!F2:F121)
I need to find a way to insert the data from cell A1:
=TRANSPOSE('reference text from A1'!F2:F121)
Is there a way of doing this? I'm working in Google Sheets.
Does this formula work as you want:
