What is a good microservice-friendly technique for refresh token security? - oauth-2.0

I've got an OAuth2-driven authorization system for the applications in my ecosystem using the Auth Code flow. At the moment, it is working extremely well following what I feel are best practices. My current flow can be summed up as this:
User clicks a Login button in application frontend.
Backend for application redirects user to Auth Server login page with redirect URI, client ID, etc, in params.
User logs in, Auth Server redirects to Backend /authcode endpoint with Authorization Code.
Backend authenticates with Authorization Code, receives Access (JWT) & Refresh tokens. It stores Refresh token in its own database, and returns Access token as an HTTP-Only cookie.
When Access token expires, Backend sends Refresh token to Auth Server to refresh.
The problem with this approach is it is heavily dependent on a single-backend/monolith/etc architecture. When the access token expires, the backend app in question needs to be able to get the refresh token and then do the refresh against the Auth Server.
My goals for the future state of this architecture are driven by two main concerns:
Allowing backends to be split into multiple micro-services that are all capable of authenticating the same JWT.
Supporting SSO. Currently, even though all users are managed through the same Auth Server and use the same credentials, they need to enter those credentials separately for each app they log into.
My initial thought was to move the refresh handling to the client-side part of the architecture. Since all the apps are owned by me, I could setup a new flow where a user would login directly with the Auth Server, and then the Access (JWT) and Refresh tokens are set as HTTP Only cookies. This is further supported by the fact that all of my apps are hosted via a single domain name (with different root URI paths for different apps). The new token structure would determine which apps a given user has access to.
My concern there is how to secure the Refresh Token client-side. Most likely I would need to use the Path attribute and depend on the fact that all my apps are on the same hostname, which as I said they are and that will not be changing.
I guess the point of this post is I'm looking for guidance on best practices for handling this kind of scenario.

A few thoughts based on design patterns we recommend at Curity:
Related APIs should be able to forward JWT access tokens to each other, as detailed in the scopes article. Validating the JWT in each API results in a recommended zero trust setup.
We recommend a particular way of doing this, focused on separation of web and API concerns - see this code example on the token handler pattern.
Token refresh is handled via HTTP Only cookies and client side retries. This provides a stateless solution that is easy to manage, and where the web back end is static content only, eg a content delivery network. It requires a couple utility API components to be deployed though.
An alternative option, as you say, is to write code within your back end to store tokens, so that cookies only contain a Session ID.
In our resources we use reverse proxies / API gateways as the entry point to APIs, rather than a web back end. Common plumbing such as translating cookies to tokens can then be managed via gateway plugins - as covered in this tutorial.
However, when you have multiple web apps you need to keep cookies isolated during API requests. Each app therefore needs its own API routes. This is awkward but is a consequence of needing to use secure cookies for best browser security. It is best managed in the gateway, and separate domains or subdomains is usually cleanest:
Each web team is then responsible for their own API routes and the cookie / CORS / CSRF stuff, rather than the API developers.
This should be determined solely by the Identity Provider session cookie, which will remain valid as you navigate across apps. If you are presenting a login button when the app does not have a secure cookie yet, then it will not feel like SSO though. One technique for making SSO look seamless is for each app to automatically redirect when it does not have application cookies yet, rather than presenting a login button.
A long answer, but the best solutions require separation of concerns that is not always obvious. Done well, the end result should be simple code in apps, correct security and an architecture that can be scaled.


Implementing PKCE for Authorizing Backend Requests with OAuth

Yohoho! I am building an application that leverages OAuth to pull user data from provider APIs, and am wondering about the RFC compliance of the flow I have chosen.
Currently, the user signs into the authorization server which sends an auth code to my frontend client. The frontend then passes the auth code to my backend, which exchanges it for an auth token and then makes calls to the provider to pull data.
In this best practices document, it states:
Note: although PKCE so far was recommended as a mechanism to protect
native apps, this advice applies to all kinds of OAuth clients,
including web applications.
To my understanding, PKCE is designed to ensure the token is granted to the same entity that requested the auth code, in order to prevent attackers from using stolen auth codes to execute unwarranted requests.
Now, it makes sense to me why this is important even if the backend keeps the client secret unexposed, since the attacker can make requests to the backend with the intercepted auth code to receive the token. However in my flow, since I am not creating an authentication scheme and rather trying to authorize premeditated requests, the token stays with the backend.
So why is PKCE recommended here? It seems to me the most a stolen auth code can do is initiate an API request from the backend, with no token or data being returned to the attacker. And assuming a PKCE implementation is the way to go, how exactly would it work? The frontend requesting the auth code and the backend trading it for a token aren't exactly the same, so would it be as simple as passing the code_verifier to the backend to make the call?
Some clarification would be greatly appreciated.
PKCE ensures that the party who started the login is also completing it, and there are two main variations that I'll summarise below in terms of Single Page Apps (SPA).
Consider a Single Page App that runs a code flow implemented only in Javascript. This would store a code verifier in session storage during the OpenID Connect redirect. Upon return to the app after login, this would be sent, along with the authorization code and state to the Authorization Server.
This would return tokens to the browser. If there was a Cross Site Scripting vulnerability, the flow could be abused. In particular the malicious code could spin up a hidden iframe and use prompt=none to get tokens silently.
Therefore the current best practice for Single Page Apps is to use a Backend for Frontend (BFF), and never return tokens to the browser. In this model it is more natural for the BFF to operate like a traditional OpenID Connect website, where both the state and code_verifier are stored in a login cookie that lasts for the duration of the sign-in process.
If there was a Cross Site Scripting vulnerability, then session riding is possible by the malicious code, to send the authorization code to the BFF and complete a login. However, this would just result in writing secure cookies that the browser cannot access. Similarly, the hidden iframe hack would also only rewrite cookies.
The code_verifier could alternatively be stored in session storage and sent from the browser to the BFF, but it would be easy enough for malicious code to grab it and also send it to the server. This does not really change the risks, and the key point is that no tokens should be returned to the browser. It is OK to use secondary security values in the browser, as long as you can justify them, eg for security reviewers. Generally though it is easier to explain if secure values are in secure cookies and less visible to Javascript.
Best practices often vary depending on the customer use case, and at Curity we provide resources for customers (and general readers) to explain secure design patterns. These are based on security standards and we translate them to customer use cases. You may
find our recent SPA Security Whitepaper useful.

How poorly have I implemented OAuth/OpenId?

I can't help but think I've implemented Open ID slightly incorrectly, but I also cannot find why I've done the implementation the way I have is bad or not.
Website - Used forms authentication before being updated to use OWIN. Forms auth has been stripped out.
Website now supports OpenId to Okta. This is being implemented for a large company of our users to facilitate their logins. This is functional.
The method I use for the site models how Microsoft does logins. On email domain detection, we redirect the user to the login page for their domain. In this case, Okta. We receive the callback, and look up the user in our existing data, and generate a cookie based on our existing data (or create a new user account if they don't have one).
Essentially, just using Okta to confirm they are a valid user, and then we log them in with our user data. We foresee doing this for other companies as well.
I have a desktop (WPF) client that requires a login to our website. This talks to API's that already exist using an auth key/token system we built many years ago. Ideally, we do something similar. Use Okta to verify the user is a user of that system, then generate a token that can be used for these API's.
Here is where I'm not sure I've done this appropriately.
The desktop client calls an API endpoint on our site with the email domain the user entered. We verify the user's domain is allowed to use SSO, and if so, we issue back a challenge endpoint for the client to call. This challenge endpoint is then called by the desktop client to launch the users default browser.
This challenge endpoint is an endpoint on OUR website, that essentially triggers the challenge to the IdP. After login, a callback is called on OUR website, to process the auth response. We verify the user's account is valid, and get the refresh token from the response. With the refresh token, and an identifier of the user, this data is then sent back to the desktop client using localhost:randomPort so the client can consume the refresh token and identitifer. (Note that I do encrypt the refresh token and identifier's before returning them to the client)
This refresh token is then POSTed to OUR website, along with their identifier (so we can identify the IdP we should call), then use an OIDC client to verify the refresh token is still valid. If the refresh token is still valid, we generate an app token and return it.
Is there a glaring issue with how this is implemented that I'm not seeing? How can I do this differently?
You seem to be missing the role of an Authorization Server (AS) that you own, to manage connections to other systems and to issue tokens to your apps.
You seem to have some good separation and to be doing quite a few things well - eg you are using your own tokens rather than foreign Okta tokens. The main issue is likely to be growing the system.
An AS should result in simpler code and a system that is easier to extend:
You can add new authentication methods quickly
This should involve just adding a connection (eg Okta) to your AS
Doing so requires zero code changes in your UIs and APIs
Your UIs just use standard OpenID Connect flows and call AS endpoints, regardless of the authentication method used
Your APIs just verify tokens issued by the AS, then authorize requests, regardless of the authentication method used
Some scripting is needed in the AS, but typically this is small.
In terms of what an AS should do for you, have a browse of the Curity Concepts Pages. I work there, and we try to write about the science of OAuth and the common extensibility features software companies need.
Integrating an AS and getting past all the blocking issues is a gradual journey though, and involves learning. So it requires choosing your moments, spikes and getting buy in from your stakeholders.
The main objective should always be simple and standard code in your apps, that is easy to scale. OAuth and the Authorization Server give you design patterns that help with this.

How to prevent non-approved 3rd Party SPA access to resource when using OAuth 2.0 for authorisation?

I'm trying to allow access to our publicly facing APIs to approved Single Page Applications only.
We currently use OAuth 2.0 to control access to our APIs. The high level scenario is that our users will access our publicly available SPA, provide their username and password, and then be able to use the SPA which in turn will be able to use our APIs.
The current best practice for OAuth 2.0 with SPA is to use the authorisation code grant with a client id but without the client secret, as obviously an SPA cannot keep any secrets.
My question is how can we prevent a third party SPA from accessing our APIs. I.e. they could extract the existing client_id from our SPA and request an authorisation code in the same way as our first party SPA. Assuming they can persuade a user to login they can then access our APIs.
Is the pre-registered redirect URL the only defence in this scenario? If so, does that mean that if we switch to using the resource owner credentials grant for a better user experience (not recommended I know) there would be no protection from third party apps at all?
I've read the various RFCs for OAuth and this page in particular is very useful but doesn't quite answer my question:
Indeed the pre-registered Redirect URI is the only defense mechanism in this case of a public Client when using the so-called Implicit grant type. An attacker may trick the user in starting the flow but will not receive the issued token on a Redirect URL that it controls. This is similar to tricking the user into starting any other login flow.
Since the attacker does not obtain a token (it is still delivered on the intended Redirect URI controlled by the Client) he cannot access your APIs, even if he can persuade the user to login.
When the attacker controls DNS things become more dangerous but that goes for a lot of things outside of OAuth 2.0 as well. In general: delivering tokens to an in-browser app is going to suffer from this type of vulnerability regardless of the protocol used.
Switching to Resource Owner Password Credentials has a lot of drawbacks, including one where the attacker can present an app similar to yours to obtain the username/password (which also block you from upgrading to multi-factor authentication as the other grant types would allow you to).
In summary: there is protection against it although not super strong.
FWIW: the latest OAuth 2.0 best practices suggest that tokens should no longer be directly delivered to the Redirect URI but use an intermediate short-loved one-time usage Authorization Code instead to allow the SPA to get its tokens in an XHR call directly from the token endpoint.

Can I use Oauth2 Authorization Code flow for a SPA (React app), if I have a server-side proxy?

After watching an obscene amount of tutorials on OAuth2, there is one best practice that everyone repeatedly states - if you have a React app (or Angular, or Ember) - you must use Implicit flow with it.
I understand that storing client credentials in publicly visible javascript would not work. However, my scenario is a bit different:
I'm only using Oauth2 for single sign on and token generation for microservices. I chose it instead of simply generating tokens, since well-supported third party libraries are built around the Oauth2 idea.
My idea is to have a React app, and a ASP.NET MVC app which serves the javascript and acts as a proxy for API requests. The user authenticates for the server-side app (by using Oauth2 authorization code flow).
Then if I need to retrieve data from an API, I call my ASP.NET MVC app from React (by sending a simple cookie). The MVC app holds the token without ever exposing it to the user's browser.
Obviously, when called, my MVC app then redirects the request to the necessary API, providing the bearer token.
To better understand why this is what I came up with, here are some requirements I've received that might be unusual:
I really don't want the access token to be shared - even if it's relatively short lived.
I also want to be able to limit each user account to 3 concurrent user sessions. Easy to do using cookies and server-side sessions.
I can't wrap my head around why this idea would be that bad. Is there any technical problem that might prevent this from working? Or maybe a security risk?
The authorization code flow returns an authorization code (like it says on the tin) that can then be exchanged for an ID token and access token. This requires client authentication using a client id and secret to retrieve the tokens from the back end and has the benefit of not exposing tokens to the User Agent.
This flow allows for long lived access (through the use of refresh tokens).
Clients using this flow must be able to maintain a secret.
Accordingly to your description, you have service-to-service authorization flow, and as your service are not exposing client secret key it is totally OK to use the Code flow. Moreover, you should use it to allow long lived tokens.

Dealing with expired access tokens in OAuth2 implicit grant

The specification of OAuth2 states that an authorization server must not issue a refresh token when using implicit grant. In our use case we protect a RESTful API with OAuth2 and use a Single Page Javascript application as a client for this API. As it would be very difficult to redirect to the authorization server after an access token has expired, we are searching for a better way to get a new valid token. I could think about two different approaches and wonder which one could be better:
Use a hidden iframe to Rerequest a valid access token. For this it is necessary to include a parameter like “prompt=none” which tells the OAuth provider neither to challenge authentication, nor to display an authorization page. If the user is authenticated and has authorized the application the server will send back an access token in the urls # parameters. If one of the previous conditions is not fulfilled, it will redirect with an error like #error=authentication%20lost. With this behaviour we can use short lived access tokens also with an implicit flow.
We could use an additional scope (e.g. offline) which tells the server to hand out a refresh token. Even if the original spec says that implicit flow does not issue refresh tokens (which is correct if the client only uses OAuth it for a first authorization) you are free to define your own scopes for your particular application. You should consider to only allow this scope from well-known clients.
Both approaches are very similar to those of OpenID Connect. Unfortunately there are not many implementations of OpenID Connect at the moment. So first step would be to extend the OAuth2 server until OIC will be more popular.
So which approach should be preferred?
EDIT: The token endpoint needs client authentication, which is only possible for confidential clients like server-side applications. With the second approach it would only be possible to let the RESTful API in our case the resource provider to refresh the token and send it back to the client. I think this would be a security risk. So probably we have only one valid approach.
I'm trying to achieve the exact same thing at the moment.
I've actually implemented hidden iframe approach and then realized you have to be very careful with iframes. Any malicious website can contain your iframe and get access token easily if you don't specify X-Frame-Options.
Best approach for refreshing token should be password grant as specified by the spec. (I wanted my users to login with their facebook account & implicit flow was easier to develop this. I have not quite figured out how to do this with password grant.)
2nd approach also came accross my mind and seems much safer than the 1st to me, since you can usually trust the https & browser storage to keep your tokens secret.
I realized, even with X-Frame-Options most browsers can't prevent redirects, because this header is attached to the response body and redirected URL will be exposed, therefore access tokens exposed.
Looks like hash fragment is protected by the browser when accessed from the parent page within different domain. So I assume #access_token is safe. My bad. Just as a reminder callback page has to store the access token in its own right, instead of (my original intention) delegating it to the parent page like window.parent.storeAccessToken(hash); which obviously is a dumb thing to do.
From the OAuth0 website:
If you need to authenticate your users without a login page (for example, when the user is already logged in via SSO scenario) or get a new access_token (thus simulate refreshing an expired token), you can use Silent Authentication.
As for the Silent Authentication:
However, redirecting users away from your application is usually considered disruptive and should be avoided, from a UX perspective. Silent authentication lets you perform an authentication flow where Auth0 will only reply with redirects, and never with a login page.
This will allow you to log back the user using an SSO token, without having to prompt him for credentials again.
