Unable to connect zaiper with Botium box - slack-api

I am trying to connect Botium-box with Zapier , with intention to connect Slack bot.
While trying to connect to Botium-box from Zapier, I am getting following error (even after providing recently generated API Key:
authentication failed: The API Key you supplied is invalid: Not logged in
On Botium-box, where could I find a out of box way to connect to Slack?
Since under chatbots options unable to find Slack bot option.

What Botium Box flavour are you using ? For Botium Box Mini, there is only very limited API integration possible.
There is no native support for Slack bots in Botium.


Universal Print via GraphApi

Is it possible to print a document to a shared universal printer via the graph api using application authentication (ie. no user interaction) using either client secret or client certificates? I can't seem to find any documentation on this use case.
No, currently Application permission type is not supported for creating a print job thru Graph API, you need a delegated user permission for submitting print jobs. Application permission is used in creating print task definition for setup pull printing. More details here: (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/universal-print-concept-overview#extending-universal-print-to-support-pull-printing)

Installing Dialogflow bot in Slack fails due to 'oath authorisation url mismatch'

I've got a simple Dialogflowbot that I'm trying to integrate with my Slack workspace.
I've made a Slack app for the bot.
I've added all the information in Dialogflow integration dialog.
On Slack app side I've set-up bot user, added event subscriptions (including link from DF) and set up OAuth scopes and added the URL.
However, the bot won't reply back. Everything looks fine in DF logs but I'm not getting responses in Slack. Previously I've been able to solve this kind of situation by clicking the 'Install to Slack' button under 'Manage distribution' -tab. However, now when I do that (and allow installation), I receive the following error message:
While starting bot the error appears:
Bot start error: oauth_authorization_url_mismatch
From Slack documentation I've found out that this means "The OAuth flow was initiated on an incorrect version of the authorization url. The flow must be initiated via /oauth/authorize." However, the OAuth URL Dialogflow provides is of form bots.dialogflow.com/slack/<TOKEN>/start.
contacted both Slack and Dialogflow support
done bunch of Googling and
asked a few people that also work on Slack bots
but I've found nothing. Maybe someone here would have ran to the same issue would know what to do?
Recently the Slack team made a change in the oauth authentication with backward incompatible changes. This change break the integration with Dialogflow.
Fortunately, the old functionality has not been fully removed from Slack. In the link I shared above (here's again), at the bottom of the documentation there's an option to "Create a classic Slack app". If you click on it, you will be able to create a "legacy" bot and use follow the Dialogflow-Slack integration guide; it will work as intended.
An important thing to notice, is that you'll see an option to "Update Scopes". Be careful not to make this update, as this will change the authentication from classic to the new approach, and it will break the bot.
Finally, the Dialogflow team already knows about this issue and they're working to make the integration compatible with the new Slack authentication. You can subscribe to that IssueTracker (click the star next to the title) and get updates regarding its progress.

How to turn on "Accept remote API calls" in JIRA?

I'm using JIRA in the cloud (so the url I visit is .atlassian.net).
I've been trying to get and create issues using the JIRA API and this library https://bitbucket.org/farmas/atlassian.net-sdk/wiki/Home.
However I am getting authorization errors and since I know I have the correct login details, I was wondering if this would be related to the "Accept remote API calls" setting.
I followed the instruction here (https://confluence.atlassian.com/jira063/configuring-jira-options-683542606.html) but I can't see the "Accept remote API calls" setting. I should also mention that I am the account admin.
I'm wondering if this setting is only visible if you are hosting JIRA on your own server, or if there is something else I am missing.
Any help appreciated.
There is no setting to enable this on a Cloud instance and the remote API is enabled by default.

MyAsana Error Unexcepted to connect

I use API Asana in "MyAsana" to follow my Workspace (Project) in Asana.
The API is used in 10 smartphones from different people to follow the task of projects.
After 2 days, the API does not respond. All applications authorized in Asana do not respond.
I reset the API & it works in MyAsana. and today the same problem.
I have to do a reset and change the API in all phones.
How can I fix this please?
Asana is currently having some problems with its service and has had to temporarily shut down access to the API while it addresses them. Follow #asana on twitter and you should get a tweet when access is restored.

Google APIs Console - missing client secret

I tried to create a testing client id for an android app which uses OAUTH 2.0 as login for retrieving user profile. I followed the steps to complete the creation of the client id on google console, but I do not see anywhere the client secret. I'm trying to help my employer with getting google credentials for it's app. I know how to implement OAUTH 2.0 in android, but I need client secret to exchange the code with access token.
First, I selected "Google+ API" from Services tab.
Then followed the on screen steps from API Access tab.
It seems that Google finally ditched the unnecessary client_secret for installable applications and is not yet up-to-date with their documentation.
You should check if you already get an access_token in the initial OAuth request like it's handled on Facebook.
Another possibility would be to fall back to using a Simple API Access key.
First method seems to not work with Google.
The recommended way for Android is to use AccountManager instead of baking your own requests. Follow this example to see how this is implemented and how you get an AuthToken using a Simple API Access key. Instead of using the Tasks API you can then include the OAuth2 API library to retrieve the userinfo.
Click on "Download JSON "
Is it what you're looking for ?
Since almost everything from the accepted answer has been deprecated, I thought I'd share what I've found.
I needed the People API which requires a client secret. What Google recommends for using People API with Android is,
Select the application type Other, enter the
name "People API Quickstart", and click the Create button.
Found here: https://developers.google.com/people/quickstart/java
(Step 1 part e)
So if you need a client secret, you might consider using the Other type. Of course, follow the documentation for your specific API first.
Just today I found out that on the new Cloud Console we can see the client secret for android apps - while in the old google console we just can't.
To use the new Cloud console, just click on the message "We are improving the experience. Try the new Cloud Console." Google will ask for a SMS confirmation. Now you'll be redirected to the new cloud console
Now, just select your project, click on "Registered Apps" on the left menu, selected your android app, and voilá, on oAuth 2.0 Client Id you'll see your client secret. No idea why on the old google console it's not displayed, but if you really need a client secret key, it's there.
Now that the type Other is unavailable, I used type Desktop since I wish to upload using Visual Studio which is a Desktop app. That worked, I got the client id and client secret.
When you update any changes in the credential, make sure you could see the client ID and secret in the dashboard before downloading.
Google cloud takes at the least 10 seconds to regenerate the client id and add it in the json.
Once json is downloaded you can check for client_secret to be present.
source said that :
Visit the Google Developers Console to obtain OAuth 2.0 credentials such as a client ID and client secret that are known to both Google and your application. The set of values varies based on what type of application you are building. For example, a JavaScript application does not require a secret, but a web server application does.
Another solution is that you have to create a client ID with the type of "Installed Application" then you will have the Client secret
