Is it possible to cutomize the admin view in twilio flex-ui? - twilio

I currently can't find a clear way of customising the admin view for twilio flex? I basically would like to remove the test drive chat and the only way I found to do it is to hide it by changing the style.display to none via JavaScript.

The Admin view is actually a plugin itself, and it is not customisable.
If you have feature requests for the admin view, such as being able to configure whether the chat appears, I recommend you talk to your account executive.


To add shareable link on apps without login func

I have a project to make English learning apps.
There is four layer of users; headquarters, admins, classes and students. For better UX, I want to add shareable links to students my page. So no need for login func. to students. Students can use app without login.
Gem called forward is similar to this func. Is there another way to implement this func.?
Gem called forward is the best solution...?
Rails views require no login by default. To get a link that doesn't require users to log in you simply do not add a feature that requires login. You can then in the view check if there is a user signed in and add extra buttons for admin features.

Can we create a retargeting list in AdWords based on email open data in Marketo?

Based on people who interact with an email campaign through marketo I would to create a retargetting campaign in Adwords.
Is it even possible using RTP?
What kind of interactions you'd like to capture?
If it's clicks so you can pass the leads through some page that will send events to GA and eventually redirect them to the desired page.
if you're interested to capture opens it's more complicated, you will need to capture GA's client ID for each one of your leads when they fill out a form.
There are lead data onboarding tools that might help with this challenge.

How to move on after login

I'm pretty new to this and I'm hoping anyone could share some ideas.
I've set up login using google's api. The idea now is to move on and use the next view controller (or the next stage in the app)
two things I'd like to acoomplish are:
register some of the user's details on my own server (if permitted by Google
Move on to a menu - but only once the user is logged in.
What are some ways to do that ?

Durandal+Knockout to develop a Single Page Application: Selectively show portions of page based upon authorization

I am using Durandal, knockout to create a Single Page Application. I need to do following (two pretty simple things):
Show/hide widgets that are only for administrator, based upon the user's authorization,
Change menu options based upon whether user is authenticated or not (for anonymous show - login/sign up and when authenticated show "Welcome .." .
If this was a regular MVC4 application I would have done it using
#if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { ... } check in razor views, but with views in durandal this is ruled out.
I want to avoid putting sensitive business logic in javascript - user need not know what kind of options could have been available to him if he was an administrator.
What's the best way to achieve this in Durandal & Knockout? I have been coding so far using classic ASP.NET and lately using ASP.NET MVC. Developing SPA using Durandal is a new game for me...If anyone can give me only steps/pointers to do this that will help a lot too..thanks in advance!
The way I do it.
My menus are build inside a menubar.js file. The menuItems are observableArrays([]) initially and I subscribe to a topic "user-logged-in".
When the user logs in, I get the user's permissions/roles and store them locally in storage. and then send out notification "user-logged-in" with the user data.
My menubar recieves the notification, checks the permissions/roles and adds various menu items appropriately.
the shell.html has a view composition for the menubar.js. So if there are menuitems, it shows up, else it does not. so when the user logs in, the menuItems are populated and at this point the menu items show up.
When the user logs out, I clear the local storage cache and send out a message "user-logged-out".
The menubar.js recieves this message and clears it's menu items, essentially clearing the menu on the menubar.htm
You can essentially do the same for the widgets and use a visible binding to a property which hides or shows for a particular permission/role.
Also important is router.guardRoute. read up on this so that people cannot directly go to a route without logging in.
Hope that helps

MOSS 2007: How to programmatically store web part properties for a user?

I have a web part which shows data in one of 3 different formats. The format is selected by clicking one of 3 buttons in the web part. This works fine.
A request has come through to store the last selected state so that the user does not always have to click their favourite view.
It seemed logical to define a Property and define Personalizable(PersonalizationScope.User) but this does not seem to work for most users as they only have Read rights for the page.
What is the best way forward here? Is Sharepoint the right place to store such info or should I be using my own storage?
Using your own storage is an option but this means its some more development work for you. How about this option.
Modify your WebPart and add the option to the Web Part property.
Create a new permission level and add the following permission
Update Personal Web Parts - Update
Web Parts to display personalized
This will make sure that users with read only access can only update webparts.
Step 2 will allow them to odify all webparts. You can modify each webpart and remove the following option for webparts which you dont want you users to edit.
Allow Editing in Personal View [Advanced]
This way you can lock all webparts except the one you want.
