What is `self` in swift? - ios

I found this code in one of the old projects:
guard let `self` = self else {
return .empty()
static let `default`: LayoutParameters = { ..some code.. }
I assume `` was used in older versions of the language. But I would like to know why it is used/was used. Also, I would like to know if there are any problems if do not change the code and "leave it as is" in the latest versions of Swift and Xcode. Does it work correctly? Should I replace this with
guard let self = self else ......

self is a keyword and normally you cannot use keywords and reserved words in places outside their context. However, that sometimes creates problems. For that reason there is a special syntax to make the keyword to be a normal identifier, e.g.:
enum MyEnum: String {
case `default`
(also see Swift variable name with ` (backtick))
Historically self was not allowed as as a constant name inside guard-let-else and therefore backticks were commonly (ab)used.
They are no longer needed since Swift 4.2.
The code will still work correctly since you can wrap any identifier in backticks and it will just be a normal identifier.

The Xcode IDE suggestion you using `` to help to use the same default key in Foundation SDK.
Example: default is a constant name in Foundation, if you want using default to create new variable name is default you need add ``.
But you using SwiftLint with default rules, Using a default contants name is a code smell.


Using Xcode, Swift, and GRDB, why do I have to unwrap DatabaseQueue? before I can use its methods?

I'm using the GRDB library to integrate SQLite with my iOS application project. I declared a DatabaseQueue object in AppDelegate.swift like so:
var DB : DatabaseQueue!
In the same file, I had provided a function for connecting the above object to a SQLite database which is called when the app starts running. I had been able to use this in one of my controllers without problems (as in, the app doesn't have problems running using the database I connected to it), like so:
var building : Building?
do {
try DB.write { db in
let building = Building.fetchOne(db, "SELECT * FROM Building WHERE number = ?", arguments: [bldgNumber])
} catch {
However, in another controller, the same construct is met with an error,
Value of optional type 'DatabaseQueue?' must be unwrapped to refer to member 'write' of wrapped base type 'DatabaseQueue'
with the only difference (aside from the code, of course) being that there are return statements inside the do-catch block, as the latter is inside a function (tableView for numberOfRowsInSection) that is supposed to return an integer. The erroneous section of code is shown below.
var locsCountInFloor : Int
do {
try DB.write { db in
if currentBuilding!.hasLGF == true {
locsCountInFloor = IndoorLocation.filter(bldg == currentBuilding! && level == floor).fetchCount(db)
} else {
locsCountInFloor = IndoorLocation.filter(bldg == currentBuilding! && level == floor + 1).fetchCount(db)
return locsCountInFloor
} catch {
return 0
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
As is often the case when you have a problem with a generic type in Swift, the error message is not helpful.
Here’s the real problem:
DB.write is generic in its argument and return type. It has a type parameter T. The closure argument’s return type is T, and the write method itself returns T.
The closure you’re passing is more than a single expression. It is a multi-statement closure. Swift does not deduce the type of a multi-statement closure from the statements in the closure. This is just a limitation of the compiler, for practical reasons.
Your program doesn’t specify the type T explicitly or otherwise provide constraints that would let Swift deduce the concrete type.
These characteristics of your program mean Swift doesn’t know concrete type to use for T. So the compiler’s type checker/deducer fails. You would expect to get an error message about this problem. (Possibly an inscrutable message, but presumably at least relevant).
But that’s not what you get, because you declared DB as DatabaseQueue!.
Since DB is an implicitly-unwrapped optional, the type checker handles it specially by (as you might guess) automatically unwrapping it if doing so makes the statement type-check when the statement would otherwise not type-check. In all other ways, the type of DB is just plain DatabaseQueue?, a regular Optional.
In this case, the statement won’t type-check even with automatic unwrapping, because of the error I described above: Swift can’t deduce the concrete type to substitute for T. Since the statement doesn’t type-check either way, Swift doesn’t insert the unwrapping for you. Then it carries on as if DB were declared DatabaseQueue?.
Since DatabaseQueue? doesn’t have a write method (because Optional doesn’t have a write method), the call DB.write is erroneous. So Swift wants to print an error message. But it “helpfully” sees that the wrapped type, DatabaseQueue, does have a write method. And by this point it has completely forgotten that DB was declared implicitly-unwrapped. So it tells you to unwrap DB to get to the write method, even though it would have done that automatically if it hadn’t encountered another error in this statement.
So anyway, you need to tell Swift what type to use for T. I suspect you meant to say this:
var locsCountInFloor: Int
do {
locsCountInFloor = try DB.write { db in
Assigning the result of the DB.write call to the outer locsCountInFloor is sufficient to fix the error, because you already explicitly defined the type of locsCountInFloor. From that, Swift can deduce the return type of this call to DB.write, and from that the type of the closure.

If constants are immutable, why can I reassign them using let?

From the Apple docs "Learn the Essentials of Swift"
A constant is a value that stays the same after it’s declared the
first time, while a variable is a value that can change. A constant is
referred to as immutable, meaning that it can’t be changed, and a
variable is mutable. If you know that a value won’t need to be changed
in your code, declare it as a constant instead of a variable.
Yet in the REPL, I can do this:
14> let favoriteNumber = 4
favoriteNumber: Int = 4
15> let favoriteNumber = 5
favoriteNumber: Int = 5
I am clearly missing something: does this discrepancy have to do with the compiler or runtime, or is it something else?
You can do things in the REPL that you can't do in normal code.
You can't re-assign constants in a playground or in compiled code.
I am not sure if this is a special convenience offered in the REPL, or a bug.
I can see how this gives the impression you are changing the value of a constant, but in actuality you aren't changing the value of favoriteNumber. What is happening is you are declaring a new constant with the same identifier as the previous declaration. In essence this hides the first declaration and it is if only the second favoriteNumber exists. If you try the following:
let favoriteNumber = 4
favoriteNumber = 5
You will see that you are not allowed to change the value of a constant.
It would probably be helpful if the REPL produced a warning that you redeclared an existing constant or variable.
This is not allowed
Reassigning constants is not allowed.
As of Swift 5.2, it is advertised that you cannot redeclare them either (or at least, make invalid redeclarations of such within the same scope):
let this = true
let this = false
// Compiler Error: Invalid redeclaration if 'this'
In the REPL you are probably allowed to redeclare values. I'm pretty sure because of the following:
But secretly, it is
Apparently, you don't need the REPL to redeclare values.
I accidentally discovered that you can do this, and it will compile:
let this = true
guard case let this = 100 else {}
print(this) // 1
It's cool that you can even redeclare a value to a different type.
Since we are only hid[ing] the first declaration, this is allowed.

Swift Framework does not include symbols from extensions to generic structs

I am having trouble linking my framework with code that takes advantage of that framework. Specifically, the linker isn't able to find the symbols for extensions for generics structs.
This is what one of the extensions looks like for Optional:
extension Optional {
/// Unwrap the value returning 'defaultValue' if the value is currently nil
func or(defaultValue: T) -> T {
switch(self) {
case .None:
return defaultValue
case .Some(let value):
return value
This method works great in a playground or in an app if the code is compiled within the main part of the app. However, when I try to compile this into a Framework, apps (and even the tests for the framework) produce the following linker error:
Undefined symbols for architecture i386: "__TFSq2orU__fGSqQ__FQQ",
referenced from:
in Optional+SwiftPlusPlusTests.o
Similar methods like the one following, link fine (notice, it is not on a generic)
extension String {
/// Returns a string by repeating it 'times' times
func repeat(times: Int) -> String {
var result = ""
for i in 0..times {
result += self
return result
There are two other extensions within my repository on github: SwiftPlusPlus that also do not link (both on generic strucs). You will reproduce the errors if you pull the latest commit, build the framework, and then try to run the unit tests.
So far I have tried to run "strings" on the outputted framework and intermediate files and I do not see the symbols for these extensions but I do see the symbols for the repeat method extension on String. So it doesn't even seem to be compiling them into the library.
Does anyone know why the symbols are not defined in the framework?
Here is a link to my Optional Extension
Here is a link to the test file that causes the linker error when trying to compile the test target
I posted on the Apple Developer forums and an Apple employee responded that this is a known bug.
It looks like the compiler gets the mangled symbol names of methods in generic extensions wrong when they live in a different framework.
In case you are looking for a temporary fix, you can wrap the extension in a class method:
// In your framework
public class OptionalOperator {
public class func or<T>(optional:Optional<T>,defaultValue:T) ->T {
return optional.or(defaultValue)
// Outside the framework
var maybeText:String?
let text = OptionalOperator.or(maybeText, defaultValue: "Apple, please fix this")
Of course, this is not ideal and defeats the purpose of extensions. So if you plan on calling this method frequently, we could overload/define an operator.
// In your framework
infix operator ||| {}
public func |||<T>(left:Optional<T>, right:T) -> T {
return left.or(right)
// Outside the framework
var maybeText:String?
let text = maybeText ||| "Apple, please fix this"
In my case, I have multiple applications using the framework, so I'd like to keep the method implementation inside the framework. However, overloading an operator (or just using a global function) would be awkward, so I have to go with the first option until that bug is fixed.
Hope this helps.
Funny thing is that Swift already has an operator for that (??).
var maybeText:String?
let text = maybeText ?? "Nice!"
It's called - Nil Coalescing Operator

Does Swift support reflection?

Does Swift support reflection? e.g. is there something like valueForKeyPath: and setValue:forKeyPath: for Swift objects?
Actually does it even have a dynamic type system, something like obj.class in Objective-C?
Looks like there's the start of some reflection support:
class Fruit {
var name="Apple"
reflect(Fruit()).count // 1
reflect(Fruit())[0].0 // "name"
reflect(Fruit())[0].1.summary // "Apple"
From mchambers gist, here:
If a class extends NSObject, then all of Objective-C's introspection and dynamism works. This includes:
The ability to ask a class about its methods and properties, and to invoke methods or set properties.
The ability to exchange method implementations. (add functionality to all instances).
The ability to generate and assign a new sub-class on the fly. (add functionality to a given instance)
One shortcoming of this functionality is support for Swift optional value types. For example Int properties can be enumerated and modified but Int? properties cannot. Optional types can be enumerated partially using reflect/MirrorType, but still not modified.
If a class does not extend NSObject, then only the new, very limited (and in progress?) reflection works (see reflect/MirrorType), which adds limited ability to ask a instance about its class and properties, but none of the additional features above.
When not extending NSObject, or using the '#objc' directive, Swift defaults to static- and vtable-based dispatch. This is faster, however, in the absence of a virtual machine does not allow runtime method interception. This interception is a fundamental part of Cocoa and is required for the following types of features:
Cocoa's elegant property observers. (Property observers are baked right in to the Swift language).
Non-invasively applying cross-cutting concerns like logging, transaction management (i.e Aspect Oriented Programming).
Proxies, message forwarding, etc.
Therefore its recommended that clases in Cocoa/CocoaTouch applications implemented with Swift:
Extend from NSObject. The new class dialog in Xcode steers in this direction.
Where the overhead of of a dynamic dispatch leads to performance issues, then static dispatch can be used - in tight loops with calls to methods with very small bodies, for example.
Swift can behave like C++, with fast static/vtable dispatch and limited reflection. This makes it suitable for lower level or performance intensive applications, but without the complexity, learning curve or risk of error associated with C++
While Swift is a compiled language, the messaging style of method invocation adds the introspection and dynamism found in modern languages like Ruby and Python, just like Objective-C, but without Objective-C's legacy syntax.
Reference data: Execution overhead for method invocations:
static : < 1.1ns
vtable : ~ 1.1ns
dynamic : ~4.9ns
(actual performance depends on hardware, but the ratios will remain similar).
Also, the dynamic attribute allows us to explicitly instruct Swift that a method should use dynamic dispatch, and will therefore support interception.
public dynamic func foobar() -> AnyObject {
The documentation speaks about a dynamic type system, mainly about
Type and dynamicType
See Metatype Type (in Language Reference)
var clazz = TestObject.self
var instance: TestObject = clazz()
var type = instance.dynamicType
println("Type: \(type)") //Unfortunately this prints only "Type: Metatype"
Now assuming TestObject extends NSObject
var clazz: NSObject.Type = TestObject.self
var instance : NSObject = clazz()
if let testObject = instance as? TestObject {
println("yes!") //prints "yes!"
Currently, there is no reflection implemented.
EDIT: I was apparently wrong, see stevex's answer. There is some simple readonly reflection for properties build in, probably to allow IDEs to inspect object contents.
No reflect keyword in Swift 5, now you can use
struct Person {
var name="name"
var age = 15
var me = Person()
var mirror = Mirror(reflecting: me)
for case let (label?, value) in mirror.children {
print (label, value)
It seems that a Swift reflection API is not a high priority for Apple at the moment. But besides #stevex answer there is another function in the standard library that helps.
As of beta 6 _stdlib_getTypeName gets the mangled type name of a variable. Paste this into an empty playground:
import Foundation
class PureSwiftClass {
var myvar0 = NSString() // Objective-C class
var myvar1 = PureSwiftClass()
var myvar2 = 42
var myvar3 = "Hans"
println( "TypeName0 = \(_stdlib_getTypeName(myvar0))")
println( "TypeName1 = \(_stdlib_getTypeName(myvar1))")
println( "TypeName2 = \(_stdlib_getTypeName(myvar2))")
println( "TypeName3 = \(_stdlib_getTypeName(myvar3))")
The output is:
TypeName0 = NSString
TypeName1 = _TtC13__lldb_expr_014PureSwiftClass
TypeName2 = _TtSi
TypeName3 = _TtSS
Ewan Swick's blog entry helps to decipher these strings:
e.g. _TtSi stands for Swift's internal Int type.
Mike Ash has a great blog entry covering the same topic.
You might want to consider using toString() instead. It is public and works just the same as _stdlib_getTypeName() with the difference that it also works on AnyClass, e.g. in a Playground enter
class MyClass {}
toString(MyClass.self) // evaluates to "__lldb_expr_49.MyClass"

How to use Namespaces in Swift?

The documentation only mentions nested types, but it's not clear if they can be used as namespaces. I haven't found any explicit mentioning of namespaces.
I would describe Swift's namespacing as aspirational; it's been given a lot of advertising that doesn't correspond to any meaningful reality on the ground.
For example, the WWDC videos state that if a framework you're importing has a class MyClass and your code has a class MyClass, those names do not conflict because "name mangling" gives them different internal names. In reality, however, they do conflict, in the sense that your own code's MyClass wins, and you can't specify "No no, I mean the MyClass in the framework" — saying TheFramework.MyClass doesn't work (the compiler knows what you mean, but it says it can't find such a class in the framework).
My experience is that Swift therefore is not namespaced in the slightest. In turning one of my apps from Objective-C to Swift, I created an embedded framework because it was so easy and cool to do. Importing the framework, however, imports all the Swift stuff in the framework - so presto, once again there is just one namespace and it's global. And there are no Swift headers so you can't hide any names.
EDIT: In seed 3, this feature is now starting to come online, in the following sense: if your main code contains MyClass and your framework MyFramework contains MyClass, the former overshadows the latter by default, but you can reach the one in the framework by using the syntax MyFramework.MyClass. Thus we do in fact have the rudiments of a distinct namespace!
EDIT 2: In seed 4, we now have access controls! Plus, in one of my apps I have an embedded framework and sure enough, everything was hidden by default and I had to expose all the bits of the public API explicitly. This is a big improvement.
Answered by SevenTenEleven in the Apple dev forum:
Namespaces are not per-file; they're per-target (based on the
"Product Module Name" build setting). So you'd end up with something
like this:
import FrameworkA
import FrameworkB
All Swift declarations are considered to be part of
some module, so even when you say "NSLog" (yes, it still exists)
you're getting what Swift thinks of as "Foundation.NSLog".
Also Chris Lattner tweeted about namespacing.
Namespacing is implicit in Swift, all classes (etc) are implicitly
scoped by the module (Xcode target) they are in. no class prefixes
Seems to be very different what I have been thinking.
While doing some experimentation with this I ended up creating these "namespaced" classes in their own files by extending the root "package". Not sure if this is against best practices or if it has any implications I'm mot aware of(?)
var n1 = PackageOne.Class(name: "Package 1 class")
var n2 = PackageTwo.Class(name: "Package 2 class")
println("Name 1: \(n1.name)")
println("Name 2: \(n2.name)")
import Foundation
struct PackageOne {
import Foundation
struct PackageTwo {
extension PackageOne {
class Class {
var name: String
init(name:String) {
self.name = name
extension PackageTwo {
class Class {
var name: String
init(name:String) {
self.name = name
Just found out that creating "subpackages" in above code wont work if using separate files. Maybe someone can hint on why that would be the case?
Adding following files to the above:
import Foundation
extension PackageOne {
struct SubPackage {
extension PackageOne.SubPackage {
class Class {
var name: String
init(name:String) {
self.name = name
Its throwing a compiler error:
'SubPackage' is not a member type of 'PackageOne'
If I move the code from PackageOneSubPackageClass.swift to PackageOneSubPackage.swift it works. Anyone?
Edit 2:
Fiddling around with this still and found out (in Xcode 6.1 beta 2) that by defining the packages in one file they can be extended in separate files:
public struct Package {
public struct SubPackage {
public struct SubPackageOne {
public struct SubPackageTwo {
Here are my files in a gist:
I believe this is achieved using:
struct Foo
class Bar
Then it can be accessed using:
var dds = Foo.Bar();
Namespaces are useful when you need to define class with the same name as class in existing framework.
Suppose your app has MyApp name, and you need to declare your custom UICollectionViewController.
You don't need to prefix and subclass like this:
class MAUICollectionViewController: UICollectionViewController {}
Do it like this:
class UICollectionViewController {} //no error "invalid redeclaration o..."
Why?. Because what you've declared is declared in current module, which is your current target. And UICollectionViewController from UIKit is declared in UIKit module.
How to use it within current module?
var customController = UICollectionViewController() //your custom class
var uikitController = UIKit.UICollectionViewController() //class from UIKit
How to distinguish them from another module?
var customController = MyApp.UICollectionViewController() //your custom class
var uikitController = UIKit.UICollectionViewController() //class from UIKit
Swift uses modules much like in python (see here and here) and as #Kevin Sylvestre suggested you can also use the nested types as namespaces.
And to extend the answer from #Daniel A. White, in WWDC they were talking about the modules in swift.
Also here is explained:
Inferred types make code cleaner and less prone to mistakes, while
modules eliminate headers and provide namespaces.
You can use extension to use the mentioned structs approach for namespacing without having to indent all of your code towards the right. I've been toying with this a bit and I'm not sure I'd go as far as creating Controllers and Views namespaces like in the example below, but it does illustrate how far it can go:
// Define the namespaces
struct Profiles {
struct Views {}
struct ViewControllers {}
// Define your new class within its namespace
extension Profiles.ViewControllers {
class Edit: UIViewController {}
// Extend your new class to avoid the extra whitespace on the left
extension Profiles.ViewControllers.Edit {
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do some stuff
extension Profiles.Views {
class Edit: UIView {}
extension Profiles.Views.Edit {
override func drawRect(rect: CGRect) {
// Do some stuff
I haven't used this in an app since I haven't needed this level of separation yet but I think it's an interesting idea. This removes the need for even class suffixes such as the ubiquitous *ViewController suffix which is annoyingly long.
However, it doesn't shorten anything when it's referenced such as in method parameters like this:
class MyClass {
func doSomethingWith(viewController: Profiles.ViewControllers.Edit) {
// secret sauce
Even though it is possible to implement namespaces using Framework and Libraries but the best solution is to use local packages using Swift Package Manager. Besides having access modifiers, this approach has some other benefits. As in Swift Package Manager, the files are managed based on the directory system, not their target member ship, you won't have to struggle with merge conflicts that arise frequently in teamworks. Furthermore, there is no need to set file memberships.
To check how to use local Swift packages refer to the following link:
Organizing Your Code with Local Packages
In case anyone was curious, as of June 10th 2014, this is a known bug in Swift:
From SevenTenEleven
"Known bug, sorry! rdar://problem/17127940 Qualifying Swift types by their module name doesn't work."
