What is PROPFIND request - propfind

In the postman, there are multiple request types and I see PROPFIND but do not actually know what are its aspects and usage, just curious if it is useful for future use anyone can explain it in simple terms.

PROPFIND — used to retrieve properties, stored as XML, from a web resource. It is also overloaded to allow one to retrieve the collection structure (a.k.a. directory hierarchy) of a remote system.

PROPFIND is a WebDAV request used with HTTP servers that enable WebDAV. HTTP was developed with requests GET, PUT, POST, PATCH, and DELETE. WebDAV, which stands for Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning, extends the requests to add MKCOL, LOCK, UNLOCK, COPY, MOVE, PROPFIND, and PROPATCH. PROPFIND (Property Find) is a complex WebDAV request that allows clients to request from a WebDAV enabled server an XML response containing a listing of all the items in the collection specified in the request matching the properties specified in the request. Thus, to oversimplify, a client (you on your computer) may want to retrieve all html files on a server site matching a regular expression, and having version numbers after a given version number, and authored by user JimBrokaw, and approved by Director AliceFaye. See here for a more thorough description.


Rails: What should delete action respond with when handling successful AJAX requests? [duplicate]

Let's say I have an API where you can get users:
And you can delete users by:
What is the RESTful convention on what the DELETE's response body should contain?
I expected it should be the new list of all users which now doesn't contain the user with id 123 anymore.
Googling around didn't get me any satisfying answers. I only found opinions on how to do that, but isn't there a strict definition of RESTful Services?
This is NOT a duplicate of What should a RESTful API POST/DELETE return in the body? and What REST PUT/POST/DELETE calls should return by a convention?
since this questions asks for a strict definition regarding DELETE. Those questions were answered by loose opinions only.
The reason you get no hard answers is because there is no hard RESTful standard. So I can only suggest that you create a hard standard and stick to it within your own APIs
I used this as a guide for RESTful services http://www.vinaysahni.com/best-practices-for-a-pragmatic-restful-api
It says respond with a 204 status and an empty body
I stick to those standards and document them well for anyone who wants to use my APIs
What is the RESTful convention on what the DELETE's response body should contain?
REST is an architectural style defined by Fielding in the chapter 5 of his dissertation and it describes a set of contraints for applications built with this architecture. REST is designed to be protocol indenpendent but the chapter 6 of the same dissertation describes how REST is applied over HTTP.
Once your REST application is designed on the top of the HTTP protocol, you should be aware of the HTTP semantics. And the semantis of the HTTP/1.1 protocol are currently described in the RFC 7231.
The response payload of a DELETE request that has succeeded may:
Be empty or;
Include a representation of the status of the action.
And the following response status codes are suitable for a DELETE request that has succeeded:
202: The request has been accepted for processing, but the processing has not been completed.
204: The server has successfully fulfilled the request and that there is no additional content to send in the response payload body.
200: The request has succeeded and the request payload includes a representation of the status of the action.
See the following quote from the RFC 7231:
If a DELETE method is successfully applied, the origin server SHOULD
send a 202 (Accepted) status code if the action will likely succeed
but has not yet been enacted, a 204 (No Content) status code if the
action has been enacted and no further information is to be supplied,
or a 200 (OK) status code if the action has been enacted and the
response message includes a representation describing the status.
204 No Content is a popular response for DELETE and occasionally PUT as well.
However, if you are implementing HATEOAS, returning a 200 OK with links to follow may be more ideal. This is because a HATEOAS REST API provides context to the client. Think of the location a user application navigates to after successfully issuing a delete command. Here is a brief article excerpt with more discussion on this. See the blog article for a more complete discussion.
Article: http://blog.ploeh.dk/2013/04/30/rest-lesson-learned-avoid-204-responses/
Avoid 204 responses if you're building a HATEOAS application.
This is a lesson about REST API design that I learned while building non-trivial REST APIs. In order to be as supportive of the client as possible, a REST API should not return 204 (No Content) responses.
From the service's perspective, a 204 (No Content) response may be a perfectly valid response to a POST, PUT or DELETE request. Particularly, for a DELETE request it seems very appropriate, because what else can you say?
However, from the perspective of a proper HATEOAS-aware client, a 204 response is problematic because there are no links to follow. When hypermedia acts as the engine of application state, when there are no links, there's no state. In other words, a 204 response throws away all application state.
This article covers POST, PUT, DELETE and GET. Here's the specific discussion on DELETE:
Responding to DELETE requests
A DELETE request represents the intent to delete a resource. Thus, if the service successfully handles a DELETE request, what else can it do than returning a 204 (No Content)? After all, the resource has just been removed.
A resource is often a member of a collection, or otherwise 'owned' by a container. As an example, http://foo.ploeh.dk/api/tags/rock represents a "rock" tag, but another way of looking at it is that the /rock resource is contained within the tags container (which is itself a resource). This should be familiar to Atom Pub users.
Imagine that you want to delete the http://foo.ploeh.dk/api/tags/rock resource. In order to accomplish that goal, you issue a DELETE request against it. If all your client gets back is a 204 (No Content), it's just lost its context. Where does it go from there? Unless you keep state on the client, you don't know where you came from.
Instead of returning 204 (No Content), the API should be helpful and suggest places to go. In this example I think one obvious link to provide is to http://foo.ploeh.dk/api/tags - the container from which the client just deleted a resource. Perhaps the client wishes to delete more resources, so that would be a helpful link.

Can one differentiate cases when returning an HTTP 422 in a REST API?

I am developing a REST API in Rails.
The API returns an HTTP 422 unprocessable entity with error messages when model validations fail.
However, a model can have several validations and I want to delegate the translation of the error messages to the API consumer and that is why it needs to differentiate what was the specific cause for the server to return a 422.
I was thinking about using subcodes, just like Facebook does in its API. Is there a way to do this keeping the REST practices?
Also, what does one do when an error 422 occurs for multiple causes at the same time?
RFC 7231
Client Error 4.x.x
Except when responding to a HEAD request, the server SHOULD send a representation containing an explanation of the error situation, and whether it is a temporary or permanent condition.
Normally, you should encode information that is specific to your domain in the message-body of the response. The status line and response headers are there for generic components (browsers, caches, proxies) to have a coarse understanding of what is going on.
The Problem Details specification lays out the concern rather well.
consider a response that indicates that the client's account doesn't have enough credit. The 403 Forbidden status code might be deemed most appropriate to use, as it will inform HTTP generic software (such as client libraries, caches, and proxies) of the general semantics of the response.
However, that doesn't give the API client enough information about why the request was forbidden, the applicable account balance, or how to correct the problem. If these details are included in the response body in a machine-readable format, the client can treat it appropriately; for example, triggering a transfer of more credit into the account.
I don't promise that Problem Details is well suited for your purposes; but as prior art it should help you to recognize that the information you want to communicate belongs in the body of the response, with a suitable Content-Type header to inform the consumers which processing logic they need to use.

Why is GZIP Compression of a Request Body during a POST method uncommon?

I was playing around with GZIP compression recently and the way I understand the following:
Client requests some files or data from a Web Server. Client also sends a header that says "Accept-Encoding,gzip"
Web Server retrieves the files or data, compresses them, and sends them back GZIP compressed to the client. The Web Server also sends a header saying "Content-Encoded,gzip" to note to the Client that the data is compressed.
The Client then de-compresses the data/files and loads them for the user.
I understand that this is common practice, and it makes a ton of sense when you need to load a page that requires a ton of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, which can be relatively large, and add to your browser's loading time.
However, I was trying to look further into this and why is it not common to GZIP compress a request body when doing a POST call? Is it because usually request bodies are small so the time it takes to decompress the file on the web server is longer than it takes to simply send the request? Is there some sort of document or reference I can have about this?
It's uncommon because in a client - server relationship, the server sends all the data to the client, and as you mentioned, the data coming from the client tends to be small and so compression rarely brings any performance gains.
In a REST API, I would say that big request payloads were common, but apparently Spring Framework, known for their REST tools, disagree - they explicitly say in their docs here that you can set the servlet container to do response compression, with no mention of request compression. As Spring Framework's mode of operation is to provide functionality that they think lots of people will use, they obviously didn't feel it worthwhile to provide a ServletFilter implementation that we users could employ to read compressed request bodies.
It would be interesting to trawl the user mailing lists of tomcat, struts, jackson, gson etc for similar discussions.
If you want to write your own decompression filter, try reading this: How to decode Gzip compressed request body in Spring MVC
Alternatively, put your servlet container behind a web server that offers more functionality. People obviously do need request compression enough that web servers such as Apache offer it - this SO answer summarises it well already: HTTP request compression - you'll find the reference to the HTTP spec there too.
Very old question but I decided to resurrect it because it was my first google result and I feel the currently only answer is incomplete.
HTTP request compression is uncommon because the client can't be sure the server supports it.
When the server sends a response, it can use the Accept-Encoding header from the client's request to see if the client would understand a gzipped response.
When the client sends a request, it can be the first HTTP communication so there is nothing to tell the client that the server would understand a gzipped request. The client can still do so, but it's a gamble.
Although very few modern http servers would not know gzip, the configuration to apply it to request bodies is still very uncommon. At least on nginx, it looks like custom Lua scripting is required to get it working.
Don't do it, for no other reason than security. Firewalls have a hard or impossible time dealing with compressed input data.

Does the youtube api v3/search support etags?

I'm trying to use etags in order to reduce both my bandwidth and my quota usage but /search returns an new etag even when nothing changed. It also still sends the content if I specify the previous etag in the header.
Is it supported for that api call or am I probably doing something wrong?
Etags are supported by youtube but it depends on what kind of data you are asking
ETags, a standard part of the HTTP protocol, allow applications to refer to a specific version of a particular API resource. The resource could be an entire feed or an item in that feed. This functionality supports the following use cases:
Caching and conditional retrieval – Your application can cache API
resources and their ETags. Then, when your application requests a
stored resource again, it specifies the ETag associated with that
resource. If the resource has changed, the API returns the modified
resource and the ETag associated with that version of the resource. If
the resource has not changed, the API returns an HTTP 304 response
(Not Modified), which indicates that the resource has not changed.
Your application can reduce latency and bandwidth usage by serving
cached resources in this manner.
The client libraries for Google APIs differ in their support of ETags.
For example, the JavaScript client library supports ETags via a
whitelist for allowed request headers that includes If-Match and
If-None-Match. The whitelist allows normal browser caching to occur so
that if a resource's ETag has not changed, the resource can be served
from the browser cache. The Obj-C client, on the other hand, does not
support ETags. Protecting against inadvertent overwrites of changes –
ETags help to ensure that multiple API clients don't inadvertently
overwrite each other's changes. When updating or deleting a resource,
your application can specify the resource's ETag. If the ETag doesn't
match the most recent version of that resource, then the API request
Using ETags in your application provides several benefits:
The API responds more quickly to requests for cached but unchanged
resources, yielding lower latency and lower bandwidth usage. Your
application will not inadvertently overwrite changes to a resource
that were made from another API client.
I usually scrape Youtube for Videos searches and I just store the Etag that it return. To use the etag, create a header request and put "If-None-Match" equal to your etag value. Note this should be a request header and not appended to the endpoint call. You can also use "If-Match".
Depending on what kind of API you are using, the way of inserting a new value to the request header may differ slightly

webdav search returns 405

I am building a client application for webdav. I have implemented webdav protocols like MKCOl, delete, prop find, move, copy and it is working fine. When I tried to implement search method, server returns:
405 method not allowed
I am using apache2 server, do I need any configuration change in the server? I got to know from the link How to get the list of folders and files deployed on Linux WebDav? that some servers will not support search method, and suggestion given from the link is to use webdav propfind method, so I want to know whether propfind with depth infinity is feasible for file system with large collections.
You can craft the PROPFIND request to limit the fields that are returned. If you were to limit this request to the searchable parameters, it could work for you.
[is] depth infinity feasible for file system with large collections
It depends, of course, on how large the collections are. You will be receiving several hundred bytes of data for each item in the collection. A collection with millions of objects could result in a pretty big response!
