Error when trying to deploy signal-twilio-video-webrtc-go-demo - twilio

I'm trying to deploy a simple video chat as part of our website customer support. The sample code has been a big help and so far I have successfully built and deployed both of these:
The instructions for both of those were clear and I had no problem deploying them to the serverless service.
However, the react app has more features than we need, so I was hoping to try a smaller, simpler sample web application from here:
My problem/question is that when I follow those instructions and get to:
npm run deploy
all I get is an error message:
signal-twilio-videe-webrtc-go#0.0.0 predeploy
sh: build: command not found
Can anyone explain what that means and how I can get past that error?

Twilio developer evangelist and creator of that demo here.
Apologies for getting the predeploy script wrong, I thought I knew what I was doing.
I have now updated the predeploy script to npm run build as you suggested in your comment.
As for why this was a problem, I believe that I was under the misconception that one npm script could refer to another without the npm run prefix. However, it cannot. So, to run one npm script from another, as in this predeploy script, I needed to refer to the script as npm run build. I am referring to another script like this because the predeploy script is automatically run by npm before the deploy script (you can do this with any script you create, and you can run scripts after using the post prefix too).
I have updated the repo with this, as well as some dependency updates, so hopefully this doesn't cause further problems.


npm library fails to install in GitLab CI

My Docker image build has been failing to build lately and I've managed to trace down
where exactly it struggles.
When the runner is executing RUN npm install react-scripts#2.1.8 -g --silent --no-optional (from Dockerfile)
it fails and gives no error output to work with. Job log shows no clue as to why it failed.
I figured I could SSH into the CI server but GitLab doesn't support direct SSH access into CI server for debugging purposes.
My question is how can I debug this ? What steps I should take ? I don't deal every day with
bug where I get no error output.
What are the conditions in which GitLab runner may fail to install it ?
I ran it locally and no problem whatsoever hence it must be problem within the CI.
is the build of your image is ok in your computer ? You can also install a gitlab runner in your computer to test your gitlabci file
Try removing the --silent flag from the npm install command. I reckon you'll see a bit more then.
Timeout of the build runner was to blame in this particular case. As soon as I reorganized the code in build script npm library was successfully installed.

How can I get the path of a newly built apk in gitlab after the code is checked in, which I need in the command 'curl' to upload it to ADF

I wrote a python script, which uses boto3 to schedule android app UI test on ADF. My next step is to make gitlab CI work. My test suite program is Java Appium with TestNG, not integrated with the android program.
My problem now is how to get the PATH of files(apk and in gitlab repo which needed in curl command to upload the newly build apk(builded after new code checked in) and my test suite.
Actually, foremost, am I in the right track?
Can I use curl in gitlab like that?
If so, what's the path I could use? (if you could shortly explain the storage structure(or say namespace?) or give me some reference). Actually, is it just take the project home directory as '/'?
for test suite, its actually easier, if I figure out what's the path, I could just put it in the home directory.
for the newly built apk, I don't actually know where is it. We use the pipeline, I think the apk file is somewhere in the server. Below is the YAML snippet:
stage: archive
- ./gradlew assembleRelease
- master
- search
- main/build/outputs/
- android
- gradle
If not, how can I do that? This actually suit if I am not in the right track as well.
So after you check in code, the runner look at the .gitlab_ci.yml, and runs following its instruction. And this process, happens in the server machine(either yours or gitlab's), so everything is basically the same as you in your computer(sure you will need the right environment, just appoint the right image or docker).
so yes, we could use 'curl' there. For the directory structure, if you have the privilege to login your server(thru ssh, for instance), you could get it easily. Or we could just explore it like what we do locally(pwd, ls, cd). So what I did is I have a script which have some "pwd, ls, cd ", and call this script from yml, then I look at the info it print to help figure out the directory structure. Then I got what I want(the path), then problem solved.
Although I didn't use dependencies, but you might want to read it to get more about how to pass artifacts between jobs.
If you are looking for this problem, hope it helps you.

Setting up your module with Travis CI

Anyone got a boilerplate the world can use for Travis CI build testing for modules?
I havn't used Travis CI before but I got it hooked up however all my builds are failing, and the logs just say phpunit exited with code 1. I assume I'm definitely missing something and I have a feeling I need to download all silverstripe composer dependecies but have no idea where to start
I'm wanting it to run tests against (mymodule)/tests folder and hoping it's possible
The section on "Connecting to CI" isn't very helpful!
To set up with travis you'll need to use the travis-support module.
It's quite straightforward to do with a boilerplate .travis.yml which you can see on pretty much any SilverStripe module that's using travis. Here's a pretty standard one.
That file will test against PHP 5.3-5.6 as well as against SilverStripe versions 3.1.x-dev (latest 3.1 development version) all the way to 3.x-dev (3.5 development version).
You'll also need to customise the final line to run the correct test suite.

running protractor test using npm

I am new to protractor, node and all. I have learned to create scripts with protractor. But now I need to run this test scripts along the build.
I have seen people can run it with npm test/ npm test e2e. How can I achieve this.
My project structure,
In my project they are using webpack and karma.
Sorry, I am really noob at this and don't know how to set it up.
We also need to configure it in Jenkins, so it runs and generates a flag for success or failure.
Any suggestions to set it up would really really be helpful. Please be as elaborate as possible as it is hard for me to understand things as of now.
Thank you so much!
If the package.json file is in the root folder of the project you can add the code below to it and run it using npm test and npm run test:e2e. This assumes you have Protractor and Karma installed locally in your project which would be a best practice (if it is not in the package.json as a dependency it probably is not).
"scripts": {
"postinstall": "node_modules/protractor/bin/webdriver-manager update",
"test": "node_modules/karma/bin/karma start webapp/test/unit/karma.conf.js"
"test:e2e": "node_modules/protractor/bin/protractor webapp/test/e2e/conf.js"
postinstall - This will run webdriver-manager update locally automatically after running npm install, you could run into issues with missing drivers when using a CI Server like Jenkins that is continuously checking our your repository (it also saves you a CI step)
test - This is equivalent to karma start karma.conf.js
test:e2e - This is equivalent to protractor conf.js it is just running it locally. To run these tests type npm run test:e2e from the directory with your package.json
It is recommended to not combine Protractor and Karma together (although possible) Karma should be used for Unit and Integration tests and Protractor should be used for e2e tests.
As an extra tip it is possible to pass protractor or karma command line arguments through the npm scripts. Simply append it the way you normally would (e.g.
"webapp/test/e2e/conf.js --baseUrl=")
Your question regarding integrating NPM into Jenkins has already been answered fairly well here how to run npm/grunt command from jenkins but be aware running your tests entirely in Jenkins will cause it to run headlessly which when using Windows will cause it to run in Session 0 where the screen resolution will be smaller which causes some tests to fail, opening the selenium server beforehand in a Terminal/Powershell window will cause Jenkins to route your tests through that so it will visually display on your computer.

Travis-CI and Coveralls

I just cannot hook up the automatic update of to my Travis-CI build. All works fine if I execute the scripts on my machines. Here is the last message from the build log:
Submitting coverage to
Coverage submitted!
Couldn't find a repository matching this job.
The command "python travis-ci/" exited with 0.
Any hints or suggestions would be highly appreciated.
Best, Philipp
Make sure the TRAVIS, TRAVIS_JOB_ID and TRAVIS_BRANCH environment variables are defined when calling coveralls.
If you're using Tox for example, an extra step is needed as described in the coveralls-python readme.
This question is older, but the current problems show the same error. (And Google finds this too :-))
There were issues opened about it in node-coveralls and coveralls-public (and one more) repositories. It appeared, that Coveralls got accidentally blocked by Travis.
Although the problem was supposed to be fixed, as the comments on the second issue suggest, it occurred again. I myself could upload a new report neither from my machine, nor from Travis. I switched from Coveralls to Codecov.
