Can I use a variable for the 'To' field for Twilio SMS? - twilio-php

I keep getting an error: "RestException: [HTTP 400] Unable to create record: The 'To'..."
when trying to use a variable - see below, example = $user_phone_number = "+13334445555"
$client = new Client($account_sid, $auth_token);
// Where to send a text message (your cell phone?)
'from' => $twilio_number,
'body' => $MsgBody


Getting Google Ads API keyword_plan_idea_error: The input has an invalid value

$requestOptionalArgs = [];
$requestOptionalArgs['keywordSeed'] = new KeywordSeed(['keywords' => $keywords]);
'language' => ResourceNames::forLanguageConstant(1000), // English
'customerId' => $customerId,
'geoTargetConstants' => $geoTargetConstants,
'keywordPlanNetwork' => KeywordPlanNetwork::GOOGLE_SEARCH
] + $requestOptionalArgs);
The above code is working fine if the $keywords array size is not more than 20. If I add the 21st keyword to the $keywords array then it's throwing the below error.
keyword_plan_idea_error: The input has an invalid value.

Neo4jPHP Transaction queries: getting errors in query construction

I am trying to implement basic transaction based queries using Jadell's Neo4jPHP.
Here is my code:
$transaction = $client->beginTransaction();
$query = new Query($client, "CREATE UNIQUE (u:users {email})-[r:visited {'time':'1425283200'}]->(e:halls {hallId}) RETURN r", array('email' => array('email' => ''), 'hallId' => array('hallId' => 1234)));
$result = $transaction->addStatements($query);
I am getting an error:
[message] => Invalid input ''': expected whitespace, a property key
name, '}', an identifier or UnsignedDecimalInteger (line 1, column
Any clues as to what is going wrong here?
I tried the following (removed parameters) and still getting an error:
$transaction = $client->beginTransaction();
$query = new Query($client, "CREATE UNIQUE (u:users {'email':'" . $email . "'})-[r:visited]->(e:halls {'hallId':'" . $hallId . "'}) RETURN r");
$result = $transaction->addStatements($query);
Getting an error:
[message] => Unable to deserialize request: Can not deserialize
instance of java.util.LinkedHashMap out of START_ARRAY token\n
This should work.
Use query parameters instead of string concatenation
$transaction = $client->beginTransaction();
$cypher="CREATE UNIQUE (u:users {email:{email}})-[r:visited]->(e:halls {hallId:{hallId}}) RETURN r";
$query = new Query($client,$cypher,array('email'=>$email,'hallId'=>$hallId));
$result = $transaction->addStatements($query);

IO::Socket::INET returns a empty socket

This is my code:
my $server_socket = new IO::Socket::INET
LocalPort => 8378,
Listen => $SOMAXCONN,
Proto => 'tcp',
Reuse => 1
) || die "$!\n";
$serverName = $ENV{COMPUTERNAME};
$socketPortNr = 8378;
$clientSocket = new IO::Socket::INET (PeerAddr => $serverName,
PeerPort => $socketPortNr,
Proto => 'tcp');
but the $clientSocket is empty.
What could be the reason for empty $clientSocket?
There's no need to speculate. As shown in the examples in its documentation, IO::Socket::INET->new places an error message in $# when it fails.
my $client_socket = new IO::Socket::INET->new(
or die("Can't create client socket: $#\n");
($! is also set, though the information it provides is not always as precise.)

Twitter API call not working

Hi Friends i am trying to run twitter apis to get tweets for a hashtag using below code. When i tried get the user timeline it's not giving any error for authentication but when it tried to search for tweets which contains hahstag it's giving authentication error.
$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
$token_secret = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
$consumer_key = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
$consumer_secret = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
$host = '';
$method = 'GET';
$path = '/1.1/statuses/user_timeline.json'; // api call path
$query = array( // query parameters
'screen_name' => 'twitterapi'
$oauth = array(
'oauth_consumer_key' => $consumer_key,
'oauth_token' => $token,
'oauth_nonce' => (string)mt_rand(), // a stronger nonce is recommended
'oauth_timestamp' => time(),
'oauth_signature_method' => 'HMAC-SHA1',
'oauth_version' => '1.0'
$oauth = array_map("rawurlencode", $oauth); // must be encoded before sorting
$query = array_map("rawurlencode", $query);
$arr = array_merge($oauth, $query); // combine the values THEN sort
asort($arr); // secondary sort (value)
ksort($arr); // primary sort (key)
// http_build_query automatically encodes, but our parameters
// are already encoded, and must be by this point, so we undo
// the encoding step
$querystring = urldecode(http_build_query($arr, '', '&'));
$url = "https://$host$path";
// mash everything together for the text to hash
$base_string = $method."&".rawurlencode($url)."&".rawurlencode($querystring);
// same with the key
$key = rawurlencode($consumer_secret)."&".rawurlencode($token_secret);
// generate the hash
$signature = rawurlencode(base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha1', $base_string, $key, true)));
// this time we're using a normal GET query, and we're only encoding the query params
// (without the oauth params)
$url .= "?".http_build_query($query);
$url=str_replace("&","&",$url); //Patch by #Frewuill
$oauth['oauth_signature'] = $signature; // don't want to abandon all that work!
ksort($oauth); // probably not necessary, but twitter's demo does it
// also not necessary, but twitter's demo does this too
function add_quotes($str) { return '"'.$str.'"'; }
$oauth = array_map("add_quotes", $oauth);
// this is the full value of the Authorization line
$auth = "OAuth " . urldecode(http_build_query($oauth, '', ', '));
echo $auth;exit;
// if you're doing post, you need to skip the GET building above
// and instead supply query parameters to CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS
$options = array( CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array("Authorization: $auth"),
//CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => $postfields,
CURLOPT_URL => $url,
// do our business
$feed = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($feed, $options);
$json = curl_exec($feed);
$twitter_data = json_decode($json);
echo "<pre>";print_r($twitter_data);
When i run this code i am successfully able to get the user time line so i wnt for next step to get tweets for a particular hashtag by chnaging code like below
$host = '';
$method = 'GET';
$path = '/1.1/search/tweets.json'; // api call path
$query = array( // query parameters
'q' => '#Polls2013'
But now it's giving a weird error like below.
stdClass Object
[errors] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[message] => Could not authenticate you
[code] => 32
The query you are posting for search should be url encoded in the manner specified by twitter,
See this documentation (

Get list people you are following on twitter

IS it possible to something like this:
but instead of list of people following you, list of people you are following?
Looks like this is what you need:
Once you have the list of ID's returned, you can look them up by passing them as a comma delimited list to another API call:[comma delimited list goes here]
You could use this:
that way you don't have to do two calls for id and than for details.
The new 1.1 URL you need to call is
Full documentation is at
$profile_username = "abcdefg"; //twitter username
$oauth_access_token = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"; //Your access token
$oauth_access_token_secret = "YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY"; //Your access token secret
$consumer_secret = "BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB"; //Your secret key
$tmhOAuth = new tmhOAuth(array(
'consumer_key' => $consumer_key,
'consumer_secret' => $consumer_secret,
'user_token' => $oauth_access_token,
'user_secret' => $oauth_access_token_secret,
'curl_ssl_verifypeer' => false
$code = $tmhOAuth->request(
'screen_name' => $profile_username,
'count' => '10'
$response = $tmhOAuth->response['response'];
$following_ids = json_decode($response, true);
