How do I sort a simple Lua table alphabetically? - lua

I have already seen many threads with examples of how to do this, the problem is, I still can't do it.
All the examples have tables with extra data. For example somethings like this
lines = {
luaH_set = 10,
luaH_get = 24,
luaH_present = 48,
or this,
obj = {
{ N = 'Green1' },
{ N = 'Green' },
{ N = 'Sky blue99' }
I can code in a few languages but I'm very new to Lua, and tables are really confusing to me. I can't seem to work out how to adapt the code in the examples to be able to sort a simple table.
This is my table:
local players = {"barry", "susan", "john", "wendy", "kevin"}
I want to sort these names alphabetically. I understand that Lua tables don't preserve order, and that's what's confusing me. All I essentially care about doing is just printing these names in alphabetical order, but I feel I need to learn this properly and know how to index them in the right order to a new table.
The examples I see are like this:
local function cmp(a, b)
a = tostring(a.N)
b = tostring(b.N)
local patt = '^(.-)%s*(%d+)$'
local _,_, col1, num1 = a:find(patt)
local _,_, col2, num2 = b:find(patt)
if (col1 and col2) and col1 == col2 then
return tonumber(num1) < tonumber(num2)
return a < b
table.sort(obj, cmp)
for i,v in ipairs(obj) do
print(i, v.N)
or this:
function pairsByKeys (t, f)
local a = {}
for n in pairs(t) do table.insert(a, n) end
table.sort(a, f)
local i = 0 -- iterator variable
local iter = function () -- iterator function
i = i + 1
if a[i] == nil then return nil
else return a[i], t[a[i]]
return iter
for name, line in pairsByKeys(lines) do
print(name, line)
and I'm just absolutely thrown by this as to how to do the same thing for a simple 1D table.
Can anyone please help me to understand this? I know if I can understand the most basic example, I'll be able to teach myself these harder examples.

local players = {"barry", "susan", "john", "wendy", "kevin"}
-- sort ascending, which is the default
print(table.concat(players, ", "))
-- sort descending
table.sort(players, function(a,b) return a > b end)
print(table.concat(players, ", "))
Here's why:
Your table players is a sequence.
local players = {"barry", "susan", "john", "wendy", "kevin"}
Is equivalent to
local players = {
[1] = "barry",
[2] = "susan",
[3] = "john",
[4] = "wendy",
[5] = "kevin",
If you do not provide keys in the table constructor, Lua will use integer keys automatically.
A table like that can be sorted by its values. Lua will simply rearrange the index value pairs in respect to the return value of the compare function. By default this is
function (a,b) return a < b end
If you want any other order you need to provide a function that returs true if element a comes befor b
Read this
Sorts the list elements in a given order, in-place, from list[1] to
This example is not a "list" or sequence:
lines = {
luaH_set = 10,
luaH_get = 24,
luaH_present = 48,
Which is equivalent to
lines = {
["luaH_set"] = 10,
["luaH_get"] = 24,
["luaH_present"] = 48,
it only has strings as keys. It has no order. You need a helper sequence to map some order to that table's element.
The second example
obj = {
{ N = 'Green1' },
{ N = 'Green' },
{ N = 'Sky blue99' }
which is equivalent to
obj = {
[1] = { N = 'Green1' },
[2] = { N = 'Green' },
[3] = { N = 'Sky blue99' },
Is a list. So you could sort it. But sorting it by table values wouldn't make too much sense. So you need to provide a function that gives you a reasonable way to order it.
Read this so you understand what a "sequence" or "list" is in this regard. Those names are used for other things as well. Don't let it confuse you.
It is basically a table that has consecutive integer keys starting at 1.
Understanding this difference is one of the most important concepts while learning Lua. The length operator, ipairs and many functions of the table library only work with sequences.

This is my table:
local players = {"barry", "susan", "john", "wendy", "kevin"}
I want to sort these names alphabetically.
All you need is table.sort(players)
I understand that LUA tables don't preserve order.
Order of fields in a Lua table (a dictionary with arbitrary keys) is not preserved.
But your Lua table is an array, it is self-ordered by its integer keys 1, 2, 3,....

To clear up the confusing in regards to "not preserving order": What's not preserving order are the keys of the values in the table, in particular for string keys, i.e. when you use the table as dictionary and not as array. If you write myTable = {orange="hello", apple="world"} then the fact that you defined key orange to the left of key apple isn't stored. If you enumerate keys/values using for k, v in pairs(myTable) do print(k, v) end then you'd actually get apple world before orange hello because "apple" < "orange".
You don't have this problem with numeric keys though (which is what the keys by default will be if you don't specify them - myTable = {"hello", "world", foo="bar"} is the same as myTable = {[1]="hello", [2]="world", foo="bar"}, i.e. it will assign myTable[1] = "hello", myTable[2] = "world" and = "bar" (same as myTable["foo"]). (Here, even if you would get the numeric keys in a random order - which you don't, it wouldn't matter since you could still loop through them by incrementing.)
You can use table.sort which, if no order function is given, will sort the values using < so in case of numbers the result is ascending numbers and in case of strings it will sort by ASCII code:
local players = {"barry", "susan", "john", "wendy", "kevin"}
-- players is now {"barry", "john", "kevin", "susan", "wendy"}
This will however fall apart if you have mixed lowercase and uppercase entries because uppercase will go before lowercase due to having lower ASCII codes, and of course it also won't work properly with non-ASCII characters like umlauts (they will go last) - it's not a lexicographic sort.
You can however supply your own ordering function which receives arguments (a, b) and needs to return true if a should come before b. Here an example that fixes the lower-/uppercase issues for example, by converting to uppercase before comparing:
table.sort(players, function (a, b)
return string.upper(a) < string.upper(b)


How do I get information from a table in lua?

I have some lua code like this:
_table = {
stuff = {
item1 = {Name="Stack",Rarity="Over"};
item2 = {Name="Flow",Rarity="Com"}
print("placeholder") -- example thing
_stuff = _table.stuff
for i = 1, #_stuff do
The output is this:
I've tried to look at stuff but I don't think it was related to my problem.
Lua tables conceptually are "maps": They map keys to values. Your table _table maps the key stuff to the {item1 = ..., item2 = ...} table. Your stuff table maps the string "item1" to the {Name="Stack",Rarity="Over"} table and the string "item2" to the {Name="Flow",Rarity="Com"} table.
The length operator # completely ignores string keys. It returns an integer i such that t[i] ~= nil and t[i+1] == nil. In particular, it returns 0 if there are no integer keys in the table. This is the case for your stuff table: You only have string keys. Thus your loop never runs, as the limit is 0 and i = 1 > 0 already is the case before the first loop iteration.
Put simply, you're trying to iterate over a "dictionary" (a table with string keys) as if it were a list. Lua tables have both a "list part" (integer keys from 1 to n, where usually n = #t) and a "hash part" (of all other keys). The "list part" is empty in your case, so there's nothing for you to iterate over.
To iterate over all key-value pairs of any table (list or dictionary) in an undefined order, use pairs (rather than ipairs or iterating over indices i, which only works for lists):
for itemname, item in pairs(_stuff) do
If you want a defined order of iteration, either build a second table of keys...
local order = {"item1", "item2"}
for _, key in ipairs(order) do
... or use the integer keys ("list part") of the table:
_table = {
stuff = {
{key = "item1", Name="Stack", Rarity="Over"};
{key = "item2", Name="Flow", Rarity="Com"};
_stuff = _table.stuff
for _, key in ipairs(order) do
for i = 1, #_stuff do
then works as expected.

How to order a Table to tables based on 1 single data part of it?

I am a hobbyest making mods in TableTop Simulator using LUA and have a question that I can not seam to work out.
I have a number of "objects" which is a table in TTS that contains various data for those objects. For example.. obj.position = {x,y,z}... and can be accessed at the axis level as well.
obj.position = {5,10,15} -- x,y,z
obj.position.x == 5
This is an example. The makers of TTS have made it so you can access all the parts like that. So I can acess the object.. and then its various parts. There is a heap, like name, mesh, difuse and a ton more. roations{x,y,z} etc etc
Anyway. I have a table of objects... and would like to order those objects based on the positional data of the x axis.. so highest to lowest. So if I have a table and obj1 in that table is x=3 and obj2 is x=1 and obj3 = x=2 it would be sorted as obj2,obj3,obj1
Pseudo code:
tableOfObjects = {obj1,obj2,obj3}
tableOfObjectsp[1] == obj1
tableOfObjectsp[2] == obj2
tableOfObjectsp[3] == obj3
tableOfObjectsp[1].position.x == 3
tableOfObjectsp[2].position.x == 1
tableOfObjectsp[4].position.x == 2
---After Sort it would look this list
tableOfObjects = {obj1,obj3,obj2}
tableOfObjectsp[1] == obj1
tableOfObjectsp[2] == obj3
tableOfObjectsp[3] == obj2
tableOfObjectsp[1].position.x == 3
tableOfObjectsp[2].position.x == 2
tableOfObjectsp[3].position.x == 1
I hope I am making sense. I am self taught in the last few months!
So basically I have a table of objects and want to sort the objects in that table based on a single value attached to each individual object in the table. In this case the obj.position.x
You need table.sort. The first argument is the table to sort, the second is a function to compare items.
t = {
{str = 42, dex = 10, wis = 100},
{str = 18, dex = 30, wis = 5}
table.sort(t, function (k1, k2)
return k1.str < k2.str
This article has more information
table.sort(tableOfObjects, function(a, b) return a.position.x > b.position.x end)
This line will sort your table tableOfObjects in descending order by the x-coordinate.
To reverse order, replace > by <.
From the Lua reference manual:
table.sort (list [, comp])
Sorts list elements in a given order, in-place, from list[1] to
list[#list]. If comp is given, then it must be a function that
receives two list elements and returns true when the first element
must come before the second in the final order (so that, after the
sort, i < j implies not comp(list[j],list[i])). If comp is not given,
then the standard Lua operator < is used instead.
Note that the comp function must define a strict partial order over
the elements in the list; that is, it must be asymmetric and
transitive. Otherwise, no valid sort may be possible.
The sort algorithm is not stable: elements considered equal by the
given order may have their relative positions changed by the sort.
So in other words table.sort will sort a table in ascending order by its values.
If you want to order descending or by something other than the table value (like the x-coordinate of your table value's position in your case) you have to provide a function that tells Lua which element will come first.
you can create a function that handles this exact thing:
local function fix_table(t)
local x_data = {};
local inds = {};
local rt = {};
for i = 1, #t do
x_data[#x_data + 1] = t[i].position.x;
inds[t[i].position.x] = t[i];
local min_index = math.min(table.unpack(x_data));
local max_index = math.max(table.unpack(x_data));
for i = min_index, max_index do
if inds[i] ~= nil then
rt[#rt + 1] = inds[i];
return rt;
local mytable = {obj1, obj2, obj3};
mytable = fix_table(mytable);
fix_table first takes in every x value inside of the given table, and also places a new index inside the table inds according to each x value (so that they will be ordered from least to greatest), then it gets the smallest value in the x_data array table, which is used to traverse the inds table in order. fix_table checks to make sure that inds[i] is not equal to nil before it increases the size of the return table rt so that every value in rt is ordered from greatest to least, starting at index 1, and ending at index #rt, finally rt is returned.
I hope this helped.

Is this ordering guaranteed?

Is this script:
local data =
{ "data1", "1"},
{ "data5", "2"},
{ "3453453", "3"},
{ "zzz", "4"},
{ "222", "5"},
{ "lol", "6"},
{ "asdf", "7"},
{ "hello", "8"},
local function test()
local count = #data
for i = 1, count do
print(data[i][1] .. " = " .. data[i][2])
Guaranteed to output:
data1 = 1
data5 = 2
3453453 = 3
zzz = 4
222 = 5
lol = 6
asdf = 7
hello = 8
If not then why, and what is best way performance wise to make it so?
I read something about pairs VS ipairs not returning a fixed order of results
ipairs is an iterator of the array elements of a table, in order from first to last. "Array elements" being defined as the members of a table with keys that are numeric values on the range [1, #tbl], where #tbl is the length operator applied to the table.
pairs is an iterator over all of the elements of a table: array and non-array elements alike. Non-array elements of a table have no intrinsic order to Lua, so pairs will return them in any order. And even though the array elements do technically have an order, pairs will not make an exception for them; it always operates in an arbitrary order.
Your code works like ipairs: iterating over each of the numeric keys of the table from 1 to its length.

Nested tables and numerical keys in Lua

I'm not sure if this is possible due to the numerical indices, but hopefully someone can point me in the right direction.
Given the table of:
t = { 13, 200, 12, 15, 23 }
how can I nest a table using the numbers?
t["200"] = {"stuff", "more stuff", "even more stuff"}
doesn't seem to work, as it'll create a position 200 and fill in the empty cells with null. I'd add a letter as a suffix/prefix, but the problem comes trying to sort the table numerically. Is this even possible, or am I stuck with a different method? Thanks!
Slight edit due to a realisation:
t["200"] = {"stuff", "more stuff", "even more stuff"}
actually creates a key of "200", whereas:
t[200] = {"stuff", "more stuff", "even more stuff"}
creates the index 200 with everything else null.
First, DeadMG is correct; you used a string rather than a numerical index. However, even if you did use a number index, it wouldn't help.
If you do this:
someTable = {"value1", "value2", {"value3a", "value3b"}};
someTable[50] = {"value50a", "value50b"};
The length of the table, #someTable, will still be 3. Why? Because Lua defines arrays in a table based on contiguous elements. Remember: you can access any element of any table; they are all conceptually filled with nil until you give them an actual value.
Lua defines length for a table as the number of values in a table if you start counting from numerical index 1 until you reach the first nil value. Since someTable[4] is nil, the length is 3.
If you want to insert a new element at the end of an array table, then you can do this:
someTable[#someTable + 1] = "newValue";
The value can itself be a table:
someTable[#someTable + 1] = {"newValuea", "newValueb"};
If you're just asking how to access a nested table, that's simple, and it has nothing to do with the keys you use.
There is nothing special about nested tables. Tables are values, and table entries can be any value, including other tables.
If you have a table, and want to walk the array entries in it, you use this:
local aTable = {"first", "second", "third", ...}
for i, value in ipairs(aTable) do
--`value` contains the entries in the table.
A nested table is no different; it is simply a matter of getting the table.
local nestedTable = { "first", "second", "third", ...}
nestedTable[#nestedTable + 1] = {"newFirst", "newSecond", ...}
local aTable = nestedTable[#nestedTable];
for i, value in ipairs(aTable) do
--`value` contains the entries in the table.
Or you could just do ipairs(nestedTable[#nestedTable]). Note that the particular key used here (an integer value) is entirely unimportant. That key could have been a string, a floating-point number, another table, some user-data, etc. It doesn't matter.
Note also that we use ipairs because we only want to iterate over the array members of the table. The length of the array is defined above. If we wanted to loop over every member of the table, we would use pairs instead of ipairs. Of course, pairs does an unordered search, so it is not guaranteed to be in array order.
If you want to recursively find every element in a nested table, you can do this:
local function RecursiveSearch(aTable)
for key, value in pairs(aTable) do --unordered search
if(type(value) == "table") then
--Do something with this.
Note that the above can do an infinite loop, since it is possible for a table to have circular references:
local tableA = {}
local tableB = {tableA}
local tableA[1] = tableB
RecursiveSearch(tableA) --Infinite loop.
Perhaps it helps to view your assignment like this:
t = { [1] = 13, [2] = 200, [3] = 12, [4] = 15, [5] = 23 }
To change what is currently 200 (namely t[2]), you do:
t[2] = {"stuff", "more stuff", "even more stuff"}
Edit: that results in your table looking like this:
t = { [1] = 13, [2] = {"stuff", "more stuff", "even more stuff"}, [3] = 12, [4] = 15, [5] = 23 }
-- or, equivalent::
t = { 13, {"stuff", "more stuff", "even more stuff"}, 12, 15, 23 }
The trouble is your use of "". Your table t contains a bunch of numbers, and you're entering a string as the key. You want to iterate over the table and do... something that you didn't particularly well define. However, you can't add to a table whilst iterating over it, so you might have to do some funny stuff.
t = { 13, 200, 12, 15, 23 }
newt = {};
for key, value in pairs(t) {
newt[value] = { };
This will create a table entry in newt, where the key is a value in the table t, for all values in t.

How to quickly initialise an associative table in Lua?

In Lua, you can create a table the following way :
local t = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }
However, I want to create an associative table, I have to do it the following way :
local t = {}
t['foo'] = 1
t['bar'] = 2
The following gives an error :
local t = { 'foo' = 1, 'bar' = 2 }
Is there a way to do it similarly to my first code snippet ?
The correct way to write this is either
local t = { foo = 1, bar = 2}
Or, if the keys in your table are not legal identifiers:
local t = { ["one key"] = 1, ["another key"] = 2}
i belive it works a bit better and understandable if you look at it like this
local tablename = {["key"]="value",
finding a result with : tablename.key=value
Tables as dictionaries
Tables can also be used to store information which is not indexed
numerically, or sequentially, as with arrays. These storage types are
sometimes called dictionaries, associative arrays, hashes, or mapping
types. We'll use the term dictionary where an element pair has a key
and a value. The key is used to set and retrieve a value associated
with it. Note that just like arrays we can use the table[key] = value
format to insert elements into the table. A key need not be a number,
it can be a string, or for that matter, nearly any other Lua object
(except for nil or 0/0). Let's construct a table with some key-value
pairs in it:
> t = { apple="green", orange="orange", banana="yellow" }
> for k,v in pairs(t) do print(k,v) end
apple green
orange orange
banana yellow
from :
To initialize associative array which has string keys matched by string values, you should use
local petFamilies = {["Bat"]="Cunning",["Bear"]="Tenacity"};
but not
local petFamilies = {["Bat"]=["Cunning"],["Bear"]=["Tenacity"]};
