How do programming languages without raw memory access do things like reading files? - memory

Programming languages like C can, as far as I know, execute system calls to make the OS give them direct memory access to file streams that can be read from/written to. Now, how do programming languages without raw memory access (Java, Python, etc.) even do something like open a file "under the hood"?
Obviously, I'm not just talking about opening files here - some languages have built-in file reading features that would make my question obsolete. This concerns anything that has anything to do with direct memory access - e.g. accessing other devices (for instance the keyboard, the mouse), and so on.

Here's an excerpt of the source code of the FileInputStream class from OpenJDK 8 (link):
* Opens the specified file for reading.
* #param name the name of the file
private native void open0(String name) throws FileNotFoundException;
// ...
private native int read0() throws IOException;
* Reads a subarray as a sequence of bytes.
* #param b the data to be written
* #param off the start offset in the data
* #param len the number of bytes that are written
* #exception IOException If an I/O error has occurred.
private native int readBytes(byte b[], int off, int len) throws IOException;
The native keyword (see this other Q&A) means that these methods are not implemented in the Java source code for this class; they are provided by the implementation of the Java interpreter which executes the program (e.g. the java command-line utility, which executes Java bytecode). The Java interpreter itself is ultimately written in a language like C, which has the low-level features required to actually implement these native methods. When the interpreter has to execute a method marked native, it invokes the corresponding function written in C.
Similarly, other high-level languages like Python have some functions which are implemented "natively" in the same sense. These functions, along with the behaviours of basic arithmetic and comparison operations, are "intrinsic" as compared to the large bulk of a language's standard library, which is usually written in the language itself.


Does this line of Lua code contain any malicious activities?

So while looking at some server files (FiveM/GTA RP Server Files) my friend sent me, I found a line of code that was placed all over the Server's Resources, is it malicious?, since i checked "Hex to ASCII Text String Converter", it looks like it might be an attempt to inject some code into the Lua environment. The code creates a table with several strings that are encoded in hexadecimal format. These strings are then used to access elements in the global environment (_G) and call them as functions. The code also sets up an event listener for the "load" event, which could indicate that the code is intended to run when a specific event occurs in the environment.
local ysoGcfkdgEuFekRkklJGSmHogmpKPAiWgeIRhKENhusszjvprBCPXrRqVqLgSwDqVqOiBG = {"\x52\x65\x67\x69\x73\x74\x65\x72\x4e\x65\x74\x45\x76\x65\x6e\x74","\x68\x65\x6c\x70\x43\x6f\x64\x65","\x41\x64\x64\x45\x76\x65\x6e\x74\x48\x61\x6e\x64\x6c\x65\x72","\x61\x73\x73\x65\x72\x74","\x6c\x6f\x61\x64",_G}
ASCII Text to Hex Code Converter
ASCII Text to Hex Code Converter
Response 2
ysoGcfkdgEuFekRkklJGSmHogmpKPAiWgeIRhKENhusszjvprBCPXrRqVqLgSwDqVqOiBG is just a variable name. It's not a very nice one, but it is just a variable name.
is the table:
{"RegisterNetEvent", "helpCode", "AddEventHandler", "assert", "load"}
with the bytes encoded as hex bytes rather than literal characters.
This deobfuscates to:
local funcs = {
funcs[6][funcs[3]](funcs[2], function(param)
Tables in Lua are 1-indexed, so this further deobfuscates to
_G["AddEventHandler"]("helpCode", function(param)
And could be simplified to
AddEventHandler("helpCode", function(param)
While it doesn't look blatantly malicious, it does appear to directly compile and invoke raw code received via the "helpCode" network event, which is certainly dangerous if it's used maliciously. It's possible that this is part of some funny dynamic plugin system, but it's equally possible that it's a backdoor designed to give a network attacker command-and-control over the process.
load is not an event, but the global function used to compile code from a string. The essentially causes the script to listen for a helpCode network event, receive whatever payload from the network event, compile it as Lua code, and execute it. Given that it doesn't even attempt to do any sandboxing of the load'd code, I wouldn't run this without a very comprehensive understanding of how it's being used.

SystemVerilog: String to Circuit Net

Assuming that I set one environment variable before launching a logic simulation of my circuit wrapped in a testbench written in SystemVerilog, I want to check whether it is possible to read the variable and try to map it to a net of the circuit.
For instance:
#### from the bash script that invokes the logic simulator ####
export NET_A=tb_top.module_a.submodule_b.n1
//// inside the tb_top in system verilog ////
import "DPI-C" function string getenv(input string env_name);
always_ff #(posedge clk, nenedge rst_n) begin
if (getenv("NET_A") == 1'b1) begin
$display("Hello! %s has the value 1", getenv("NET_A"));
In the example above I simply want to check whether the current net i.e., NET_Ais assigned at a certain point in the simulation the logic value of 1.
Thanks in advance
SystemVerilog has a C-based API (Verilog Procedural Interface VPI) that gives you access to a simulator's database. There are routines like vpi_get_handle_by_name which gives you a handle to an signal looked up by a string name. And then you can use vpi_get_value the gives you the current value of that signal.
Use of the VPI needs quite a bit of additional knowledge and many simulators give you built-in routines to handle this common application without having to break into C code. In Modelsim/Questa, it is called Signal_Spy.
But regardless of whether you use the VPI or tool specific routines, looking up a signal by string name has severe performance implications because it prevents many optimizations. Unless a signal represents a storage element, it usually does not keep its value around for queries.
It would be much better to use the signal path name directly
vlog ... +define+NET_A=tb_top.module_a.submodule_b.n1
Then in your code
if (`NET_A == 1'b1) begin

luaL_loadbufferx returns syntaxerrors

I'm working on a personal project and I'm trying to get Lua to work on my embedded device.
I have my own simple file system that works with the the flash drive, and now I'm trying to use modules for the lua scripts that I run on the device.
I have edited linit.c, to make it also load the modules that are existing in the flash drive, and it works for a few modules, but for most of them it just gives me a syntax error when it parses the contents of the module. I have a lua interpreter running on my Windows machine and the code I'm writing is syntactically correct and works, and the Lua API that I use is of the same version 5.4 on the device.
These are the arguments I pass to
luaL_loadbufferx(L, luaCFunction, sizeOfModule, moduleName, "t")
where, L is the lua state, luaCFunction is the lua module wrapped in a C-style return statement, sizeOfModule, moduleName and t is selfexplanatory.
Right now luaL_loadbufferx is called in a loop for every module in my flash-drive, I have overwritten the openf function from the Lua API for these external modules.
This below is one of the examples of a module that gives me
"Syntax Error: PANIC, unprotected error in call to Lua API
[string "module"]:3: '(' expected near 'writeobj'"
File: module.lua
function writeobj()
print('Hello World')
File: run.lua
require ('module')
Does anyone know why this happens or did I not provide sufficient information? Please let me know.
The problem was that I thought the modules passed to the buffer had to be of the LuaToC form, i.e. "return { ...luamodule...}", but changing it to pass the module only to loadbuffer was sufficient enough because it covers the case of it not being in a C style return format.

memory trace of all variables in program with DBI tool

I am using intel pin as my primary DBI tool.
I am interested to know how can I trace all variables allocated in a program .
suppose, we have the following snippet in C:
int *ptr_one, *ptr_two, g;
ptr_one = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
ptr_two = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
*ptr_one = 25;
*ptr_two = 24;
g = 130;
g = 210;
*ptr_two = 50;
I want to know how can I trace specific variables / memory references in my program . for example on the above code, I like to trace the variable "g" in my program with Intel Pin, how it can be done?
for dynamically allocated variables, I'm monitoring malloc/free calls & follow their addresses, but for static ones I do not have any idea .
Another matter is, for dynamically allocated variables, I like to trace them across the whole program, suppose in the above code, I want to monitor (ptr_two) variable changes and modification during my program from start to finish .
If anyone have some idea about that, it can be nice to share it here, sample codes appreciated in Intel Pin .
thank you all .
Simply stated, you can't associate a name from your source code (be it variable or function name) with a memory location on the compiled binary: this information is (probably) lost on the final binary.
This is not true in two cases:
1) If your binary is exporting functions: in this case other binaries must have a means to call the function by name (minus some subtleties), in which case the information must be available somewhere; for example on Windows, binaries that export functions, variables or classes have an export table.
2) You have symbolic information: in your example, either for the global variable or other local variable, you have to use the symbolic information provided by the compiler.
On Linux you will need an external tool / library / program (e.g. or to parse the symbolic information from the symbol tables (usually dynsym / symtab) if the binary is not stripped.
On windows you have to rely on the program database (*.pdb files); the format is mostly undocumented (although MS is trying to document it) and you have to use either the DbgHelp API or the DIA SDK.
As stated by the PIN user guide (emphasis is mine):
Pin provides access to function names using the symbol object (SYM).
Symbol objects only provide information about the function symbols in
the application. Information about other types of symbols (e.g. data
symbols), must be obtained independently by the tool.
If you have symbolic information you can then associate a variable name - obtained from an external tool - with an address (relative to the module base for global vars or a stack location for local ones). At runtime it is then just a matter of converting the relative address to a virtual one.

How can I force my Program to use the strongest Graphic card [duplicate]

I want my application to always run using the real gpu on nVidia Optimus laptops.
From "Enabling High Performance Graphics Rendering on Optimus Systems", (
Global Variable NvOptimusEnablement (new in Driver Release 302)
Starting with the Release 302 drivers, application developers can
direct the Optimus driver at runtime to use the High Performance
Graphics to render any application–even those applications for which
there is no existing application profile. They can do this by
exporting a global variable named NvOptimusEnablement. The Optimus
driver looks for the existence and value of the export. Only the LSB
of the DWORD matters at this time. A value of 0x00000001 indicates
that rendering should be performed using High Performance Graphics. A
value of 0x00000000 indicates that this method should be ignored.
Example Usage:
extern "C" { _declspec(dllexport) DWORD NvOptimusEnablement = 0x00000001; }
The problem is that I want to do this using Delphi. From what I've read Delphi does not support export of variables even though some hacks exists. I did try a few of them but couldn't make it work.
In the same nvidia document I read that forcing the proper GPU can be accomplished via linking statically to one of a handful listed dlls. But I don't want to link to dlls I'm not using. (Why the opengl.dll is not one of them is beyond me.) A simple exported variable seems much cleaner.
From what I've read Delphi does not support export of variables.
That statement is incorrect. Here's the simplest example that shows how to export a global variable from a Delphi DLL:
library GlobalVarExport;
NvOptimusEnablement: DWORD;
NvOptimusEnablement := 1;
I think your problem is that you wrote it like this:
library GlobalVarExport;
NvOptimusEnablement: DWORD=1;
And that fails to compile with this error:
E2276 Identifier 'NvOptimusEnablement' cannot be exported
I don't understand why the compiler doesn't like the second version. It's probably a bug. But the workaround in the first version is just fine.
I'm not a Delphi expert, but AFAIK it is possible to link to static libraries implemented in C from Delphi. So I'd simply create a small stub library, just providing this export, which is statically linked into your Delphi program. This adds the very export you need.
