django channels and running event loop - django-channels

For a game website, I want a player to contest either agains a human or an AI.
I am using Django + Channels (Django-4.0.2 asgiref-3.5.0 channels-3.0.4)
This is a long way of learning...
Human vs Human: the game take place is the web browser turn by turn. Each time a player connects, it opens a websocket connexion, a move is sent through the socket, processed by the consumer (validated and saved in the database) and sent to the other player.
It is managed only with sync programming.
Human vs AI: I try to use the same route as previously. A test branch check if the game is against the computer and process a move instead of receiving it from the other end of the websocket. This AI move can be a blocking operation as it can take from 2 to 5sec.
I don't want the receive method of the consumer to wait for the AI to return its move, since I have other operations to do quickly (like update some informations on the client side).
Then I thought I could easily take advantage of the allegedly already existing event loop of the channels framework. I could send the AI thinking process to this loop and return the result later to the client through the send method of the consumer.
However, when I write:
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
Django raises a runtime effort error (the same as described here: telling me there is no running event loop.
The solution seemed to be to upgrade asgiref to 3.5.0 which I did but issue not solved.
I think I am a little bit short of background, and some enlightments should help me to understand a little bit more what is the root cause of this fail.
My first questions would be:
In the combo django + channels + asgi: which is in charge to run the eventloop?
How to check if indeed one event loop is running whatever the thread?
Maybe your answers wil raise other questions.

Did you try running your event_loop example on Django 3.2? (and/or with different Python version)? I experienced various problems with Django 4.0 & Python 3.10, so I keep with Django 3.2 and Python3.7/3.8/3.9 for now, maybe your errors are one of these problems?
If you won't be able to get event_loop running, I see two possible alternative solutions:
Open two WS connections: one only for the moves, and the other for all the other stuff, such as updating information on Player's UI, etc.
You can also use multiprocessing to "manually" send calculating AI move to other thread, and then join the two threads again, after receiving the result (the move). To be honest, multiprocessing in Python is quite simple -- it's pretty handy, if you are familiar with the idea of multithreaded applications.
Unfortunately, I have not yet used event loops in channels myself, maybe someone more experienced in that matter will be able to better address your issue.


Flink: Are multiple execution environments supported?

Is it OK to create multiple ExecutionEnvironments in a Flink program? More specifically, create one ExecutionEnvironment and one StreamExecutionEnvironment in the same main method, so that one can work with batch and later transit to streaming without problems?
I guess that the other possibility would be to split the program in two, but for my testing purposes this seems better. Is Flink prepared for this scenario?
All seems to work fine, except I am currently having problems with no output when joining two streams on a common index and using window(TumblingProcessingTimeWindows.of(Time.seconds(1))). I have already called setStreamTimeCharacteristic(TimeCharacteristic.EventTime) on the StreamExecutionEnvironment and even tried assigning custom watermarks on both joined streams with assignTimestampsAndWatermarks where I just return System.currentTimeMillis() as the timestamp of each record.
Since it finishes really quickly, both streams should fit in that 1-second window, no? Both streams print just fine right before the join. I can try supplying the important parts of code (it's rather lengthy) if anyone's interested.
UPDATE: OK, so I separated the two environments (put each inside a main method) and then I simply call the first main from the second main method. The described problem no longer occurs.
No, this not supported, and won't really work.
At least up through Flink 1.9, a given application must either have an ExecutionEnvironment and use the DataSet API, or a StreamExecutionEnvironment and use the DataStream API. You cannot mix the two in one application.
There is ongoing work to more completely unify batch and streaming, but that's a work in progress. To understand this better you might want to watch the video for this recent Flink Forward talk when it becomes available.

WoW Lua - Get Data from URL (Vanilla)

In a World of Warcraft Vanilla Lua Addon Development, how can I issue an HTTP call to receive data back? If not, how can I get data from a web source into the game while playing?
I have a feeling the answer is tragically short, but would like the question asked and answered on Stack Overflow. My research came up lacking, and I recall doing some LUA in ~2007 and was disappointed.
Well, tragically short is an understatement. You simply can't. There was never any APIs that interacted directly with connections, let alone create any, let alone to arbitrary URLs.
Most of them just broadcast game events that occur from the game's connection, and the closest thing you can get to a "data stream" is add-on chat channels. But since bots violate the ToS, you wouldn't be able to make an account that responds to your addon's inquiries.
The closest thing you can get is building an "asynchronous mesh network", but that's only good if your addon has a considerable user base, and it's not guaranteed you'll get information timely.
The general idea is that your addon will have a public key (as in encryption), and you (only you) will detain a private key. Your addon emits a message to any connected peers, which store it on cross-realm SavedVariables, and you hope that someone will have characters on more than one realm. Upon login, the client addon will broadcast its latest packet (still encrypted) to that realm's addon channel, and hopefully within a week or so you might get the updated information across all clients.
A disadvantage is that you'll only get "push" notifications, the client won't be able to send any data back to you*.
That, or you could release a patch for the addon on Curse :P
You mention vanilla, so I can presume you're developing this for a private server. Private servers often have one or a very small amount of realms, making the above mesh network much simpler. Instead of a mesh, just have encryption and manually login&broadcast on each realm every time you want to update the information retrieved.
Plus, you might even be able to contact the server devs to allow you an API that sends messages to the appropriate ingame addon channel (you'd have to ask).
Of course, if you pretend to make your addon server-agnostic, instead of tailored to a specific server, you're back to square one.
 * Unless you are really dedicated to make that happen, because it's a ton of work.
There is no web API in vanilla WoW. There is a web browser widget in the game currently though, albeit very limited in usage.
If you have access to the server software code, you may be able to hook listening on specific game channels for user messages in a defined format, and let the server respond in a way for the addon to parse it.

opening and closing streaming clients for specific durations

I'd like to infrequently open a Twitter streaming connection with TweetStream and listen for new statuses for about an hour.
How should I go about opening the connection, keeping it open for an hour, and then closing it gracefully?
Normally for background processes I would use Resque or Sidekiq, but from my understanding those are for completing tasks as quickly as possible, not chilling and keeping a connection open.
I thought about using a global variable like $twitter_client but that wouldn't horizontally scale.
I also thought about building a second application that runs on one box to handle this functionality, but that seems excessive if it can be integrated into the main app somehow.
To clarify, I have no trouble starting a process, capturing tweets, and using them appropriately. I'm just not sure what I should be starting. A new app? A daemon of some sort?
I've never encountered a problem like this, and am completely lost. Any direction would be much appreciated!
Although not a direct fix, this is what I would look at:
You're working with time, so I'd look at what time-centric processes could be used to induce the connection for an hour
Specifically, I'd look at running a some sort of job on the server, which you could fire at specific times (programmatically if required), to open & close the connection. I only have experience with resque, but as you say, it's probably not up to the job. If I find any better solutions, I'll certainly update the answer
Once you've connected to TweetStream, you'll want to look at how you can capture the tweets for that time period. It seems a waste to create a data table just for the job, so I'd be inclined to use something like Redis to store the tweets that you need
This can then be used to output the tweets you need, allowing you to simulate storing / capturing them, but then delete them after the hour-window has passed
I don't know what context you're using this feature in, so I'll just give you as generic process idea as possible
To display the tweets, I'd personally create some sort of record in the DB to show the time you're pinging TweetStream that day (if it changes; if it's constant, just set a constant in an initializer), and then just include some logic to try and get the tweets from Redis. If you're able to collect them, show them as you wish, else don't print anything
Hope that gives you a broader spectrum of ideas?

How do I trigger a real time client update in Rails

I'm creating an online multiplayer board game using Rails, and I want the game to be able to be played without having to manually refresh the page. I'm planning on using websockets or Server Sent Events's to update the page. I haven't decided which yet, but I don't expect it to make a difference for my question.
The thing I'm confused about is knowing when to send an update to the client. For example, let's say I was making chess, and player1 took a turn. They would send up their move to the server, the server would then save it to the database. How does player2's websocket or SSE know to push the info about player1's move to player2's brower?
I know they could regularly query the database to see if the game has been updated, but that seems like it would be hard to scale since every user would be querying the database very often.
Is there an easy way to wait for an update to the database and be notified of it automatically somehow? Or are there other solutions?
I've looked around online a bunch for solutions to this, but haven't really gotten any concrete ideas. I'm definitely open to using a library or whatever to solve the problem as long as it's free. I've seen some paid solutions but those aren't an option.
I also saw someone suggest somehow using node.js alongside rails to do something with realtime. I don't know much about node.js, but I have heard it's good for asynchronous functionality like that. I'd be interested in learning how to use it if it's better than any rails solution.
I'm using Rails 3.2, but if Rails 4 has something that would work well here, I'd probably be interested in that as well.
As nik suggested, use the FAYE Ruby Server if you're a ruby developer.
In terms of how things could hang together:
Each game is a channel
Each player subscribes to this channel
When a player makes a move, the move is sent to the server
The server saves the move against the game in the db
The server sends a message to the channel.
Both player's ui update with the new move.
This setup allows you to easily replay a whole game or continue where you left off. Just get all moves from db and send them in order to a new channel. This might not be performant, but it should work.
you can also use FAYE which has Ruby Server and Node.js server, you can choose one

is membase a good persistence layer for a erlang gamer server?

I aim to create a browser game where players can set up buildings.
Each building will have several modules (engines, offices,production lines, ...). Each module will have enentually one or more actions running, like creation of 2OO 'item X' with ingredients Y, Z.
The game server will be set up with erlang : An OTP application as the server itself, and nitrogen as the web front.
I need persistence of data. I was thinking about the following :
When somebody or something interacts with a building, or a timer representing some production line ends up, a supervisor spawns a gen_server (if not already spawned) which loads the state of the building from a database, so the gen_server can answer messages like 'add this module', 'starts this action', 'store this production to warehouse', 'die', etc. (
But when a building don't receive any messages during X seconds or minutes, he will terminate (thanks to the gen_server timeout feature) and drop its current state back to the database.
So, as it will be a (soft) real time game, the gen_server must be set up very fastly. I was thinking of membase as the database, because it's known to have very good response time.
My question is : when a gen server is up an running, his states fills some memory, and this state is present in the memory handled by membase too, so the state use two times his size in memory. Is that a bad design ?
Is membase a good solution to handle persistence in my case ? would be use mnesia a better choice , or something else ?
I fear mnesia 2 Go (or 4 ?) table size limit because i don't know at the moment the average state size of my gen_servers (buildings in this example, butalso players, production lines, whatever) and i may have someday more than 1 player :)
Thank you
I agree with Hynek -Pichi- Vychodil. Riak is a great thing for key-valye storage.
We use Riak almost 95% for the same thing you described. Everything works so far without any issues. In case you will hit performance limitation of Riak - add more nodes and it good to go!
Another cool thing about Riak is its very low performance degradation over the time. You can find more information about benchmarking Riak here:
In case you go with it:
a driver:
a connection pool you may need to work with it:
About membase and memory usage: I also tried membase, but I found that it is not suitable for my tasks - (membase declares fault tolerance, but I could not setup it in the way it should work with faults, even with help from membase guys I didn't succeed). So at the moment I use the following architecture: All players that are online and play the game are presented as player-processes (gen_server). All data data and business logic for each player is in its player-process. From time to time each player-process desides to save its state in riak.
So far seems to be very fast and efficient approach.
Update: Now we are with PostgreSQL. It is awesome!
You can look to bitcask or other Riak backends to store your data. Avoid IPC is definitely good idea, so keep it inside Erlang.
