Export all images from Core Data SwiftUI - ios

I'm trying to build out a simple way for my users to export their data outside of the app.. nothing that needs to be imported back in, just some way for them to back up the data for reference purposes. I have a Core Data Entity Project and the users are able to individually share a project in order to save the project data and images using the standard iOS Share Sheet. Works great.
However I'd like there to be a solution to export everything at once, not just individual projects one at a time.
I have part of it working, where I can export the data from Core Data (that isn't an image) into a CSV for users to reference. However I'm stuck on finding the best way to get all the Images exported in a similar singular button. Allowing the user to pick a location where a Folder would be created containing the images would be ideal.
Here's my code for the CSV export which works great:
func exportCSV() {
let fileName = "Metadata_Export_\(Date()).csv"
let path = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: NSTemporaryDirectory()).appendingPathComponent(fileName)
var csvText = "Name,Date,Project_Description\n"
for project in projects {
csvText += "\(project.person?.name ?? "-"),\(project.date ?? Date()),\(project.bodyText ?? "-"),\n"
do {
try csvText.write(to: path!, atomically: true, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8)
} catch {
print("Failed to create file")
print(path ?? "not found")
var filesToShare = [Any]()
let av = UIActivityViewController(activityItems: filesToShare, applicationActivities: nil)
UIApplication.shared.windows.first?.rootViewController?.present(av, animated: true, completion: nil)
Now I just need to get the Images exported out. Images are saved in Core Data as Binary objects, and will be written to File if they're larger than 128kb (and therefore written to blob in CD if less than 128kb).
The images are stored in CD as Optionals, project.image1, project.image2, project.image3, and project.image4
I've looked at examples using fileManager and other solutions, but I'm not sure on the correct approach to pursue since many of those are actually alternatives to saving images in Core Data - not necessarily configuring user interaction for picking where to export images.
Can the above exportCSV function be adapted to a similar result for the project's images? My app supports iOS 14 and later, if that makes a difference. Thanks for any suggestions/direction!
=== UPDATE ===
I've discovered fileExporter() which seems like a promising solution. I've been able to implement a simple POC of this method by exporting an Image I have stored in my Assets folder. Has anyone used this method to achieve exporting all images out of Core Data?
I can add the modifier to my view:
.fileExporter(isPresented: $exportFile, documents: [
ImageDocument(image: UIImage(named: "testimage"))
contentType: .png, onCompletion: { (result) in
if case .success = result {
} else {
Using an ImageDocument Struct as follows:
struct ImageDocument: FileDocument {
static var readableContentTypes: [UTType] { [.jpeg, .png, .tiff] }
var image: UIImage
init(image: UIImage?) {
self.image = image ?? UIImage()
init(configuration: ReadConfiguration) throws {
guard let data = configuration.file.regularFileContents,
let image = UIImage(data: data)
else {
throw CocoaError(.fileReadCorruptFile)
self.image = image
func fileWrapper(configuration: WriteConfiguration) throws -> FileWrapper {
// You can replace tiff representation with what you want to export
return FileWrapper(regularFileWithContents: image.jpegData(compressionQuality: 1)!)
So how can I have it include an Array of all images?


Is there a way to store data collected from an IOS app directly to Google Spreadsheet?

I am using Xcode and swift. I am trying to create an app that automates receipt documentation instead of traditionally filling in the information in a spreadsheet.
I have used the vision framework to pull data about the receipt and classify it. I was able to classify the essential information (Price, Date, etc), but I'm struggling with how I can store and display the data in a file.
I have looked into the different databases I could use, but I was wondering if there is a short way to upload this data from the app directly to Google Spreadsheets using swift. In short, even if I will go with the database approach, I would still need to display the data in an Excel or CSV way, and I'm unsure of what would be a good approach for that. Any ideas?
You can use sql database but Core Data is very great too if you need to store datas. Specially if you need to sync them with iCloud.
In the past i have always use sql but now i find CoreData just better, more clean and more easy (after some time to learn how to use it).
About CSV you can export your datamodel with this sample of code:
// MARK: - Exoprt to CSV
#IBAction func selectorexport(toCSV sender: Any) {
let docPath = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).map(\.path)[0]
let filePath = URL(fileURLWithPath: docPath).appendingPathComponent("file.csv").path
let contents = String(repeating: "\0", count: 0)
//fill contents with data in csv format
// ...
//var error: Error?
do {
try contents.write(
toFile: filePath,
atomically: true,
encoding: .utf8)
} catch {
// check for the error
let fileUrl = URL(fileURLWithPath: filePath)
let activityItems = ["file.csv", fileUrl] as [Any]
let activityViewController = UIActivityViewController(activityItems: activityItems, applicationActivities: nil)
if let popoverController = activityViewController.popoverPresentationController {
popoverController.barButtonItem = btShare
popoverController.permittedArrowDirections = []
// Present action sheet.
present(activityViewController, animated: true)

Copy image files without changing creation and modified dates

I have a method that copies images and videos the user selected from the iOS photo library to a temporary cache folder (under the app's Documents directory) but image files that are JPEG or TIFF have their creation and modified dates changed to current date when using FileManager.default.copyItem. I noticed this issue only occurs for some image types and for some others (GIF, PNG, ...) the original creation and modified date is retained.
Here's the method I'm using for it. I'm aware copyItem isn't the most optimal to use (non-atomic). Does anyone know a better way to copy files while retaining dates of all supported file types?
public func copyFileToUploadCache(fileURL: URL) -> URL?
guard let uploadCacheFolderURL = uploadCacheFolderURL else { return nil }
let temporaryFileURL = uploadCacheFolderURL.appendingPathComponent(fileURL.lastPathComponent)
var result: URL? = nil
try FileManager.default.copyItem(at: fileURL, to: temporaryFileURL)
result = temporaryFileURL
print("Error copying file to upload cache: \(error.localizedDescription).")
return result

Load image from Firestore and save it to cache in Swift

I'm working on an app that has to load some images and data from server on every launch (to make sure it's using up-to-date info). I'm using Firestore as a DB and currently storing images in it as an URL to Firebase storage.
Is it somehow possible to store an actual image in Firestore? And how can I cache loaded image? Either from
UIImage(contentsOf: URL)
or from Firestore?
Try this Asynchronous image downloader with cache support as a UIImageView category - http://cocoadocs.org/docsets/SDWebImage
It is called sdwebimage really easy to use
I don't know if that's the most efficient way of solving my problem but I did it the following way:
In my Firestore DB I stored references to images in Cloud Storage. Then when app starts for the first time, it loads those files from Firestore DB using default methods AND saves those images in app's container (Documents folder) using Swift's FileManager().
Next time the app starts, it goes through references array and skips the files which are already in app's container.
You could use the bytes type in Firestore (see a list of types) to save whatever binary data you want (use NSData on iOS), but this is almost certainly not what you actually want to do. The limit for the size of an entire document is 1 MB, and images can easily exceed that. Also, you'll be paying the cost of downloading that image to the client any time that document is read, which could be wasteful.
You'll be far better off storing the actual file data in Cloud Storage (using the Firebase SDK on the client), then storing a reference or URL to that in the document, and fetch it from there only when needed.
You could use https://github.com/pinterest/PINRemoteImage, this framework use https://github.com/pinterest/PINCache
import PINRemoteImage
extension UIImageView {
public func setImageFrom(urlString: String!, animated: Bool = false) {
guard let urlString = urlString else {
guard let url = URL(string: urlString) else {
image = nil
if !animated {
pin_setImage(from: url)
} else {
pin_setImage(from: url, completion: { [weak self] result in
guard let _self = self else { return }
_self.alpha = 0
UIView.transition(with: _self, duration: 0.5, options: [], animations: { () -> Void in
_self.image = result.image
_self.alpha = 1
}, completion: nil)
UIImageView(). setImageFrom(urlString: "https://ssssss")

Extensive memory usage when uploading assets (images, videos) to firebase in Swift?

Suppose I have an array of UIImage called photos, they are to be uploaded to Firebase storage. I wish to do the following things:
Upload them to Firebase storage
Get paths of the uploaded photos and store in an array called uploadedAssets (paths, not download url, it looks like this: "photos/folder_name/photo_id"), where "folder_name" is randomly generated and "photo_id" is an integer, representing the order of photos
Call Cloud Function and pass uploadedAssets to it. The server then uses the paths to find all pictures and generates a thumbnail for each one.
Finally, store the original photos' download urls and thumbnails' download urls in database.
I have something that's working, but uses too much memory (300+MB when uploading only 4 pictures):
// Swift
let dispatchGroup = DispatchGroup()
let dispatchQueue = DispatchQueue.init(label: "AssetQueue")
var uploadedAssets = [String]()
let folderName: String = UUID().uuidString
dispatchQueue.async {
for i in 0..<photos.count {
let photo: UIImage = photos[i]
let fileName: String = "\(folderName)/\(i)"
let assetRef = Storage.storage().reference().child("photos/\(fileName)")
let metaData = StorageMetaData()
metaData.contentType = "image/jpg"
if let dataToUpload = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(photo, 0.75) {
metaData: metaData,
completion: { (_, error) in
dispatchGroup.notify(queue: dispatchQueue) {
method: .post,
parameters: [
"uploadedAssets": uploadedAssets
And the code that generates thumbnails runs on server side, therefore, in my opinion, is irrelevant, I won't post it here. So, the above code snippet consumes 300+MB of memory when there are 4 photos to upload. After successfully uploaded those photos, the memory usage stays at 300+MB and never drops. When I try to upload more, say another 4 photos, it could even go up to 450+MB. I know that's not normal, but can't seem to figure out why this would happen?

Converting an Image from Heic to Jpeg/Jpg

I have an application where user can upload multiple images and all the images will be stored in a server and will be displayed on a web view in my iOS application.
Now everything used to work just about fine till iOS 10 but suddenly we started seeing some pictures/ images not being displayed , after a little debugging we found out that this is the problem caused because of the new image format of apple (HEIC),
I tried changing back to the Native UIImagePicker (picks only one image) and the images are being displayed as Apple I guess is converting the Image from HEIC to JPG when a user picks them, but this is not the case when I use 3rd party libraries as I need to implement multiple image picker.
Though we are hard at work to make the conversion process on the server side to avoid users who have not updated the app to face troubles, I also want to see if there is any way in which I can convert the image format locally in my application.
There's a workaround to convert HEIC photos to JPEG before uploading them to the server :
NSData *jpgImageData = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(image, 0.7);
If you use PHAsset, the, in order to have the image object, you'll need to call this method from PHImageManager:
- (PHImageRequestID)requestImageForAsset:(PHAsset *)asset targetSize:(CGSize)targetSize contentMode:(PHImageContentMode)contentMode options:(nullable PHImageRequestOptions *)options resultHandler:(void (^)(UIImage *__nullable result, NSDictionary *__nullable info))resultHandler;
On server side you also have the ability to use this API or this website directly
I've done it this way,
let newImageSize = Utility.getJpegData(imageData: imageData!, referenceUrl: referenceUrl!)
- Convert heic image to jpeg format
public static func getJpegData(imageData: Data, referenceUrl: NSURL) -> Data {
var newImageSize: Data?
if (try? Data(contentsOf: referenceUrl as URL)) != nil
let image: UIImage = UIImage(data: imageData)!
newImageSize = image.jpegData(compressionQuality: 1.0)
return newImageSize!
In Swift 3, given an input path of an existing HEIF pic and an output path where to save the future JPG file:
func fromHeicToJpg(heicPath: String, jpgPath: String) -> UIImage? {
let heicImage = UIImage(named:heicPath)
let jpgImageData = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(heicImage!, 1.0)
FileManager.default.createFile(atPath: jpgPath, contents: jpgImageData, attributes: nil)
let jpgImage = UIImage(named: jpgPath)
return jpgImage
It returns the UIImage of the jpgPath or null if something went wrong.
I have found the existing answers to be helpful but I have decided to post my take on the solution to this problem as well. Hopefully it's a bit clearer and "complete".
This solution saves the image to a file.
private let fileManager: FileManager
func save(asset: PHAsset, to destination: URL) {
let options = PHContentEditingInputRequestOptions()
options.isNetworkAccessAllowed = true
asset.requestContentEditingInput(with: options) { input, info in
guard let input = input, let url = input.fullSizeImageURL else {
return // you might want to handle this case
do {
try self.save(input, at: url, to: destination)
// success!
} catch {
// failure, handle the error!
private func copy(
_ input: PHContentEditingInput, at url: URL, to destination: URL
) throws {
let uniformType = input.uniformTypeIdentifier ?? ""
switch uniformType {
case UTType.jpeg.identifier:
// Copy JPEG files directly
try fileManager.copyItem(at: url, to: destination)
// Convert HEIC/PNG and other formats to JPEG and save to file
let image = UIImage(data: try Data(contentsOf: url))
guard let data = image?.jpegData(compressionQuality: 1) else {
return // you might want to handle this case
try data.write(to: destination)
