Bitnami Redis Sentinel & Sidekiq on Kubernetes - ruby-on-rails

So right now we are trying to get a Bitnami Redis Sentinel cluster working, together with our Rails app + Sidekiq.
We tried different things, but it's not really clear to us, how we should specify the sentinels for Sidekiq (crutial part is here, that the sentinel nodes are READ ONLY, so we cannot use them for sidekiq, since job states get written).
Since on Kubernetes there are only 2 services available: "redis" and "redis-headless" (not sure how they differ?) - how can I specify the sentinels like this:
Sidekiq.configure_server do |config|
config.redis = {
url: "redis",
sentinels: [
{ host: "?", port: 26379 } # why do we have to specify it here seperately, since we should be able to get a unified answer via a service, or?
{ host: "?", port: 26379 }
{ host: "?", port: 26379 }
Would be nice if someone can shed some light on this. As far as I understood, the bitnami redis sentiel only returns the IP of the master and the application has to handle the corresponding writes to this master then ( - but I really don't understand on how to do this with sidekiq?

Difference between a Kubernetes Service and a Headless Service
Let's get started by clarifying the difference between a Headless Service and a Service.
A Service allows one to connect to one Pod, while a headless Service returns the list of available IP addresses from all the available pods, allowing to auto-discover.
A better detailed explanation by Marco Luksa has been published on SO here:
Each connection to the service is forwarded to one randomly selected backing pod. But what if the client needs to connect to all of those pods? What if the backing pods themselves need to each connect to all the other backing pods. Connecting through the service clearly isn’t the way to do this. What is?
For a client to connect to all pods, it needs to figure out the the IP of each individual pod. One option is to have the client call the Kubernetes API server and get the list of pods and their IP addresses through an API call, but because you should always strive to keep your apps Kubernetes-agnostic, using the API server isn’t ideal
Luckily, Kubernetes allows clients to discover pod IPs through DNS lookups. Usually, when you perform a DNS lookup for a service, the DNS server returns a single IP — the service’s cluster IP. But if you tell Kubernetes you don’t need a cluster IP for your service (you do this by setting the clusterIP field to None in the service specification ), the DNS server will return the pod IPs instead of the single service IP. Instead of returning a single DNS A record, the DNS server will return multiple A records for the service, each pointing to the IP of an individual pod backing the service at that moment. Clients can therefore do a simple DNS A record lookup and get the IPs of all the pods that are part of the service. The client can then use that information to connect to one, many, or all of them.
Setting the clusterIP field in a service spec to None makes the service headless, as Kubernetes won’t assign it a cluster IP through which clients could connect to the pods backing it.
"Kubernetes in Action" by Marco Luksa
How to specify the sentinels
As the Redis documentation say:
When using the Sentinel support you need to specify a list of sentinels to connect to. The list does not need to enumerate all your Sentinel instances, but a few so that if one is down the client will try the next one. The client is able to remember the last Sentinel that was able to reply correctly and will use it for the next requests.
So the idea is to give what you have, and if you scale up the redis pods, then you don't need to re-configure Sidekiq (or Rails if you're using Redis for caching).
Combining all together
Now you just need a way to fetch the IP addresses from the headless service in Ruby, and configure Redis client sentinels.
Fortunately, since Ruby 2.5.0, the Resolv class is available and can do that for you.
irb(main):007:0> Resolv.getaddresses "redis-headless"
=> ["", "", ""]
So that you could do:
Sidekiq.configure_server do |config|
config.redis = {
# This `host` parameter is used by the Redis gem with the Redis command
# `get-master-addr-by-name` (See
# in order to retrieve the current Redis master IP address.
host: "mymaster",
sentinels: Resolv.getaddresses('redis-headless').map do |address|
{ host: address, port: 26379 }
That will create an Array of Hashes with the IP address as host: and 26379 as the port:.


Will external ip be stuck on pending if the pod fails?

I have a nodejs app which connects to external db , the db will refuse the connection until I whitelist my ip or my pod will fail , so is it possible that my external ip for the service will be stuck on pending if the pod fails?
is it possible that my external ip for the service will be stuck on pending if the pod fails?
The Service and Pods are created separately. So if you're creating a LoadBalancer-type Service and your cluster is correctly configured, you should be able to get an externalIP: address for it even if the Pods aren't correctly starting up.
I have a nodejs app which connects to external db , the db will refuse the connection until I whitelist my ip
The Service only accepts inbound connections. In a cloud environment like AWS, the externalIP: frequently is the address of a specific load balancer. Outbound requests to a database won't usually come from this address.
If your cluster is in the same network environment as the database, you probably need to allow every individual worker node in the database configuration. Tools like the cluster autoscaler can cause the node pool to change, so if you can configure the entire CIDR block containing the cluster that's easier. If the cluster is somewhere else and outbound traffic passes through a NAT gateway of some sort, then you need to allow that gateway.

Kubernates Node port services in on premise rancher cluster

I have 5 microservices in 5 pods and have deployed each service using specific port using NODE PORT service.
I have a UI app as one service inside another pod which is also exposed using node port service.
Since I can't use pod IP to access urls in UI app as pods live and die so deployed as nodeport service and can I access all 5 services inside UI app seamlessly using respective node port?
Please advise - is this approach going to be reliable?
Yes, you can connect to those Node port services seamlessly.
But remember, you may need higher network bandwidth card and connection (to master nodes) if you get too much traffic to these services.
Also if you have a few master nodes, you can try dedicated master node-ip and nodeport for a service.(If you have 5 master nodes, each service is accessed from one master node's IP etc. This is not mandatory, you can connect to each service using any masterIP:nodeport)
Highly recommend to use load-balancer service for this. If you have baremetal cluster try using MetalLB.
Edit : (after Nagappa LM`s comment)
If its for QA, then no need to worry, but if they perform load test to all the services simultaneously could be a problematic.
Your code change means, only your k8 - deployment is changed, not Kubernetes service. k8 service is where you define nodeport

Neo4j setup in OpenShift

I am having difficulties deploying Neo4j official docker image to an OpenShift environment and accessing it from outside (from my local machine)
I have performed the following steps:
oc new-app neo4j
Created route for port 7474
Set up the environment variable NEO4J_dbms_connector_bolt_listen__address to which is the equivalent of seting up the dbms.connector.bolt.listen_address= in the neo4j.conf file.
Access the route url from local machine which will open the neo4j browser which requires authentication. At this point I am blocked because any combination of urls I try are unsuccessful.
As a workaround I have managed to forward 7687 port to my local machine, install Neo4j Desktop solution and connect via bolt://localhost:7687 but this is not the ideal solution.
Therefore there are two questions:
1. How can I connect from the neo4j browser to it's own database
How can I connect from external environment (trough OpenShift route) to the Neo4j DB
I have no experience with the OpenShift, but try to add the following config:
Is there any other way for you to connect to Neo4j, so that you could further inspect the issue?
Short answer:
To connect to the DB that is most likely a configuration issue, maybe Tomaž Brataničs answer is the solution. As for accessing the DB from outside, you will most likely need a NodePort.
Long answer:
Note that OpenShift Routes are for HTTP / HTTPS traffic and not for any other kind of traffic. Typically, the "Routers" of an OpenShift cluster listen only on Port 80 and 443, so connecting to your database on any other port will most likely not work (although this heavily depends on your cluster configuration).
The solution for non-HTTP(S) traffic is to use NodePorts as described in the OpenShift documentation:
Note that also for NodePorts, you might need to have your cluster administrator add additional ports to the loadbalancer or you might need to connect to the OpenShift Nodes directly. Refer to the documentation on how to use NodePorts.

Docker Reverse Proxy Ingress on Swarm

We operate a docker cluster with several workers and a manager.
Our current problem:
We have the Jwilery Nginx proxy running on all nodes which does not cause any problems. What causes us problems is, if we operate a service e.g. grav.
This is only then available, if the domain points to the IP address on which the service is running at that time.
My question now:
Is there a way to route the domain in such a way that we only have to set an A-record and Docker does the internal routing on the respective node where the website is running?
If yes, how would we realize this or are there other alternatives with which this is easier to implement?
Useful information:
1 manager
4 workers
a total of 5 ip addresses (Public)
All Barebone Server with Docker (Without Kubernetes etc.)
1 decentralized data server with NVME
Website can be called if the domain points to the judge Worker Target 1 Public IP for all domains with failover incl. Internal routing to the respective workers.
To implement this, no resources are a shame. Other servers could also be used for this scenario.
ps: You could also contact me in other ways for testing purposes etc.pp.

What are possible ways of country filtering?

I'm right now using GKE (kubernetes) with an nginx container to proxy different services. My goal is to block some countries. I'm used to do that with nginx and its useful geoip module, but as of now, kubernetes doesn't forward the real customer ip to the containers, so I can't use it.
What would be the simplest/cheapest solution to filter out countries until kubernetes actually forward the real IP?
External service?
Simple google server with only nginx, filtering countries, forwarding to kubernetes (not great in terms of price and reliability)?
Modify the kube-proxy (as I've seen here and there, but it seems a bit odd)?
Frontend geoip filtering (hmm, worse idea by far)?
thank you!
You can use a custom nginx image and use a map to create a filter
// this in http section
map $geoip_country_code $allowed_country {
default yes;
UY no;
CL no;
// this inside some location where you want to apply the filter
if ($allowed_country = no) {
return 403;
First on GKE if you're using the nginx ingress controller, you should turn off the default GCE controller:, otherwise they'll fight.
kubernetes doesn't forward the real customer ip to the containers
That's only true if you're going through kube-proxy with a service of type NodePort and/or LoadBalancer. With the nginx ingress controller you're running with hostPort, so it's actually the docker daemon that's hiding the source ip. I think later versions of docker default to the iptables mode, which shows you the source ip once again.
In the meanwhile you can get source ip by running the nginx controller like:
That, however, uses host networking, not the greatest option. Inserted you can use the proxy protocol to get src ip:
Also (in case you didn't already realize) the nginx controller has the geoip module enabled by default:
Please open an issue if you need more help.
EDIT: proxy protocol is possible through the ssl proxy which is in alpha currently:
