Mingw64 shell's grep ignores -r option? - grep

I'm trying to do a grep in Microsoft Windows, using the MINGW64 shell v4.4.23(1). (That's what the title bar says. I assume this means MingW-W64.)
I want to list all files in a specified directory tree that have a certain filename extension and do not contain a certain string.
With the current directory set to the top of the tree I entered
grep -r -L thestring *.theextension
It lists only files in the current directory, not the tree.
I tried some variations and determined that grep is simply ignoring the -r option. It ignores --recursive, too.
But when I enter grep --help, it lists both -r and --recursive as valid options, with the expected meaning.
Is this a bug in the shell, or am I doing something stupid?

With grep -r -L thestring *.theextension you are telling grep to search recursively in any file or folder matching *.theextension. If you don't have any folders matching that you shouldn't expect it to go through any other folders. The -L flag doesn't mean it's going to look at anything not matching *.theextension, maybe that's what was confusing you...


Grep returns no such file or directory when using multiple flags

I am a beginner of bash script. I just started to write a script where it checks the contents of b.txt can all be found in a.txt. (line by line preferably). My code is as following:
grep -Ffw b.txt a.txt
As you can see, I want to do fixed string instead of REGEX, I want to check everything from the b.txt file, because there are some strings inside the b.txt and I want to check if all of them exist in a.txt. And I also want to match the whole word only of course. So these are the requirements, however when I run this command it returns me an error says: grep: w: No such file or directory
I am thinking that maybe there are some limitations of the flags in bash? Sorry I am not really familiar with the language, didn't read much about the MAN page etc. If anyone could help me to solve the puzzle it would be appreciated :) In addition, i think if possible I would like to add a -q to surpress the output when there is a match also, right now I didn't add it in the example since it couldn't make it through with 3 flags even. So can anyone give me some hints here? Thanks in advance!
Hereby some explanation from the manpage:
Generic Program Information
-F, --fixed-strings
Interpret PATTERNS as fixed strings, ...
-f FILE, --file=FILE
Obtain patterns from FILE, ...
-w, --word-regexp
Select only those lines ...
As you can see, the options -F and -w are indicated ending immediately (hence the comma in -F, and -w,), but the -f switch is followed by FILE, with means they belong together.
I you want to preserve the order Ffw, that's possible, but then you need to do something like:
grep -Ff b.txt -w a.txt
As mentioned by #kvantour, the solution is simply placing the -f before the b.txt file. grep -Fwf b.txt a.txt
Should have thought it when it says 'no such file or directory' as it was a clear indication that flags after the -f were treated as the path already.

why doesn't recursive grep appear to work?

The man page for grep says:
-r, --recursive
Read all files under each directory, recursively
OK, then how is this possible:
# grep -r BUILD_AP24_TRUE apache
# grep BUILD_AP24_TRUE apache/Makefile.in
#BUILD_AP24_TRUE#mod_shib_24_la_DEPENDENCIES = $(am__DEPENDENCIES_1) \
There are two likely causes this type of problem:
grep is aliased to something that excluded the files you were interested in.
The file of interest is in a symlinked directory or is itself a symlink.
In your case, it appears to be the second cause. One solution is to use grep -R in place of grep -r. From man grep:
-r, --recursive
Read all files under each directory, recursively, following symbolic
links only if they are on the command line. Note that if no file
operand is given, grep searches the working directory.
This is equivalent to the -d recurse option.
-R, --dereference-recursive
Read all files under each directory, recursively.
Follow all symbolic links, unlike -r.

grep recursive filename matching (grep -ir "xyz" *.cpp) does not work

grep -ir "xyz" * recursively searches through the directories and tell me that the text is present in ./x/y/z/abc.cpp
However ,
grep -ir "xyz" *.cpp offers no result.
Isn't the second command supposed to recursively grep all cpp files inside the directory ?
What am I missing here?
Grep will recurse through any directories you match with your glob pattern. (In your case, you probably do not have any directories that match the pattern "*.cpp") You could explicitly specify them: grep -ir "xyz" *.cpp */*.cpp */*/*.cpp */*/*/*.cpp, etc. You can also use the --include option (see the example below)
If you are using GNU grep, then you can use the following:
grep -ir --include "*.cpp" "xyz" .
The command above says to search recursively starting in current directory ignoring case on the pattern and to only search in files that match the glob pattern "*.cpp".
OR if you are on some other Unix platform, you can use this:
find ./ -type f -name "*.cpp" -print0 | xargs -0 grep -i "xyz"
If you are sure that none of your files have spaces in their names, you can omit the -print0 argument to find and the -0 to xargs
The command above says the following: find all files (-type f) under the current directory (./) that match the name glob/wildcard "*.cpp" (-name "*.cpp") and then print them out delimited by a null (-print0). That list of files found should be written to the stdin of the next command: xargs. xargs should read from stdin (default behavior) and split its input on nulls (-0) and then call the grep command with the specified options (grep -i "xyz") on that list of files.
If you are interested in learning more about why grep -ir "xyz" *.cpp does not work the way you think it should, you should search for "shell globbing" (here is a good first article on the subject). I'll also try to provide a quick explanation. When you type in the command grep -ir "xyz" *.cpp and hit enter, there are two programs that are involved in executing your command. The first program is your shell (and unless you've done something to customize things, you are probably usually the bash shell - if you've never heard of a shell or bash, that's where you should start looking, there are tons of good articles). Suffice it say that a shell is just a program that is designed to let you navigate the filesystem on your computer and run other programs. (In Windows, when you double click on an icon to launch a program, or open a folder to access a file, the program that you are running is explorer.exe and it is the Windows graphical shell). So, when you type the command grep -ir "xyz" *.cpp, before grep is run, the shell handles reading your command and does a few things. One of the things is does is expand glob patterns (things like *.txt or [0-9]+.pdf). Like I said, if you want to understand it, go read more about it, but the thing you should take away is that the grep command never sees the *.cpp. What happens is, the shell looks in the current directory for any files or directories with a name that match the pattern *.cpp and then replaces them on the command line BEFORE it runs the grep command. (If it doesn't find anything that matches, then it will leave the *.cpp there and grep will see it, but grep because doesn't normally do glob matching, this doesn't do anything for you).
Alternatively, when you type in grep -ir "xyz" *, what happens is that the shell replaces the * with the name of every file and directory in the current directory (because * matches anything). Let's say you had a directory that contained file1, file2, and dir1, and dir2, then the shell would perform its replacements and then execute a command that looked like this grep -ir "xyz" file1 file2 dir1 dir2, which means grep would search file1 and file2 for a line with the string xyz, and because of the -ir it also search recursively through dir1 and dir2 and search any files found for that string as well. Lastly, if you've followed everything I've said so far, then it will make sense to you that grep does have a way to use glob patterns on recursive searches, and that is to use the --include option, as in the command I described earlier: grep -ir --include "*.cpp" "xyz" ., and the reason why we put the *.cpp in quotes in that command is to prevent the shell from trying to expand the glob pattern before we run the command.

grep alias search command not working

I am trying to make an alias called File Search (fs) for short. That takes one argument (search term). It then searches down the directory tree for that using grep.
fs 'function my_function()'
What am I doing wrong?
alias fs='grep -R "$1" .'
What you tried would search the current directory itself, not the files in it, and certainly not the files in its subdirectories. You want something like this (from memory, I'm not at a Unix machine right now):
find . -type f | xargs grep "$1"

To understand the practical use of Grep's option -H in different situations

This question is based on this answer.
Why do you get the same output from the both commands?
Command A
$sudo grep muel * /tmp
Command B
$sudo grep -H muel * /tmp
Rob's comment suggests me that Command A should not give me masi:, but only muel.
In short, what is the practical purpose of -H?
Grep will list the filenames by default if more than one filename is given. The -H option makes it do that even if only one filename is given. In both your examples, more than one filename is given.
Here's a better example:
$ grep Richie notes.txt
Richie wears glasses.
$ grep -H Richie notes.txt
notes.txt:Richie wears glasses.
It's more useful when you're giving it a wildcard for an unknown number of files, and you always want the filenames printed even if the wildcard only matches one file.
If you grep a single file, -H makes a difference:
$ grep muel mesi
$ grep -H muel mesi
This could be significant in various scripting contexts. For example, a script (or a non-trivial piped series of commands) might not be aware of how many files it's actually dealing with: one, or many.
When you grep from multiple files, by default it shows the name of the file where the match was found. If you specify -H, the file name will always be shown, even if you grep from a single file. You can specify -h to never show the file name.
Emacs has grep interface (M-x grep, M-x lgrep, M-x rgrep). If you ask Emacs to search for foo in the current directory, then Emacs calls grep and process the grep output and then present you with results with clickable links. Clickable links, just like Google.
What Emacs does is that it passes two options to grep: -n (show line number) and -H (show filenames even if only one file. the point is consistency) and then turn the output into clickable links.
In general, consistency is good for being a good API, but consistency conflicts with DWIM.
When you directly use grep, you want DWIM, so you don't pass -H.
