Google YouTube Data v3 API Blocked From Uploading Videos - youtube-api

Recently I have been using multiple scripts that allow you to upload a video via the YouTube Data v3 API from GCP.
However, the videos always gets auto privated and locked. I have done research and found out it's because you need verification on your API key or whatever.
Does anyone know how to get the API key verified or to be able to use the API to upload videos without it being auto locked to private?

Does anyone know how to get the API key verified or to be able to use the API to upload videos without it being auto locked to private?
To be clear api keys are used to access private user data. To upload videos to YouTube you need to use Oauth2 and be authorized to access a users YouTube account
However, the videos always gets auto privated and locked.
If you check the documentation for Videos: insert you will find the source of your issue and what you need to do to fix it.
All videos uploaded via the videos.insert endpoint from unverified API projects created after 28 July 2020 will be restricted to private viewing mode. To lift this restriction, each API project must undergo an audit to verify compliance with the Terms of Service. Please see the API Revision History for more details.
Go though the verification process and then you will be able to upload public videos.
Unverified apps
What you need to know about Google verification


Youtube-data-api private upload

i tried to automate video upload to my YouTube channel using YouTube data API v3, everything works perfectly except that the videos are uploaded as private and locked that way.
i know it is a restriction by design and the scope verification requires privacy policy page and a domain which i don't own as an individual. Making it internal is not an option neither, since it requires organization and google workspace.
how can a normal user be able to automate uploads using youtube data API.

How can I upload videos into my youtube account without oAuth consent screen using YT data API v3

I want to upload local videos into my youtube account through my web app without oAuth consent screen. I am using node js as server and react js as frontend.
You need to understand the difference between private and public data. Public data is data that is not owned by any user and is available publicly.
Methods like Search List for example access public data available on YouTube.
Private data is data that is owned by a user. In order to upload to your YouTube account you need permission to upload to that account.
The Videos.insert method as you can see by the documentation requires that the user have consented to your application accessing their YouTube account. They must have consented to your access with one of the following scopes.
So the answer to your question is that you cant. You need to consent to authorization before your application is going to be allowed to upload to YouTube
upload public videos
Please remember that all videos uploaded via the videos.insert endpoint from unverified API projects created after 28 July 2020 will be restricted to private viewing mode. To lift this restriction, each API project must undergo an audit to verify compliance with the Terms of Service. Please see the API Revision History for more details.
Your application will need to go though application verificatin process before any of the videos you upload will be public

How do I use the YouTube Data API to upload video to secondary channel on personal account

I have looked around Stack Overflow and seen a few posts about this but none of the solutions help.
I have a Google account which I use in YouTube. I have created a second channel on that YouTube account so that I can upload videos with a specific theme to separate them from the main videos.
Trying to use the Google API to upload the videos so that I can run it via a Python script, I keep hitting brick walls with Google who is looking for app verification, privacy policies and web page links - none of which I have.
This application is a Python script that's not available to the public and doesn't gather any public information. All I am trying to do is upload videos to my own personal YouTube account.
So I'm beginning to think it is something else I should be using rather than the API (the uploading web page isn't suitable for use in a script).
My two question are:
Can I use the YouTube API to upload a video directly to the second channel on my personal YouTube account?
Is there another simpler mechanism I should be using to upload videos via a script to my personal YouTube account? The reason I have to do it via script is that the device is unattended.
You have to acknowledge that each and every app (this to be understood in a broad sense that includes even a small script like this one from Google must be verified and approved by Google prior to be able to make videos publicly available via the YouTube site.
Answer to question no. 1: yes, that is perfectly possible.
As part of the OAuth 2.0 authentication/authorization flow, you will be presented, within the browser, with the option of selecting to which account your app is to be given access rights.
You may well exercise this behavior, prior to making use of your script, with the help of Google Developers OAuth 2.0 Playground.
Upon a successful OAuth flow, you may verify (and also revoke) the permissions granted by your account on the account's permissions page.
Answer to question no. 2: no, there's no way to upload programmatically videos on YouTube that's in compliance with YouTube's DTOS, other than using the Videos.insert API endpoint.
Since by now you have at least two credentials sets, it may be of need to know to which of your YouTube channels a given credentials object is associated.
If using the Google APIs Client Library for Python, you may easily obtain from the API the channel ID to which a given credentials object CREDENTIALS is associated by issuing a call to the Channels.list API endpoint, passing to it the parameter mine as mine=true:
from googleapiclient.discovery import build
youtube = build(
'youtube', 'v3',
credentials = CREDENTIALS)
response = youtube.channels().list(
mine = 'true',
part = 'id',
fields = 'items(id)',
maxResults = 1
channel_id = response['items'][0]['id']
Note that the code above uses the fields request parameter for to obtain from the Channels.list endpoint only the channel's ID info (it is always good to ask from the API only the info that is of actual use).
A caveat using the above procedure is the following: if a given CREDENTIALS instance has its scopes containing only:,
then the API will respond with an error of type insufficientPermissions and of message Request had insufficient authentication scopes.
For to invoke successfully the Channels.list it would be sufficient that the scopes attached to CREDENTIALS to include either of the one below:,

Using Youtube Data API makes my videos private on upload

I've just made an "app" that uploads videos in a given folder, the program works, however whenever I upload a video through my program, it makes the video private (locked). I then get a mail saying that my program has not yet been approved. I have tried setting status.privacyStatus to both unlisted and public, without succes.
Any idea on how to get my application approved so I can upload public videos?
I suspect it might have to do with Oauth, however I am not sure where I went wrong
According to Google support's article Videos locked as private, the issue that you've described happens by design:
For videos that have been locked as private due to upload via an unverified API service, you will not be able to appeal. You’ll need to re-upload the video via a verified API service or via the YouTube app/site. The unverified API service can also apply for an API audit.
To ensure your video isn’t locked private again, don’t post content that:
Has been uploaded by an unverified third party API service.
As unfortunate as it is, until your app gets approved by Google, if needing to make video content publicly available, you have no other option than to upload that content manually by means of YouTube's Web UI (or use a tool that accesses that UI programmatically; but, as far as I know, this kind of activity is forbidden by the TOS docs).
The official document of the Videos.insert API endpoint specifies the very same requirement as above:
All videos uploaded via the videos.insert endpoint from unverified API projects created after 28 July 2020 will be restricted to private viewing mode. To lift this restriction, each API project must undergo an audit to verify compliance with the Terms of Service. Please see the API Revision History for more details.
The entry of API Revision History related to this issue reads as follows:
All videos uploaded via the videos.insert endpoint from unverified API projects created after 28 July 2020 will be restricted to private viewing mode. To lift this restriction, each project must undergo an audit to verify compliance with the Terms of Service.
Creators who use an unverified API client to upload video will receive an email explaining that their video is locked as private, and that they can avoid the restriction by using an official or audited client.
API projects created prior to 28 July 2020 are not currently affected by this change. However, we strongly recommend that all developers complete a compliance audit for their projects to ensure continued access to the YouTube API Services.
If your app is inteded for private usage, they won't approve it.
The only solution is not to use their API, but luckily there are some good modules to upload without API.
Here's one I made (node.js):
import YoutubeUploader from 'node-apiless-youtube-upload'
const youtubeUploader = new YoutubeUploader()
youtubeUploader.promptLoginAndGetCookies().then(() => {
videoPath: 'C:/PATH/TO/VIDEO.mp4',
title: 'TITLE',
description: 'DESCRIPTION',
thumbnailPath: 'C:/PATH/TO/THUMBNAIL.mp4',
visibility: 'public'
Also there's one for python if you search for it (it's selenium based).
Good luck!

Is it possible to host videos uploaded to my website on youtube?

I have Java based website. I would like users to log into my website and then upload videos to youtube using my youtube account. Users should not be required to have their own youtube account since videos will be uploaded using my youtube account.
Does youtube support this scenario?
If so, is there a sample code that shows me how to do this in Java?
I have used sample provided by google (, but it requires users to log into youtube account using their id and password. That is not my use case.
Please study the terms and conditions of the Youtube service ; I think they do not allow this:
YouTube accounts
4.1 In order to access some features of the Website or other elements of the Service, you will have to create a YouTube account. When
creating your account, you must provide accurate and complete
information. It is important that you must keep your YouTube account
password secure and confidential.
4.2 You must notify YouTube immediately of any breach of security or unauthorised use of your YouTube account that you become aware of.
4.3 You agree that you will be solely responsible (to YouTube, and to others) for all activity that occurs under your YouTube account.
5.1.L: you agree not to access Content or any reason other than your personal, non-commercial use solely as intended through and permitted
by the normal functionality of the Service, and solely for Streaming.
"Streaming" means a contemporaneous digital transmission of the
material by YouTube via the Internet to a user operated Internet
enabled device in such a manner that the data is intended for
real-time viewing and not intended to be downloaded (either
permanently or temporarily), copied, stored, or redistributed by the
You can not let other people use your YouTube account/channel. The way to do is using YouTube Direct Lite
You basically add a ytdl with playlist tag while uploading videos.
You can check Android Client for how to do it in Java.
As to whether it is technically possible, yes, see
The technical problem here is users will be able to delete videos too if they have your access token with full permissions. basically you need to:
load your html page with the upload interface.
add to the onclick event of the upload button to send an ajax request to a script on your server which will:
return the access token of your account to the client
soon thereafter change the access token using the refresh token
Its still technically vulnerable though. a possible solution is to obtain the access token ONLY with the scope:
There is a very good chance it will not be vulnerable then. You should test it.
