Is Mono.doFinally sufficient to handle release/cleanup? - project-reactor

I am trying to synchronize a resource with spring webClient:
// release
.doFinally(st -> this.semaphore.release())
.onErrorResume(Exception.class, e -> Mono.empty())
Is doFinally sufficient to handle the release?
If not, what are the "escape" points?

This will clean up your resources if your mono is cancelled, completes, or errors out, which are all the ways in which a mono can end.
However, a Mono does not necessarily have to end and the doFinally hook will not be executed.
So it depends on how your webClient is configured in cases where the external api fails to respond: Normally, there should be a timeout and a maximum number of retries. In that case, your code should be correct.
NOTE: the release may not happen on the same thread as the acquire. Depending on the resource, this might actually be a problem. For example, a ReentrantReadWriteLock has semantics that it is owned by the thread that created it. I do not know if this problem exists with your semaphore.


Reactor flux throws illegalArgumentException - suspecting due to bufferTimeout

I have a spring application which builds a reactive pipeline as follows:
buildPipeline(). // returns a flux based on changeStreamEvents or Kafka receives
.bufferTimeout( capacity, Duration.ofSeconds(1))
. flatMap( r -> {
element x = r.get(r.size()-1)
//some processing on element and the batch obtained
.doOnError( e->"error occurred:" + e.toString())
However, I see my application intermediately throwing the below error -
java.lang.illegalArgumentException:3.9 While the Subscription is not cancelled, Subscription.request(long n) MUST throw a java.lang.illegalArgumentException if argument <= 0
at com.mongodb.reactivestreams.client.internal.ObservableToPublisher$1
at reactor.core.publisher.FluxMap$MapSubscriber.request(
at reactor.core.publisher.FluxBufferTimeout
I'm not able to determine what is wrong, and why the stream is terminating with this error.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
The application started throwing this error after I added "bufferTimeout" to add a feature of batching. Before that, I had never encountered this exception.
Not sure how to replicate the issue as well, as it is not occurring locally or in UAT, but only in production environment of the application.
Any leads would be helpful.
Try adding a onBackPressureBuffer(), so that in case of low demand this operator buffers the requests, and emits items in a controlled way.

Erlang: Functions work in shell but not in YAWS

My sole method of debugging (io:format/2) is not working in YAWS. I'm at a loss. My supervisor starts three processes: ETS Manager, YAWS Init, and Ratelimiter. This is successful. I can play around with the rate limiter in the shell... calling the same functions YAWS should be. The difference being the shell behaves as I would expect and I have no idea what is happening in YAWS.
I do know if I spam the command in shell: ratelimiter:limit(IP) it will return true eventually. I can execute the following and it will also return true: ratelimiter:lockout(IP), ratelimiter:blacklist(IP). The limiter is a gen_server.
The functions do the following:
limit/1: Check ETS table if counter > threshold; update counter. If counter > blacklist threshold make entry in mnesia table
blacklist/1: Check mnesia table if entry exists; Yes: reset timer
lockout/1: Immediately enters ID into mnesia table
In my arg_rewrite_mod module I'm doing some checks to ensure I'm getting the HTTP requests I expect, namely GET, POST, and HEAD. I thought this would be a nice place to also do the rate limiting. Do it as soon as possible in the web server's chain of events.
All the changes I've made to the arg_rewrite module seem to work except using "printf"s and the limiter. I'm new to the language so I'm not sure my mistake is obvious or not.
Skeleton of my arg_rewrite_mod:
is_blacklisted(ID) ->
case ratelimiter:blacklist(ID) of
false -> continue;
true -> throw(blacklist)
is_limited(ID) ->
case ratelimiter:limit(ID) of
false -> continue;
true -> throw(limit)
arg_rewrite(A) ->
Allow = ['GET','POST', 'HEAD'],
{IP, _} = A#arg.client_ip_port,
ID = IP,
io:format("~p ~p ~n",[ID, is_blacklisted(ID)]),
%% === Allow expected HTTP requests
HttpReq = (A#arg.req)#http_request.method,
case lists:member(HttpReq, Allow) of
true ->
{_,ReqTgt} = (A#arg.req)#http_request.path,
PassThru = [".css",".jpg",".jpeg",".png",".js"],
%% ... much more ...
false ->
throw:blacklist -> %% Send back a 429;
throw:limit -> %% Same but no Retry-After;
throw:http_method_denied ->
%%Only thrown experienced
AllowedReq = string:join([atom_to_list(M) || M <- Allow], ","),
headers=[{header, {"Allow", AllowedReq}},{header, {connection, "close"}}]
Type:Reason -> {error, {unhandled,{Type, Reason}}}
I can spam curl -I -X HEAD <<any page>> as fast as I can in a bash shell and all I get is HTTP 200. The ETS table has zero entries as well. Using PUT I get a HTTP 405 as intended. I can ratelimiter:lockout({MY_IP}) and get the web page to load in my browser and a HTTP 200 with curl.
I'm confused. Is it the way I started YAWS?
start() ->
ok = case (R = application:start(yaws)) of
{error, {already_started, _}} -> ok;
_ -> R
{ok,self()}. %% Tell supervisor everything okay in a manner it expects.
I did this because I thought it would be "easier."
When starting Yaws as part of another application, it's important to use its embedding support. One important thing the Yaws embedding startup code does is set the application environment variable embedded to true:
application:set_env(yaws, embedded, true),
Yaws checks this variable in several of its code paths, especially during initialization, in order to avoid assuming that it's running as a stand-alone daemon process.
Regarding rate limiting, rather than using an arg rewriter, you might consider using a shaper. The yaws_shaper module provides a behavior that expects its callback module to implement two functions:
check/1: yaws_shaper calls this to allow the callback module to decide whether to allow the request from the client. It passes client host information as the callback argument. Your shaper callback module returns either the atom allow to allow the request to proceed, or the tuple {deny, Status, Message} where Status is an HTTP status code to return to the client, such as 429 to indicate the client is making too many requests, and Message is any extra HTML to be returned to the client. (It might be nice if Message could include a reply header such as Retry-After as well; this is something I'll consider adding to Yaws.)
update/3: yaws_shaper calls this when the response for a client is ready to be returned. The first argument is the client host information, the second argument is the number of "hits" (the value 1 for each request), and the third argument is the number of bytes being delivered in response to the client's request. Your shaper callback module can return ok from update/3 (Yaws does not use the return value).
A shaper can use this framework to track how many requests each client is making and how much data Yaws is delivering to each client, and use that information to limit or deny particular clients.
And finally, while "printf debugging" works, it's less than ideal especially in Erlang, which has built-in tracing. You should consider learning the dbg module so you can trace any function you want, see who called it, see what arguments are being passed to it, see what it returns, etc.

How to verify with StepVerifier that provided Mono did not completed?

With StepVerifier it is very easy to check whether provided Mono has completed (just by expectComplete() method in StepVerifier), but what should I do if need to check the opposite case ?
I tried to use this approach:
public void neverMonoTest() {
Mono<String> neverMono = Mono.never();
and such test passes. But this is false positive, because when I replace Mono.never() with Mono.empty() the test is still green.
Is there any better and reliable method to check lack of Mono's completion (of course within given scope of time) ?
It looks like you're hitting a bug in reactor-test, and unfortunately one that doesn't look to be solved any time soon:
Due to my memory that was a constant flaw in design of reactor-test. Most likely that will be fixed once reactor-test will be rewritten from scratch / significantly.
Downgrading to 3.1.2 seems to fix the problem, but that's quite a downgrade. The only other workaround I'm aware of was posted by PyvesB here, and involves waiting for the Mono to timeout:
Mono<String> mono = Mono.never();
When the next release rolls out, then you should be able to do:
Mono<String> mono = Mono.never();
.expectTimeout(Duration.ofSeconds(1)); a more concise alternative.

Erlang: spawn a process and wait for termination without using `receive`

In Erlang, can I call some function f (BIF or not), whose job is to spawn a process, run the function argf I provided, and doesn't "return" until argf has "returned", and do this without using receive clause (the reason for this is that f will be invoked in a gen_server, I don't want pollute the gen_server's mailbox).
A snippet would look like this:
%% some code omitted ...
F = fun() -> blah, blah, timer:sleep(10000) end,
f(F), %% like `spawn(F), but doesn't return until 10 seconds has passed`
%% ...
The only way to communicate between processes is message passing (of course you can consider to poll for a specific key in an ets or a file but I dont like this).
If you use a spawn_monitor function in f/1 to start the F process and then have a receive block only matching the possible system messages from this monitor:
f(F) ->
{_Pid, MonitorRef} = spawn_monitor(F),
{_Tag, MonitorRef, _Type, _Object, _Info} -> ok
you will not mess your gen_server mailbox. The example is the minimum code, you can add a timeout (fixed or parameter), execute some code on normal or error completion...
You will not "pollute" the gen_servers mailbox if you spawn+wait for message before you return from the call or cast. A more serious problem with this maybe that you will block the gen_server while you are waiting for the other process to terminate. A way around this is to not explicitly wait but return from the call/cast and then when the completion message arrives handle it in handle_info/2 and then do what is necessary.
If the spawning is done in a handle_call and you want to return the "result" of that process then you can delay returning the value to the original call from the handle_info handling the process termination message.
Note that however you do it a gen_server:call has a timeout value, either implicit or explicit, and if no reply is returned it generates an error in the calling process.
Main way to communicate with process in Erlang VM space is message passing with erlang:send/2 or erlang:send/3 functions (alias !). But you can "hack" Erlang and use multiple way for communicating over process.
You can use erlang:link/1 to communicate stat of the process, its mainly used in case of your process is dying or is ended or something is wrong (exception or throw).
You can use erlang:monitor/2, this is similar to erlang:link/1 except the message go directly into process mailbox.
You can also hack Erlang, and use some internal way (shared ETS/DETS/Mnesia tables) or use external methods (database or other things like that). This is clearly not recommended and "destroy" Erlang philosophy... But you can do it.
Its seems your problem can be solved with supervisor behavior. supervisor support many strategies to control supervised process:
one_for_one: If one child process terminates and is to be restarted, only that child process is affected. This is the default restart strategy.
one_for_all: If one child process terminates and is to be restarted, all other child processes are terminated and then all child processes are restarted.
rest_for_one: If one child process terminates and is to be restarted, the 'rest' of the child processes (that is, the child processes after the terminated child process in the start order) are terminated. Then the terminated child process and all child processes after it are restarted.
simple_one_for_one: A simplified one_for_one supervisor, where all child processes are dynamically added instances of the same process type, that is, running the same code.
You can also modify or create your own supervisor strategy from scratch or base on supervisor_bridge.
So, to summarize, you need a process who wait for one or more terminating process. This behavior is supported natively with OTP, but you can also create your own model. For doing that, you need to share status of every started process, using cache or database, or when your process is spawned. Something like that:
Fun = fun
MyFun (ParentProcess, {result, Data})
when is_pid(ParentProcess) ->
ParentProcess ! {self(), Data};
MyFun (ParentProcess, MyData)
when is_pid(ParentProcess) ->
% do something
MyFun(ParentProcess, MyData2) end.
spawn(fun() -> Fun(self(), InitData) end).
EDIT: forgot to add an example without send/receive. I use an ETS table to store every result from lambda function. This ETS table is set when we spawn this process. To get result, we can select data from this table. Note, the key of the row is the process id of the process.
spawner(Ets, Fun, Args)
when is_integer(Ets),
is_function(Fun) ->
spawn(fun() -> Fun(Ets, Args) end).
Fun = fun
F(Ets, {result, Data}) ->
ets:insert(Ets, {self(), Data});
F(Ets, Data) ->
% do something here
Data2 = Data,
F(Ets, Data2) end.

How to maintain stateful in yaws

I have some process (spawned) with state.
How to maintain simple stateful service in yaws?
How to implement communication to process in "appmods" erl source file?
let's we have simple process
start() -> loop(0).
loop(C) ->
{inc} -> loop(C + 1);
{get, FromPid} -> FromPid ! C, loop(C)
What is the simplest (trivial: without gen_server, yapp) way to access process from web?
Maybe, I need a minimal example with gen_server+yapp+yaws / appmods+yaws.
The #arg structure is a very important datastructure for the yaws programmer.
In the ARG of Yaws out/1 there is a variable that can save user state.
"state, %% State for use by users of the out/1 callback"
You can get detail info here .
There only 2 ways to access a process in Erlang: Either you know its Pid (and the node where you expect the process to be) or You know its registered Name (and the erlang node its expected to be).
Lets say you have your appmod:
out(Arg) ->
case check_initial_state(Arg) of
unknown -> create_initial_state();
UserPid = list_to_pid(Value),
UserPid ! extract_request(Arg),
Response -> {html,format_response(Response)}
after ?TIMEOUT -> {html,"request_timedout"}
CookieObject = (A#arg.headers)#headers.cookie,
case yaws_api:find_cookie_val("InitialState", CookieObject) of
[] -> unkown;
Cookie -> {ok,Cookie}
extract_request(Arg)-> %% get request from POST Data or Get Data
Post__data_proplist = yaws_api:parse_post(Arg),
Get_data_proplist = yaws_api:parse_query(Arg),
%% do many other things....
Request = remove_request(Post__data_proplist,Get_data_proplist),
That simple set up shows you how you would use processes to keep things about a user. However, the use of processes is not good. Processes do fail, so you need a way of recovering what data they were holding.
A better approach is to have a Data storage about your users and have one gen_server to do the look ups. You could use Mnesia. I do not advise you to use processes on the web to keep user state, no matter what kind of app you are doing, even if its a messaging app. Mnesia or ETS tables can keep state and all you need to do is look up.
Use a better storage mechanism to keep state other than processes. Processes are a point of failure. Others use Cookies (and/or Session cookies), whose value is used in some way to look up something from a database. However, if you insist that you need processes, then, have a way of remembering their Pids or registered names. You could store a user Pid into their session cookie e.t.c.
