start =
if start == "start" then
xpr = 50
xp = 75
function level()
if xp >= xpr and level < 50 then
xpr = xpr * 1.5
level = level + 1
io.write("Congrats you somehow didn't die and lose every bit of progress!", "\n")
io.write("By the way your level is ", level, "\n")
io.write("Now you must allocate your skill points now", "\n")
sp = 6
io.write("Strength: ", "\n")
strsp =
stre = stre + strsp
if strsp < sp then
io.write("There are only",sp,"skill points", "\n")
str = str + 6
io.write("Dexterity: ", "\n")
dexsp =
dex = dex + dexsp
if dexsp < sp then
io.write("There are only",sp,"skill points", "\n")
dex = dex + 6
io.write("Constuion: ", "\n")
consp =
con = con + consp
if consp < sp then
io.write("There are only",sp,"skill points", "\n")
con = con + 6
io.write("Intelligence: ", "\n")
intsp =
int = int + intsp
if intsp < sp then
io.write("There are only",sp,"skill points", "\n")
int = int + 6
io.write("Wisdom: ", "\n")
wissp =
wis = wis + wissp
if wissp < sp then
io.write("There are only",sp,"skill points", "\n")
wis = wis + 6
io.write("Charisma: ", "\n")
chasp =
cha = cha + chasp
if chasp < sp then
io.write("There are only",sp,"skill points", "\n")
cha = cha + 6
This is my code. But it comes back as
lua: attempt to compare function with number
How can I fix this?
Comparing a function with a number doesn't make any sense.
function level() end is syntactic sugar for level = function () end. Just in case you're wondering why level is a function value.
level < 50 compares your global function level with 50.
You call level(xp) but level doesn't have any parameters btw.
Either rename the function or the variable you want to compare with 50.
Either way you need to initialize that variable with a number value or you'll get an error for comparing nil with a number.
Quick explanation, I have recently started using codewars to further improve my programming skills and my first challenge was to make a roman numeral decoder, I went through many versions because I wasnt satisfied with what I had, So I am asking if there is an easier way of handling all the patterns that roman numerals have, for example I is 1 but if I is next to another number it takes it away for example V = 5 but IV = 4.
here is my CODE:
function Roman_Numerals_Decoder (roman)
local Dict = {I = 1, V = 5, X = 10, L = 50, C = 100, D = 500, M = 1000}
local number = 0
local i = 1
while i < #roman + 1 do
local letter = roman:sub(i,i) -- Gets the current character in the string roman
if roman:sub(i,i) == "I" and roman:sub(i + 1,i + 1) ~= "I" and roman:sub(i + 1,i + 1) ~= "" then -- Checks for the I pattern when I exists and next isnt I
number = number + (Dict[roman:sub(i +1,i + 1)] - Dict[roman:sub(i,i)]) -- Taking one away from the next number
i = i + 2 -- Increase the counter
number = number + Dict[letter] -- Adds the numbers together if no pattern is found, currently checking only I
i = i + 1
return number
print(Roman_Numerals_Decoder("MXLIX")) -- 1049 = MXLIX , 2008 = MMVIII
at the moment I am trying to get 1049 (MXLIX) to work but I am getting 1069, obviously I am not following a rule and I feel like its more wrong then it should be because usually if its not correct its 1 or 2 numbers wrong.
The algorithm is slightly different: you need to consider subtraction when the previous character has less weight than the next one.
function Roman_Numerals_Decoder (roman)
local Dict = {I = 1, V = 5, X = 10, L = 50, C = 100, D = 500, M = 1000}
local num = 0
local i = 1
for i=1, #roman-1 do
local letter = roman:sub(i,i) -- Gets the current character in the string roman
local letter_p = roman:sub(i+1,i+1)
if (Dict[letter] < Dict[letter_p]) then
num = num - Dict[letter] -- Taking one away from the next number
num = num + Dict[letter] -- Adds the numbers together if no pattern is found, currently checking only I
num = num + Dict[roman:sub(-1)];
print("+",Dict[roman:sub(-1)], num)
return num
print(Roman_Numerals_Decoder("MXLIX")) -- 1049 = MXLIX , 2008 = MMVIII
I try to fix some old Basewars script for Gmod amd there is something i tried to fix but i dont know what i am missing there. Basicly its about a Bank script. This Bank could original store a amount of 2 Billion $. I would like to expand that storage amount to 1 Quadtrillion.
So Basicly the Basewars Gamemode allows players to have an high amount of money up to 10^18 $
= 1 Quintillion. I looked up into
so basicly lua uses double-precision floating-point format. So lua uses 32 bits for storing numbers and that means the number can be from a range of
-2,147,483,647 to 2,147,483,647.
The Basewars Gamemode uses a Function to make out of 10^18
= 1 Quintillion
function BaseWars.NumberFormat(num)
local t = BaseWars.LANG.Numbers
for i = 1, #t do
local Div = t[i][1]
local Str = t[i][2]
if num >= Div or num <= -Div then
return string.Comma(math.Round(num / Div, 1)) .. " " .. Str
return string.Comma(math.Round(num, 1))
The Gamemode is using that faction to convert the amount of money.
and here is the BaseWars.LANG.Numbers:
BaseWars.LANG = {}
Numbers = {
[5] = {10^6, "Million"},
[4] = {10^9, "Billion"},
[3] = {10^12, "Trillion"},
[2] = {10^15, "Quadtillion"},
[1] = {10^18, "Quintillion"},
So i know that this function does work but i dont get it, how the variable num can be that high!
Why do i know what it does work ?
Here is what i tried and it manipulated the Capacity up to 1 Quadtrillion but at the point i manipluated a other Problem came up and i do not know what i do wrong!
Here how it was Original:
ENT.Capacity = 2000000000 --Max money in the bank. Can be bugs if it is more than 2000000000 (2 bil)
ENT.Money = 0
ENT.MaxPaper = 0
local Clamp = math.Clamp
function ENT:GSAT(slot, name, min, max)
self:NetworkVar("Int", slot, name)
local getVar = function(minMax)
if self[minMax] and isfunction(self[minMax]) then return self[minMax](self) end
if self[minMax] and isnumber(self[minMax]) then return self[minMax] end
return minMax or 0
self["Add" .. name] = function(_, var)
local Val = self["Get" .. name](self) + var
if min and max then
Val = Clamp(tonumber(Val) or 0, getVar(min), getVar(max))
self["Set" .. name](self, Val)
self["Take" .. name] = function(_, var)
local Val = self["Get" .. name](self) - var
if min and max then
Val = Clamp(tonumber(Val) or 0, getVar(min), getVar(max))
self["Set" .. name](self, Val)
function ENT:StableNetwork()
self:GSAT(2, "Capacity")
self:GSAT(3, "Money", 0, "GetCapacity")
self:GSAT(4, "Paper", 0, "MaxPaper")
self:GSAT(5, "Level", 0, "MaxLevel")
function ENT:ThinkFunc() --This Funtion is to auto collect all the Money of Printers
for k, v in pairs( ents.FindByClass( "bw_printer_*" ) ) do
if v:CPPIGetOwner() == self:CPPIGetOwner() then
if self:GetMoney() < self.Capacity then
local allmoney = v:GetMoney()
for k, v in pairs( ents.FindByClass( "bw_base_moneyprinter" ) ) do
if v:CPPIGetOwner() == self:CPPIGetOwner() then
if self:GetMoney() < self.Capacity then
local allmoney = v:GetMoney()
if CLIENT then
local Cp = self:GetCapacity()
local money = tonumber(self:GetMoney()) or 0
local cap = tonumber(Cp) or 0
local moneyPercentage = math.Round( money / cap * 100 ,1)
draw.DrawText( moneyPercentage .."%" , fontName .. ".Huge", w - 4-430, 71+610, self.FontColor, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
local currentMoney = BaseWars.LANG.CURRENCY .. BaseWars.NumberFormat(money)
local maxMoney = BaseWars.LANG.CURRENCY .. BaseWars.NumberFormat(cap)
local font = fontName .. ".Big"
if #currentMoney > 16 then
font = fontName .. ".MedBig"
if #currentMoney > 20 then
font = fontName .. ".Med"
local fh = draw.GetFontHeight(font)
local StrW,StrH = surface.GetTextSize("")
local moneyW,moneyH = surface.GetTextSize(currentMoney)
draw.DrawText(currentMoney.. " / " .. BaseWars.LANG.CURRENCY .. BaseWars.NumberFormat(cap) , font,
w/2 - StrW/2-225 , (font == fontName .. ".Big" and 106 or 105 + fh / 4)+675, self.FontColor, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
Here the changes i did:
removed line:
local cap = tonumber(Cp) or 0
local cap = 10^15
if self:GetMoney() < cap then
ENT.Capacity = 2000000000 --Max money in the bank. Can be bugs if it is more than 2000000000 (2 bil)
local cap = 10^15
ENT.Money = 0
ENT.MaxPaper = 0
local Clamp = math.Clamp
function ENT:GSAT(slot, name, min, max)
self:NetworkVar("Int", slot, name)
local getVar = function(minMax)
if self[minMax] and isfunction(self[minMax]) then return self[minMax](self) end
if self[minMax] and isnumber(self[minMax]) then return self[minMax] end
return minMax or 0
self["Add" .. name] = function(_, var)
local Val = self["Get" .. name](self) + var
if min and max then
Val = Clamp(tonumber(Val) or 0, getVar(min), getVar(max))
self["Set" .. name](self, Val)
self["Take" .. name] = function(_, var)
local Val = self["Get" .. name](self) - var
if min and max then
Val = Clamp(tonumber(Val) or 0, getVar(min), getVar(max))
self["Set" .. name](self, Val)
function ENT:StableNetwork()
self:GSAT(2, "Capacity")
self:GSAT(3, "Money", 0, "GetCapacity")
self:GSAT(4, "Paper", 0, "MaxPaper")
self:GSAT(5, "Level", 0, "MaxLevel")
function ENT:ThinkFunc() --This Funtion is to auto collect all the Money of Printers
for k, v in pairs( ents.FindByClass( "bw_printer_*" ) ) do
if v:CPPIGetOwner() == self:CPPIGetOwner() then
if self:GetMoney() < cap then
local allmoney = v:GetMoney()
for k, v in pairs( ents.FindByClass( "bw_base_moneyprinter" ) ) do
if v:CPPIGetOwner() == self:CPPIGetOwner() then
if self:GetMoney() < cap then
local allmoney = v:GetMoney()
if CLIENT then
local Cp = self:GetCapacity()
local money = tonumber(self:GetMoney()) or 0
local moneyPercentage = math.Round( money / cap * 100 ,1)
draw.DrawText( moneyPercentage .."%" , fontName .. ".Huge", w - 4-430, 71+610, self.FontColor, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
local currentMoney = BaseWars.LANG.CURRENCY .. BaseWars.NumberFormat(money)
local maxMoney = BaseWars.LANG.CURRENCY .. BaseWars.NumberFormat(cap)
local font = fontName .. ".Big"
if #currentMoney > 16 then
font = fontName .. ".MedBig"
if #currentMoney > 20 then
font = fontName .. ".Med"
local fh = draw.GetFontHeight(font)
local StrW,StrH = surface.GetTextSize("")
local moneyW,moneyH = surface.GetTextSize(currentMoney)
draw.DrawText(currentMoney.. " / " .. BaseWars.LANG.CURRENCY .. BaseWars.NumberFormat(cap) , font,
w/2 - StrW/2-225 , (font == fontName .. ".Big" and 106 or 105 + fh / 4)+675, self.FontColor, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
So now if you i look into the game it looks like this:
and now i have the problem that when it collects money it does it up to 2 billion and if i try to change
local money = tonumber(self:GetMoney()) or 0
local money =self:GetMoney()
i get straight -2.1 Bil
or i tried to change the min max values:
function ENT:GSAT(slot, name, min, max)
self:NetworkVar("Int", slot, name)
local getVar = function(minMax)
if self[minMax] and isfunction(self[minMax]) then return self[minMax](self) end
if self[minMax] and isnumber(self[minMax]) then return self[minMax] end
return minMax or 0
self["Add" .. name] = function(_, var)
local Val = self["Get" .. name](self) + var
if min and max then
Val = Clamp(tonumber(Val) or 0, getVar(min), 10^15)
self["Set" .. name](self, Val)
self["Take" .. name] = function(_, var)
local Val = self["Get" .. name](self) - var
if min and max then
Val = Clamp(tonumber(Val) or 0, getVar(min), 10^15)
self["Set" .. name](self, Val)
Basicly these lines:
Val = Clamp(tonumber(Val) or 0, getVar(min), 10^15)
if i run the game the Bank will just collect the money up to 2 Bill and then it goes to -2.1Bil. And at that point i dont know why and when a value does go buggy like it self sets to -2.1 Bil. does math.Round create this bug or do funktion return only return full integer ?
thx for any help
Because the network variable that the bank uses is an integer, it will only be able to store $(2^31-1) through $-(2^31-1). Try changing it to a networked float:
-- ...
function ENT:GSAT(slot, name, min, max)
-- self:NetworkVar("Int", slot, name), changes into:
self:NetworkVar("Float", slot, name)
-- ...
But, beware as the more money players accumulate the less precision will be put into those numbers.
Trying to allow a concatenated table to be referenced as such:
local group = table.concat(arguments, ",", 1)
where arguments = {"1,1,1"}
Currently, doing group[2] gives me the comma. How do I avoid that while still allowing for two-digit numbers?
(snippet of what I'm trying to use it for)
for i = 1, #group do
target:SetGroup(i, tonumber(group[i]))
Maybe you want something like
local i = 1
for v in string.gmatch(s, "(%w+),*") do
group[i] = v
i = i + 1
Revised version in response to comment, avoiding the table altogether:
local i = 1
for v in string.gmatch(s, "(%w+),*") do
target:SetGroup(i, tonumber(v))
i = i + 1
split function (you have to add it to code)
split = function(str, delim)
if not delim then
delim = " "
-- Eliminate bad cases...
if string.find(str, delim) == nil then
return { str }
local result = {}
local pat = "(.-)" .. delim .. "()"
local nb = 0
local lastPos
for part, pos in string.gfind(str, pat) do
nb = nb + 1
result[nb] = part
lastPos = pos
-- Handle the last field
result[nb + 1] = string.sub(str, lastPos)
return result
local arguments = {"1,1,1"};
local group = split(arguments[1], ",");
for i = 1, #group do
target:SetGroup(i, tonumber(group[i]))
also note that
local arguments = {"1,1,1"};
local group = split(arguments[1], ",");
local group_count = #group;
for i = 1, group_count do
target:SetGroup(i, tonumber(group[i]))
is faster code ;)
My code is designed to read digits and turn them into Chinese pinyin:
function digitconverter (digit)
if digit == "0" then
cnumber = "ying2 "
elseif digit == "1" then
cnumber = "yi1 "
elseif digit == "2" then
cnumber = "er2 "
elseif digit == "3" then
cnumber = "san1 "
elseif digit == "4" then
cnumber = "si4 "
elseif digit == "5" then
cnumber = "wu3 "
elseif digit == "6" then
cnumber = "liu4 "
elseif digit == "7" then
cnumber = "qi1 "
elseif digit == "8" then
cnumber = "ba1 "
elseif digit == "9" then
cnumber = "jiu3 "
return cnumber
print("Enter a number to be converted:")
strnumber ="*line")
number = tonumber(strnumber)
if number ~= nil then
continue = true
print("Invalid input. Please try again:")
continue = false
until continue == true
nlength = #strnumber
digits = {}
for d in string.gmatch(number, "%d") do
digits[#digits + 1] = d
convnumber = ""
for d=1,nlength do
convnumber = convnumber .. digitconverter(digits[d])
If I enter over 15 digits, it gets stuck (for lack of a better term). It WILL convert every digit, but the 16th will be random and the 17th and on will repeat another random one. I've been over it and I can't figure out where it's getting hung up. Thoughts?
You're iterating through the digits of number, not strnumber. The problem is when you get to too many digits, the string representation is going to be in scientific notation:
strnumber = '1234567890123456789'
number = tonumber(strnumber)
print(number) --> 1.2345678901235e+018
Side note: Lua is based on hashtables, which gives you (barring hash collisions) constant time lookup. So your digit converter can be simply written as a map:
local digitmap = {
["0"] = "ying2 ",
["1"] = "yi1 ",
["2"] = "er2 ",
["3"] = "san1 ",
["4"] = "si4 ",
["5"] = "wu3 ",
["6"] = "liu4 ",
["7"] = "qi1 ",
["8"] = "ba1 ",
["9"] = "jiu3 ",
Also, building strings like this is very inefficient:
for d=1,nlength do
convnumber = convnumber .. digitconverter(digits[d])
You're generating tons of intermediate strings, which requires a lot of allocations and produces a lot of garbage. It's much faster to put all the values you need to concatenate into a table, then call table.concat. Another advantage is that you can specify a delimiter (right now, you're hard coding the delimiter into your string table).
Using those techniques, we can rewrite your code like this:
local digitmap = {
['0'] = 'ying2',
['1'] = 'yi1',
['2'] = 'er2',
['3'] = 'san1',
['4'] = 'si4',
['5'] = 'wu3',
['6'] = 'liu4',
['7'] = 'qi1',
['8'] = 'ba1',
['9'] = 'jiu3',
print('Enter a number to be converted:')
while true do
strnumber ='*line')
if not strnumber:match('%D') then
print('Invalid input. Please try again:')
local digits = {}
for digit in string.gmatch(strnumber, '%d') do
digits[#digits + 1] = digitmap[digit]
print(table.concat(digits, ' '))
Probably, you want to scan strnumber instead of number in the following line of your code:
for d in string.gmatch(number, "%d") do
Your number variable contains a numerical value in double format with 15-16 decimal digits.
I just need to decode a URL, for example, replace %2E with .
I can hack out a method if one isn't build in, but my assumption is that there must be a URL decoding tool already existing.
Here's a snippet I wrote years ago
Public Function URLDecode(sEncodedURL As String) As String
On Error GoTo Catch
Dim iLoop As Integer
Dim sRtn As String
Dim sTmp As String
If Len(sEncodedURL) > 0 Then
' Loop through each char
For iLoop = 1 To Len(sEncodedURL)
sTmp = Mid(sEncodedURL, iLoop, 1)
sTmp = Replace(sTmp, "+", " ")
' If char is % then get next two chars
' and convert from HEX to decimal
If sTmp = "%" and LEN(sEncodedURL) + 1 > iLoop + 2 Then
sTmp = Mid(sEncodedURL, iLoop + 1, 2)
sTmp = Chr(CDec("&H" & sTmp))
' Increment loop by 2
iLoop = iLoop + 2
End If
sRtn = sRtn & sTmp
URLDecode = sRtn
End If
Exit Function
URLDecode = ""
Resume Finally
End Function
But here's one: URL Encoder and Decoder for VB
Or something along the lines of (possibly not complete):
Public Function URLDecode(ByVal strEncodedURL As String) As String
Dim str As String
str = strEncodedURL
If Len(str) > 0 Then
str = Replace(str, "&", " & ")
str = Replace(str, "", Chr(39))
str = Replace(str, "&quo", Chr(34))
str = Replace(str, "+", " ")
str = Replace(str, "%2A", "*")
str = Replace(str, "%40", "#")
str = Replace(str, "%2D", "-")
str = Replace(str, "%5F", "_")
str = Replace(str, "%2B", "+")
str = Replace(str, "%2E", ".")
str = Replace(str, "%2F", "/")
URLDecode = str
End If
End Function
Also, take a look at How can I URL encode a string in Excel VBA?
EncodeURL and DecodeURL function using htmlfile object(Late binding)
I got this source from this site:
Function ENCODEURL(varText As Variant, Optional blnEncode = True)
Static objHtmlfile As Object
If objHtmlfile Is Nothing Then
Set objHtmlfile = CreateObject("htmlfile")
With objHtmlfile.parentWindow
.execScript "function encode(s) {return encodeURIComponent(s)}", "jscript"
End With
End If
If blnEncode Then
ENCODEURL = objHtmlfile.parentWindow.encode(varText)
End If
End Function
Function DECODEURL(varText As Variant, Optional blnEncode = True)
Static objHtmlfile As Object
If objHtmlfile Is Nothing Then
Set objHtmlfile = CreateObject("htmlfile")
With objHtmlfile.parentWindow
.execScript "function decode(s) {return decodeURIComponent(s)}", "jscript"
End With
End If
If blnEncode Then
DECODEURL = objHtmlfile.parentWindow.decode(varText)
End If
End Function
For example,
str = ENCODEURL("/?&=") 'returns "%2F%3F%26%3D"
str = DECODEURL("%2F%3F%26%3D") 'returns "/?&="
Here is the code from the URL posted in another answer in case it goes down as it works great.
Public Function URLEncode(StringToEncode As String, Optional _
UsePlusRatherThanHexForSpace As Boolean = False) As String
Dim TempAns As String
Dim CurChr As Integer
CurChr = 1
Do Until CurChr - 1 = Len(StringToEncode)
Select Case Asc(Mid(StringToEncode, CurChr, 1))
Case 48 To 57, 65 To 90, 97 To 122
TempAns = TempAns & Mid(StringToEncode, CurChr, 1)
Case 32
If UsePlusRatherThanHexForSpace = True Then
TempAns = TempAns & "+"
TempAns = TempAns & "%" & Hex(32)
End If
Case Else
TempAns = TempAns & "%" & _
Format(Hex(Asc(Mid(StringToEncode, _
CurChr, 1))), "00")
End Select
CurChr = CurChr + 1
URLEncode = TempAns
End Function
Public Function URLDecode(StringToDecode As String) As String
Dim TempAns As String
Dim CurChr As Integer
CurChr = 1
Do Until CurChr - 1 = Len(StringToDecode)
Select Case Mid(StringToDecode, CurChr, 1)
Case "+"
TempAns = TempAns & " "
Case "%"
TempAns = TempAns & Chr(Val("&h" & _
Mid(StringToDecode, CurChr + 1, 2)))
CurChr = CurChr + 2
Case Else
TempAns = TempAns & Mid(StringToDecode, CurChr, 1)
End Select
CurChr = CurChr + 1
URLDecode = TempAns
End Function
' URLDecode function in Perl for reference
' both VB and Perl versions must return same
' sub urldecode{
' local($val)=#_;
' $val=~s/\+/ /g;
' $val=~s/%([0-9A-H]{2})/pack('C',hex($1))/ge;
' return $val;
' }