Why is `Properties` not a valid field name in ksql? - ksqldb

https://docs.confluent.io/5.4.1/ksql/docs/developer-guide/syntax-reference.html#struct-overview Confluent docs say they don't accept Properties as a valid field name, but why?
What if I do have a schema with Properties, what can I do then?

It's a keyword/reserved word in the language. I'm not familiar with ksql specifically, but most sql distributions provide backticks to escape references for this reason (and more). Without those, it'd make sense you couldn't use it.
As an example of using backticks in a pretty standard sql statement:
SELECT `table`.`properties` FROM `table` ...


Is there ever reason to use string data type when using rails 6 with postgres database?

I see here that :text data type seems to perform exactly the same as :string
This comment particularly:
PostgreSQL implementation prefers text. The only difference for pg string/text is constraint on length for string. No performance differences.
Is there any good reason to ever use :string when making a rails app using a postgresql database?
No difference in performance, difference in semantics.
Several libraries (for example simpleform) look at the data type of the field in the database and perform differently depending on it. Simple form will add a number input if it's a number, a checkbox if it's a boolean and so on. For this case, it will add a single line text field for string and a multiline text box for text.
Since there is no difference in performance, you can use either, but it's still useful to denote semantics.

Check values existence using spss syntax

I should check existence of values based on some conditions.
i.e. i have 3 variables, varA, varB and varC. varC should not be empty only if varA>varB (condition).
i normally use some syntax to check any of the variables and run a frequency of any of them to see if there are errors:
if missing(varC) and (varA>varB) ck_varC=1.
if not(missing(varC)) and not(varA>varB) ck_varC=2.
fre ck_varC.
I had some errors when the condition became complex and when in the condition there are missing() or other functions but i could have made a mistake.
do you think there is an easier way of doing this checks?
thanks in advance
EDIT: here an example of what i mean, think at a questionnaire with some routing, you ask age to anyone, if they are between 17 and 44 ask them if they work, if they work ask them how many hours.
i have an excel tool where i put down all variables with all conditions, then it will generate the syntax in the example, all with the same structure for all variables, considering both situations, we have a value that shouldn't be there or we don't have a value that should be there.
is there an easier way of doing that? is this structure always valid no matter what is the condition?
In SPSS, missing values are not numbers. You need to explicitly program those scenarios as well. you got varC covered (partially), but no scenario where varA or varB have missing data is covered.
(As good practice, maybe you should initialize your check variable as sysmis or 0, using syntax):
numeric ck_varC (f1.0).
compute ck_varC=0.
if missing(varC) and (varA>varB) ck_varC=1.
if not(missing(varC)) and not(varA>varB) ck_varC=2.
***additional conditional scenarios go here:.
if missing(varA) or missing(varB) ck_varC=3.
fre ck_varC.
By the way - you do not need any of the exe. commands if you are going to run your syntax as a whole.
Later Edit, after the poster updated the question:
Your syntax would be something like this. Note the use of the range function, which is not mandatory, but might be useful for you in the future.
I am also assuming that work is a string variable, so its values need to be referenced using quotation signs.
if missing(age) ck_age=1.
if missing(work) and range(age,17,44) ck_work=1.
if missing(hours) and work="yes" ck_hours=1.
if not (missing (age)) and not(1>0) ck_age=2. /*this will never happen because of the not(1>0).
if not(missing(work)) and (not range(age,17,44)) ck_work=2. /*note that if age is missing, this ck_work won't be set here.
if not(missing(hours)) and (not(work="yes")) ck_hours=2.
String variables are case sensitive
There is no missing equivalent in strings; an empty blank string ("") is still a string. not(work="yes") is True when work is blank ("").

Best way to fix using a reserved JQL keyword in a JIRA query?

I am trying to write a JIRA query to query a bunch of defects. The problem I am having is that if there is a JQL keyword in the list of defects I am querying, the entire query fails and spits out the following error:
JiraError HTTP 400 - text: Error in the JQL Query: 'update' is a reserved JQL word.
You must surround it in quotation marks to use it in a query.
My query:
jira.search_issues( 'key in ({})'.format(','.join(defects))),
maxResults = MAX_JIRA_RESULTS )
This fails when a defect contains the word: 'update'. Now it is a bad data error, but I want to make sure the query is tolerant to malicious input.
Now the only way I can think of to make sure this bug never happens again is to make sure each defect that contains a JIRA keyword has that keyword escaped. This is obviously pretty tedious and is subject to fail if any new JQL keywords are added.
So is there a better way to do this other than escaping each JIRA keyword I find in my string? Additionally, is there an easy way in Python to get the JIRA keywords?
First of all, you can quote anything that you pass to that particular query, so you don't have to care about what is a reserved word or not. For example, this works:
key in ("abc-1","def-2")
If you were to substitute the word "update" in there, it would eliminate the specific error you are complaining about...but, unfortunately, you'd get another one: The issue key 'update' for field 'key' is invalid.
Luckily for you, there is a better solution. Your question indicates that you are working with issue keys. JIRA issue keys are always of the format:
where the format of PROJECT is explicitly defined by JIRA, namely:
The first character must be a letter,
All letters used in the project key must be from the Modern Roman Alphabet and upper case, and
Only letters, numbers or the underscore character can be used.
Instead of blacklisting keywords, you can instead whitelist anything that matches the issue key regex and reject everything else.
Note that while it is possible for the JIRA system administrator to change the project regex format outside of those guidelines, this is relatively uncommon (and Atlassian does not support JIRA running in that configuration anyway).

part after '_' in data returned is PascalCase even though I set camelCase as the default naming convention

I have this line of code before I create my entity manager:
and this query:
var query = entityQuery.from('vehicle')
.expand("engine, driveType")
.select("engine.friendlyEngineName, driveType.friendlyDrivetrain")
The data comes back like so:
driveType_FriendlyDriveTrain = "Rear Wheel"
engine_FriendlyEngineName = "6.2L V8"
Why are "FriendlyDriveTrain" and "FriendlyEngineName" PascalCase? This seems clearly wrong since I set camelCase before I created the EntityManager and the query. How do I make it so that the parts after the '_' are camelCase as well?
note: I made sure to remove any web api json formatting configurations so that breeze is the only one managing the translation.
edit: The weird thing is that this same query returns properties that are camelCase after the '_' when it hits the cache. So same query, two different results.
Please review the documentation on NamingConvention. If that doesn't clear it up, you can come back and ask a more specific question. Thanks.
Edit 2 Sept 2014 (morning)
Please also explain what you think Breeze should be doing with the "_" character. The Breeze convention treats it like any other identifier character (e.g., a-z,A-Z,0-9) and does nothing with it. It seems you want your convention to skip over leading underscores and lower the case of the first char thereafter if it is alpha. I think you also want to drop the underscores ... but I'm not sure.
That's cool. You can write your own NamingConvention that does what you want. And you can make it the default too. In fact, the noUnderscoreConvention shown on the NamingConvention documentation page is more than half way home for you.
I will say you threw me for a loop with your mix of periods and underscores in the select statement and returned data. I have no idea how you got the select to work or got that kind of result.
Edit 2 Sept 2014 (afternoon)
Ok ... I overlooked the fact that you are doing a projection!
The projection flattens dotted property path values (whether ComplexType or EntityType navigations). It creates projected property names for these "flattened properties" by using "_" as the separator character. Yes, it applies the applicable MetadataStore's naming convention to those "_" separated names and, yes, the Breeze camelCase convention doesn't do anything special with the underscore. So you get back flattened projection property names such as "engine_FriendlyEngineName".
You can call this a bug if you like. I don't. I don't because (a) it seems to me a matter of opinion as to what a camelCase convention should do in this situation; (b) it's been this way forever; and (c) I don't think it is important enough to risk breaking existing applications that might rely on the current behavior ... not when your remedy is so simple.
And that remedy is to write your own camelCase convention that handles these projected property names differently.
Please include it here when you write it so that others who share your perspective may benefit from it.
I'm not sure what you mean when you write: "this same query returns properties that are camelCase after the '_' when it hits the cache". What query is that? Not the one you wrote here.
Projection results don't "hit the cache" ... unless the projected property value is itself an entity ... and that is NOT the case here. What do you mean by "this same query". I await your response.

Stored procedure parameter data type that allows alphanumeric values

I have a stored procedure for SQL 2000 that has an input parameter with a data type of varchar(17) to handle a vehicle identifier (VIN) that is alphanumeric. However, whenever I enter a value for the parameter when executing that has a numerical digit in it, it gives me an error. It appears to only accept alphabetic characters. What am I doing wrong here?
Based on comments, there is a subtle "feature" of SQL Server that allows letters a-z to be used as stored proc parameters without delimiters. It's been there forever (since 6.5 at least)
I'm not sure of the full rules, but it's demonstrated in MSDN (rename SQL Server etc): there are no delimiters around the "local" parameter. And I just found this KB article on it
In this case, it could be starting with a number that breaks. I assume it works for a contained number (but as I said I'm not sure of the full rules).
Edit: confirmed by Martin as "breaks with leading number", OK for "containing number"
This doesn't help much, but somewhere, you have a bug, typo, or oversight in your code. I spent 2+ years working with VINs as parameters, and other than regretting not having made it char(17) instead ov varchar(17), we never had any problems passing in alphanumeric VIN values. Somewhere, and I'd guess it's in the application layer, something is not liking digits -- perhaps a filter looking for only alphabetical characters?
