TFS is not formatting line break correctly in Markdown table - tfs

I have a markdown file that I'm hosting in TFS with a table and I'm trying to add line breaks using <br>.
In Visual Studio code preview, everything is formatted correctly but in the browser, the line breaks are showing up as <br>.
How do I get this to work properly?
Here is my markdown code:
|Component |Details|
|Values|This is Line 1 <br><br>This is Line 2<br><br>This is Line 3<br>This is Line 4<br>This is Line 5<br>This is Line 6<br>|
This is what I want my output to look like/what it looks like in VS Code:
This is what it looks like in TFS:
How can I fix the formatting?

I can't find a granular feature breakdown between TFS and Azure DevOps, but they should be similar. In Azure DevOps this will only work in wikis:
To start a new line, use the HTML break tag (<br/>) (Works within a Wiki but not elsewhere)


Visual Studio Code Snippets word before

I wanted to use LaTex in VSC with the LaTex-Utilities addon, but the "Live-Snippets" wont work.
Now i tried using the VSC-Snippets and wanted to make one, that can make me a frac. Is it possible to get the word before a snippet?
a // TAB
-> \frac{a}{CURSOR}
Thanks, Lars!

getting a substring from a text file for later use

I have a text file that contains version information. There are multiple lines, but the specific line i need looks like this:
#define SW_VERSION " R3 08-06-12"
I specifically need the R3 from the text file.
My first thought was to do execute a short script that would grab this data out and use a set for later use, though i am having quite a bit of trouble getting it to work.
I ran this: Find /I "#define SW_VERSION" C:\SW\bin\SW_Version.txt
and it showed me the line in the file that i expected, but i couldn't figure out how to parse it afterwards. Help?
You can write a custom task for Ant.
Your custom task would parse the version line and extract the information you need.

Latex \tableofcontents command always shows blank Contents on first build

When I generate a .pdf file from a .tex file using pdflatex, only the "Contents" title is shown with no actual TOC. If I run pdflatex my.tex once more, it generates the TOC just fine. I can reproduce this simply by removing the .toc file. What I think is happening is that my .toc file is being generated too late -- so how can I make the TOC work first time? Should I be generating the TOC beforehand without using pdflatex?
This is normal. LaTeX document need several compilations to reach a stable state. Use rubber -d my to compile the right number of times (rubber comes as a package on many linux distros).
I might be mistaken, but I think, that this is the default behaviour. I assume, you also won't find correct cross references (footnotes, end notes, literature) after the first run of pdflatex.
The point is, that LaTeX needs the extra rounds to resolve the references pointing inside the document, to get numbering and page numbers right.
I experienced the same problem with the editor Latexian. What solved the problem was changing the preferences. I changed "Number of typesetter runs at end" to 3, instead of the default 1. Then I added the "Refresh" button to the toolbar and tried refreshing and it worked.

Easily create a Ruby on Rails partial from an existing block of markup using vim

Is there currently a plugin that you ruby on rails developers that are also using macvim/gvim/vim that allows you to take a quick block of code and create a partial from it? I know that TextMate does this, figured someone has ported it by now to vim also.
You want Tim Pope's rails.vim plugin:
It provides an :Rextract command that pulls a range of lines into a partial. Here's a very short demo of it in action:
(The :Rpartial command in the demo is an alias for :Rextract.)
The plugin provides dozens of other features, too, and many people consider it a must-have for Rails development in Vim.
It works in vim with vim-rails plugin.
Select in visual mode code which you need to send to partial
Press key : and you will see :'<,'>
Complete command to :'<,'>Rextract partial_name where partial_name will your partial's file name. You can set folder for partial, for example :'<,'>Rextract shared/menu
Press Enter and enjoy.
rails.vim can do this. From the features summary:
:Rextract file replaces the desired
range (ideally selected in visual line
mode) with render :partial => 'file',
which is automatically created with
your content. The #file instance
variable is replaced with the file
local variable.

How to Print Rails Source Code?

I'd like to read the Rails 3 source code on printed paper (and preferably in color).
For example, xv6 did a nice job printing their code. It even has line numbers and an index. The only thing I would like to add is syntax highlighting.
Anyone know how any of this is possible?
Here are two possibilities I found:
1. The Listings Package (could this also generate other formats besides PDF, like HTML?) o
2. Highlight (does it do indexing?)
We could even add a rake task, print, that generates an up-to-date PDF.
I recomend you use highlight to turn the code into LaTeX and then use Listings to make it into a PDF, then print!
