COUNTIFS w/ Multiple Criteria in Same Column - google-sheets

I'm trying to count instances of letters (like letters C through Z, excluding RR) within the same column if they are listed next to a name. Here's my sample Google Sheet that you can edit.
I'm trying to insert the formula in cell F3 that is highlighted yellow. So far I have...
It seems like what I have should work, but it's giving me a #VALUE error, saying, "ARRAY arguments to COUNTIFS are of different size".
It seems like REGEXMATCH could be used inside the COUNTIF formula to make it easier to restrict the search to the range of letters I need, but not sure how to construct the formula.
Thanks for your help!
This formula below works but only for column A. I actually need to specify a different range of letters to be counted in column B and totaled in column K.
=QUERY(A2:C,"select C,count(A) where A matches 'C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K' group by C label count(A)''", 0)
Seems like this post almost answers it.

Current progress:
={QUERY(A2:C,"select C,count(A) where A matches 'C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K' and A is not null group by C label count(A)''", 0),QUERY(A2:C,"select count(B) where B matches 'F|G|H|I|J|K' and B is not null group by C label count(B)''", 0)}
As we have discussed / tested on your sample sheet. This should work as close as possible to the data that you would want to filter/display.

A 2-formula solution was found to work as well. Answer is in the same spreadsheet linked above in Sheet2. It should prevent the first formula from not working should someone need a different one.
J2 - =QUERY(A2:C,"select C,count(A) where A matches 'C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K' group by C label count(A)''", 0)
L2 - =ArrayFormula(IFNA(vlookup(J2:J,QUERY(A2:C,"select C,count(B) where B matches 'F|G|H|I|J|K' group by C label count(B)''", 0),2,0)))

This formula should work for you if you paste it in cells F3 to F7.
I currently have cells P1 to P26 (you'd probably want to hide this column) occupied with the letters of the alphabet in order, making it so that you can select P3:P26 (C-Z) to put into your first condition for your COUNTIFS.
=arrayformula(SUM(COUNTIFS(A2:A, $P$3:$P$26,C2:C,E3)))
You'll have to implement these formulas in the other places that you want them too, but it shouldn't be hard to change this formula to work in the other places as well.


Summing specific values in a joined list

I am having some difficulties summing up some values in Google Sheets. In my spreadsheet, from multiple other tabs, values and bonuses are combined into one cell (Cell B1 in this example). The format of each "unit" of data is Name,5%xxx (Where "Name" is the name of the item, "5%" represents the sum I want to add, mostly always a percentage, and "xxx" separates one unit from the next). As you can see in cell B1, there are two instances where "Parkour" receives a bonus to sum up (from different sources).
Parkour,5%xxxParkour (Subskill: Sense of Balance),10%xxxParkour,2%xxx
Parkour (Subskill: Sense of Balance)
H2H Combat: Parkour
The formula in cell B2 is:
(Dragged down through the rest of the list) (Could not figure out how to make the formula "in line" on the question.)
Expected Results:
B2 = .07 (Working)
B3 = .1 (Not working)
B4 = Blank (Working)
The goal of the formula is to look into cell B1, and split everything out by "xxx". Then, filter the array of items with only exact matches with the line item in column A, then split again by the comma and add up those values. It worked for the first line item, but not the second. (Unsure why, but I strongly believe it has something to do with the parenthesis. When I removed the parenthesis from the name in Column A (and adjusted cell B1 to not have parenthesis), it worked. However, given the structure of the data, parenthesis are required, and I need to find a way for it to work with them.)
When I removed the IFERROR wrap around it in cell B3, I get this error note:
Function SUM parameter 1 expects number values. But " is a text and cannot be coerced to a number.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
You may find useful combining SPLIT with QUERY like this. It will group names and sum percentages:
=QUERY(INDEX (IFERROR(SPLIT(FLATTEN(INDEX(SPLIT(B1:B100,"xxx"))),","))),"SELECT Col1,SUM(Col2) where Col1 is not null group by Col1")
PS: invented a couple of extra line
I've thought you had another goal, try this formula. Having the previous chart generated by QUERY, I used VLOOKUP to match first column and return second one:
=INDEX(IFERROR (VLOOKUP(A2:A,QUERY(INDEX (SPLIT(FLATTEN(SPLIT(B1,"xxx")),",")),"SELECT Col1,SUM(Col2) where Col1 is not null group by Col1"),2,0)))

Can I use COUNTIF to count text strings in a range that exist within, or match, a single cell?

For this question I have made a simplifed example spreadsheet to illustrate what I am trying to achieve.
This can be found here.
I will give background on the sheet first and then explain the problem, Forgive me if it's a bit convoluted it's my first time asking a question on here.
In the left hand side table I have example bank transactions made. In the right hand side table I have example data from my cash flow forecast. The goal is to match bank references and amounts to make sure that the forecast and the real transactions match up.
Actual Bank Transaction Table on Left Hand Side
Column A - Transaction references
Column B - Transaction amount
Column C - Formula to count the number of reference matches between the real transactions references in Column A and the forecast transactions reference range F3:F16
Forecast Transactions on Right Hand Side
Column F - Forecast bank reference. (Either an exact match or a string contained within the string in Column A to allow for references that change every month i.e. Col A = "NETFLIX 23424589745897872134" and Col F = "NETFLIX")
Column G - Forecast transaction amount
The reason I am doing it with counting ref and price matches is that I then use these to automatically decide whether the transaction is a match to the forecast or not.
The problem is how to achieve my formula for Column D of my example spreadsheet. I need to check for price matches between each cell in column D and the range G3:G16 but only count matches where the transaction reference in column A matches to the range F3:F16 as per column C. This is to cut out many price matches that are not relevant.
The formula in C3 is currently
This formula works great and is able to look at the range F3:F:16 and count both an exact match or strings contained within the string in Column A (i.e. Col A = "NETFLIX 23424589745897872134" and Col F = "NETFLIX"). This formula essentially allows me to count text strings in a range that exist within, or match, a single cell.
So at this point I cannot work out what the formula needs to be in Column D. I have tried to create a COUNTIFS formula with wildcards "" & & "" but I can't make anything work. My problem is that I can't utilise the current formula in Column C within a COUNTIFS in column D. Is there a way I can achieve the same outcome of Column C in a COUNTIF formula? Then I would be able to use that within a COUNTIFS formula in column D and my problem is solved... Hooray!
I know there must be a way but so far gogle has not been able to help me find the answer.
Please help!
Thank you :-)
in D3 try:
update 1:
TEXTJOIN("|", 1, F3:F)), F:G, 2, 0)))*1))
update 2:
"select Col1,count(Col1) group by Col1"), 2, ), 0)))

Google Sheets: Find a Row that Matches Only a Few Specific Characteristics

I can't seem to find the right equation to find a cell from a row that matches only a few specific characteristics. In this example, I am trying to find the equation for Column D which would be the cell in A that has the same cells for B & C.
Hope this makes sense!
I'll provide two options.
If you're sure your data will only ever have zero or one match, you can place the following formula into D2 of an otherwise empty range D2:D...
However, if you think more than one match may turn up and you want "None" to be returned if there is no match, you can use the following formula in D2 or an otherwise empty range D2:D...
=ArrayFormula(IF(A2:A="",,REGEXREPLACE(REGEXEXTRACT(REGEXREPLACE(SUBSTITUTE(VLOOKUP(B2:B&C2:C,TRIM(SPLIT(FLATTEN(QUERY(QUERY({B2:B&C2:C&"~",A2:A&","}, "Select MAX(Col2) where Col2 IS NOT NULL GROUP BY Col2 PIVOT Col1"),, 9^9)),"~")),2,FALSE),A2:A,""),"^[,\s]+$","None"),"([^,\s].+[^,\s])[,\s]*$"),"[,\s]+",", ")))
The second formula will work even if there will only ever be zero or one match; it's just not necessary to have it be that lengthy. And the second formula is only as lengthy because it was unclear from your posted examples whether the data in Col A, B and C will really only ever be one word or not; so the formula is built to assume there will not always be one-word strings in those columns.
Either formula will provide results for the entire column without dragging.
Here's an option, You can use this formula in column D2:
=iferror(textjoin(", ",true,query($A$2:$C,"Select A where A is not null and A != '"&$A2&"' and B = '"&$B2&"' and C = '"&$C2&"'",0)),"None")
You need to manually drag the formula to its succeeding rows. Arrayformula() cannot be used in looping the query string values.
What it does?
Using query(), filter the data from A2:C that has the same current row last name(Column B) and food(Column C) at the same time having a different first name(Column A)
If there are multiple results, use textjoin() to combine them with ", " as its delimiter.
If there is no matched found, it will return an error, hence use iferror() to set the default value to "None"

Google Sheets counting with multiple criteria

I have a Google Sheet where I have several columns of data, and I want to get a count of how many rows match two criteria, where one of the criteria is matching either one of two values.
Here’s an example of the data I have:
What I want to do is things like: get a count of how many rows have “Yes” in column A, and either “A” or “C” in column B. Or how many rows are “No” and either “I” or “X”.
I’ve come up with this:
…but that feels clunky, and makes it harder to update if I decide to shift columns around. Not to mention really bad if I want to combine multiple bits of information into a single cell, such as this:
=(COUNTIFS($A1:$A21,"Yes",B1:B21,"="&"A")+COUNTIFS($A1:$A21,"Yes",B1:B21,"="&"C")) & "/" & (COUNTIFS($A1:$A21,"No",B1:B21,"="&"A")+COUNTIFS($A1:$A21,"No",B1:B21,"="&"C"))
I mean, that’s just awful. It works, but it’s awful.
I’ve tried using OR() without success, and also tried curly-bracket syntax without success. I fully acknowledge I may have done both of them wrong, but if so, darned if I can figure out what I missed. Any Sheets mavens willing to take pity on an old dude and show me a much smarter way to do this?
Shortest one so far:
CONCATENATE both columns using & and use REGEX on the result.
(?i) Case insensitive
yes(A|C) yes followed by A or C
SUM up all the trues.
For a complex condition,
Note that there should be no trailing spaces following yes/No and no leading spaces before A or C etc. If there are, use TRIM.
I would use query with variables. In F1 put:
=query(A:B,"select count(A) where A ='"&C2&"' AND B='"&D2&"' OR A ='"&C2&"' AND B='"&E2&"'")
In C2 enter "Yes" or "No" and in D2 and E2 enter the B letters (or leave blank). Enter whatever headers you want in C1, D1, and E1.
I'm not sure if this is exactly what you're looking for, but you could simplify it a bit by just creating a "pairings" list.
E2: =COUNTIFS(A:A,$C2,B:B,$D2)
E3: =COUNTIFS(A:A,$C3,B:B,$D3)
E6: =SUM(E2:E5)
The benefit is that it's flexible - you can add as many pairings as you want later on. Also, no complexity of array formulas.
For complex logic, use more powerful commands like query or filter.
count the rows with “Yes” in column A, and either “A” or “C” in column B.
=query(A:C, "select count(A) where A='Yes' and (B='A' or B='C')")
=query(A:C, "select count(A) where A='Yes' and (B='A' or B='C') label count(A) ''")
if you don't want to have a column header such as "count".
This is pretty much stating the goal in English (well, SQL version of it).
Create a column C that is TRUE if B is A or C, FALSE otherwise.
Create a column D that is TRUE if B is I or X, FALSE otherwise.
Create a column E that is TRUE if A is "yes" and C is TRUE.
Create a column F that is TRUE if A is "no" and D is TRUE
Create a column G that is column E or column F.
Sum up the values in column G.

pulling row number into query google spreadsheet

I have a data set that looks like this: starting on A1 with "1"
1 a
2 b
3 c
4 d
Column A is an arrayformula =arrayformula(row(b1:b))
Column B is manual input
i want to query the database and finding the row of the item by match column B so i have code as such
=query("A1:B","select A where B like '%c%')
this should give me "3"
My question:
is there a way to pull the 1-4 numbers into the query line? with something like array formula row(b1:b). I don't want to waste an extra column on column A
so basically I want just the manual input and when i query it gives me the row number.
No script code please.
I've tried a few things and it didn't work.
Looking for a solutions that starts with
You can also use a formula to pull in more than one row in the dataset which matches the condition, if this is important to you:
=arrayformula(filter(row(B:B); B:B="c"))
And you can have wildcard type operators, under certain circumstances (you are going to match text or items that can look like text (so numbers can be treated as text - but boolean will need more steps); that the dataset is not huge), using regular expressions. e.g.
=arrayformula(filter(row(B:B); regexmatch(B:B, "(c|d)")))
You could also use standard spreadsheet wildcard operators, e.g.
=arrayformula(filter(row(B:B); countif(B:B, "*c*")))
Explanation: In this case, the filter will be true when countif is greater than zero, i.e. when it sees something with a letter c in it, since spreadsheets see a value greater than zero as a boolean true and so, for that row where there is a countif match, there will be a a filter match, and so it will display that row (indeed, it is a similar situation with the regexmatch creating a true when there is a match of either c or d, in the case above).
Personally, I wanted to learn regex a bit, so I would go towards the regexmatch option. But that is your choice.
You can also, of course, create the match outside of the cell. This makes it easy to create a list of matches that you want to satisfy elsewhere on the sheet. So you could have a column of words or parts of words, from Z2 downwards, and then join them together in cell Z1 for example like this
Then your filter function would look like this:
=arrayformula(filter(row(B:B), regexmatch(B:B, Z1)))
If you want to use like operator in the query function, you can try something like this:
=arrayformula(query(if({1,0}, B:B,row(B:B)),"select Col2 where Col1 like '%c%' "))
You can also use the regular expressions in the query function, for example:
=arrayformula(query(if({1,0}, B:B,row(B:B)),"select Col2 where Col1 matches '(.*c.*|.*d.*)' "))
I'm not entirely clear on the question, but as I understand it, you want to be able to enter a formula, and have it return the row number of the matched item in a range? I'm not sure where array formulas come in.
If I've understood your question correctly, this should do the trick:
In your example, this returns 3.
Please forgive me if I've misunderstood your question.
Note: If there are multiple matches, this will return the row number for the first instance of your search.
