is there an example of how to pass deployment properties to a task schedule? I see an example of how to create a schedule through CLI:
dataflow:>task schedule create --definitionName mytask --name mytaskschedule --expression '/1 *'
I need to pass deployment properties to this. When I schedule through UI, I can give all properties in the text box, but unable to figure out how to pass the same through CLI. I tried --properties=<> but that didn't work.
You should be able to use --properties '<props-string>' where <props-string> is a comma-separated string of k=v pairs such as:
dataflow:>task schedule create ... --properties 'app.prop1=foo,app.prop2=bar'
There is also the --propertiesFile option if you want to put your properties into a file instead.
I have a multi job project which accepts some parameters and one of them is a choice parameter, because
I'm new to Jenkins it is defined manually through UI and without using groovy.
When the parameters selected or passed, there is a single build that will run for the defined parameters.
I would like to apply some changes and achieve the following behavior:
Execute this same multi job project with all parameters per selected options in the choice parameter.
e.g If selected 2 options in the choice parameter - It will trigger the build twice sequentially or in parallel, some sort of a loop with the parameters it received.
I tried to get some information regarding this online but because I'm not familiar with the proper terminology to search for, all I get is groovy scripts or answers which not related to what I need.
How I can achieve this?
Thanks in advance.
After additional search I came with the following solution:
change the Choice parameter to Extended choice parameter to allow multiple selection.
Create another job that will do the following:
a. Parse the received parameters from the Extended Choice parameter using shell script with the delimiter that is set in the 'Extended choice parameter options'
b. Execute build on the desired job from a loop by using API and passing the relevant parameters.
IFS=',' read -ra options_array <<< "$OPTIONS"
for option in "${options_array[#]}"
echo $option
curl -X POST "https://<user>:<password>#<jenkins_host>/job/<job_name>/buildWithParameters?parameter=${option}"
sleep 5
In case there are no free executors - increase the number of executors to allow multiple job executions
Edit job configuration that needs to be executed multiple times and enable the 'Execute concurrent builds if necessary' option.
I am having troubles to force Jenkins job to always run with default parameter. Does anyone know the possible plugin to help with that case? Right now I am using extended parameter choice, but still there is no option to just run the job with default value without asking user for parameter.
Solution 1
Currently there is not a straight forward solution to run a parameterized job with default parameter using a plugin. However there is a workaround to accomplish that using the EnvInject Plugin.
As #General_Code noted:
Just add the build step, set the variable like: var1=value and then
use it using ${var1}
Solution 2
As #RejeeshChandran noted:
a more robust solution is the Parameterized Build Plugin which provides the functionality of defaults values for the parameters.
Note that Parameter Defaults Options is a plugin under development which will solve exactly this request. When it is released, you will be able to set it up so your parameter will get a default value when you run it manually.
you can use this plugin Parameterized Scheduler
allow you to write a cron expression with the parameters inside like this
H(0-29)/10 * * * * % name=value; othername=othervalue
Use This build is parameterized option in Jenkins configuration. Here you can add default values to the parameters. It will run with default value if the user doesn't change it. It is good to have configurable parameter before running the job.
For configuration details see You can have multiple parameters.
Go to your jenkins job -> Configure -> General Tab
Add all options in "Description" but the default option in "Default Value"
enter image description here
I'm using TFS2015 update 1. I want to pass information from one build step to the next, how is this possible?
That seems like a very simple task, but I can't figure out how that's suppose to work. Passing a variable to a build step is easy, but passing information from one step to the next seems to be impossible. I hope I'm wrong.
You can call the task.setvariable Logging Command, which sets a variable in the variable service of taskcontext. The first task can set a variable, and following tasks are able to use the variable. The variable is exposed to the following tasks as an environment variable.
##vso[task.setvariable variable=testvar;]testvalue
I need to know if there is a plugin of some sort that you can select a node from a jenkins job and use that node name as a parameter to be passed to a Windows batch command
I have played with the Configuration Matrix using an Elastic-Axis or Slaves (Screenshot below where you can tick the names) plugins
But these all go and execute the Windows batch command on that selected node.
I don't want to execute it on that server but rather on the main node and only pass the value of the slave/label to the windows batch command.
I were able to do it as described here but that involves 2 jobs and a groovy scripts to interrogate the slaves/nodes config. Write it to a properties file and pass the properties file to the next job.
Jenkins: How to get node name from label to use as a parameter
I need to do about 30 jobs of these and hence would like to try to do all in one job - if I used my solution in the link above, 30 jobs would double in 60 jobs and maintenance would be kind of a nightmare.
I also would not like to have a string parameter and hard code the name of the slave/node as that will not ensure the use of only the available slaves/nodes but any server name can be entered and that would can be a problem where someone can mistype a server name for example pointing to a Production server instead of a test server.
After installing this plugin you will have an option to add a Node parameter to Jenkins job. It will have a list of all slaves available on current master.
You can use the active choice parameter plugin
with a little groovy script to list node names in a parameter selection box.
I have Job on Jenkins ver. 1.500 with build ID parameterized.
I want to use this parameterized value in the subject line of section "Post-build Actions".
If I try to access using $ID or ${ID} its printing it as plane string "$ID"[without value substitution]. I am aware of environmental variable $BUILD_NUMBER, which is giving the current job #number.
Can someone share, how to achieve this simple task of reading build number?
It sounds like you are talking about Editable Email Notification post-build action. It has it's own way of referencing variables.
Variables that are available within the plugin, can be referenced directly as ${VARIABLE}, in both the body of the email and the subject line. For a list of available variables, click on the ? icon for on-page help.
However to access other environmental variables, including the parameters used by the build, you have to use the format ${ENV, var="VARIABLE"}, so in your case, it would be ${ENV, var="ID"}