Cannot deploy iOS app to app store or actual device despite working provisioning profiles - ios

I previously released my app to the iOS store but my certificates expired and so I created new certificates and profiles. I am using Xamarin Forms on Windows with a paired Mac. Everything is up to date.
I followed all of the steps in this answer already: Could not find any available provisioning profiles for iOS
I am able to see my provisioning profile in Xcode and release the project there with the same bundle identifier as my Xamarin project. It even works when I use Automatic Provisioning and a device simulator. But, when I run either Automatic or Manual Provisioning and try to deploy to an actual device I get the same error "Could not find any available provisioning profiles on iOS".
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


Xamarin iOS release automatic provisioning - none of the currency installed provisioning profile

I have read and tried all the fixed associated with releasing and app to the App Store, but I cannot find any suitable fix. I have setup an iOS developer account and created account, I have setup Xamarin to automatic provisioning but I am getting the error message "none of the currency installed provisioning profile". I have tried the following
Upgrade Xamarin and X Code
Change all Bundle Identifiers to the same
Delete all the certificates from the KeyChain
Restarted MacBook
Switched from Manual to Automatic bundles
Created a test app
Removed certificates from iOS account
Rebuild, cleaned, achieved the project several times
I just cannot resolve this problem, any help would be highly appreciated as it's driving me around the bend to release the app into the App Store.
Many thanks
You should use manual provisioning instead of automatic provisioning when releasing your app to app store.
From the official document about publishing iOS app to App Store:
In the release build steps:
Navigate to the iOS Bundle Signing tab. Make sure that Configuration
is set to Release, Platform is set to iPhone, and that Manual
Provisioning is selected.
Of course you will need to have the corresponding distribution certificate and distribution provisioning profile created in Apple Developer page.
Many thanks for the help, I managed to resolve the problem with the following setups
Update all packages
Removed x-works (it was the latest version any way)
Re-install x-works
Delete all relating certificates in Keychain
Delete any certificates, profiles etc in app development site
Re-start Xamarin and MacBook (in the end did this several times)
Log out of Apple account in Xamarin
Re-log back into the Apple account in Xamarin
Setup auto provisioning in Xamarin i..e dev, dist etc and created the appropriate certificates
Generate a certificate within keychain using iOS account details
Plugged in iPhone and rebuilt the complete project
Achieved the build
Now it connected to the App Store and released the app
I am pretty sure you don't need to do all these steps, but seems like it took it back to the start of setting up Xamarin for app releasing. One problem might have been multiple certificates in KeyChain which caused the problem.
Many thanks for all the help and support.

iOS how to add a provisioning profile

I am using Xcode Version 8.3.3 (8E3004b). I have an app developed that I would like to deploy to Apple's App Store.
In order to Archive and deploy, I understand I first need a provisioning profile. So, in the developer console, I set up an iOS Distribution Provisioning Profile.
I also have the following certificates:
On my MacBook, I added the following certificates to the key chain:
Then when I go to Xcode, I would expect to have a Provisioning Profile:
But as you can see, it Failed to create provisioning profile and No profiles for 'com.ionicframework.thewhozoo912107' were found.
I am obviously missing some step in order to create the Provisioning Profile in order to distribute the app to the Apple App Store.
If anyone can suggest what I need to do in order to create a working provisioning profile in order to distribute the app, I would appreciate the help.
More info:
I fixed this in Xcode by unchecking Automatically Manage Signing, and then selecting my provisioning profile.
I had that problem as well when I was developing my first app. It took a while, since I managed it. Try to plug your iOS device in your computer and then it should work.

iOS: Production Provisioning Profile has no devices included

I recently decided to add Push Notifications to my iOS App. I had to create new certificates, then I realised the devices included in the Apple Developer Website weren't up to date. So I had to add my new device with the correct UDID. That's where the issues started. I can't exactly explain all the steps I've taken because I've been constantly deleting and adding new Provisioning Profiles today. Here is the status now:
I have a iOS Team Provisioning Profile, in iOS Development, Managed by xCode, for my app.
Then, I created my own iOS Production App Store Provisioning Profile, but it always indicates that there are "0 devices" linked to the profile. Impossible to add a device. This obviously creates issues in xCode, because whenever I try to generate new archives, or builds, I'll get issues that my device is not included in the provisioning file.
I've tried deleting them all and recreating them multiple times to no avail.
Whenever I let xCode try to fix the issue, it ends up with the Provisioning Profile in Build Settings being switched to Automatic, and the Code Signing Identities ALL switch to "iOS Developer". But that obviously fails when I try to build a Release build of my app.
From scratch, what are the steps to generate a valid iOS Distribution Profile for my app, that includes my device, and that I can use for Push Notifications?
EDIT: I now understand that I can't add a Device to a Distribution Profile and that this is not necessary. Thanks a lot. Still, I get the following message whenever I try to build on my device:
Your build settings specify a provisioning profile with the UUID “...”, however, no such provisioning profile was found.
Xcode can attempt to fix this issue. This will reset your code signing and provisioning settings to recommended values and resolve issues with signing identities and provisioning profiles.
ANd when I click on fix, it switches back to everything I explained above.

Project is not working on IPhone where as it's working fine on Simulater

I am working on xamarin IOS and my project is working fine on IOS simulator but when i run on IPhone 6. it's giving some issue.
"No valid iOS code signing keys found in keychain. You need to request a codesigning certificate from RSystemApp.iOS"
Please tell me what will i do to solve this issue. if anyone have any idea to solve this issue or have any link to solve the issue please suggest me so that i can run my app on Iphone also
When we have to run the iOS app on a device, we have to code sign the build. For that a valid provisioning profile and certificate is required.
Provisioning profile and developer certificate should be there on, If not ten you have to create those there. Download those from there. Make sure you have added the device UDID while creating the provisioning profile.
Install provisioning and cert in your iPhone configuration utility and key chain.
Your bundle identifier should match with your AppID. You can confirm this by checking the provisioning profile in iPhone Configuration utility.
In Build Setting of your project, select these provisioning and certificate in code signing section.
If everything will be in this way, Your app will run on Device.
Login to your Apple developer account and verify that you have everything in place to deploy an app on to an actual device:
Do you have your certificates created and installed?
Did you create your App ID?
Have you registered your device(s)?
Do you have a Provisioning Profile?
Are all these marked as correct on your build Mac? Best way is to check that with XCode before doing it with Xamarin Studio or Visual Studio.
Create a little test app in XCode if necessary and deploy it to your app.
Is that works, import the profile and certs into Xamarin/Visual Studio and it should work.

iPhone code signing key doesn't match provisioning profile "xxxxxxx"

For about 17 weeks I've been building an iOS app using Xamarin Studio. I've added an iPhone to the developer profile and edited the provisioning profile to include this new iPhone, to test and debugg my app (I was running it on my MacBook (but with OSX Mavericks 10.9), and all worked well.
Last week, my supervisor asked me to upload the app to another iPhone, to show a demo of the app to our customers. I added the device in the developer portal, and linked it to the already existing Provisioning Profile. When trying to run the app, I got the error: "No iPhone code signing key matches specified provisioning profile".
A coworker and I have tried to resolve this issue by importing Certificates and Keys from another MacBook, on which the app still ran, onto this MacBook. After that didn't work out, we tried deleting the Certificates and Private Keys in the Keychain on this MacBook and re-importing them from the other MacBook.
We tried to create a new Provisioning Profile and re-link both iPhones, but the error still occurred.
Now, the app won't even sign on the first iPhone I linked to the first Provisioning Profile in the developer portal, nor will it sign using the emulators in Xamarin Studio
What I wanted to ask was what makes this problem occur, and how to fix it. Do we need to create a new certificate and provisioning profile altogether, or is there something we can do to fix this problem without having to create new certificates and provisioning profiles?
I've contacted Apple Support, they redirect me to Xamarin. Xamarin redirects me to Apple Support... I just can't get help from the officials, so I'll try the community.
Any help would be much appreciated.
1.Go to Xcode, create a new project. Select your company name(do not select user), then type in anything you want as your bundle identifier.
2.Go back to Xamarin studio and change the bundle identifier to match the one you just created in Xcode.
3.Update the provisioning profile in options to include the bundle identifier you created in Xcode. Build, then Debug the solution and it should work.
For me the issue was the team identifier contained the only provisions, and the only selection in Xamarin studio were users. I just created a new project in Xcode that pointed to the team provision, then used that new bundle identifier (that was uploaded to the Apple dev site) in Xamarin studio.
I know it's tedious, but I would start over re-creating certificates and profiles.
You could follow this lovely step-by-step guide: Publishing to the App Store
you have assigned wrong developer and with your provisioning profile.
select it right on going into build setting>> code signing and select provisioning profile you create with developer account.
