Focus tab and change page with service worker - focus

We need a little help with a service worker. What we want to do is to click on notification, to execute service worker code and to check if the site is yet opened in a tab: if the site is not opened, we want to open a new tab and to navigate to a predefined url, if it is opened, we want to focus tab and then to navigate to a predefined path of the site.
We tried the code below but it doesn't work, cause we get some errors such as 'the service worker is not the active one' and so on.
Any help is really appreciated
event.waitUntil(clients.matchAll({type: 'window' }).then(function (clientList) {
let openNewWindow = true;
for (let i = 0; i < clientList.length; i++) {
const client = clientList[i];
if (client.url.includes('localhost') && 'focus' in client) {
openNewWindow = false;
.then(function (client2)
{ return client.navigate(openUrl)});
// });
if (openNewWindow) {
return clients.openWindow(openUrl);

I don't know if you still need a solution, but we did it like this.
After click, we look for the right registration by a lookup. Because our solution has many different customers, and there can be multiple registrations.
When we found it, we send a message. Somewhere else we have a listener on those messages to handle the rounting with the angular app.
If there is no tab opened, we use winClients.openWindow(url)
self.addEventListener('notificationclick', event => handleClick (event));
const handleClick = async (event) => {
const data =
const winClients = clients;
const action = event.action;
clients.matchAll({includeUncontrolled: true, type: 'window'}).then(clients => {
let found = false;
let url = data.fallback_url;
if (action === 'settings') {
url = data.actions.settings;
clients.every(client => {
if (client.url.includes(data.lookup)) {
found = true;
client.postMessage({action: 'NOTIFICATION_CLICK', message_id: data.message_id, navigate_url: url});
return false;
return true;
if (!found) {


Electron desktop Application testing with[PLAYWRIGHT]

I'm attempting to use playwright to automate an electron js application, but I can't seem to find any relevant information. To automate a simple programme, I used playwright:- and However, I am unable to obtain the elements (buttons, dropdowns, and so on) in the electron application. Any reference or documentation that will deeply guide me to automate desktop application using playwright.
I got mine to work using their intro guide
for me since the installer installs additional components, i had to build and install, then supply the path to the exe
in my package.json i have.
"playwright": "^1.25.0",
"#playwright/test": "^1.25.0",
"eslint-plugin-playwright": "^0.10.0",
I created this class to help me have a cleaner code.
import { _electron as electron, ElectronApplication, Page } from 'playwright';
class ElectronAppController {
static electronApp: ElectronApplication;
static window1: Page;
static window2: Page;
static window3: Page;
static async launchApp() {
ElectronAppController.electronApp = await electron.launch({
executablePath: 'C:\\pathTo\\app.exe',
ElectronAppController.electronApp.on('window', async (page) => {
const mywindows: Page[] =
for (
let index = 0, l = mywindows.length;
index < l;
index += 1
) {
private static assignWindows(page: Page) {
const myurl = path.basename(page.url());
if (myurl === 'window1.html') {
ElectronAppController.window1= page;
if (myurl === 'window2.html') {
ElectronAppController.window2= page;
if (myurl === 'window3.html') {
ElectronAppController.window3= page;
return true;
the test file name should be [name].spec.ts, don't forget to import
test.describe('First Window Tests', async () => {
test.beforeAll(async () => {
await ElectronAppController.launchApp();
test('Check if first window opened', didLaunchApp);
test('name of the test', async () => {
// test body
// this will allow you to record a test very useful, but sometimes it has some problems check note bellow
await ElectronAppController.window1.pause;
test.afterAll(async () => {
await ElectronAppController.electronApp.close();
here is a didLaunchApp just as a simple test
const didLaunchApp = async () => {
const isVisible: boolean = await ElectronAppController.electronApp.evaluate(
async ({ BrowserWindow }) => {
const mainWindow = BrowserWindow.getAllWindows()[0];
const getState = () => mainWindow.isVisible();
return new Promise((resolve) => {
if (mainWindow.isVisible()) {
} else {
mainWindow.once('ready-to-show', () => {
setTimeout(() => resolve(getState()), 0);
await expect(isVisible).toBeTruthy();
you can record tests but sometimes that might make some problems if you have some popups or other effects on hovering over an element,
you can read more about selectors here
I'm just finishing a series of e2e tests using the same as you, Electron with React. What you don't see? Does it at least load the application?
Share the code of one test and how you launch using .launch method.

Electron, how open app from tray instead start a new one?

How to create a single instance of an Electron app? If it's already running in the tray and user starts it again, how to open the running app from tray instead of starting a new one?
thank you!
I found this in docs,
const { app } = require('electron')
let myWindow = null
const gotTheLock = app.requestSingleInstanceLock()
if (!gotTheLock) {
} else {
app.on('second-instance', (event, commandLine, workingDirectory) => {
// Кто-то пытался запустить второй экземпляр, мы должны сфокусировать наше окно.
if (myWindow) {
if (myWindow.isMinimized()) myWindow.restore()
// Создать myWindow, загрузить остальную часть приложения, и т.д.
app.on('ready', () => {
Use app.makeSingleInstance(), to make sure the user does not open multiple instances of electron. Once you share your code I will make an edit to show you how to properly implement it.
var shouldQuit = app.makeSingleInstance(function(commandLine, workingDirectory) {
// Someone tried to run a second instance, we should focus our window.
if (myWindow) {
if (myWindow.isMinimized()) myWindow.restore();

How to prevent multiple instances in Electron

I do not know if this is possible but I might as well give it a chance and ask.
I'm doing an Electron app and I'd like to know if it is possible to have no more than a single instance at a time.
I have found this gist but I'm not sure hot to use it. Can someone shed some light of share a better idea ?
var preventMultipleInstances = function(window) {
var socket = (process.platform === 'win32') ? '\\\\.\\pipe\\myapp-sock' : path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'myapp.sock');
net.connect({path: socket}, function () {
var errorMessage = 'Another instance of ' + pjson.productName + ' is already running. Only one instance of the app can be open at a time.'
dialog.showMessageBox(window, {'type': 'error', message: errorMessage, buttons: ['OK']}, function() {
}).on('error', function (err) {
if (process.platform !== 'win32') {
// try to unlink older socket if it exists, if it doesn't,
// ignore ENOENT errors
try {
} catch (e) {
if (e.code !== 'ENOENT') {
throw e;
net.createServer(function (connection) {}).listen(socket);;
There is a new API now: requestSingleInstanceLock
const { app } = require('electron')
let myWindow = null
const gotTheLock = app.requestSingleInstanceLock()
if (!gotTheLock) {
} else {
app.on('second-instance', (event, commandLine, workingDirectory) => {
// Someone tried to run a second instance, we should focus our window.
if (myWindow) {
if (myWindow.isMinimized()) myWindow.restore()
// Create myWindow, load the rest of the app, etc...
app.on('ready', () => {
Use the makeSingleInstance function in the app module, there's even an example in the docs.
In Case you need the code.
let mainWindow = null;
//to make singleton instance
const isSecondInstance = app.makeSingleInstance((commandLine, workingDirectory) => {
// Someone tried to run a second instance, we should focus our window.
if (mainWindow) {
if (mainWindow.isMinimized()) mainWindow.restore()
if (isSecondInstance) {

Calling controller method from JQuery calls occurs twice and also returning error?

Hi guys i have posted a similar post before, but that is for another, now i face a strange and odd issue with my Jquery code. Here i was calling a controller method using Jquery but it is calling twice , so that may cause two entries in my db. Here is what i have written in my JQuery
<script type="text/javascript">
$('#btnSubmit').click(function () {
var instructorUrl = '#Url.Action("ApplyToBecomeInstructor", "InstructorApplication")';
var currentUser = '#Model.CurrentUserId';
var user = [];
var educationList = [];
var experience = $('#Experience').val();
var isWilling = $('#WillingToTravel').is(":checked");
$('#editorRows .editorRow').each(function () {
var education = {
UniversityOrCollege: $(this).find('.university').val(),
AreaOfStudy: $(this).find('.area').val(),
Degree: $(this).find('.degree').val(),
YearReceived: $(this).find('.year').val()
var applicationFromView = {
EducationalBackgrounds: educationList,
CurrentUserId: currentUser,
Experience: experience,
WillingToTravel: isWilling
type: 'POST',
url: instructorUrl,
dataType: 'JSON',
async: false,
data: JSON.stringify(applicationFromView),
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
success: function (data) {
return false;
error: function (data) {
return false;
and my controller action looks like this
public ActionResult ApplyToBecomeInstructor(InstructorApplicationViewModel applicationFromView)
Student thisStudent = this.db.Students.Where(o => o.StudentID == applicationFromView.CurrentUserId).FirstOrDefault();
List<PaulSchool.Models.EducationalBackground> educationList = new List<EducationalBackground>();
foreach (var educate in applicationFromView.EducationalBackgrounds)
var education = new Models.EducationalBackground
YearReceived = educate.YearReceived,
Degree = educate.Degree,
AreaOfStudy = educate.AreaOfStudy,
UniversityOrCollege = educate.UniversityOrCollege
var instructorApplication = new InstructorApplication
BasicInfoGatheredFromProfile = thisStudent,
Experience = applicationFromView.Experience,
EducationalBackground = new List<Models.EducationalBackground>(),
WillingToTravel = applicationFromView.WillingToTravel
return this.Redirect("Index");
Error message showing is JSON Parsing error.. but it is confusing to me.
I really wondered why this is happening, can anybody please take a look and help me?
This is what your code does:
$('#btnSubmit').click(function () { // attach a click handler for the button.
// Look for elements inside the button...
UniversityOrCollege: $(this).find('.university').val(),
Change from click to submit:
$('#formId').submit(function (e) {
// Now "this" is the form - not the button.
// Look for elements inside the <form>
UniversityOrCollege: $(this).find('.university').val(),
// Prevent the default form submition
return false // Or: e.preventDefault();
Another tip: use jQuery serialize function.
$('#btnSubmit').click() will fire every time the button is pressed. Often users double click buttons even though it only needs a single click or if you don't give any indication that something is happening they get impatient and click it again. You need some way to determine if the request has been made. There's ways to do this client and server side. The easiest client side way is to disable the button to prevent multiple clicks:
$('#btnSubmit').click(function () {
// Disable the button so it can't be clicked twice accidentally
$('#btnSubmit').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
complete: function() {
// Make sure we re-enable the button on success or failure so it can be used again

How to open the page in browser at the time of uninstalling the firefox addon

I want to open the link when the user uninstalls the addon, so for this what i have to code and under which event.
If anybody know about this then please help me out.
Currently this is what I am doing at the time of uninstall. But gBrowser.addTab(Website + 'uninstalled=true&token=' + uniqueguid); is not working over here.
var UninstallObserver = {
_uninstall : false,
observe : function(subject, topic, data) {
//===Write Code here for Delete File Uninsatll Time
//alert("Uninstall Time Delete File");
var Filename = "webmail";
// Delete all template file.
var pref = Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch);
var finished = "";
pref.setBoolPref("myextension.install.just_installed", false);
catch(e) {}
gBrowser.addTab(Website + 'uninstalled=true&token=' + uniqueguid);
var file = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
file.initWithPath(Components.classes[";1"].getService( Components.interfaces.nsIProperties).get("ProfD", Components.interfaces.nsIFile).path+"\\DefaultTemplate.txt");
if ( file.exists() == true )
var aFile = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance();
if (aFile instanceof Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile)
aFile.initWithPath(Components.classes[";1"].getService( Components.interfaces.nsIProperties).get("ProfD", Components.interfaces.nsIFile).path + "\\DefaultTemplate.txt");
if (topic == "em-action-requested") {
if (data == "item-uninstalled")
//==Delete File Whenever Uninstall
//alert("When Uninatall");
data = "item-cancel-action";
this._uninstall = true;
if (data == "disabled")
// alert("You are not allow to disable SysLocker.");
this._uninstall = true;
else if (data == "item-cancel-action")
this._uninstall = false;
else if (topic == "quit-application-granted")
data = "item-cancel-action";
if (this._uninstall)
//Code here to delete registry
register : function() {
var observerService =
observerService.addObserver(this, "em-action-requested", false);
observerService.addObserver(this, "quit-application-granted", false);
unregister : function() {
var observerService =
0) What kind of extension is this? I assume it's a regular extension requiring restart; bootstrapped (restartless) extensions have their own uninstall notification.
1) Per the MDC docs, the em-action-requested notification was replaced with a different notification in Firefox 4+, are you testing with Firefox 4 or 3.6?
2) How exactly is gBrowser.addTab "not working over here"? Does the code get to that point? Do you get any messages in the Error Console (see that page for set up tips)? If you put your code in an XPCOM component (which is correct), you'll first have to get a reference to a browser window. See Working with windows in chrome code.
I don't think that the em-action-requested topic is posted to observers until the extension is actually uninstalled, which happens on restart (assuming it is not a restartless extension). When are you expecting the new tab to appear? I would try setting a pref when the uninstall topic is triggered and checking for that pref on startup. If it is there, you can display your tab and remove the pref.
