I'm developing our corporate website with Odoo (v14) and for the News page, I use default website_blog app/module. I'm able to list the blog posts as news on the page/section that I want. The only thing that I couldn't change is the url.
So, by default, when you create a new post (+ New --> Blog post) it automatically creates the url of the post as:
blog-title is, obviously, the title that you enter for the post.
our-blog-1 is the default blog and is also editable. Configuration --> Blogs (you can either edit the current ones or create a new one.)
The only thing that I couldn't figure it out is to change /blog/. I want to set this path as /news/ by default. So, the result would be like this:
I would greatly appreciate if you could help me to solve this.
The /blog path come from the defined path at file website_blog/controllers/main.py under class WebsiteBlog(http.Controller):. You can do the following to change /blog to /news:
Create your own module inherited from website_blog module.
Define WebsiteBlog class inherited from existing WebsiteBlog.
Redefine def blog with your own route like the following:
from odoo.addons.website_blog.controllers.main import WebsiteBlog
class WebsiteBlog(WebsiteBlog):
], type='http', auth="public", website=True, sitemap=True)
def news(self, blog=None, tag=None, page=1, search=None, **opt):
Blog = request.env['blog.blog']
if blog and not blog.can_access_from_current_website():
raise werkzeug.exceptions.NotFound()
blogs = Blog.search(request.website.website_domain(), order="create_date asc, id asc")
if not blog and len(blogs) == 1:
return werkzeug.utils.redirect('/news/%s' % slug(blogs[0]), code=302)
date_begin, date_end, state = opt.get('date_begin'), opt.get('date_end'), opt.get('state')
if tag and request.httprequest.method == 'GET':
# redirect get tag-1,tag-2 -> get tag-1
tags = tag.split(',')
if len(tags) > 1:
url = QueryURL('' if blog else '/news', ['blog', 'tag'], blog=blog, tag=tags[0], date_begin=date_begin, date_end=date_end, search=search)()
return request.redirect(url, code=302)
values = self._prepare_blog_values(blogs=blogs, blog=blog, date_begin=date_begin, date_end=date_end, tags=tag, state=state, page=page, search=search)
# in case of a redirection need by `_prepare_blog_values` we follow it
if isinstance(values, werkzeug.wrappers.Response):
return values
if blog:
values['main_object'] = blog
values['edit_in_backend'] = True
values['blog_url'] = QueryURL('', ['blog', 'tag'], blog=blog, tag=tag, date_begin=date_begin, date_end=date_end, search=search)
values['blog_url'] = QueryURL('/news', ['tag'], date_begin=date_begin, date_end=date_end, search=search)
return request.render("website_blog.blog_post_short", values)
How can I add the ability to search for items in my custom column Help Text?
FooAdmin View
Here is a simplified version of the code that I am working with:
models.py (yes this is how the models need to be set up)
class HelpText(models.Model):
help_text = models.CharField(max_length=1000)
def __str__(self):
return self.help_text
class Foo(models.Model):
job_name = models.CharField(max_length=200, blank=False, null=False)
env = models.CharField(max_length=200, blank=False, null=False)
def __str__(self):
return self.job_name
class FooHelpText(models.Model):
foo = models.OneToOneField(Foo, on_delete=models.DO_NOTHING)
help_text = models.ForeignKey(HelpText, on_delete=models.DO_NOTHING)
def __str__(self):
return str(self.help_text)
class FooHelpTextInline(admin.TabularInline):
model = models.FooHelpText
class FooAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
search_fields = ['env', 'job_name',]
list_display = ['pk', 'job_name', 'env', '_get_help_text', ]
inlines = [FooHelpTextInline]
def _get_help_text(self, obj):
return obj.foohelptext.help_text
Current behavior:
The current code above allows me to see the associated help_text in a column on FooAdmin. However, I am not able to search by anything in that column.
Not the answer I am looking for:
I know if it was the other way around where the help_text was a ForeignKey on Foo I could do something like foo__help_text, but that is not how my models are set up (and can not change).
Desired behavior:
Use the search box to search for help text (not just env and job_name).
Possible Solution (that I need help with):
I suspect that get_search_results might be what I need, but I don't understand how to implement it for my use case.
The closest I can get is searching for a number(aka a specific PK that I know exists) and getting that search result. But the query doesn't really make sense. And obviously that is not the desired functionality of a search.
def get_search_results(self, request, queryset, search_term):
queryset, use_distinct = super().get_search_results(request, queryset, search_term)
search_term_as_int = int(search_term)
except ValueError:
queryset |= models.Foo.objects.select_related(
return queryset, use_distinct
I just don't understand the Python |= (bitwise OR operator) and why it has to be an integer.
Much easier than I thought. No need for get_search_results.
Simply needed to add it as foohelptext__help_text__help_text as an other item in the search fields.
I am using ElasticsearchTemplate to index document into Elasticsearch. Now I have to set custome routing, however, I don't find how to set route in ElasticsearchTemplate.
I am using spring-data-elasticsearch-3.2.0.M4 to support RestClient.
List<IndexQuery> queries = new ArrayList<IndexQuery>();
IndexQuery e = new IndexQuery();
if(map.get("id")!=null) {
queries.add(e );
if(queries.size()>1000) {
I can find index,type,id,version,source etc in IndexQuery although I didn't find route field in IndexQuery. Does it not support route Or what am I missing ?
No, at the moment this is not supported. I created a Jira issue for this. Pleas feel free to vote or implement.
I'm working with an application that has 3 ini files in a somewhat irritating custom format. I'm trying to compile these into a 'standard' ini file.
I'm hoping for some inspiration in the form of pseudocode to help me code some sort of 'compiler'.
Here's an example of one of these ini files. The less than/greater than indicates a redirect to another section in the file. These redirects could be recursive.. i.e. one redirect then redirects to another. It could also mean a redirect to an external file (3 values are present in that case). Comments start with a # symbol
name = DEMO1
baseUrl = http://demo1.awesome.com
name = DEMO2
baseUrl = http://demo2.awesome.com
# This is a standard redirect
baseLoginUrl = <PrimaryServer:baseUrl>
# This is a redirect appended with extra information
fullLoginUrl = <PrimaryServer:baseUrl>/login.php
# Here's a redirect that points to another redirect
enableSSL = <SSLConfiguration:enableSSL>
# This is a key that has mutliple comma-separated values, some of which are redirects.
serverNames = <PrimaryServer:name>,<SecondaryServer:name>,AdditionalRandomServerName
# This one is particularly nasty. It's a redirect to another file...
authenticationMechanism = <Authenication.ini:Mechanisms:PrimaryMechanism>
enableSSL = <SSLCertificates:isCertificateInstalled>
isCertificateInstalled = true
Here's an example of what I'm trying to achieve. I've removed the comments for readability.
name = DEMO1
baseUrl = http://demo1.awesome.com
name = DEMO2
baseUrl = http://demo2.awesome.com
baseLoginUrl = http://demo1.awesome.com
fullLoginUrl = http://demo1.awesome.com/login.php
enableSSL = true
serverNames = DEMO1,DEMO2,AdditionalRandomServerName
authenticationMechanism = valueFromExternalFile
enableSSL = <SSLCertificates:isCertificateInstalled>
isCertificateInstalled = true
I'm looking at using ini4j (Java) to achieve this, but am by no means fixed on using that language.
My main questions are:
1) How can I handle the recursive redirects
2) How am I best to handle the redirects that have an additional string, e.g. serverNames
3) Bonus points for any suggestions about how to handle the external redirects. No big deal if that part isn't working just yet.
So far, I'm able to parse and tidy up the file, but I'm struggling with these redirects.
Once again, I'm only hoping for pseudocode. Perhaps I need more coffee, but I'm really puzzled by this one.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
My question is just an extension of this thread [Question]http://stackoverflow.com/questions/851636/default-filter-in-django-admin .
from myproject.myapp.mymodels import fieldC
class Poll(models.Model):
fieldA = models.CharField(max_length=80, choices=CHOICES.MyCHOICES)
fieldB = models.ForeignKey(fieldC)
list_display = ('fieldB__fieldc1')
Now my list filter shows four criteria All, A ,B ,C .
What I want is if the superuser is logged in ,the filter should show all four criteria All,A,B,C and if the user is other than superuser filter should only show All, A, B.
How can i acheive this ?
Here is my actual piece of admin.py
def changelist_view(self, request, extra_context=None):
referer = request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER', '')
test = referer.split(request.META['PATH_INFO'])
if test[-1] and not test[-1].startswith('?'):
if not request.GET.has_key('patient__patient_type__exact'):
q = request.GET.copy()
q['patient__patient_type__exact'] = 'Real'
request.GET = q
request.META['QUERY_STRING'] = request.GET.urlencode()
if not request.user.is_superuser:
q['patient__patient_type__exact'] = 'Real'
return super(VisitAdmin, self).changelist_view(request, extra_context)
Thanks in advance
I think the new FilterSpec API in Django 1.4 gives you exactly what you need here. Check out the docs on list_filter. In 1.4 you can now make custom list filters that subclass django.contrib.admin.SimpleListFilter and give you the power to write custom lookup and queryset code, and since the request is passed in you can do a simple conditional with is_superuser.
if request.user.is_superuser:
# pass one set of lookups
# pass a different set
read the example code in the docs carefully and I think it will all be clear.
I have a problem with a magento installation. I used Magento ver., community edition to develop this website http://cissmarket.com/.
The problem appears when I change the language from the EU version to French and after that to German. The change to french is ok, but when in the same page i change to German i receive a 404 error. Also this is generation 404 errors in the Google webmaster tools and when i try for example to take this link and paste it in the browser it gives me also a 404 error. I have there some 50 products and ~550 404 errors in Google Webmaster tools. I understand that the problem is from what I described.
Moreover I have a SEO problem since I have this page in french:
And when I switch to the german version of the website it takes me to this link
http://cissmarket.com/de/cartouches-refilables.html?___from_store=fr (if i try now to switch to uk I will get the 404 mentioned above)
instead of going to this one:
Already checked this 404 error when switching between stores when in a category on magento but it does not relate to my problem.
About settings:
I use the caching service and also I did index all the content.
The product or category I am trying to access is available and set active for all the languages.
System > General > Web > URL options > Add Store Code to Urls is set
to yes.
System > General > Web > Search Engines Optimization > Use Web Server
Rewrites is set to yes.
No other changes has been made to the .htaccess file except for the
ones that the system itself made.
So to conclude: the problem is the 404 given by 2 succesive changes of the language and the bad url address when I switch from one page to another.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
UPDATE: tried this http://www.activo.com/how-to-avoid-the-___from_store-query-parameter-when-switching-store-views-in-magento but it results in a 404 at the first language change
Edit #1:
Found the problem: file languages.phtml contained this code <?php echo str_replace ("/fr/","/de/",$_lang->getCurrentUrl()); ?> and actually did replace only the language code and not the whole url according to the corresponding translation.
So applied to this
it will return
So does anyone know how to get the corresponding URL of the current page for the other languages available in the store?
Edit #2 (using #Vinai solution):
It works on the product pages but not on the category yet.
There is no such thing in the native Magento as far as I know.
That said, you can use the following code to get the current page URL for each store.
$resource = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource');
$requestPath = Mage::getSingleton('core/url')->escape(
trim(Mage::app()->getRequest()->getRequestString(), '/')
$select = $resource->getConnection('default_read')->select()
->from(array('c' => $resource->getTableName('core/url_rewrite')), '')
->where('c.request_path=?', $requestPath)
->where('c.store_id=?', Mage::app()->getStore()->getId())
array('t' => $resource->getTableName('core/url_rewrite')),
"t.category_id=c.category_id AND t.product_id=c.product_id AND t.id_path=c.id_path",
array('t.store_id', 't.request_path')
$storeUrls = (array) $resource->getConnection('default_read')
This will give you an array with the array key being the store IDs and the array values being the request path after the Magento base URL, e.g. assuming your French store has the ID 1 and the German one has the ID 2, you would get:
[1] => cartouches-refilables.html
[2] => nachfullpatronen.html
Then, in the foreach loop where the URL for each store is output, use
<?php $url = isset($storeUrls[$_lang->getId()]) ? $_lang->getUrl($storeUrls[$_lang->getId()]) : $_lang->getCurrentUrl() ?>
The call to $_lang->getUrl() will add the base URL, so you will get the full URL for each store (e.g. http://cissmarket.com/de/nachfullpatronen.html). If no store view value is found in the core_url_rewrite table it will revert to the default behaviour.
You still need the ___store=fr query parameter because otherwise Magento will think you are trying to access the new path in the context of the old store. Luckily, the getUrl() call an the store model adds that for you automatically.
The code querying the database can be anywhere of course (since its PHP), even in the template, but please don't put it there. The correct place to have code that access the database is a resource model. I suggest you create a resource model and put it in a method there.
I've found an ugly patch until a better approach comes up.
In the admin section, i've added the following javascript inside the wysiwyg in CMS > PAGES > (My 404 pages) (at the beginning of the wysiwyg) :
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">// <![CDATA[
var lang = "en";
var rooturl = "{{config path="web/unsecure/base_url"}}"
var url = document.location.href;
var newUrl = url.replace(rooturl , rooturl+lang+"/" );
window.location.href = newUrl;
// ]]></script>
(Note: you need to do this for all of your translated 404 pages. In each 404 page you need to modify lang="en" for your storeview url value)
Because the wysiwyg (tiny_mce) does not allow javascript to be threated, you'll have to modify js/mage/adminhtml/wysiwyg/tinymce/setup.js. Add the following code under line 97 (under "var settings = "):
extended_valid_elements : 'script[language|type|src]',
For Magento and this is the bugfix:
Starting from line 251 of /app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Url/Rewrite.php
Mage::app()->getCookie()->set(Mage_Core_Model_Store::COOKIE_NAME, $currentStore->getCode(), true);
// endur 02-03-2013 fix for missed store code
// $targetUrl = $request->getBaseUrl(). '/' . $this->getRequestPath();
if (Mage::getStoreConfig('web/url/use_store') && $storeCode = Mage::app()->getStore()>getCode()) {
$targetUrl = $request->getBaseUrl(). '/' . $storeCode . '/' .$this->getRequestPath();
} else {
$targetUrl = $request->getBaseUrl(). '/' . $this->getRequestPath();
// endur 02-03-2013 end
Make sure to create a custom copy of the file in:
/app/code/local/Mage/Core/Model/Url/Rewrite.php or:
It looks like a bug in Magento 1.7. Here is a hack that worked for me.
It should work for a two language store with store code in URL
in var/www/html/shop1/app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Url/Rewrite.php
remove this line
// $targetUrl = $request->getBaseUrl(). '/' . $this->getRequestPath();
and add these:
$storecode = Mage::app()->getStore()->getCode();
if ($storecode='en')
$targetUrl = $request->getBaseUrl(). '/'.$storecode.'/' . $this->getRequestPath();
$targetUrl = $request->getBaseUrl(). '/' . $this->getRequestPath();
Here a another solution for this problem. Just add this code after "$this->load($pathInfo, 'request_path');" in app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Url/Rewrite.php:
if (!$this->getId() && !isset($_GET['___from_store'])) {
$db = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')->getConnection('default_read');
$result = $db->query('select store_id from core_url_rewrite WHERE request_path = "' . $pathInfo . '"');
if ($result) {
$storeIds = array();
if($row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$storeId = $row['store_id'];
$storeCode = Mage::app()->getStore($storeId)->getCode();
header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");
header("Location: http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "/" . $pathInfo . "?___store=" . $storeCode);
guys. For this error there is magento module. It have rewrite 2 models