Does a service worker allow one to simply use long expiration headers on static assets? - service-worker

Say I have a service worker that populates the cache with the following working code when its activated:
async function install() {
console.debug("SW: Installing ...");
const cache = await;
await cache.addAll(CACHE_ASSETS);
console.log("SW: Installed");
async function handleInstall(event) {
self.addEventListener("install", handleInstall);
When performs cache.addAll(), will the browser use its own internal cache, or will it always download the content from the site? This is important, because it one creates a new service worker release, and there are new static assets, the old version maybe be cached by the service worker.
If not then I guess one still has to do named hashed/versioned static assets. Something I was hoping service workers would make none applicable.

cache.addAll()'s behavior is described in the service worker specification, but here's a more concise summary:
For each item in the parameter array, if it's a string and not a Request, construct a new Request using that string as input.
Perform fetch() on each request and get a response.
As long as the response has an ok status, call cache.put() to add the response to the cache, using the request as the key.
To answer your question, the most relevant step is 1., as that determines what kind of Request is passed to fetch(). If you just pass in a string, then there are a lot of defaults that will be used when implicitly constructing the Request. If you want more control over what's fetch()ed, then you should explicitly create a Request yourself and pass that to cache.addAll() instead of passing in strings.
For instance, this is how you'd explicitly set the cache mode on all the requests to 'reload', which always skip the browser's normal HTTP cache and go against the network for a response:
// Define your list of URLs somewhere...
const URLS = ['/one.css', '/two.js', '/three.js', '...'];
// Later...
const requests = => new Request(url, {cache: 'reload'}));
await cache.addAll(requests);


How to conditionally cache bust an API in workbox

Details about my goal.
I have workbox webpack plugin configured to cache an API for a duration of 30 seconds. I would like to force cache bust it conditionally when a different API request is triggered.
Example, below config caches feature-flags. I am trying to cache bust it when the page sends a request to "updateTests".
workbox configuration to cache feature-flag
Workbox configuration updated to clear feature-flags
Cache clear makes it work
Things I have tried
Deleting IndexedDB manually does a fresh fetch of feature-flags
Just to make sure I understand:
You have API calls that include the feature-flags in their URL, and you want all of those calls to be served cache-first out of the cache named api, with a 30 seconds max lifetime.
If at any point the browser makes a request for a URL that contains updateFlags, that should serve as kind of a "kill switch" that automatically clears out the contents of the api cache, ensuring that the next feature-flags request will always go against the network.
Assuming that's an accurate summary, you could add a new runtimeCaching route to your configuration that does the following:
runtimeCaching: [{
// existing route
}, {
urlPattern: new RegExp('updateFlags'),
handler: async ({request, event}) => {
// Deleting the 'api' cache will ensure that the next API
// request goes against the network.
// Assuming that you want the actual request for the URL
// containing updateFlags to be made against the server:
return fetch(request);

Workbox Warming Cache Questions

I have api's that I am caching in my app. I would like to cache the api while the service worker is installing. I came across warming the cache:
import {cacheNames} from 'workbox-core';
self.addEventListener('install', (event) => {
const urls = [/* ... */];
const cacheName = cacheNames.runtime;
event.waitUntil( => cache.addAll(urls)));
If you use strategies configured with a custom cache name you can do the same thing; just assign your custom value to cacheName.
1) I am using custom cache names. Would I use an array for multiple cache names? ie const cacheName = [ 'foo-api', 'bar'api']?
2) The url's I use are regexp /foo/. Will those rexexp urls work here?
3) Will I be able to cache the api while the service worker is installing before the browser consumes the api?
You can add as many items to as many caches as you'd like inside of your install handler.
Workbox can use RegExps for routing incoming fetch requests to an appropriate response handler, and I assume that's what you're referring to here. The answer is no, you can't just provide a RegExp if you want to cache URLs in advance—you need to provide a complete list of URLs.
Any caching that you perform inside of an install handler is guaranteed to happen before the service worker activates, and therefore before your fetch handlers start intercepting requests. So yes, this is a way of ensuring that your caches are pre-populated.
A modification of your code could look like:
self.addEventListener('install', (event) => {
const cacheURLs = async () => {
const cache1 = await'my-first-cache');
await cache1.addAll([
const cache2 = await'my-second-cache');
await cache2.addAll([

Workbox : find a request is XHR or fetch

Is there a way to find if a request is XHR or fetch while using Workbox.
const matchCb = ({url, event}) => {
if(event.type === 'xhr')
return true;
return false;
I have put a check so that the above route is used only for XHR calls.
Although network Tab of the browser shows a certain request to be of the type xhr it is coming out to be fetch on debugging the above code . Am i doing something wrong? Is there some other way to check it?
There's no way to determine that from within Workbox or inside of the service worker. (I'm also not sure why you would want to?)
One thing that you can do, however, is add in an extra request header when you make your request, and then check for that header inside of your service worker. If it's really important for you to distinguish between requests that originated via XHR and va fetch(), you could use the header for that.
Inside your web app:
const request = new Request('/api', {headers: {'X-Source': 'fetch'}});
const response = await fetch(request);
Inside your service worker, using Workbox:
// This matchCallback will only be true if the request
// has an X-Source header set to 'fetch':
({event}) => event.request.headers.get('X-Source') === 'fetch',
Note that if you're making a cors request, you may need to delete that X-Source request header before sending it to the network, since extra request headers can trigger CORS preflight checks.

Service worker to save form data when browser is offline

I am new to Service Workers, and have had a look through the various bits of documentation (Google, Mozilla,, Github, StackOverflow questions). The most helpful is the ServiceWorkers cookbook.
Most of the documentation seems to point to caching entire pages so that the app works completely offline, or redirecting the user to an offline page until the browser can redirect to the internet.
What I want to do, however, is store my form data locally so my web app can upload it to the server when the user's connection is restored. Which "recipe" should I use? I think it is Request Deferrer. Do I need anything else to ensure that Request Deferrer will work (apart from the service worker detector script in my web page)? Any hints and tips much appreciated.
Console errors
The Request Deferrer recipe and code doesn't seem to work on its own as it doesn't include file caching. I have added some caching for the service worker library files, but I am still getting this error when I submit the form while offline:
Console: {"lineNumber":0,"message":
"The FetchEvent for [the form URL] resulted in a network error response:
the promise was rejected.","message_level":2,"sourceIdentifier":1,"sourceURL":""}
My Service Worker
/* eslint-env es6 */
/* eslint no-unused-vars: 0 */
/* global importScripts, ServiceWorkerWare, localforage */
//Determine the root for the routes. I.e, if the Service Worker URL is, then the root is
var root = (function() {
var tokens = (self.location + '').split('/');
tokens[tokens.length - 1] = '';
return tokens.join('/');
//By using Mozilla’s ServiceWorkerWare we can quickly setup some routes for a virtual server. It is convenient you review the virtual server recipe before seeing this.
var worker = new ServiceWorkerWare();
//So here is the idea. We will check if we are online or not. In case we are not online, enqueue the request and provide a fake response.
//Else, flush the queue and let the new request to reach the network.
//This function factory does exactly that.
function tryOrFallback(fakeResponse) {
//Return a handler that…
return function(req, res) {
//If offline, enqueue and answer with the fake response.
if (!navigator.onLine) {
console.log('No network availability, enqueuing');
return enqueue(req).then(function() {
//As the fake response will be reused but Response objects are one use only, we need to clone it each time we use it.
return fakeResponse.clone();
//If online, flush the queue and answer from network.
console.log('Network available! Flushing queue.');
return flushQueue().then(function() {
return fetch(req);
//A fake response with a joke for when there is no connection. A real implementation could have cached the last collection of updates and keep a local model. For simplicity, not implemented here.
worker.get(root + 'api/updates?*', tryOrFallback(new Response(
text: 'You are offline.',
author: 'Oxford Brookes University',
id: 1,
isSticky: true
{ headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } }
//For deletion, let’s simulate that all went OK. Notice we are omitting the body of the response. Trying to add a body with a 204, deleted, as status throws an error.
worker.delete(root + 'api/updates/:id?*', tryOrFallback(new Response({
status: 204
//Creation is another story. We can not reach the server so we can not get the id for the new updates.
//No problem, just say we accept the creation and we will process it later, as soon as we recover connectivity. + 'api/updates?*', tryOrFallback(new Response(null, {
status: 202
//Start the service worker.
//By using Mozilla’s localforage db wrapper, we can count on a fast setup for a versatile key-value database. We use it to store queue of deferred requests.
//Enqueue consists of adding a request to the list. Due to the limitations of IndexedDB, Request and Response objects can not be saved so we need an alternative representations.
//This is why we call to serialize().`
function enqueue(request) {
return serialize(request).then(function(serialized) {
localforage.getItem('queue').then(function(queue) {
/* eslint no-param-reassign: 0 */
queue = queue || [];
return localforage.setItem('queue', queue).then(function() {
console.log(serialized.method, serialized.url, 'enqueued!');
//Flush is a little more complicated. It consists of getting the elements of the queue in order and sending each one, keeping track of not yet sent request.
//Before sending a request we need to recreate it from the alternative representation stored in IndexedDB.
function flushQueue() {
//Get the queue
return localforage.getItem('queue').then(function(queue) {
/* eslint no-param-reassign: 0 */
queue = queue || [];
//If empty, nothing to do!
if (!queue.length) {
return Promise.resolve();
//Else, send the requests in order…
console.log('Sending ', queue.length, ' requests...');
return sendInOrder(queue).then(function() {
//Requires error handling. Actually, this is assuming all the requests in queue are a success when reaching the Network.
// So it should empty the queue step by step, only popping from the queue if the request completes with success.
return localforage.setItem('queue', []);
//Send the requests inside the queue in order. Waiting for the current before sending the next one.
function sendInOrder(requests) {
//The reduce() chains one promise per serialized request, not allowing to progress to the next one until completing the current.
var sending = requests.reduce(function(prevPromise, serialized) {
console.log('Sending', serialized.method, serialized.url);
return prevPromise.then(function() {
return deserialize(serialized).then(function(request) {
return fetch(request);
}, Promise.resolve());
return sending;
//Serialize is a little bit convolved due to headers is not a simple object.
function serialize(request) {
var headers = {};
//for(... of ...) is ES6 notation but current browsers supporting SW, support this notation as well and this is the only way of retrieving all the headers.
for (var entry of request.headers.entries()) {
headers[entry[0]] = entry[1];
var serialized = {
url: request.url,
headers: headers,
method: request.method,
mode: request.mode,
credentials: request.credentials,
cache: request.cache,
redirect: request.redirect,
referrer: request.referrer
//Only if method is not GET or HEAD is the request allowed to have body.
if (request.method !== 'GET' && request.method !== 'HEAD') {
return request.clone().text().then(function(body) {
serialized.body = body;
return Promise.resolve(serialized);
return Promise.resolve(serialized);
//Compared, deserialize is pretty simple.
function deserialize(data) {
return Promise.resolve(new Request(data.url, data));
var CACHE = 'cache-only';
// On install, cache some resources.
self.addEventListener('install', function(evt) {
console.log('The service worker is being installed.');
// Ask the service worker to keep installing until the returning promise
// resolves.
// On fetch, use cache only strategy.
self.addEventListener('fetch', function(evt) {
console.log('The service worker is serving the asset.');
// Open a cache and use `addAll()` with an array of assets to add all of them
// to the cache. Return a promise resolving when all the assets are added.
function precache() {
return (cache) {
return cache.addAll([
// Open the cache where the assets were stored and search for the requested
// resource. Notice that in case of no matching, the promise still resolves
// but it does with `undefined` as value.
function fromCache(request) {
return (cache) {
return cache.match(request).then(function (matching) {
return matching || Promise.reject('no-match');
Here is the error message I am getting in Chrome when I go offline:
(A similar error occurred in Firefox - it falls over at line 409 of ServiceWorkerWare.js)
ServiceWorkerWare.prototype.executeMiddleware = function (middleware,
request) {
var response = this.runMiddleware(middleware, 0, request, null);
response.catch(function (error) { console.error(error); });
return response;
this is a little more advanced that a beginner level. But you will need to detect when you are offline or in a Li-Fi state. Instead of POSTing data to an API or end point you need to queue that data to be synched when you are back on line.
This is what the Background Sync API should help with. However, it is not supported across the board just yet. Plus Safari.........
So maybe a good strategy is to persist your data in IndexedDB and when you can connect (background sync fires an event for this) you would then POST the data. It gets a little more complex for browsers that don't support service workers (Safari) or don't yet have Background Sync (that will level out very soon).
As always design your code to be a progressive enhancement, which can be tricky, but worth it in the end.
Service Workers tend to cache the static HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and image files.
I need to use PouchDB and sync it with CouchDB
Why CouchDB?
CouchDB is a NoSQL database consisting of a number of Documents
created with JSON.
It has versioning (each document has a _rev
property with the last modified date)
It can be synchronised with
PouchDB, a local JavaScript application that stores data in local
storage via the browser using IndexedDB. This allows us to create
offline applications.
The two databases are both “master” copies of
the data.
PouchDB is a local JavaScript implementation of CouchDB.
I still need a better answer than my partial notes towards a solution!
Yes, this type of service worker is the correct one to use for saving form data offline.
I have now edited it and understood it better. It caches the form data, and loads it on the page for the user to see what they have entered.
It is worth noting that the paths to the library files will need editing to reflect your local directory structure, e.g. in my setup:
The script is still failing when offline, however, as it isn't caching the library files. (Update to follow when I figure out caching)
Just discovered an extra debugging tool for service workers (apart from the console): chrome://serviceworker-internals/. In this, you can start or stop service workers, view console messages, and the resources used by the service worker.

How to access Cache.addAll() request array

Having a simple service worker updating, when receiving a message, as below. This works fine and the cache is updated. But next is to leave one of the files inaccessible and trying to get some notification that one is failing. How to list results of the requests?
Looking here
"The request objects created during retrieval become keys to the stored response operations."
How is this interpretated? and in code accessed?
self.addEventListener('message', event => {
console.log('EventListener message ' +;
event.waitUntil('minimal_sw').then(cache => {
return cache.addAll(fileList).then(function(responseArray){
console.log('EventListener responseArray ' + responseArray);
Earlier this year, the addAll() behavior was changed so that it will reject if any of the underlying requests return responses that do not have a 2xx status code. This new behavior is implemented in the current version of all browsers that support the Cache Storage API.
So, if you want to detect when one (or more) of the requests fail, you can chain a .catch() to the end of your addAll() call.
But, to answer your question more generally, when you pass an array of strings to addAll(), they're implicitly converted (section to Request objects using all of the defaults implied by the Request constructor.
Those Request objects that are created are ephemeral, though, and aren't saved anywhere for use in the subsequent then(). If, for some reason, you really need the actual underlying Request object that was used to make the network request inside of the then(), you can explicitly construct an array of Request objects and pass that to addAll():
var requests = => new Request(url));'my-cache').then(cache => {
return cache.addAll(requests).then(() => {
// At this point, `cache` will be populated with `Response` objects,
// and `requests` contains the `Request` objects that were used.
}).catch(error => console.error(`Oops! ${error}`));
Of course, if you have a Cache object and want to get a list of the keys (which correspond to the request URLs), you can do that at any point via the keys() method:'my-cache')
.then(cache => cache.keys())
.then(keys => console.log(`All the keys: ${keys}`));
There's no need to keep a reference to the original Requests that were used to populate the cache.
