Unable to remove cluster in rancher - azure-aks

I have set up Rancher 2.6.3 on AKS kubernetes cluster (1.21.7), but i was trying to remove AKS Custer from rancher, it is failing with error
"{"type":"error","links":{},"code":"PermissionDenied","message","Method DELETE not supported","status":403} ""

issue has been fixed, i have to reinstall rancher with 2.6.3 version


How to update kubernetes certificates with docker desktop on MacOS

I am using kubernetes with docker desktop on MacOS Monterey.
I have problem with starting kubernetes, because 1 year passed and my kubernetes certificates are invalid.
How can I renew them ?
Error message:
Error: Kubernetes cluster unreachable: Get "https://kubernetes.docker.internal:6443/version": EOF
I tried to install kubeadm but I think it is only suitable if I use minikube.
I am using Mac with M1 chip.
You will need to create a new set of certificates and keys in order to update the certificates used by Docker Desktop for MacOS. After that, you will need to add the new certificates and keys to the Kubernetes configuration file. Create a certificate signing request (CSR) first, then use the CSR to create new certificates and keys. The Kubernetes configuration file needs to be updated to point to the new certificates and keys after they have been obtained in the appropriate directory structure. Finally, in order for the brand-new certificates and keys to take effect, you will need to restart your Kubernetes cluster.
Using the minikube command-line tool.Use the minikube delete command to get rid of the existing cluster is the first step in updating the certificates. The minikube start command can be used to create a new cluster with the updated certificates after the cluster has been deleted. Finally, save the cluster configuration file with the most recent certificates by employing the minikube get-kube-config command.
Check for the kubernetes version if you are using an older version upgrade it to the latest version,the Kubernetes version can be upgraded after a Docker Desktop update. However, when a new Kubernetes version is added to Docker Desktop, the user needs to reset its current cluster in order to use the newest version.

invalid capacity 0 on image filesystem, Lens ID Kubernetes

I am creating k8s cluster from digital ocean but every time I am getting same warning after I create cluster and open that cluster in lens ID.
Here is the screenshot of warning:
i did every soltion which i found but still can't able to remove the error.
Check first if k3s-io/k3s issue 1857 could help:
I was getting the same error when I installed kubernetes cluster via kubeadm.
After reading all the comments on the subject, I thought that the problem might be caused by containerd and the following two commands solved my problem, maybe it can help:
systemctl restart containerd
systemctl restart kubelet
This will need to be fixed upstream. I suspect it will be fixed when we upgrade to containerd v1.6 with the cri-api v1 changes
So checking the containerd version can be a clue.

How can I clear the container related to (kubernetes)k8s?

After I tried to install Clara Deploy SDK, some k8s containers appeared. Now I want to delete these containers but they keep showing up. How can i do this?
I have try to this answer, but not work.
container list:
Listed containers are core components of Kubernetes cluster. Removing those will completely destroy your cluster.
You have been warned
Do not use docker ps to view Kubernetes resources. Use kubectl tool e.g.
kubectl get pods
to view pods, or
kubectl get pods -o jsonpath="{.items[*].spec.containers[*].name}"
to view names of running containers (pods and containers are not the same thing in Kubernetes).
There are clear instructions on how to uninstall Clara. You should follow these.
Also official documentation dissuade manual removal of Clara Deploye components:
We do not recommend manually deleting Clara Deploy components; the uninstall_prereq.sh script will delete all necessary binaries and stop all Clara Deploy containers.
However, if for some reason, you still want to remove mentioned containers read on.
As far as I am aware, Clara Deploy SDK default installation uses helm to deploy K8s resources. So you can use helm to remove containers permanently.
to list installed helm charts:
helm list
the following helm charts should be returned: [source]
to uninstall charts
helm uninstall <chart-name>

Docker desktop - kubernetes failed to start

I have installed Docker Desktop (version : and enabled Kubernetes.
I deployed couple of PODS and everything was working fine, Since yesterday I am facing a weird issue mentioned below:
Unable to connect to the server: dial tcp connectex: No
connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
As such, no changes were made on my system. I am using Linux Containers on Windows 10 machine.
Following steps I have tried:
Restarted the Docker Desktop
Tried the same with minikube and Docker Desktop both
Tried to disable the firewall but due to some permissions, I am not able to turn it off.
I have reset the kubernetes cluster as well.
I tried numerous different changes to fix docker desktop kubernetes failing to start. What finally worked for me is...
Clicked the troubleshooting icon (it's a bug icon) and then chose Clean/Purge Data.*
Finally,I found the solution for this.
VPN was causing the issue, I am using my office laptop and after restart, VPN was enabled and logged-in and due to this Kubernetes was not working.
After disabling the VPN, Kubernetes cluster working fine.
Hope that helps others as well.
For me, just "Clean and Purge" wasn't enough. Here is what I did.
Log off VPN
Go to bug and "Clean and Purge Data"
Also choose "Reset to Factory Defaults"
Restart Docker Desktop
Choose "Enable Kubernetes"
At this point, the "Starting" took a while for Kubernetes to be enabled. Now's it all good.
$ kubectl get namespace
default Active 80s
kube-node-lease Active 82s
kube-public Active 82s
kube-system Active 82s
I tried clean/purge data and resetting factory settings but that didn't worked.
I had to reset kubernetes cluster from here.
In my case, the corporate proxy server caused the Kubernetes startup to fail. Addiing *.docker.internal to the no_proxy hosts solved the issue.
I had similar problem.
Install Minikube
I install minikube and I run as following on windows 10.
starting of kubectl
Then I gave permission for docker.
Check cluster-info
When I check cluster-info result as following
cluster info results
Try to get pods
When I try to get pods I did not get any error.
As #N-ate mentioned above, after clicking Clean/Purge Data which removes all downloaded images from my computer, now docker and kubernates are running properly.
As you can see in the image below, I only have kubernates images running on docker and it takes most of the allocated memory. I guess the failure of starting kubernates was related to this memory issue.
In my case, the Kubernetes (Docker Desktop on Mac) is not running properly though I can manage Pods, Services, etc., when I opened the Docker Desktop, it says
Kubernetes failed to start (red background)
I managed to fix the issue by resetting Docker Desktop and Prune/cleaning the storage.
Even I had similar problem after updating to Docker desktop(version 4.11.1). After I downgraded the version it works fine.
Troubleshooting steps
check is there any errors by running following command
kubectl get events|grep node
and make sure all pods are in running state.
kubectl get pods --namespace kube-system
I don't know for others but for some reasons, the above suggested options didn't work for me while fixing K8s on Docker Desktop on Windows. Tried fixing by cleaning the cluster, resetting to default, restarting pc, installing previous versions of Docker Desktop, enabling my pc HiperVisor, and giving it more resource priority, and others but yet still K8s failed to start, even though the Docker starts.
I chanced on Minikube as an alternative tool (without UI) to create my cluster and interacted with it using Kubectl.
And K8s worked for me locally.
I followed this guide - https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/start/
My docker-desktop is running behind the company proxy server.
I deleted following Proxy Env Variables from my windows OS.
and I set up manual proxy in docker desktop.
My steps:
restart docker - it didn't help.
reset Kubernetes - it didn't help.
Adding missing 'wslconfig' file to C:\Users[MY USER] - it didn't help.
Restart the computer between any step - it didn't help.
stop using Wsl reuse Wsl - it didn't help.
uninstall docker and install again and enable Kubernetes - it didn't help.
Remove '.kube' folder from C:\Users[MY USER] and reset Kubernetes - It causes the Kubernetes to try stopping, and after failure - restart docker - which succeeded.

kube-cluster running, but no DNS

excuse the extreme newbiness... I have done docker and kube courses on linux academy. I have a kube cluster master and 3 minions running on centos7 from repo =http://cbs.centos.org/repos/virt7-docker-common-release/x86_64/os/ kube version 1.5.2 working but as I went to set up an example guest book application, I found I have no DNS. Have found documents about how to test DNS works, but can't seem to find how to fix it if it isn't there..
DNS is an essential addon and is usually applied by kubeadm on it's own towards the end of a kudeadm init workflow but probably in the older version of this isn't the case. you can manually apply dns by this command kubeadm alpha phase addon kube-dns [Options] ref
In case kubeadm that doesn't work then you can use this yaml and modify accordingly https://github.com/kelseyhightower/kubernetes-the-hard-way/blob/master/deployments/kube-dns.yaml
