Maxima doesn't work in wxMaxima settings only command line on mac - maxima

I just installed Maxima. I am trying to use wxMaxima. It doesn't seem to work. You can see here if I do 2*10; it doesn't seem to output it. It only works on the command line. I tried uninstalling and installing and it seems to be working on the command line only. enter image description here


Dot cannot be run in Pycharm with Sphinx and Graphviz

I am trying to create a class diagram with sphinx. For this I created a virtual environment in Pycharm and added this to
extensions = ['sphinx.ext.autodoc','sphinx.ext.inheritance_diagram']
In my spamfilter.rst file I added the following lines:
.. inheritance-diagram:: spamfilter
The output is not a diagram and looks like this.
The following warning is displayed:
WARNING: dot command 'dot' cannot be run (needed for graphviz output), check the graphviz_dot setting
When I look into the folder C:\Users\Name\PycharmProjects\documentation\venv\Lib\site-packages\graphviz, there is a file, so I do not understand what is wrong. A similar question for Mac OS has been asked here. I tried the solution but it seems like it only works for Mac, because when I paste export PATH=$PATH:~/opt/bin to the Pycharm Terminal, it tells me that the command export could not be found. Honestly I have problems understanding why sometimes you can just use packages and other times they cannot be found even when they are installed, I am self-taught and a beginner.
The "pip install graphviz" command installs a Python package that provides an interface to Graphviz ( This package is not required by Sphinx.
In order to create inheritance diagrams with Sphinx, the actual Graphviz toolkit (including dot.exe) must be installed. See
If dot.exe is not in the PATH, you can use the graphviz_dot configuration option.
I had the same problem where rendering a C4 model with PlantUML didn't work in the IDE (PyCharm 2022.2.1 Pro) on a newer M1 MacOS Monterey. I had it working on a Big Sur intel Mac prior to the upgrade with no extra effort, so the chip change caused me to go down a lot of paths with Rosetta and so on that were all unsuccessful.
The error was:
Dot Executable: /opt/local/bin/dot
File does not exist
Cannot find Graphviz.
Graphviz was installed correctly, and dot was on my path, but it wasn't in /opt/local/bin/dot. Since it was in /opt/homebrew/bin/dot, all I needed to do was link the actual file with the path it was searching for:
cd /opt
sudo ln -s homebrew local
et voilà, PyCharm is now correctly rendering the puml in the IDE.

Export flutter PATH makes docker cli and/or npm not working

I have the following problem.
I noticed that, once i installed flutter and added its path to my .zshrc file, like this
export PATH={$PATH}:/Users/matteo/Documents/flutter/bin
I have problems with docker and/or npm. (E.G. I get the error docker: command not found)
I tried moving my line of code in different places in my .zshrc file, and it seems like depending on where my line of code is placed, sometimes only docker is not found, sometimes only npm, sometimes both of them.
Are there any connection, maybe under the hood, between those 3 application?
My computer is a Macbook Pro with Big Sur 11.4 and M1 chip.
Thanks for help,
you are exporting the path the wrong way, you should add it as follows:
export PATH="$PATH:/Users/matteo/Documents/flutter/bin"
After you have updated the ".zshrc" file, run this command to ensure changes have been notified to OS
source ~/.zshrc

Mac install command line tools for xcode with iOS SDK

I'm trying to install the XCode Command Line Tools so that I can build a library for iOS from the command line.
The entire process from installing the tools to building the library needs to be able to run from the command line for automation.
I've managed to get the command line tools installed, however once they're installed, in /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs I only have MacOSX.sdk and MacOSX10.13.sdk.
In order to build the library, I need iPhoneOS.sdk, which I cannot figure out how to get installed.
How would I go about doing this while still being able to wrap automation around it?
Not sure if this is still relevant, but here's where you can find your iPhone SDK. It's not part of the command line tools. It is part of the XCode package.

Flutter run command error : FlutterView.send called on a detached view

Can anyone tell me why my app is not installing at all and ending with the error message
Observatory connection never became ready.
the app was working perfectly fine until yesterday .
I have changed the channel to master yesterday in the command prompt and from then on the app never runs.
I even switched back to channel alpha but still no use.
I have attached a screenshot of the command prompt where the installation was stuck forever.
I am not so sure if I need to reinstall the flutter. I am worried if I uninstall the flutter now it may not configure properly and I might break it forever.
Please can someone tell me what exactly might have gone wrong.
Many Thanks,
Instead of reinstall try with following: (Mac)
Set Path Variable: via following terminal command
export PATH=~/flutter/bin:$PATH;
that is bin folder path of flutter.
If above not worked. Check with the Dart version
dart --version
Install the latest dart version:
brew install dart --devel
Hope this helps others.
For Mac
open terminal
$ echo $PATH
it will show like this
it means you need to add flutter in to path
Open Finder presss command + shift + G
Put /etc/paths in dialog and press GO
Copy the file "paths" and paste it on desktop
Then open the pasted "paths" file from desktop
and add following line into end of the file "/flutter/bin"
Then copy that file and again paste it on /etc/paths
same like step no 2
it will ask you to replace or not
press replace
Now if you hit $ echo $PATH on terminal it will show
Now your $flutter doctor will work perfectly
The solution is from Google Groups #Flutter-Dev
Thank you very much for your reply #Michael Thomsen.
I've tried what you have suggested and the details are as follows:
When I used flutter run -v command the command prompt output is as follows:
It was stuck for a while at waiting for port connection if I am not wrong.
So I've used AndroidStudio, File>Open and selected android/ folder to run the app then the gradle was showing an error:
Error:Conflict with dependency '' in project ':app'. Resolved versions for app (25.2.0) and test app (25.4.0) differ. See for details.
I modified the build.gradle(Module:app) to show the correct version of 25.2.0 which was previously showing 25.4.0.
dependencies {
androidTestCompile ''
I just saved the changes inside android studio and the gradle sync completed without any errors.
Now I can run the app from inside Android Studio and also from IntelliJ IDE.
Thanks very much Michael this solved my problem.
Reinstalling flutter would be my starting point. If this problem persists, please post the output of $>flutter doctor and a description of what exactly leads to this error.

Appium doctor shows error

When I run Appium doctor it shows:
Running iOS Checks
✖ Unknown SW Version Command: Error: Command failed: /bin/sh -c sw_vers -productVersion
/bin/sh: sw_vers: command not found
Appium-Doctor detected problems. Please fix and rerun Appium-Doctor.
Can anyone help let me know what is the wrong here?
running this solved my problem:
sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/
You need to install the command line tools as marked in your message:
✖ Xcode Command Line Tools are NOT installed
From osxDaily:
Launch the Terminal, found in /Applications/Utilities/
Type the following command string:
xcode-select --install
A software update popup window will appear that asks: “The xcode-select command requires the command line developer tools. Would you like to install the tools now?” choose to confirm this by clicking “Install”, then agree to the Terms of Service when requested (feel free to read them thoroughly, we’ll be here)
Wait for the Command Line Tools package download to complete, it’ll be about 130MB and installs fairly quickly depending on your connection speed
The installer goes away on its own when complete, and you can then confirm everything is working by trying to use one of the commands that were just installed, like gcc, git, svn, rebase, make, ld, otool, nm, whatever you want from the list below. Assuming the installation went uninterrupted, the command will execute as expected. This also means you can compile and install things from source code directly without having to use a package manager. Enjoy your new unix command line toolkit!
Have you tried upgrading to the latest Appium version? Are you installing Appium through terminal? My appium-doctor issues were fixed after I installed Appium through terminal and updated the path variables in .bash profile. Appium desktop application is different than one installed through command line.
There are only two possible area which causing that error:
You need to keep all path veriable updated and correct in .bash_profile
You must install
properly. You must have all permission to access those.
Install all latest version of following things
JDK (Java Development Kit),
Xcode ,
Command Line tools ,
In my case, xcode command line tool isn't set. Simply go to Xcode>Preferences>Locations>Select desired Xcode version in Command Line Tools. OR from terminal follow Chhagan's answer xcode-select -s your path
