SAS Stored Process won't connect to Hive2 DB - stored-procedures

I have a code that connect successful through a libname to a Hive2 DB authenticated with kerberos:
libname hdb hadoop server="server-name" port=10000 schema="schema-name";
I have tested the code using Data Integration Studio and BASE, but when I call the same code with and the same user (checked putting in the code a %put &=SYSUSERID; and running in pipe a echo %username%) with a stored procedure the libname gives me error :
ERROR: Error trying to establish connection: Could not open client transport with JDBC Uri:
jdbc:hive2://"server-name":10000/"schema-name";ssl=true;principal=hive/_HOST#"dominion": GSS initiate
ERROR: Error in the LIBNAME statement.


Issue connecting to Noe4j Aura with Python 'neo4j' driver

I attempted to connect neo4j aura database using Python but failed as "Unable to retrieve routing information".
from neo4j import GraphDatabase
from neo4j.debug import watch
uri = "neo4j+s://<id>"
driver = GraphDatabase.driver(uri, auth=("neo4j", "<password>"))
def workload(tx):
return"RETURN 1 as n").data()
with watch("neo4j"): # enable logging
with driver.session() as session:
Running above python scripts returned the following log:
Attempting to update routing table from IPv4Address(('<id>', 7687))
[#0000] C: <RESOLVE> <id>
[#0000] C: <OPEN>
[#C000] C: <SECURE> <id>
[#0000] C: <CONNECTION FAILED> BoltSecurityError: [SSLCertVerificationError] Connection Failed. Please ensure that your database is listening on the correct host and port and that you have enabled encryption if required. Note that the default encryption setting has changed in Neo4j 4.0. See the docs for more information. Failed to establish encrypted connection. (code 1: Operation not permitted)
Failed to fetch routing info
[#0000] C: <ROUTING> Deactivating address IPv4Address(('<id>', 7687))
[#0000] C: <ROUTING> table={None: RoutingTable(database=None routers={}, readers={}, writers={}, last_updated_time=0.235748575, ttl=0)}
Attempting to update routing table from
Unable to retrieve routing information
Transaction failed and will be retried in 1.1281720312998946s (Unable to retrieve routing information)
I looked into neo4j documentation and searched other places but none of the possible resolutions can be found.
Python 3.7.4
neo4j 4.4.2
I very much appreciate your input if you have ever experienced the same issues and found any way to resolve the issue.

A command from the RDF4J framework is throwing an error

When running the following commands, an error is thrown by the add command. The rdf4j framework is used for communicating with a graphdb Knowledge Base:
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.Model;
Model model;
//statements have been added to the model
public RepositoryConnection connection;
connection.add(model); <-- error is thrown
An error is thrown in add command
2022-01-24 09:46:02 [http-nio-8080-exec-5] ERROR restapi.SubmitRMService - unable to rollback transaction. HTTP error code 404
org.eclipse.rdf4j.repository.RepositoryException: unable to rollback transaction. HTTP error code 404
at org.eclipse.rdf4j.http.client.RDF4JProtocolSession.rollbackTransaction(
at org.eclipse.rdf4j.repository.http.HTTPRepositoryConnection.rollback(
at org.eclipse.rdf4j.repository.base.AbstractRepositoryConnection.conditionalRollback(
at org.eclipse.rdf4j.repository.base.AbstractRepositoryConnection.add(
The code is running successfully in two other environments except one we are setting with kubernetes. We ensured that /opt/graphdb/home has write permissions.
Question: I just do not understand the 404 RepositoryException error. The code can successfully run queries before the .add(model), so the connection with the graphdb is ok.

Failed to read from defunct connection (Jupyter notebook, python driver )

I try to import data into a Neo4j VM in Azure.
This code works:
def create_article(tx):"CREATE (a:ARTICLE)")
But this code doesn't work:
def create_node_article(tx, id, title, label):"CREATE (a:ARTICLE {id:$id, title:$title, label:$label})", id=id, title=title, label=label)
for index, row in df_article_ids.iterrows():
session.read_transaction(create_node_article, row['id'], row['cleaned_best_title'], row['label'])
I have the error:
Transaction failed and will be retried in 1.0608892687544587s (Failed
to read from defunct connection Address(host='IP', port=7687)
(Address(host='IP', port=7687)))
I don't know what I have to change or check. I also tried Neo4j Desktop and I have the same error.
Neo4j version: 4.1.3

Connecting to MSSQL server in Spark shell and running a stored procedure

How can I connect to a sql server using jdbc in spark-shell and then query the database using a stored procedure?
I have seen this code:
val url =
user=yourUsername; password=yourPassword"
val df = sqlContext
.option("url", url)
.option("dbtable", "people")
But I need to run a stored procedure.
When I use exec command for the dbtable option above, it gives me this error: Incorrect syntax near
the keyword 'exec'.

Crucible after restore fails in Jira

I install and user Crucible+FishEye on http://mydomen:8060
work several month - all works, integration with jira was worked.
I create http://crucible.mydomain (in other physic server) - with nginx proxy on localhost:8060, install Crucible+FishEye and restore from backup.
And now i get erro in jira tasks Source and Rewiev tab:
This list of reviews may be incomplete, as errors occurred retrieving data from the following repositories:
Request to http://mydomen:8060/ failed: Error in remote call to 'mydomen' (http://crucible1.mydomen) [AbstractRestCommand{path='rest-service/search-v1/reviews', params={maxReturn=50, term=XM-911}, methodType=GET}] : Received status code 404 (Not Found)
Request to http://crucible.mydomain/ failed: Error in remote call to 'Crucible+FishEye' (http://mydomen:8060) [AbstractRestCommand{path='rest-service/search-v1/reviews', params={maxReturn=50, term=XM-911}, methodType=GET}] : The host did not accept the connection within timeout of 10000 ms
Why it try connected on http://mydomen:8060 ??
In my Crucible > Administration > Global settings > Server > HTTP Bind=crucible.mydomain
I found solution: I need recreate Application links in http://jira.mydomen/plugins/servlet/applinks/listApplicationLinks
